Guide To Raising the Sick Villain

Chapter 63


When Tan Mo was there, Qiao Lan never thought that she could pass the Tan Mo exam, but now that Tan Mo is back, Qiao Lan saw the biology he just started to learn, and suddenly saw that she could pass the exam. Tan ink possibility.

Qiao Lan's biology is unexpectedly good.

She used to be a liberal arts student and never studied biology. She has been in touch again in her life. She never thought that she was so talented in biology. She usually gets nearly full marks in biology exams.

Not to mention what will happen in the future, Qiao Lan is still very confident about the recent exam. She glanced at Tan Mo who was seriously reading the biology book. Qiao Lan suddenly became interested, and poked her finger at Tan Mo, "Momo, let's fight. How about a bet?"

Tan Mo's face froze when Qiao Lan called "Mo Mo" again. No matter what bet Qiao Lan was going to bet, his face was still expressionless, but there seemed to be a bit of entanglement in his eyes, and he whispered, "...No It's called Momo."

Originally, Qiao Lan hadn't noticed, she just called out casually, but now she was called out by Tan Mo again, Qiao Lan also lowered her voice and laughed for a while before saying, "Aunt Chen calls you Momo every day, and I haven't seen you and won't let me call you. what."

Can Aunt Chen be the same

Tan Mo raised his head and glanced at the rising head teacher who was lecturing. He was still very principled in his bones. For example, he could not study or listen in class, but he could not speak.

However, if he told Qiao Lan, Tan Mo decisively abandoned the principle and lowered his head slightly before turning his head and continuing, "Aunt Chen is an elder."

Qiao Lan also pressed her head down a little, and there was a tall stack of books on the table, which just covered the heads of the two, Qiao Lan blinked, "Did you forget that I am several months older than you. "

Tan Mo: "… "

"You're not yet seventeen."

Tan Mo: "… "

He will only turn 17 next month, and Tan Mo began to regret why he brought up this topic, and then resolutely picked up the topic Qiao Lan just said, "What bet?"

Qiao Lan also raised her head and glanced at the podium. The head teacher continued to lecture enthusiastically, covering her face with a book and continuing, "Forget the first monthly exam, it's too close, I bet you won't be able to get first in the midterm exam. ."

Tan Mo looked at her with a smile, "Is it you first?"

"Of course", I used to worry about Chen Yaoyang, but now there is nothing to worry about.

Tan Mo looked at the biology book in front of him, thought about it, and agreed, "Okay, what to bet."

This Qiao Lan didn't think about it, so he asked Tan Mo, "What do you want to bet on?"

"Then after the mid-term results come out, whoever has the highest score will ask the other party to do one thing."

"Even if you don't have to bet, I will agree to whatever you want me to do," Qiao Lan said, but his voice was too low for Tan Mo to hear, "What did you say."

"I say…"

After all, in class, the voice was too loud, so Qiao Lan could only get closer to repeat what she just said. When the words came to her lips, Bai Yu suddenly poked her with a poke.

Qiao Lan was stunned for a moment, and was about to turn around and ask Bai Yu what was wrong, only to find that the excited voice of the head teacher disappeared, and as soon as he looked up, he stared at the head teacher with round eyes.

"Qiao Lantanmo, are you having a good time talking?"

The head teacher shouted loudly, poking at the blackboard with his fingers, "Let's go to class, look at the blackboard, look at me! The blackboard is here!"

Not on the same table! If you get good grades, you don't have to take lessons? Can you hold on to the number one position this time and dare to wave like this

Tan Mo never listens to lectures in class. The teachers are used to it. He understands that listening to lectures in class is a waste of time for him, so Tan Mo's teachers will never care about reading other books in class.

But if you don't listen to the class, you can't chat and chat in class so obliviously that many students around you forget to look at him if they don't listen to the lecture.

The head teacher roared, the eyes of the whole class poked at Qiao Lan and Tan Mo, with a meaningful expression, Qiao Lan's ears suddenly became hot when they poked.

The head teacher took the students with them for so many years, and instantly discovered that something was wrong.

Not from Qiao Lan and Tan Mo, but from the students next to them.

The head teacher has long discovered that as long as the class is looking at the target, or if the target has not yet caught a glimpse, the teachers don't know it, but the students next to it definitely know it. Sometimes they call two people's names, and other students around The expressions are definitely very playful, and some courageous ones will even coax.

I caught Qiao Lan and Tan Mo talking in class today. Although they said they didn't make a noise, but looking at the eyes around them, the head teacher was instantly alert.

When it comes to good students and bad students, the attitude of the head teacher is very different, especially for top students like Qiao Lan and Tan Mo. The head teacher stared at them for a long time and said, "Come to my office after class."

After that, he added, "Qiao Lan comes first."

Qiao Lan, Tan Mo: "..."

After class, the head teacher's behavior was like suddenly adding some kind of certification to the two of them. Not to mention the other students who were chatting, even Bai Yu felt that something was wrong.

Bai Yu ran over and followed Qiao Lan out of the classroom, and asked her, "What did you talk about in class?"

"Betting on who gets high in the midterm exam", Qiao Lan was so tired that she didn't know what to say.

Bai Yu: "I bet what are you doing so close together? And you don't know how long the head teacher stood on the podium and stared at you two!"

Qiao Lan: "..."

Bai Yu turned back and glanced at Hao Ying in the classroom, and just met Hao Ying's eyes, and suddenly felt that this buddy was a little pitiful, and set his eyes on Qiao Lan's face again, and then moved down to see the jade on Qiao Lan's neck. Falling, what I couldn't hold back and didn't ask at first, I can't hold back now.

She saw Qiao Lan's red eyes crying the day Tan Mo came back. Qiao Lan is usually a person with no mood swings, so that time she really frightened Bai Yu. After that, not only did she see Qiao Lan crying, she also saw Qiao Lan cry. Lan let Tan Mo wipe her tears.

Although two very good-looking people will look better together, it is ambiguous how the action looks.

Thinking about the number of times Qiao Lan unconsciously mentioned Tan Mo in the dormitory recently, Bai Yu took a deep breath and said, "Lan Lan, really, let me ask you something."

"Just ask."

"Do you... like Tan Mo?"

Qiao Lan was silent for a long time before whispering, "Is it so obvious?"

What the hell! Bai Yu almost jumped up from the chair, "Really?"

"No, no," Qiao Lan hurriedly waved her hand. After saying no, she felt that it was wrong, her delicate brows knitted together, and she said after tangled for a long time, "Actually, I don't know either."

She really doesn't know.

Since Qiao Lan went to the United States before Tan Mo, Qiao Lan couldn't help thinking about Tan Mo. Qiao Lan noticed something was wrong, but thinking about it further, it didn't seem to be the case.

Ask her if she likes Tan Mo, yes, of course, but if she doesn't like it, why do you still want to take care of him.

But there are too many kinds of likes. Friends and family can like it. What does she like about Tan Mo? Family, friends, all of them, do you like that aspect

Qiao Lan sometimes feels yes, sometimes no, sometimes when she suddenly meets Tan Mo's eyes, her heartbeat will suddenly speed up, just like after being called by the teacher, she will feel a ghost in her heart and the tip of her ear is hot. , Qiao Lan thinks there is.

But most of the time, Qiao Lan didn't. Looking at Tan Mo's beautiful light brown eyes, she didn't have any evil thoughts at all.

Qiao Lan thought about it for several days and finally figured out the reason in the end, because from the beginning, she didn't seem to regard Tan Mo as a heterosexual, she took care of him because Tan Mo was her favorite character in the book. , and later because his poor son pity him, Tan Mo is a most special existence to her.

Therefore, when facing Tan Mo, she generally doesn't feel anything, but once Tan Mo shows some masculine charms, Qiao Lan will suddenly break through the cognitive barrier and become a little blushing.

So Bai Yu asked her if she liked Tan Mo, but Qiao Lan really didn't know.

But there is a saying that is good, when you start to wonder if you like someone or not, you actually like it long ago.

After I went to the head teacher's office, there was only the head teacher in the office. He pointed to the seat in front for Qiao Lan to sit, and then said, "Do you know why the teacher is looking for you?"

"I know," Qiao Lan said, "I'm sorry teacher, I won't talk in class anymore."

Head teacher: ...Although the attitude of admitting mistakes is very correct, but these are all small problems.

"It's good to know that it's wrong." The head teacher couldn't scold Hao Ying the way he was scolding Hao Ying. He coughed before continuing, "Apart from this, what else are you and Tan Mo? thing?"

Qiao Lan: "...Teacher, we have nothing to do..."

"Your grades are all very good, and the teacher is still very at ease with you, but you are still young, and now you are in the third year of high school. You can wait for the college entrance examination to fall in love, and then you can go to college and then have a good talk. Falling in love now is a waste of time. Your grades are top-notch, and if you work hard, you will definitely be admitted to the top two universities in China. You can talk about whatever you want at that time, and the teacher will never control you..."

...Teacher, you think too far.

Qiao Lan was still struggling with her feelings for Tan Mo just now. She didn't want to understand anything at all, and Tan Mo didn't understand anything. Qiao Lan assured the head teacher seriously, "Teacher, we're really fine, there's nothing wrong, and No... in love, teacher, you really misunderstood."

The head teacher looked at Qiao Lan with very suspicious eyes, "Really?"


The head teacher was silent for a long time, "Forget it, you go back first and let Tan Mo come in."

After Tan Mo entered the office, the head teacher and Tan Mo looked at each other in silence for a long time before the head teacher said, "The teacher is very happy that you can stand up and go back to school."

So, Tan Mo looked at the head teacher in silence.

The head teacher suddenly felt a pain in his head. He just talked to Qiao Lan so happily, but now he is like a mute, but remembering the words of the old gentleman who was in charge of taking care of Tan Mo when he just took over Tan Mo, he suppressed his temper again.

"The teacher came to you mainly because of your affairs with Qiao Lan."

"Oh," Tan Mo's heart trembled. He likes it very much now, and even enjoys having someone list his and Qiao Lan's names together, even if they are called by the teacher in class.

Head teacher: ... Although I have long known that Tan Mo is difficult to communicate with, it is too difficult!

Frowning and thinking for a while, the head teacher said, "Teacher, think about it, you both have such good grades, and both of you are well balanced. If you sit separately, you can help some students with relatively poor grades, so..."

Do you two stop sitting at the same table...

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by the young man coldly.


The head teacher frowned, and the heart that had just been appeased by Qiao Lan instantly hung up, "The reason"

Because he just wanted to sit with her, but Tan Mo didn't want to talk and refused to answer the question from the head teacher.

The head teacher said, "Don't say the reason, just change your seat immediately."

Tan Mo pursed his lips and said silently for a moment, "If I change seats, then I won't come."