Guide To Raising the Sick Villain

Chapter 31


At this moment, Boston time is 12:30 noon, which is 12 hours away from China, which means that it is 12:30 in the morning on Qiao Lan's side.

Qiao Lan finally got Tan Mo's mobile phone number tonight, and after the work was over, she used the boss's mobile phone to call Tan Mo.

There was some noise at the other end of the sentence, Tan Mo didn't know if it was a cold or something, and his voice was a little hoarse.

"Tan Mo, do you have a cold, why is your voice a little hoarse?" Qiao Lan asked him, and after a while, the other end of the phone answered her with two words, "No."

Then there was no sound.

If it wasn't for Qiao Lan who already knew what kind of person Tan Mo was, and knew that he was usually so taciturn, this phone call would not have been able to continue.

When talking with Tan Mo, except when he talks about topics or books that he is particularly interested in, he talks a lot. In the rest of the time, especially in normal chats, Tan Mo can't say anything unless he can. If you ask him, he will definitely not take the initiative to speak.

Qiao Lan has checked that this is a common problem with Asperger's disease, because they feel that daily chat is unnecessary.

Qiao Lan thought that after school started, she must find a way to try her best to change Tan Mo's habit of not speaking, or how to deal with others in the future, she may not have the patience others will have.

"Is there any important thing for you to go to the United States?" Qiao Lan glanced at the snowflakes floating outside, "You were in a hurry to leave before and didn't have time to ask."

The noise on the other end of the phone gradually disappeared. It might be that Tan Mo changed places, so he continued, "Grandpa is sick."

"So that's the case," Qiao Lan nodded, "No wonder you're in such a hurry, so are you feeling better now?"

"Died the day before yesterday."

Qiao Lan: "...Condolences."

Tan Mo wanted to say that there was no grief, no need to mourn, but the words didn't come out of his mouth.

Uncle Chen pushed him out of the hospital. After getting into the car, the surroundings became quieter, and Qiao Lan's voice on the phone became clearer. Uncle Chen could hear the voice on the other end of the phone.

He just heard Tan Mo's cold "I passed away" and couldn't hold back a cough. Tan Mo didn't understand the twists and turns here. The subject quickly changed.

"You left in a hurry last time. You didn't even finish the last Chinese test, but you were the first in the final year."

Tan Mo said "oh", he was not very interested in the current conversation, he actually wanted to ask Qiao Lan why he called him now, but Qiao Lan is talking now, Tan Mo still talks to Qiao Lan obediently for the time being.

"Is that you in second place?"

"Yeah," Qiao Lan was very happy, "I wanted to tell you when the results came out, but I didn't have your contact information, which is a pity."

Tan Mo was stunned for a while, then raised his head suddenly, Qiao Lan waited for a long time but didn't hear a response, "What's wrong?"

"I left my contact information," Tan Mo said in a low voice, before adding, "Let the head teacher tell you."

This time, it was Qiao Lan's turn to be stupid.

More than 20 days have passed since the beginning of the exam, and Qiao Lan has never seen the head teacher at all, and the head teacher has not given her anything.

So Tan Mo asked the head teacher to tell him before he left, but the head teacher forgot or delayed because of something

Qiao Lan didn't know what to say for a while.

After a long time, she opened her mouth.

"I did not receive it."

Uncle Chen, who was sitting in the front, sighed, and he felt that there must be something strange here. Sure enough, it wasn't that Qiao Lan didn't contact him, but he couldn't contact him at all.

Qiao Lan also said something later, saying that when Mr. Tan came to eat, she specially asked Mr. Tan for Tan Mo's contact information, and then added a two-day late Happy New Year.

When he finally hung up the phone, Chen Bo looked at Tan Mo, who was staring at the phone in a daze, in the rearview mirror, and finally felt that the stone hanging in his heart had fallen.

During the New Year's Day that day, Tan Mo suddenly told him that he didn't want to go back to China, which shocked Uncle Chen.

But now... Chen Bo is relieved, and when the funeral of the old man here is over, they will be able to return to China.

However, Chen Bo thought more and deeper than Tan Mo's simplicity.

I called Tan Mo's head teacher before, and the head teacher made sure that he had sent the phone number to Qiao Lan's parents. If Qiao Lan's parents were sure to receive a text message, why didn't they tell Qiao Lan

Was it deliberately not told or forgotten

The former is malicious, the latter is indifferent.

No matter what kind of attitude it is, it is definitely not the attitude that normal parents should have. I saw Qiao Lan go out to work before, but I just felt that Qiao Lan's family was poor, but now it seems that it is not so simple.

Uncle Chen frowned and thought about it for a long time, then turned to ask Tan Mo, who was still staring at the call with his mobile phone in a daze, "Master, has Qiao Lan mentioned what her parents do?"

Tan Mo stared at the ten-minute call time on the phone, without raising his head, "I mentioned it."

"What is it?"

Tan Mo has a good memory, and Qiao Lan said that he also remembers it clearly, "There is a small restaurant in front of the attached middle school."

Open a restaurant in front of the school

The small restaurant in front of the school is definitely not a difficult household. The school has a lot of students and a lot of traffic. Even if the income is not much, it will not be too little.

Is Qiao Lan still working

Before, Uncle Chen just thought that Qiao Lan's family situation was special, but now he is vaguely certain that Qiao Lan's parents have some problems.

On the Qiao family's side, Qiao Lan never made up for Qiao Yuan, and didn't want to make up for it if he didn't have time.

Fortunately, Qiao Lan spends almost every holiday in a western restaurant, and she doesn't have to go home to eat in the restaurant. She leaves the house early every night and only returns after twelve o'clock in the evening, but she can't get along with the Qiao family.

I heard that Qiao's mother and Qiao gritted their teeth and asked Qiao Yuan to hire a teacher from a school to make up lessons. One hundred yuan per class, and more than one class, and it cost several thousand yuan for a winter vacation.

So sometimes when Qiao Lan came back, she occasionally bumped into Qiao's mother who stayed up late to watch TV shows, and Qiao's mother looked at her as if Qiao Lan owed money.

Qiao Lan closed the door of her room and began to think, otherwise, it would be too difficult to face the Qiao family every day.

But the resident students will close at 11 o'clock in the evening, she has to work part-time at night, and she can't go back at 12 o'clock after finishing her work. This is another problem.

I couldn't think of a good way to have both, so I had to give up the idea of living on campus in advance. I waited for it to get through the first year of high school, and immediately applied to live on campus as soon as I got to the second year of high school.

The winter vacation is much shorter than the summer vacation, and before the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, the school has to start again.

The day before school started, Qiao Lan went to the bank, deposited all the money she earned during the winter vacation, and then checked the balance.

Twenty thousand one hundred and twenty-three.

It was much more than what Qiao Lan had expected when she was preparing to work at the beginning.

When she was looking for this job, it was only 1,600 yuan a month, and the restaurant would have commissions, tips and occasional bonuses.

She doesn't have to support herself for the time being, so she doesn't have any expenses, she saves all the money, and she should have 20,000 yuan by the end of the first year of high school.

The high school accommodation fee plus tuition is less than 3,000 yuan a year. She will have a 200 yuan subsidy on her meal card every month. In the future, the Qiao family will no longer pay her, and an additional 300 yuan of living expenses will definitely be added every month. Enough, after all, school meals are very cheap.

In this way, if you can earn 20,000 yuan, you will be able to go up and down in peace in the second and third year of high school.

But now, only half a year has passed, the money in the bank card has reached the expected amount. It stands to reason that Qiao Lan should be a little more happy when he sees the money in Cary, but he really can't be happy.

Thinking about where more than half of Kari's money came from, Qiao Lan felt that she couldn't sit still.

On this side, most of them are all the commissions and tips that Tan Mo came to the Western Restaurant to give her.

She is a small waiter who earns 2,000 yuan a month, but she was forced by Tan Mo to become a middle-income group with a monthly income of 5,000 yuan. With this card, Qiao Lan felt hot.

Qiao Lan felt that she had to find a chance to talk to Tan Mo about this matter, and don't let him come to the western restaurant again. It's nothing to be a boy who sells money every day.

I put the card away and didn't dare to put it at home. I still put it in a small pocket in my schoolbag. I made a handover with the western restaurant and resumed my life of only going to the middle of the night every day. After going to bed early at night, I went to school early the next day.

School started.

The report started at 9:00 in the morning, but there were not too many students who came on time. Maybe they didn't get enough sleep, or maybe they were rushing all night to finish their homework.

After Qiao Lan entered the classroom, there were only a few people in the classroom, and the head teacher was not there. Qiao Lan wanted to ask the head teacher about Tan Mo's phone number, and was thinking about how to speak without being too rude, but it was the head teacher who had finished the meeting. Seeing her speak first.

"Tan Mo asked me to help you with a sentence during the final exam last semester. I was too busy to forget it. I sent a text message to your mother later. Did your mother tell you?"

Qiao Lan: "..."

No, Mother Qiao didn't tell her anything.

Don't ask anything, she already knows it all.

The head teacher also said to himself cheerfully, "Oh, I really didn't expect that Tan Mo could make such great progress. When the school first opened, he didn't say a word, and ignored no one, but now he's actually taking the initiative to contact him... "

Qiao Lan couldn't listen to her, so she ran out of the school gate in a flash, rushed into the small restaurant and asked Qiao's mother why she didn't tell the class teacher's text message, but she stopped in the end.

The reason has to be reasonable with normal people. A person like Qiao's mother can't be reasonable at all.

Besides, there is no need to ask why, either because she forgot, or because she didn't give Qiao Yuan extra lessons, Qiao's mother deliberately didn't tell her.

After completing the registration, Qiao Lan went to the mobile phone store in the afternoon.

When Zeng Jin was in high school, Qiao Lan never used a mobile phone, and she had no contact with anyone anyway. The mobile phone was not very important to her, so Qiao Lan did not feel that it would be inconvenient to not have a mobile phone in her life.

But after this incident, Qiao Lan still felt that she still had to buy a mobile phone.

The uncle who sold the mobile phone warmly greeted him, "What brand and model do you want?"

Don't need a brand or a specific model. At this stage, Qiao Lan has very low requirements for mobile phones. After thinking about it, she said, "You can make calls and send text messages."

Uncle: "… "

All the people who buy this kind of mobile phone are old ladies and old men. You are a little girl.

Just as he was about to say something, Qiao Lan hurriedly said, "Let's buy a better one."

Before, I had to wait for the weekly information class when I wanted to check the information. It was really inconvenient. It would be good to buy a mobile phone to check the information. .

After buying the mobile phone and applying for the card, Qiao Lan went to the western restaurant.

In the evening, Qiao Lan was busy serving dishes, and a girl with her pulled her and pointed to the door. Qiao Lan looked back and saw that the boy who hadn't seen for a month appeared in the western restaurant again.

Uncle Chen, who was pushing his wheelchair behind him, also smiled happily at her.

The girl next to her smiled and took the vegetable plate in her hand, with a meaningful smile on her face, "Go quickly."

Qiao Lan: …

Everyone in the store had some misunderstandings about her relationship with Tan Mo. No matter how Qiao Lan explained that she and Tan Mo were just classmates, no one believed her.

There was no need for Qiao Lan to explain to them what Asperger's disease was, and they were allowed to talk later.

Walking over, Chen Bo Tan Mo said hello, Chen Bo looked at her with a smile, "I haven't seen her for a month, it seems to have turned white."

"It's winter, everyone is white." Qiao Lan smiled and looked down at Tan Mo, "There is no one in your favorite place today, let's go."

Tan Mo, who had been staring at Qiao Lan since he came in, finally opened his mouth, "Okay."

Haven't seen you for a month.

If it wasn't for something over there that he couldn't leave, he could have come back earlier.

The feeling of seeing Qiao Lan again is better than he imagined before he came.

Tan Mo couldn't help but want to keep staring at her, he thought so and did so.

Just now Uncle Chen said that Qiao Lan was a little whiter, but Tan Mo didn't see it after looking carefully.

But after thinking about it, I think it should be like this. Qiao Lan has been busy throughout the winter vacation, and no one sends her all kinds of food every day like him, and she will be malnourished again.

However, the eyes are still as good-looking as ever, just like the obsidian beads he bought specially.

The obsidian beads were black and transparent beads that he occasionally saw. When he saw Tan Mo, he remembered Qiao Lan's eyes, so he bought them back.

Qiao Lan skillfully ordered meals for the two of them. She looked down and saw Tan Mo sitting obediently. The word "cute" popped into her mind for a while. She suddenly remembered something. She looked back and didn't see the foreman, so she whispered. Yu Tan Mo said, "I'm going to buy a mobile phone today, and you won't have to look for anyone else when you look for me in the future."

Tan Mo raised his head, probably because he wanted to frown, but he said with a straight face, "You're short of money."

"It's not very expensive," Qiao Lan said hurriedly, then glanced back and took out the phone to Tan Mo, "Help me enter your number on it."

Tan Mo took the brand-new white mobile phone, lightly rubbed the metal edge of the phone, opened the screen saver and opened the address book.

Fingertips squeezed the phone abruptly.

It was clean and there was not a single number on it.

He is the first.

Suddenly, a small spark jumped into his head, which made his thoughts a little unstable.

He likes the word one, first, only, together, all the time, all these words.

Your fingertips land on the screen.


Seriously enter his name, and then enter the phone number, Tan Mo returned the phone to Qiao Lan, Qiao Lan dialed Tan Mo's number, "This is my number, remember to save it."

Of course it will.

But just at a glance, it has already been carried in my heart.

Qiao Lan wanted to say something else, but the foreman turned here. Qiao Lan couldn't chat with Tan Mo anymore, she quickly put away her phone and ordered her meal, "Wait for me."

After speaking, they left quickly, but Tan Mo and Uncle Chen didn't know what was wrong.

After a while, the foreman left, Qiao Lan jumped back, took out a small box from her clothes pocket and handed it to Tan Mo.

"It's a little late for the New Year's gift, but it's not over fifteen, so it still counts. I made it myself, don't think it's ugly."

Uncle Chen said with a smile, "This child is hot and hot." He turned his head and said with a smile in his voice, "Open it and see what it is, tsk... Safe knot."

Qiao Lan didn't know what to give to Tan Mo. It was unrealistic to buy expensive ones, and it was boring to buy cheap ones. When passing by a boutique, she saw colorful ropes woven with peace knots, and she bought a lot of them.

After compiling a lot, I finally compiled a satisfactory one.

For Tan Mo, what he lacks the most is health and safety.

When Tan Mo was about to leave, Qiao Lan was busy again, and Uncle Chen smiled in his eyes, "I'll see you again in class tomorrow, and now I'll go home first."

Tan Mo glanced at Uncle Chen, then withdrew his gaze and got into the car.

When he got home, Tan Mo found the obsidian beads he had bought from the outside from the cabinet. The round black beads had an excellent color under the light. All of them were given to Aunt Chen.

He wanted to string this bead onto this peace knot.

"Don't disassemble the front." Qiao Lan did not do it. "Then put the beads on and make a bracelet."

Aunt Chen stared at the beads and Ping'an knot for a long time, and sighed, "I'll try it."

Aunt Chen wore reading glasses and sat under the light with Tan Mo for nearly two hours. Finally, she completed this difficult manual transformation. She put the bracelet on Tan Mo's wrist. Colorful rope.

Fits well and is pretty.

Tan Mo looked left and right, and finally pushed the wheelchair back to his room with satisfaction.