Guide To Raising the Sick Villain

Chapter 57


Qiao Lan looked at Luo Nian who was walking away, with haze in her eyes.

There are both Luo Nian and Qiao's family. Luo Nian and Qiao's family behave this time. The former is a robber and the latter is a human trafficker. No matter who it is, it is disgusting.

She unconsciously reached out and rubbed the arm that Luo Nian had just grabbed. It was painful, and it must have been red.

Seeing Tan Mo's sudden appearance here, Qiao Lan was surprised and worried at the same time. She turned her head and asked him why he came here all of a sudden, only to look down to see that Tan Mo's face was extremely bad.

Tan Mo managed to control himself to put his eyes back on Qiao Lan, and saw her hand covering her arm, moving faster than thinking, and after reacting, she grabbed Qiao Lan's wrist.

"Who is he?"

Qiao Lan looked down at Tan Mo's hand tightly clasped on her wrist with too much force, but she didn't pull it out.

"It's the prospective son-in-law that my parents looked for."

Bai Yu was also frightened and undecided. He was happy to find Qiao Lan to go home, but he didn't expect to bump into this.

She really could not have imagined that someone would dare to snatch someone upright at the school gate these days. Qiao Lan usually doesn't mention his family situation. Bai Yu can only judge from the few words that Qiao Lan and his family are not close, but he never expected to reach this level.

The Luo Nian just now said it very clearly. He said that Qiao Lan's parents and sister begged him to take Qiao Lan back. Qiao Lan's parents were simply selling their daughters for the bride price. It was precisely because of this that this Luo Nian's attitude was not good. So wild.

Shameless, do you have any humanity

Is giving birth to a daughter just to get money when she grows up

Qiao Lan probably can't go to her house to play today. Tan Mo and Qiao Lan should have something to say, and because of Luo Nian's appearance, Bai Yu doesn't dare to take Qiao Lan around casually. Where will this Lunar New Year come from

Thinking of Luo Nian, Bai Yu was still afraid for a while, but more than that, he was worried.

When Luo Nian left just now, he told Qiao Lan to wait.

Qiao Lan is a student, and a bunch of people in the family can't wait to sell her as a gift. That Luo Nian looks rich and powerful, who can help her

If this Luo Nian comes again, who can help Qiao Lan

For some reason, she subconsciously turned her head to look at Tan Mo.

In fact, there are many people who like Qiao Lan, and there are many people like Hao Ying who are also rich and powerful to help her, but Bai Yu's first reaction still thinks of Tan Mo.

Even if Tan Mo can't stand up, he looks much thinner than Hao Ying, but Tan Mo is more reassuring than Hao Yinglai's.

Now that Tan Mo is here, Bai Yu breathed a sigh of relief, and did not take Qiao Lan to his house, handed Qiao Lan to Tan Mo and turned and left.

When she was halfway through, Bai Yu finally figured out why she thought Tan Mo would be more reassuring, because she felt that Tan Mo's feelings for Qiao Lan were much deeper than Hao Ying's for Qiao Lan.

Although Hao Ying once directly said that he likes Qiao Lan, Tan Mo has never said that he likes Qiao Lan.

But that's how she felt.

It wasn't until Bai Yu walked away that Tan Mo saw his hand on Qiao Lan's wrist, and after a moment of stunned he let go.

Feeling a little overwhelmed with anger, she could only ask her, "Does it hurt?"

"It's okay, it doesn't hurt," Qiao Lan rubbed her wrists, not wanting to let the people coming and going to watch, she turned around and followed Chen Botan Mo into the car.

Only after getting in the car did Qiao Lan tell Uncle Chen and Tan Mo what was going on today.

Last week, when Tan Mo came to pick up Qiao Lan, he met Qiao Lan's second sister. Qiao Lan told them about Qiao's second sister. At that time, Uncle Chen just thought that Qiao's second sister could be a mistress. Ashamed, but never thought that she could reach this point without a lower limit.

But thinking about it again, Qiao Lan once said that Qiao Erjie became a mistress with peace of mind, and the family was proud of it instead of being ashamed. Now that she has tasted the sweetness, she wants to pull Qiao Lan into the water.

Tan Mo was hidden in the darkness, and he was still holding a bank card tightly in his left hand. His fingers were too hard, and the bank card trembled as if it could be broken in the next moment.

What would have happened if he and Chen Bo came later today.

What would happen if he decided not to say goodbye to Qiao Lan and went directly to the United States.

After a few weeks, or a few months, when he finally couldn't help but want to see how Qiao Lan was doing now, he might have been pulled into the quagmire by her disgusting family.

Maybe she will be forcibly dropped out of school, maybe she will be locked at home, forcibly let her and the so-called prospective son-in-law...

With a crisp sound, Qiao Lan turned around in surprise, "What sound?"

The bank card in his hand was broken in two.

Tan Mo used all his strength to suppress his emotions, "I don't know, it might be the sound from outside the car."

Qiao Lan made an "oh", then turned to ask him, "Tan Mo, why did you suddenly come to the school, is there something you are looking for?"


He was going to come to Qiao Lan to say goodbye.

He was about to leave soon, and he still wanted to meet and say goodbye in person.

But now, go, where to go, how to go

He is gone, what will Qiao Lan do, who can protect her and help her when he is gone

Maybe Qiao Lan was too optimistic. She always smiled as if she had no worries and never complained, as if nothing could beat her, so this gave Tan Mo an illusion that Qiao Lan was actually The illusion of having a good time.

But in fact, she wasn't doing well at all.

How could a family like this be good? She ran desperately in the front, but there were many people behind who wanted to see her pull back.

Tan Mo let go of his hand, and the bank card folded in half fell into the seam of the car. The separation that was going to be said was temporarily put on hold, Tan Mo said, "I can't get through when I call you."

Qiao Lan took out her mobile phone and said, "Luo Nian got my phone number from somewhere. I call and send text messages every day. I really can't help it, so I pull out the card."

Tan Mo's eyes sank again, "Go get a new card first."

Uncle Chen's car turned in the direction of the nearby mobile business hall.

After applying for a new card and returning to Tan Mo's house, everyone was silent, even Qiao Lan was a little absent-minded while eating.

She had to think about what to do now.

She originally wanted to raise enough money, at least to be able to finish high school safely, but the Qiao family obviously had no bottom line than she thought. They were watching her all the time, ready to sell her.

Dodging is useless, unless she doesn't step out of the school for the remaining year and a half, and even so, Qiao Lan doesn't think it's really feasible.

In this Lunar New Year, he dared to arrest people directly at the school gate today, and he might do something tomorrow.

But what can you do if you don't run away? Running home and having a big fight with the Joe family and cutting ties with them

How to cut it off? Her name is still written on the Qiao family's household registration book. The Qiao family knows how can she agree to cut off the relationship if she can pay back the money, and Qiao Lan dare not think about whether she will leave again if she goes back to the Qiao family. possibility of coming out.

Call the police? She is the daughter of the Qiao family, and the police will not interfere.

Qiao Lan took a deep breath and closed her eyes irritably.

She really wished she was an orphan.

In the next room, Uncle Chen carefully knocked on the door of Tan Mo's room, walked in and closed the door.

Tan Mo didn't like Father Tan. Back then, Father Tan cheated on his secretary before he could remember. His mother took him to the United States after his mother divorced Father Tan. Tan Mo has no feelings for his father, but because his feelings are too thin, he can't give birth to any hatred.

Tan’s father was successfully admitted to the procuratorate because of Tan Mo’s mother. Even now, Tan’s father is the executive deputy procurator of the provincial procuratorate, and a serious provincial and ministerial-level cadre. In the beginning of the help, there is no him today. Tan Mo's father cheated on his secretary, Tan Mo's mother divorced immediately without thinking. He was indeed full of guilt for his ex-wife and son, especially after Tan Mo's mother passed away, so he must have brought Tan Mo back.

But that's all, Tan's father tried his best to compensate Tan Mo one or two, but the legacy of Tan Mo's mother's death was too amazing, even if Tan's father wanted to compensate, he couldn't start.

I received a call from Uncle Chen today and was told that Tan Mo was going to return to the United States again. Father Tan was surprised and could not hide his disappointment, and tried his best to persuade him to no avail.

But in the evening, Tan Mo personally called over.

Some things can be done with money, and some things require a little power.

Tan Mo called Father Tan.

It is not difficult to spend money to check Luo Nian's situation clearly.

Luo Nian's real family situation is far more pitiful than his arrogant appearance, but within two hours, Tan Mo got all the information of Luo Nian and Luo Nian's parents, and even knew all the assets of Luo Nian's parents.

The seemingly arrogant and domineering Luo Nian, his father runs a hot pot restaurant with a large scale. Because Luo Nian's father and Qiao Erjie's husband jointly invested in another branch, they have been cooperating recently.

Luo Nian's parents only had such a son when they were very old. They were overly doting and developed Luo Nian's personality.

Tan's father was a little surprised that Tan Mo would take the initiative to find him, and he was very precise about what he wanted to target. Tan Mo didn't say it directly, but just asked him to tell the Food and Drug Administration and put more energy into a certain house on XX Street. In a hot pot restaurant.

Tan Mo doesn't know what to say, but Father Tan can also understand the meaning. It's too easy to find trouble for a restaurant. Now many restaurants are branding fresh ingredients. In fact, there are not too many really fresh ingredients. Raw materials and seasonings are mixed in. There are also many miscellaneous futures.

Many times, when the Food and Drug Administration comes to inspect, restaurants can always prepare one or two when they hear the wind in advance. If there is a sudden surprise inspection and strict inspection, a large number of restaurants will have to close their doors.

For Father Tan, it was just a sentence, not to mention that Tan Mo finally opened his mouth, so there was no reason for Father Tan not to agree.

After hanging up the phone number, Uncle Chen glanced outside and whispered to Tan Mo, "Then about going abroad..."

Tan Mo has made it clear that he wants to help Qiao Lan to the end, so he will definitely not go abroad in the near future, and it is not certain in the future, because Qiao Lan should not leave again because he is worried.

But he didn't want Tan Mo to say, "Wait until everything is settled here."

"Still going?"

Uncle Chen was surprised.

"Go to New York Special Surgery Hospital", Tan Mo lowered his eyelashes, which is the best orthopaedic hospital in the world.

Tan Mo only found out after today that he is not useless to Qiao Lan, and he can protect her.

Qiao Lan needs him.

The doctor said he had a 98% hope that he would be in a wheelchair forever, but apart from that 98%, there was still a 2% hope that he would be able to stand up.

Once you have someone you want to protect in your heart, it seems that everything becomes less scary.

Although it is only 2%, he is willing to do his best to fight for this 2% possibility.