Guide To Raising the Sick Villain

Chapter 30: (Big change)


Tan Mo said if he didn't like it, he threw it away.

It may be a threat to others to say this, but he is not at all, that is what he thinks.

It was specially brought to you, if you don't like it, then throw it away.

Qiao Lan looked at the motionless young man in front of him, suddenly feeling a little weak.

It's not that she doesn't like it, she just can't accept it.

It is precisely because he understands Tan Mo's good intentions that he refuses, but for Tan Mo, he does not understand the intention behind Qiao Lan's refusal. Rejection means not liking, it's life, and it's proof of a bad relationship.

Qiao Lan glanced at the boy's stubborn profile, sighed silently, and opened the box.

The ingredients of the porridge are matched by a nutritionist, and the good taste is made by Aunt Chen, who has been taking care of Tan Mo. Although almost everyone in the class was eating breakfast during the early self-study period, when the box was opened, the fragrance still caused the classmates sitting behind Qiao Lantan Mo to look here curiously.

When Tan Mo saw Qiao Lan finally open the box, his air-conditioned face finally calmed down and turned around again.

"Is it delicious?" Tan Mo asked Qiao Lan.

Qiao Lan took another bite and answered sincerely, "It's very good."

Tan Mo was in a good mood, the anger just now seemed to be forgotten in an instant.

After Qiao Lan finished eating, she washed the small lunch box, and packed the box when she returned to the classroom. After thanking Tan Mo, she thought about it and said to Tan Mo, "I eat breakfast every morning, so I really don't need to bring breakfast. I."

Tan Mo stared at the small pendant that moved around her neck, like an obedient "um".

Qiao Lan was relieved, but the next day, yesterday, he clearly agreed to his Tan Mo, not to bring breakfast, but to bring fresh fruit in a glass box, and a box of milk that was still warm.

Qiao Lan:

On the third day, it was another breakfast. This time, instead of returning seafood porridge, it was replaced with lean meat porridge and a box of milk.

"I've really eaten breakfast," Qiao Lan said seriously, and added, "And I ate a lot."

Tan Mo thought for a while, "Then tomorrow morning, eat less."

What he brought was all high-protein stuff, which was much better than what Qiao Lan ate himself.

If you eat less breakfast, you can eat more of the nutritious meals he brought. The food Qiao Lan eats has no nutrition at all. Uncle Chen said that Qiao Lan has a good foundation, but she is severely malnourished.

Qiao Lan, who was useless to persuade him, really couldn't think of a way.

If you don't reject success once, then you can't reject success again.

Qiao Lan started the daily routine of being fed like this inexplicably, and Tan Mo even found joy in daily feeding, and later intensified.

For example, in addition to nutritious meals one day, there will be a few more lemon slices in my cup, two beautiful oranges in the table hole, a box of neatly arranged tomatoes or peeled walnuts, and even It's all nutritional products that you don't even know in English.

Tan Mo is not tired of it.

Because every day passed like this, he slowly discovered Qiao Lan's eating preferences, what he liked to eat, and what he didn't like to eat, which was very interesting to him.

However, there are some things Qiao Lan still refuses to accept, such as the nutritional supplements he had specially bought from abroad, Qiao Lan didn't want them, but Uncle Chen gave him an idea.

Qiao Lan went downstairs and brought a pot of water back. In addition to the unstoppable breakfast, there was also a bottle of nutrient solution with a small straw inserted on the table.

Qiao Lan:

A whole box was given to Qiao Lan, but Qiao Lan didn't want it. Uncle Chen asked him to insert a straw every day before giving it. Although Tan Mo didn't understand the difference, it turned out that Uncle Chen's method really worked.

After a long time, not to mention the two classmates sitting behind Qiao Lan, even Pei Ning, and Qin Yang, who sat a little further away but often looked at Qiao Lan, inevitably found something.

"Tan Mo didn't pay attention to Qiao Lan at all before, but now he seems to be pretty good to Qiao Lan?"

"This place is pretty good, it's good to have nothing to say."

Tan Mo occasionally hears everyone's comments, and hears from others that he is good to Qiao Lan, even better than he is personally good to her.

Qiao Lan's resolute resistance from the beginning to the ineffective resistance gradually became numb.

The temperature outside had dropped to several degrees below zero, and it made people shudder to go out to draw hot water and cold. After self-study, Qiao Lan returned to the classroom after filling the water with the kettle. I don't know if she drew water faster today or Tan Mo. Came earlier, Tan Mo had just come in, and his schoolbag had not yet been put down.

When Qiao Lan returned to her seat, she saw Tan Mo take out a familiar small bottle and hold a small straw in her pale fingers. It's too cold outside, he never wears gloves, and although he doesn't feel cold, his fingers are already frozen.

Qiao Lan put down the kettle and said, "I'm coming." As she said, she reached out and took the small bottle from Tan Mo's hand, but accidentally touched Tan Mo's finger.

Qiao Lan's hands weren't too hot when they went out, but when she accidentally touched Tan Mo's fingers, she could still feel the temperature of Tan Mo's fingers like ice cubes.

The movement in Qiao Lan's hand stopped, and her eyes fell on Tan Mo's stiff fingers. After a moment of silence, she pulled off the scarf around her neck. Wrap it up, "Why not wear gloves? Frozen like an ice cube."

From the moment when Tan Mo was grabbed by Qiao Lan until he was released, the whole process did not respond.

The white fluffy soft scarf was stained with the body temperature on the girl's neck, but it was still warm. Tan Mo's unconscious hands slowly woke up little by little inside the scarf, becoming less rigid.

He moved his fingers in a daze. After a while, he suddenly realized that the temperature on his hand was coming from. He raised his head to look at Qiao Lan's neck, and his slowly relaxed body suddenly stiffened again. .

Even the tip of the ear, I don't know why, just like when I was in the hospital, after the doctor stabbed the tip of the ear lightly, it suddenly became hot uncontrollably.

"Aren't you cold?" the girl asked him with a smile, and Tan Mo nodded mechanically.

"It's not cold anymore."

In fact, he didn't feel cold at all.

"Although you are not very sensitive to temperature, you should wear thicker clothes."

Qiao Lan was still talking, Tan Mo couldn't help looking at the girl, the scarf had been returned to Qiao Lan, but there was always a faint warmth in her hands.

After class, even the math teacher standing on the podium found it.

The blackboard is here, not on Qiao Lan's face. Even if Tan Mo doesn't listen to lectures every day and doesn't need to read the blackboard, it will cause trouble to others, right

With a roll call, all the students' attention was focused on Tan Mo, and Tan Mo's eyes were withdrawn, and he instantly turned into that expressionless and cold boy.

The teenager was in a wheelchair, and he didn't have to stand up like other students after being called. He looked at the math teacher coldly, not at all feeling that he had done anything wrong, and even felt that the math teacher was a little annoying and disturbed him.

The math teacher clicked the blackboard angrily, "How to solve this problem."

A lot of classmates in the class were confused and didn't understand why they suddenly called Tan Mo and asked Tan Mo to answer the question, but this question is really difficult, it was written on the blackboard by the math teacher and prepared to talk about it.

Tan Mo picked up the pen with a cold face, wrote and drew on the notebook, and spoke after half a minute.

He spoke quickly but his words were clear. Qiao Lan had just read this question and thought it would take a lot of steps to complete it, but Tan Mo said a few words, mixed with formulas that did not belong to high school knowledge, and gave the answer.

The math teacher stood on the podium, frowning and joined the discussion with Tan Mo after listening.

At least Qiao Lan could keep up with the sophomore year, but the others really couldn't keep up. The whole class looked at Tan Mo and the math teacher in a daze, lamenting that the fairies were talking, we mortals couldn't understand.

Before, everyone was only frightened by Tan Mo's amazing test results. This is the first time that Tan Mo has shown his unusual side in front of everyone. After Tan Mo's answer, many students looked at Tan Mo's eyes changed. Got a little psychedelic.

Qiao Lan looked at Tan Mo like this, and somehow felt that there was light on her face.

Tan Mo turned his head and saw that Qiao Lan was also looking at him, and suddenly looked away as if thinking of something.

In this way, the final exam of this semester has arrived. This final exam is finally given by the teachers of the school. It will not be as unusual as the last time, which makes the students feel relieved.

A few days ago, the class and even other classes were discussing how many perfect marks Tan Mo could get in the exam this time, and how many points could Tan Mo pull away from the second place.

In addition, there are people who discuss who Qiao Lan and Chen Yaoyang can do better this time.

Qiao Lan also knows everyone's guesses, but compared to the last monthly test, Qiao Lan is more confident this time.

Nothing else, just because Tan Mo taught her physics for a month.

Qiao Lan didn't like math very much when she was in the first year of high school, and her math grades were average. After the second year of high school, she changed the math teacher. The teacher not only taught well, but also very funny. Qiao Lan started to like it from that time. study math.

A good teacher can completely change a student.

Qiao Lan began to like mathematics at that time, and because he liked it, he devoted more time to mathematics, and gradually discovered the fun in it. Later, his mathematics scores have always been top-notch.

It used to be mathematics, but now it is probably physics.

As for physics, Qiao Lan has always been dead-studded, brushing questions, and after Tan Mo has taught her for more than 20 days, Qiao Lan has gradually understood.

Qiao Lan couldn't help but sigh, it turns out that his physics is not completely lacking talent, but that he has not found a way.

Before the exam, the most worrying thing was physics. Now that the exam is approaching, Qiao Lan has some vague expectations, and wants to see how the recent results are.

The exams in the high school department are staggered. The first year of high school takes the exam first, then the second year of high school, and finally the third year of high school. I heard that after the exam of the third year of high school, there will be a period of time to make up for classes until the 28th of the twelfth lunar month.

It was snowing again on the day of the high school exam, so there was no need to run morning exercises. All the students came to the school at different times. Qiao Lan met Chen Bo and Tan Mo at the school gate. Qiao Lan saw the thin clothes that Tan Mo was still wearing, looked at his hands without gloves, ran over to greet Uncle Chen, and then said to Tan Mo, "I'll push you in."

The weather was already cold, but it was snowing now. Tan Mo pushed the wheelchair by himself, how cold should his fingers be.

Last time Qiao Lan also told Tan Mo to let him wear a pair of gloves, but Tan Mo never wore them.

Tan Mo glanced at Qiao Lan and didn't refuse, Chen Bo smiled and watched Qiao Lan and Tan Mo go away, and when the phone rang, he hurried back to answer the call.

Qiao Lan pushed Tan Mo in the direction of the teaching building, and the passing classmates inevitably took a look. Qiao Lan thought that it would be a winter vacation after the exam, so he asked Tan Mo what he was going to do during the winter vacation, and Tan Mo thought for a while, "At home. read a book."

Going out in winter is always too troublesome, and Tan Mo himself doesn't like going out. He likes to sit alone in his room and read books all day. The life that others see is extremely boring, is a lot of fun for him.

Recently, he found another very good book, a set of general history of world history, in pure English.

This set of books is really good. Although Tan Mo does not agree with some points of view, this affects the wonderfulness of this book. Tan Mo suddenly wants Qiao Lan to read this book. He thinks that Qiao Lan should also like this set. books, and that way they have more of a common language.

It's just that this set is in pure English. You can search for the translation when you get home, and bring it to Qiao Lan when you go to the western restaurant to eat after the exam.

As a result, before Tan Mo could buy the translated book and the last part of the exam was not finished, Uncle Chen found the school, took him out of the exam room, and told him that his grandfather was not in good health, so he had to immediately Fly to America.

Tan Mo followed his mother to the United States, firstly because the medical technology there was better, and secondly because his grandparents were also in the United States, and his mother was very close to them. Almost every weekend, his mother would take him to his grandparents' place for a day. .

The two old people feel sorry for their daughter who divorced at a young age, but they are not so kind to Tan Mo, because Tan Mo has betrayed her marriage, and because Tan Mo has dragged her daughter down for so many years.

Therefore, for Tan Mo, grandparents are not as close as Chen Bo and Aunt Chen.

But despite this, Tan Mo still did not refuse.

For him, the two old people are not the closest people to him, but for his mother who has passed away, when his mother is still alive, he always asks him to honor his grandparents when he grows up.

Tan Mo didn't even finish the last Chinese test, so he was hurriedly taken to the airport by Uncle Chen. Tan Mo looked at the snow scene passing by quickly outside the car window, and always felt that he had forgotten something.

The exam wasn't over yet, and Tan Mo didn't care at all, so what was it

It wasn't until he arrived at the airport that Tan Mo suddenly remembered that he hadn't had time to tell Qiao Lan. Yesterday, he even thought about sending his favorite book to Qiao Lan during the winter vacation.

Now he wants to go far away, but he didn't even leave Qiao Lan with his contact information.

Chen Bo looked at Tan Mo's anxiety and asked him what was wrong. Tan Mo was silent for a while before he said, "She didn't know I was leaving."

Uncle Chen didn't think of this for a while. On the one hand, he lamented that Qiao Lan was more important to Tan Mo than he thought, and on the other hand, he came up with a solution.

"I'll send a text message to your head teacher and ask the head teacher to tell Qiao Lan your phone number. She will be able to call you during the winter vacation, okay?"

"She doesn't have a cell phone," Tan Mo said.

"She doesn't have a mobile phone, her family will always have one." Uncle Chen didn't think it was difficult. No matter how difficult it was at Qiao Lan's family, it was impossible for her parents to not have a mobile phone. As long as they had a mobile phone, they could always make a call or send a message. SMS.

Tan Mo was silent for a moment, and finally agreed.

When Tan Mo's plane took off, Qiao Lan had just finished the last Chinese exam. She found Tan Mo's exam room as usual, but found that Tan Mo was not in the classroom.

Qiao Lan is now a celebrity. After every exam, she will come to the classroom to look for Tan Mo. The classmates sitting behind Tan Mo will know who Qiao Lan is looking for as soon as she comes in.

"Half of the Tanmo exam, someone came to him, and then he left, and he left in a hurry," the classmate and Qiao Lan explained.

Qiao Lan was stunned for a while, then thanked her classmates and walked out of the classroom.

Someone came to pick him up, so it wasn't that Tan Mo's body suddenly had a problem, which made Qiao Lan relieved.

He left without even finishing the exam. It should be something urgent at home.

Even if Qiao Lan wanted to inquire, she was at a loss now. She didn't have a mobile phone herself, and even if she had a mobile phone, she didn't have Tan Mo's contact information.

After standing in the snow for a long time, Qiao Lan carried her schoolbag and left the school. The exam was over, but her daily work continued, but the boy who would come every day was missing at night.

After the final exam, there was a day off. The teachers crazily approved the papers. The students started to enjoy the winter vacation in advance. .

Qiao Lan came to the classroom, but Tan Mo still hadn't come. It was inevitable that some people in the class were curious. After inquiring and inquiring, they heard the news that Tan Mo left before finishing the last exam.

The students' focus was not why Tan Mo didn't come, but because something happened suddenly, but that Tan Mo only took half of the Chinese test, so the scores couldn't keep up.

So the previous bet on how many points the number one would be able to pull the second was gone, and it became again who the number one would be this time.

Everyone thinks that no matter how good Tan Mo is, he may not be able to sit firmly in the first place without half of the grades. Qiao Lan and Chen Yaoyang are not vegetarians, and this time the exam is not as difficult as the last time. Pulling such a big score as last time.

There was even a vote in the school post bar, and the top ten people in the last exam were all on it. In the final voting results, Chen Yaoyang ranked first with a small lead of 33%, Qiao Lan ranked second with 31%, Tan Mo was squeezed to the third place, followed by 0.708 A little proportion.

Many students think that Qiao Lan overwhelmed Chen Yaoyang in the mid-term exam because Chen Yaoyang didn't study much, and after a little learning, he was tied with Qiao Lan. I heard that Chen Yaoyang has not been sloppy in his studies recently, so this time it is time to restart. He surpassed Qiao Lan and returned to the first place.

Of course, if Tan Mo takes the test, he should return to second place.

The students in other classes were curious, and the classmates in Class 13 were even more looking forward to it. They were going to have a holiday soon, and they didn't want to listen to the class. Until the final report card came out, they all survived like a chicken blood.

Yelling, he rushed to the podium to open the campus network and went straight to the age ranking.

Even Chen Yaoyang was slightly looking forward to it, after all, he has been working hard the most in his history recently.

But when they saw the name on the top, everyone seemed to have been hit with a sap for a moment, and they were dumbfounded.

Read it again, think it's wrong, read it again, okay, that's right.

The name at the top was actually Tan Mo. ! ! ! ? ?

Isn't it said that the language test is only half of it

Looking at the results carefully, it is indeed only half of the test.

Because the language score is only 62 points, but even if the language score is only 62 points, it still occupies the first place with a total score of 1086.

Seeing this abnormal result, everyone was silent.

After a long time, everyone finally understood a truth, genius, even if there is a small error, it is still a lot higher than ordinary people, just looking at the perfect score, the listeners weep.


The second place below Tan Mo is not Chen Yaoyang who everyone is most optimistic about, but Qiao Lan.

This time, it is not tied. Qiao Lan is 17 points higher than Chen Yaoyang's total score, and ruthlessly drives Chen Yaoyang back to the third position. If there is a conscientious person, you will probably find that Qiao Lan, who has been lagging behind Chen Yaoyang physically, This time, the physics is one point lower than Chen Yaoyang.

Many people think that Qiao Lan is so good in the test because of her diligence, and Chen Yaoyang is good because he is smart, but now Chen Yaoyang has not suppressed Qiao Lan three times in a row, and finally some classmates realize that Qiao Lan is actually very smart.

At the beginning, many people thought that Qiao Lan could be the first in the grade, so they must work hard, but after a semester, Qiao Lan is still at the forefront, but they are still the same as before.

Deceiving yourself is not fun at all.

The other classes have turned from amazement to numbness at the fact that Class Thirteen once again occupied the top three of the grade. Maybe one day they will be surprised when they suddenly find out that the top three have changed to another class.

Class 13 once again won the highest grade in the grade, and the head teacher happily sent the students away. It was not until he finally finished his work and lay on the sofa at home that he suddenly remembered something.

Teng De got up from the sofa and found his phone to open the text message. After flipping through several pages, he finally found the text message that Uncle Chen sent him many days ago.

The class teacher didn't know what the identity of Uncle Chen was, but every time he contacted Tan Mo, he was looking for this old man.

Many days ago, that is, the day after the exam, this Uncle Chen called him to say that Tan Mo had something to go abroad, and finally asked him to help transfer a phone number to Qiao Lan.

After hanging up the phone, the head teacher received a string of phone numbers.

The head teacher didn't know the reason, but he agreed, thinking at the time that the two children seemed to have a really good relationship.

He also replied "Okay" to Uncle Chen, but when he finished, because of other work, he forgot about it in a blink of an eye.

Later, after changing the papers every day, talking about papers and other work summaries, I was so busy that I was so busy that I finally remembered the number and forgot to tell Qiao Lan.

Now I try to find Qiao Lan again, but I can't find anyone from Qiao Lan. It's been a few days of winter vacation.

But after agreeing to Uncle Chen, the head teacher pondered and found the phone number of Qiao Lan's parents, and sent a text message to Qiao Lan's parents, informing Qiao Lan's parents of their identity, and then asked the parents to tell Qiao Lan.

Mother Qiao, who received the text message, stared at her phone for a long time.

The person who claimed to be the head teacher of Qiao Lan specially sent her a text message and sent her a series of phone numbers, saying that this was a student's name, and asked her to tell Qiao Lan.

Mother Qiao stared at this name that she didn't know at all. When she thought of Qiao Lan, she was full of anger. Qiao Lan still did well in the exam this time. Now she has time for winter vacation, but she doesn't give Qiao Yuan a lecture, and she still doesn't give a lecture every day. know to go home.

Qiao Lan didn't care about Qiao Yuan, and she didn't bother to care about Qiao Lan. The text messages sent to her by the class teacher were lost to her.

I didn't want to talk about it at first, but then I gradually forgot about it.

Qiao Lan didn't know what happened. The winter of this year seemed to be extraordinarily cold. Unfortunately, Qiao Lan didn't have time to feel it. The New Year was approaching, and everyone started to take a holiday, but Qiao Lan was busier.

A person who has no retreat and no backrest has no time to breathe.

Westerners are not in the New Year, but western restaurants are still open during the New Year, and they even get busier as the New Year approaches. On the twenty-seventh day of the twelfth lunar month, New Year's Eve and even the third day of the new year have been booked in advance. Some people in the restaurant can continue to go to work during the Chinese New Year, but some go home to reunite with their families, so the already busy western restaurant is even more understaffed.

The proprietress used her salary several times more than usual to persuade some waiters to stay. Qiao Lan calculated the extra money she could make in a few days during the New Year, and then thought about the New Year atmosphere of the Qiao family gathering together, less than three days. In seconds, he decided to stay in the store and continue working.

It's better to earn more money than to look at Qiao's old lady Qiao's mother Qiao's second sister and even Qiao Lu's deplorable faces.

After all, there is still one semester before the second year of high school. When the second year of high school starts to study at night, this work will not be able to continue. She has to prepare as much as possible for the next two years. She can't guarantee that Qiao's mother will not let her study at any moment. Tuition is not provided.

On New Year's Day, Qiao Lan finally had a moment of rest after two in the morning. The proprietress invited her to eat the steak grilled by herself, said Happy New Year to her, and then said that she could come back to work the next afternoon.

When Qiao Lan returned home, everyone in the Qiao family had already slept, and the family was in a mess.

After washing in a low voice, he stared at himself in the mirror. The lighting in the bathroom was soft but a little dim, his face was a little tired but not in a state of decline, and the jade pendant on his neck shone with a clear luster under the light.

Qiao Lan suddenly thought of Tan Mo.

I don't know where and what Tan Mo is doing now.

Half of the winter vacation has passed, and she has not seen this boy for many days.

As her best friend since she wore a book, on New Year's Eve like this, she should always send a text message to send a blessing. Unfortunately, Tan Mo was too anxious to leave at that time, and there was no contact information for Tan Mo.

Tanmo's contact information

Qiao Lan was lying down when she suddenly thought of something and turned over from the bed.

She vaguely remembered that in the next three days, there seemed to be an appointment from Tan Mo's father in the reservation for the western restaurant!

After a busy day, I was quite sleepy, but when I suddenly thought of this, Qiao Lan's sleepiness disappeared for more than half of her body, and she felt refreshed.

Qiao Lan was on the night shift last night, so she could just go there in the afternoon the next day, but Qiao Lan came over just after noon.

There were not many customers in the restaurant at noon. Qiao Lan went to the cashier and found the reservation form for the restaurant in the next few days. After looking down one by one, she finally saw the words Mr. Tan.

Qiao Lan sighed that Tan Mo's surname was Tan. If he was surnamed Zhang, surnamed Li, and Wang, such a popular surname, she really didn't know how to find it.

The surname Tan is too rare to see. If he hadn't known Tan Mo, Qiao Lan would have never known that there was such a surname.

Tan Mo's father made an appointment for a seat at 7:30 pm the day after tomorrow.

Tan Mo and Tan's father had been to the western restaurant several times before, all of which were ordered by Qiao Lan. Tan Mo also told Tan's father that she was Tan Mo's classmate, and then asked Tan's father for Tan Mo's mobile phone number, Father Tan should not say no

In Tan Mo, which is twelve hours away from the city where Qiao Lan is located, since he left that day, the new year has come. From the beginning, I felt that Qiao Lan would give him a message immediately after getting the phone number. After each day passed, Chen Bo comforted him that maybe Qiao Lan was too busy so he didn't take care of it. Happy New Year to him.

From being unhappy at the beginning to becoming more and more gloomy later, Tan Mo learned a word that he had never understood in just ten days.


Until the last bell of the new year struck, the new year passed, but the phone never received a message from the person he hoped for.

That day, he was sitting with his grandmother Chen Bo and Aunt Chen to watch the Spring Festival Gala. Tan Mo couldn't understand why the crowd on the TV laughed again and again, and he didn't have the heart to see what was going on at the party. It's hard to smile on such a festive day.

It was already night in the country, but it was still bright here. Tan Mo rolled his wheelchair and returned to his room. He sat alone in the wheelchair for an afternoon, until night gradually came.

Uncle Chen came in from the outside cautiously. Seeing the young man like this, he wanted to say something, but he still had nothing to say. He sighed and left the room.

He called the head teacher again to confirm that the head teacher had already told Qiao Lan's family the phone number, but Qiao Lan did not reply at all.

Chen Bo has lived for so many years, but he still thinks that he can't see the wrong person. Qiao Lan's kindness to Tan Mo before is definitely not fake.

So Qiao Lan may have something delayed? Or did Qiao Lan's family not tell Qiao Lan the number

Uncle Chen couldn't figure it out either.

This New Year, for the Tanmo family, there is no happiness.

On the second day of the new year, Tan Mo's grandfather passed away.

Grandma's last nerve also suddenly ruptured. She fainted and was sent to the emergency room. Tan Mo was sitting in the hospital, her eyes were turning white with her fingers, and her ears were inaudible noise. cry.

Many people came. His mother had a brother, a sister, and a younger brother. Tan Mo had no impression of them. He only remembered that when he was very young, his uncle's cousin pushed him to the top of the stairs. The second floor rolled to the first floor.

If it was a normal child, it might not fall so badly, but Tan Mo's hands and feet are not as flexible as a normal child because of Asperger's disease. He cried in pain, and his cousin standing on the second floor cried with fright.

But that was a long, long time ago, everyone grew up, there were more than a dozen people standing in the room, and Tan Mo only knew a few.

Everyone was crying, only he was not crying, Tan Mo was like an alternative, out of place in this sad atmosphere.

The cry got into his ears, and even his nerves were inexplicably tense. Tan Mo quietly looked at his grandfather's body, and after a while, he said to Uncle Chen, "Let's go."

Hospitals, doctors, dead people, he never wanted to see anything like that that made him close to a nervous breakdown.

He pushed the wheelchair out of the ward with a blank face, and after leaving, he heard someone in the ward say, "This child just seems to have no heart."

Tan Mo silently touched the position of his heart.

He could feel his heart beating.

It's just that he doesn't feel anything, he doesn't feel sadness.

Uncle Chen's eyes darkened, and he followed quietly out, looking at Tan Mo's thin back, he couldn't hold back his tears again.

Uncle Chen lowered his head and was about to push Tan Mo away, but someone ran out behind him and asked, "You can't even stand this moment?"

Can't remember who it is, can't remember which cousin it is, Tan Mo turned his head, probably wanted to frown, but he didn't know how to move his face, so he kept the same expressionless expression as usual.

"Any thing else."

The young man looked at Tan Mo and thought he was unreasonable. His aunt said that Tan Mo had no heart, and it was true. From the beginning to the end, he didn't even see Tan Mo shed tears.

"The one inside is your grandfather, the grandfather who took care of you since childhood. Wouldn't he feel uncomfortable without you at all? Now you don't even have the most basic etiquette, right?"

Uncle Chen hurriedly said, "Our young master just has a hard time accepting this kind of environment."

Everyone knew that he was pitiful, but no one wanted to understand why he was pitiful. Tan Mo's biological father kept saying that he wanted to make amends for his son, so he took Tan Mo back to the country, but he had no time to understand it. autism; these relatives who do not keep in touch often say that Tan Mo is indifferent and that he has no heart, but no one wants to understand why he is like this.

Does Tan Mo like this

Is he willing to be born as an alternative who can't feel the coldness of emotion

He also wants to be a normal person, doesn't he.

Tan Mo couldn't feel it, but Uncle Chen felt it. He tried his best to make Tan Mo appear less indifferent and make him appear more in front of everyone after his grandfather passed away, but it doesn't seem to be of any use. The older ones don't like it. He, younger cousins and cousins are all afraid of him.

Uncle Chen wanted to say too much, but Tan Mo said lightly, "He didn't take care of me."

The young man was stunned, "What?"

"It's my grandfather inside, but he didn't take care of me." Tan Mo looked at Chen Lang, "Can I go now?"

Chen Lang stared at him blankly, watching Tan Mo's back gradually fade away, and cursed again in anger.

Cold-blooded, ruthless, lunatic, and other words that he was used to hearing for a long time.

Tan Mo lowered his eyelashes, it doesn't matter, he has long been used to listening.

"They still say that you are pitiful, you are pitiful? What is pitiful? Even if you are pitiful, there must be something to hate, just like you, indifferent, selfish, weird, no one can stand you, no one will love you, you Just live your whole life as a pitiful person!"

Tan Mo's hand on the wheelchair suddenly clenched tightly, and his mind seemed to be hit by someone with a heavy punch, and there was a buzzing sound.

"He beats people, we don't want to play with him!"

"He's a lunatic, stay away from him."

"Your father didn't want you since you were a child, and your mother was dragged to death by you, and she didn't want you."

"People like you are indifferent, selfish, weird, no one can stand you, no one will love you, you can live your whole life as a pitiful person!"

There was a roar in his brain, no one else could hear what he said, and nothing could be seen in the blackness in front of him, only the evil words that once stayed in his memory and did not want to remember, occupied all his thoughts for a while.

His father didn't love him since he was a child, and his mother worked for him for more than ten years. The person he thought he could trust didn't care about him at all.

The fingers holding the wheelchair were bluish and white because of too much force, and the phone rang inappropriately at this time.

Tan Mo lowered his head with unsteady breathing, looked at the unfamiliar number above, and answered the phone.

"Hello", the noise continued, but the girl's clear voice split the eardrum like a thunder.

"Hey," Qiao Lan's voice seemed unreal on the other end of the phone, "Tan Mo, is that you? What's wrong with you? You have a cold, why is your voice a little hoarse?"

Tan Mo froze in place with his phone.

After a long while, he pressed the phone tightly to his cold cheek.