Guide To Raising the Sick Villain

Chapter 33


Tan Mo doesn't understand the world, but he is really smart.

The irritability at this moment is real, but the inherent intention is also real.

Qiao Lan said that there was no relationship between them that could make him help her or provide for her like this. The words "there is no relationship between them" were like a TV video that suddenly got stuck, and it was played over and over again in his mind. .

It even increased the volume on purpose.

He threw the knife and fork on the plate fiercely, angry, sad, irritable, and emotions that he could not describe himself, such as disappointment, such as grievance.

The eyes are full of haze, just want to get angry and leave.

Qiao Lan hurriedly apologized to the disturbed guest and ran back, "Uncle Chen hasn't arrived yet, where are you going? Tan Mo, I didn't want to make you angry."

He didn't want to hear it, he could go anywhere now, but he didn't want to be here at the moment.

Qiao Lan quickly arranged Tan Mo's tableware and blocked Tan Mo's wheelchair to prevent him from leaving. Tan Mo sat in the wheelchair and looked at Qiao Lan coldly.

The atmosphere between the two was a little tense, but this was something Qiao Lan felt unilaterally. Tan Mo couldn't perceive the atmosphere. He stared at Qiao Lan for a long time without saying a word, and suddenly remembered his first time last time. When one brought breakfast to Qiao Lan, there was such a confrontation between them for a while.

At that time, Qiao Lan didn't eat anything. He also looked at Qiao Lan like this and said that if he didn't eat it, he would throw it all away. In the end, Qiao Lan compromised.

Tan Mo was stunned, his attention was suddenly diverted, and his anger was diverted to where he didn't know. The finished soup reluctantly said, "I will serve you a new one. This one is not what you ordered, and the restaurant can compensate for it for free."

Tan Mo came back to his senses.

"No," he raised his head and stared at Qiao Lan, "I don't want to eat."

Qiao Lan glanced down at the steak that had barely been touched. Tan Mo had eaten a little bit of it today, and he would be hungry when he went back.

"Then I'll pack it up and let Uncle Chen take it back later."

Tan Mo's eyes flashed slightly, "I will let Uncle Chen throw it away."

Qiao Lan: "..."

Tan Mo looked at Qiao Lan's speechless expression, and finally felt a little better, thinking that Qiao Lan was finally going to compromise just like the last time, but Qiao Lan stopped smiling, and looked away expressionlessly.

"If you want to throw it away, throw it away."

He really felt that Tan Mo at this moment was just a bear child, and he was used to it, so Qiao Lan turned around and left.

Leaving behind Tan Mo who was full of dazed and stunned eyes.

After a while, Uncle Chen hurried over. As soon as he came, he found that the atmosphere today was not right. He carefully glanced at Tan Mo's face. Come on.

What's wrong with this

Uncle Chen took Tan Mo into the car inexplicably. After the car drove out for a long time, he asked Tan Mo, "What's wrong? We quarreled?"

After a long while, Tan Mo's dull voice came from behind, "She said don't let me come here again."

Tan Mo's voice was just a little lower and duller than usual. It was still a cold tone without fluctuations, but Uncle Chen could only hear the tone of grievance from it.

Don't let Tan Mo come back to the restaurant, Uncle Chen has probably already guessed the reason, but he still asked, "Then Qiao Lan said why not let you come?"

Uncle Chen will not give up any opportunity to communicate with Tan Mo normally. Every communication with mood swings is helpful to Tan Mo.

Tan Mo was silent for a moment, then raised his head, looked blankly at the street lamp in the distance and began to make a statement.

"Qiao Lan said that I spent a total of 70,000 yuan in three months. The consumption amount was too high. I said it was not high. She said it was very high and it was a waste. Western restaurant food is not good for my body. She also said that we are friends. It's a classmate, and friends and classmates don't do this, so I don't need to give her money or help her."

Although Chen Bo has always felt sorry for Tan Mo's Asperger's disease, he sometimes feels that this disease is convenient. The whole thing is fully stated.

Although the word order or emotion will be a bit wrong.

After listening to Uncle Chen's description, it seems that the reason why Qiao Lan did not let Tan Mo come is similar to what he thought.

As a normal thinking person, Chen Bo not only can understand Qiao Lan's feelings, but also appreciates Qiao Lan's approach very much. However, if it was Tan Mo, he would not feel Qiao Lan's embarrassment, nor would he feel that Qiao Lan was embarrassed. His thinking was like a computer program, and he had his own set of logic. As long as the logic in his heart was reasonable, others would Saying anything is useless.

When I was very young, maybe three or four years old or younger, Tan Mo once played with a snowman in his room.

For normal children, they may not understand the principle that snow melts when heated, but they understand that snow cannot be moved into the room.

At that time, Tan Mo's mother was still alive. She held Tan Mo's cold red hand and asked him why he built a snowman in the room. There was no expression on Tan Mo's little face. He said that he was not feeling well because of the wind outside.

Because the wind outside was uncomfortable, but I wanted to play with the snow, so I moved the snow to the room and built a snowman in the room.

This is Xiao Tan Mo's own logical thinking.

In the eyes of others, it is simply unreasonable and stupid.

Later, Tan Mo's mother accompanied him to wait for the snow to melt, and told him that when the snow melted, it would turn into water, stain the floor and wet the sofa, and Tan Mo was persuaded.

It is difficult for Tan Mo to change his mind unless you can persuade him with more correct logic.

Back then, Tan Mo's mother could use the melting of snow to persuade Tan Mo. It was a natural phenomenon, intuitive and clear; but now Qiao Lan doesn't allow him to come to the restaurant because Qiao Lan couldn't accept it in her heart, how to convince Tan Mo. ink

In Tan Mo's view, being helped is a very pleasant thing. He can't understand why he helps Qiao Lan, Qiao Lan will be embarrassed or unhappy; and Qiao Lan is unhappy because of his help, Tan Mo may feel that It's because she doesn't like him, so she doesn't want it.

Qiao Lan does not accept his money, and it is no different from those who do not accept him.

Uncle Chen had a headache.

In the past, he really wanted Tan Mo to have a friend who could communicate with him and be good to him, but now he has, and as a result, a new problem has arisen.

What Tan Mo does to friends is different from that of ordinary people, and even the definition of friendship is completely different from that of ordinary people.

The next day, Uncle Chen sent Tan Mo to school tremblingly, and he sent a text message to Qiao Lan, asking Qiao Lan not to deliberately cold Tan Mo, which would stimulate Tan Mo's heart.

Uncle Chen wouldn't do it even if he didn't say Qiao Lan.

Last night, she read a book about Asperger's disease until two o'clock in the morning, and now she is so sleepy that she can't keep her eyes open.

But Qiao Lan was talking to Tan Mo, but Tan Mo kept his mouth shut and didn't speak to Qiao Lan. Qiao Lan tried to reason with Tan Mo, "Tan Mo, rejecting you and rejecting your help are not the same thing, you have already helped me. One semester, I don't need it now."

Tan Mo finally said, "You need it, you are still working."

Qiao Lan: "..."

Qiao Lan finally understood a sentence in the book.

For people with Asperger's disease, whatever is logical to them, they think they are right, and what others say is useless.

Saying too much may have the opposite effect.

Tan Mo pursed his lips, trying to say something, but he didn't say anything after all.

When he left the western restaurant that day, Tan Mo was so sad that he didn't want to see Qiao Lan anymore and didn't want to go to school.

But he still came to school the next day. Not only did he come, but he continued to sit next to Qiao Lan. On the one hand, he was still angry with what Qiao Lan said and did, and he didn't want to care about Qiao Lan anymore, but on the other hand, he was still in his heart. I was faintly worried that if he really didn't go, Qiao Lan would not care about him anymore.

Even if Qiao Lan didn't accept that his feelings for cheating on him made him so sad, he still didn't want to make a clean break with Qiao Lan.

Pei Ning didn't have any eyesight and ran to Qiao Lan to ask English questions. After he finished the question, he looked up at Shang Tan Mo's dark gaze, and was so frightened that he shivered.

Then he quickly looked away and whispered in Qiao Lan's ear, "What happened to Tan Mo? I didn't mess with him?"

Qiao Lan: " question."

"Can you still make Tan Mo angry?" Pei Ning expressed his surprise. He really felt that Qiao Lan was so good that he had no temper when facing Tan Mo.

Pei Ning's voice was very low, and Tan Mo couldn't hear what they said.

A slight crunching sound.

Tan Mo looked down and saw that the tempered film was broken, and the tiny slag cut a small hole with his fingertips, and blood came out all at once, dripping onto the white school uniform.

When Qiao Lan turned her head, she saw the blood on Tan Mo's school uniform. She was so frightened that she asked him what was wrong, and quickly took out a Band-Aid from her schoolbag.

"Reach out," Qiao Lan said helplessly, looking at the uncooperative Tan Mo.

Tan Mo looked at her fixedly, motionless.

Qiao Lan really had no choice, reached out and grabbed Tan Mo's wrist, wiped the blood on the fingertips with a tissue, and wrapped it tightly with a Band-Aid, "I'm about to take the monthly exam, I don't know if it will be affected. "

Tan Mo silently pulled out his fingers and said coldly, "No."

Then on the way home in the afternoon, staring at the Band-Aid fingers for nearly half an hour.

Two days later, it will be the first monthly test of this semester. When the results come out, although Tan Mo is still ranked first in the grade, he doesn't know why his English score this time is less than 140.

Many people were surprised, but dared not ask.

Tan Mo stuffed the English answer card into his schoolbag and said nothing.

During class, Lao Liu, the English teacher, put several English compositions on the projector in the class, saying that it was the high-scoring composition this time.

The theme of English composition is friendship.

The three English compositions that Lao Liu praised a lot. They wrote that friendship is sharing. Friendship is a feeling that will not dissipate even if we haven’t seen each other for many years. It will make everyone better and beautiful. One of the three essays is Qiao Lan. written.

Tan Mo also wrote about friendship.

In his composition, he wrote that friendship is possession, possession, and an absolute domain where no third person is allowed.

Fifteen points for the composition, he only got two points in the end, and he silently threw the answer sheet into the trash can.

After school in the afternoon, Qiao Lan continued to work in a western restaurant. Tan Mo could no longer go to a western restaurant. He sat in the car and watched Qiao Lan's back. Uncle Chen really didn't want to see Tan Mo's axis like this, so he turned on the radio in the car, Trying to attract Tan Mo's attention.

As a result, Tan Mo's attention was really drawn away.

Even Uncle Chen was taken aback when he heard the news.

Uncle Chen heard the news of the city. There were all kinds of miscellaneous things, and there was a car accident where the traffic was blocked. As a result, he heard the radio saying that there was a robbery in the early hours of last night. Two men robbed a car. woman and injured the woman.

In normal times, this kind of news would at most cause everyone to complain, but if the place where the robbery took place was on the street of the western restaurant, it would be enough to make Tan Mo nervous.

The western restaurant where Qiao Lan works every day, although in the bustling part of the city, is not on the bright road. It is safe during the day, but it is actually quite dangerous at night.

Especially at night, when there is no one on the street, the girl is alone.

Because he hadn't heard such a thing before, Tan Mo didn't think about it, but now he just heard it, and Tan Mo's mind only had the standard broadcast tune of the host on the radio.

No matter how sad he was, he still thought of Qiao Lan's safety at the first time. When Tan Mo was rarely nervous, he immediately asked Uncle Chen to turn around and go to the western restaurant.

Uncle Chen sighed, "Do you want to wait for Qiao Lan to take her home after get off work? It's too late, so let's go home first, and then I'll pick her up every night, okay?"

Tan Mo calmed down after being nervous, and then he remembered the current situation between him and Qiao Lan.

Tan Mo inexplicably didn't want Qiao Lan to know that he still cared about her so much.

"No," Tan Mo said in a sullen voice. After a while, he said, "Uncle Chen, find someone to take her back every night." After that, he added, "Follow secretly and don't let her find out."

Uncle Chen: "..."

Obviously still concerned, why does it have to be so pivotal.

"Okay," Uncle Chen agreed, but then he asked, "When will we follow you?"

"do not know."

Keep working and keep following.

Uncle Chen: "..."

Just as long as you are happy.

Qiao Lan had no idea what was going on, but when she was working part-time, the team leader came to them and told them that something had happened here recently, and told them to be careful, especially the girls working night shifts, and sent a message to each employee. A bottle of spray and a fruit knife.

Qiao Lan: …

I've been peaceful for the past few days. I heard that the police have brought the two robbers to justice, but I still have to be careful.

After packing everything, Qiao Lan packed her things, checked the time, and walked home as usual.

It's 11:47 now, and when I get home, it should be around 12:20... There is not a lot of homework today, mainly because I have almost finished writing it between classes... But I still have to preview tomorrow's class...

Qiao Lan made plans for tonight in a mess all the way, and when she got to the bottom of Qiao's house, it was exactly 12:20.

Looking up, I was slightly surprised that the lights were on in the house.

At this time, everyone in the Qiao family logically fell asleep, unless Mother Qiao stayed up late to watch TV shows, but she usually wouldn't turn on the lights in the living room so brightly when watching TV shows.

The lights were bright, and Qiao Lan's steps upstairs slowed down, always feeling that something was going to happen.

Going upstairs to open the door of the room, Qiao Lan raised her eyes and saw that besides Qiao Yuan on the sofa in the living room, Qiao's father and Qiao's mother, Qiao's old lady, were all there.

"What are you doing standing at the door, not coming in yet?" Seeing Qiao Lan coming in, Mother Qiao stood up immediately.

Madam Qiao said "tsk tsk" twice, "Maybe there is a ghost in my heart and I dare not come in."

Father Qiao sat on the sofa with a sullen face and shouted, "Don't get in here yet!"

Qiao Lan narrowed her eyes, and her feet as she was about to enter the door stopped.

When she came up, she guessed what might have happened. For example, the second sister Qiao went back to her parents' house crying and said that her husband had found Xiao Si, and Mrs. Qiao and Qiao's mother quarreled again, but she never thought about herself.

After all, she didn't do anything.

But now the posture of the three people in front of them, it seems that she has done something unforgivable.

Seeing her standing still, Mother Qiao became even more angry, "I can't hear you, right? Let you come in and close the door. You are not ashamed of yourself, but I am afraid that others will hear it!"

Qiao Lan frowned, "Why am I embarrassed?"

"Hey, I still don't recognize it," Madam Qiao raised her eyebrows, "I just said that running out every day must be bad, and if you don't come back every day at night, you can't decide where to do it, and you won't recognize the account even if you steal money from the family. "

Qiao Lan finally heard something and suspected that she was stealing Qiao's money

"I didn't steal it," Qiao Lan said.

"Your second sister came to the house some time ago and gave me 20,000 yuan, and I put it in the drawer under the coffee table. I haven't found it yet. I counted less than 1,000 yuan today." Mother Qiao took a stack of money and The table kept slapping, "Where did you say the money went!"

"I don't know, it's not me," Qiao Lan said blankly, "Go ask someone else."

"It's not who you are, ah, you said, your grandmother is reluctant to spend money at all, and your father and I can't take it. Yuaner I just gave it to me a few days ago, and I have enough money. Your elder sister and second sister have not been here recently. Aren't you the one who stole it?"

"That might really be a ghost," Qiao Lan sneered with her eyes down, Mother Qiao couldn't sit still because of Qiao Lan's attitude, "I don't think so, I think we're good at studying and we can't control it. Is that right?" He stood up and turned around several times before taking a broom from the toilet, "I'll ask again, did you steal it?"

"Who else could it be if it wasn't her, she bought the mobile phone, it wasn't her who bought the mobile phone with the money where did she get it, and what else did she earn from part-time work?" Madam Qiao gave Qiao's mother a blank look, and stared at Qiao Lan with her small eyes. Suddenly stood up, "Look at it, I said she stole it, look at what's hanging around her neck..."

As he said that, he was about to run over to grab the apple jade pendant on Qiao Lan's neck.

Qiao Lan slapped Mrs. Qiao's hand away to protect her neck, and Mrs. Qiao's voice became even sharper, "This is skinless and shameless, just kill him..."

Father Qiao, who had never spoken, finally jumped up when Mrs. Qiao was pushed aside by Qiao Lan, her fat face full of flesh shook, and she grabbed the broom in Mother Qiao's hand and drank violently, "Here. I'll come over..."

As soon as Qiao Lan opened the door, he ran downstairs.

Father Qiao ran after him with a broom.

Qiao Lan is young and fit, and Father Qiao is fat and wearing slippers. He probably did not expect Qiao Lan, who has always been introverted and timid, to dare to run. No one is seen.

He searched left and right, but couldn't find anyone, and he scolded him for a long time before going up. He didn't believe that Qiao Lan would not come back, and when he came back, he would be beaten to death.

Qiao Lan ran out of the community and didn't breathe a sigh of relief until she ran to the road, squatting under the streetlights on the side of the road to calm herself.

If she was caught by Father Qiao today, she might be beaten to death.

It's safe for now, but looking at the empty road in front of her, Qiao Lan is a little worried again.

Where to go now? where to go after

The western restaurant has been closed, and she can't go back. She can't hang out on the street all night as a girl, and she can't go to the Internet cafe for a night like some boys.

To open a room

It hurts just thinking about it.

But I really can't think of any other way. I can only use my mobile phone to open Meituan, search for the nearest hotel, find a slightly cheaper one, deal with it today, and then think about the future after tomorrow.

Crouching on the road, pulling the phone, looking left and right, I finally found that my house was acceptable to me. I opened the map and looked at it. After identifying the road, I was about to stand up when a black car slid over from a distance. Finally stopped in front of Qiao Lan.

The door of the car opened slowly, a very thinly dressed young man, with pale face and gloomy eyes, sat in the car and looked down at Qiao Lan, who was squatting on the road and hugged into a ball with a confused face.

The two looked at each other for nearly half a minute, and the young man finally turned his face away and said,

"Not yet."