Guide To Raising the Sick Villain

Chapter 60


Tan Mo left, and Qiao Lan sat on the sofa, wrapped in a thin quilt that was not there before going to bed last night.

Qiao Lan didn't know where Tan Mo was going and what she was doing, but she didn't know if it was an illusion. She seemed to feel that Tan Mo had a certain kind of determination that seemed to make up her mind.

The holidays passed quickly, and Tan Mo still did not come to school after school reopened.

From the beginning of the last semester, the students were surprised why Tan Mo didn't come, and when the new semester started, they still didn't see Tan Mo, and they were already used to it.

Qiao Lan's tablemate was replaced by someone else, a boy who was not very close to Qiao Lan and had a very high grade in the class.

This boy is a bit like Pei Ning, not in looks, but in personality and grades. He is introverted. He was a little shy when he was sitting at the same table with Qiao Lan, but he slowly became more cheerful later.

The same as Pei Ning's is his grades. He is also top-notch in science, but his English is a hindrance. The head teacher likes this student very much, so he put it next to Qiao Lan, probably because he wants Qiao Lan to have time to help him make up for his English.

Qiao Lan is used to the days when Tan Mo is sitting next to her. Sometimes she turns her head subconsciously and thinks about a problem when she can't do it, but when she turns her head, she remembers that Tan Mo is no longer sitting next to her.

The new tablemates were very nice, but Qiao Lan couldn't help but miss the time when she sat with Tan Mo. They listened to songs with headphones and passed small notes together.

Qiao Lan is working harder than before, studying so hard that Bai Yu is afraid, and there are students in the dormitory around Qiao Lan, all because of Qiao Lan's energy, they also work hard for no reason.

Tan Mo is gone. After several exams, Qiao Lan has secured her first place in the grade. No one can shake her position. Several friends who are close to her said that Qiao Lan's first-class scholarship this year has been secured again.

Someone smiled and said, unfortunately Tan Mo is not here.

Tan Mo has been gone for a long time, and everyone seems to have forgotten the insults to him and Qiao Lan. When the students mentioned Tan Mo again, most of them only sighed that they had known such a genius.

Some people in the class play Zhihu, some people ask what it's like to have a talented classmate, some people in the class write a lot, and all the words are only praise and no insults.

In their spare time, everyone chats about the sky and the future, such as graduation, such as university.

Hao Ying asked Qiao Lan which university she would like to study in the future.

Qiao Lan once rejected Hao Ying, and Hao Ying understood what Qiao Lan meant, but she didn't give up.

Having seen such a beautiful and excellent girl, it is difficult to look at other people. Hao Ying never blamed Qiao Lan. He experienced rejection for the first time in his life, and finally learned how to look at the past with an equal eye. like his girls.

Hao Ying has changed a lot, his studies have improved a lot, and his personality has also converged a lot.

Keep a distance and only be friends with Qiao Lan, and Qiao Lan will not even agree to this.

Qiao Lan casually mentioned the highest institution in the country, because she needed a lot of money, so she had to go there.

My friends didn't feel anything after listening to it. Qiao Lan was the first in her grade, and she was fully qualified to say this. Hao Ying rubbed her face with a frown. Although his grades had improved a lot, he was the best at that school. Still no chance.

"Then what major do you want to study?"

This time someone else asked.

"Finance," Qiao Lan said while writing the paper, she didn't think about it at all, but when someone asked, she casually answered the majors she had studied before, and after answering, Qiao Lan suddenly stopped writing.

In fact, once before, she thought about another major because of Tan Mo.

But I just think about it, after all, it is still early before the college entrance examination.

Finance was not the major she wanted to study, but Qiao Lan didn't explain it to everyone. After lying in bed at the end of the day, Qiao Lan picked up her mobile phone and sent Tan Mo good night as usual.

As usual, Tan Mo did not reply, and Tan Mo's reply was usually at three or four in the morning, that is, three or four in the afternoon in New York.

very regular.

Tan Mo finished a day of rehab, his whole body was like being pulled out of water, and he was so exhausted that he had no strength to raise his hand.


When Tan Mo was in a car accident, he thought that the fracture of his legs was the most painful time in his life. It was not until he began to recover that Tan Mo knew that the pain of the fracture was nothing at all.

He stayed at the hospital in New York, saying that Tan Mo's leg could be cured, but it would be very, very hard.

The patella comminuted repair surgery is done all over again, re-splitting the muscles and bones that have been healed but crooked, and then the surgery is performed. After coming out of the operating room, the anesthesia gradually receded, and Tan Mo's legs, which he had not felt for a year and a half, began to ache. There was no good place for the bones, nerves, and muscles.

I didn't dare to move my legs. After the operation, my legs were severely stiff, my knees were severely blocked, and the wound was burning. I applied ice packs every day to relieve the pain and swelling, and I felt that the wound was tearing again and again.

Because of AS, Tan Mo's pain is far more sensitive than ordinary people. Sometimes when the pain hits, no medicine will help, and finally the pain is so severe that he faints directly.

After waking up, Tan Mo looked at the stars outside the window and felt that he had walked through hell.

After the operation, Tan Mo lay on the hospital bed for nearly two months. Two months later, he finally started to try to land on the ground. When his leg touched the ground for the first time, one leg instantly turned black and purple, like being run over by a wheel again and again. , Tan Mo groaned and grabbed Uncle Chen's hand. Uncle Chen felt that with the strength, his hand was almost crushed.

Pain can sometimes make people lose their minds, but when he wakes up for a moment, Tan Mo's heart is filled with unprecedented joy.

It hurts, but it's the first time he's been on the ground with his feet in two years.

He wanted to try to walk a few steps, but was ordered to stop by the doctor and told to take it one step at a time.

And this step by step is the real beginning of rehabilitation, the beginning of camber rehabilitation.

There is no way to bend the legs at all. Rehabilitation is to bend the legs little by little, starting from the leg pads, passively creating angles, and then to the back, commonly known as leg smashing.

Every day, repeating every day.

Because it is too painful, continuous rehabilitation exercises are very agreeable to cause the patient to go into shock again.

In the early morning, I always start with my legs covered with various test machines, and then I start to straighten my legs and bend my legs day after day. Tan Mo feels that the joints are dislocated, and he disassembles and reassembles the bones every day. The muscles covering the outside kept pulling and tearing nervously.

Tan Mo lived in a single ward, and in the ward next door was a young man in his twenties who also had a car accident and was sent to this hospital.

He was sent in immediately after the car accident, much easier than Tan Mo's, but at the beginning of the daily rehabilitation, through the wall, everyone could still hear his painful and heart-piercing cries.

There are more than 20 pairs of big men, and the pain is so severe that Tan Mo's rehabilitation is more difficult than him, but from the beginning to the end, Tan Mo has never cried or cried once in pain.

He always gritted his teeth, grabbed his hands on the bed sheets, and occasionally groaned when the pain was so extreme, but there was no other sound.

But after the daily rehabilitation, his clenched teeth were so painful that he couldn't eat, the sheets he held with both hands had long been torn, and his whole body was soaked in cold sweat over and over again, and his whole body no longer had a single breath. A little effort.

After a night's rest, the next day is the same repetition.

Some people in the hospital couldn't stand the pain of rehabilitation and finally chose to give up. Tan Mo was the first to enter the hospital, and the people who left came one after another, but he stayed until the end.

After two months of rest after surgery, and 80 days of rehabilitation, Tan Mo all persevered. When his legs were finally bent to 30 degrees, a patient who couldn't hold on asked him why you still persist. .

Tan Mo was silent for a while, then said, "Because someone is waiting for me to stand up again."

"A very important person?"

"the most important person."

The boy's face was pale, and he was very tired after today's rehabilitation, but he was still practicing walking with crutches.

When he first arrived, the doctor said that he was too weak to bear the pain and exhaustion of rehabilitation, but he held on to it with all his teeth.

And to the end.

saw the light of day.