Guide To Raising the Sick Villain

Chapter 80


Tan Mo felt that Qiao Lan was too much.

How could he be able to say such beautiful words so easily, with one sentence shattering all his hesitations and concerns, and he couldn't even fight.

How could she be so good at telling love words, how could she say such nice love words casually

Tan Mo thought dizzily, and sure enough, Qiao Lan's language was very good.

He couldn't say it, and after thinking about it, he only had one sentence, that is, I like you so much that I'm going crazy.

Qiao Lan looked at the dazed look of the young man with a smile in her eyes, and suddenly said, "No way."

Tan Mo raised his head suddenly, Qiao Lan saw the eagerness on Tan Mo's face for a moment, and said sternly, "Although my ID card is already an adult, it is almost a year before you become an adult, this is puppy love, right? , the school prohibits puppy love."

Tan Mo said quickly, "The head teacher has acquiesced."

Qiao Lan's beautiful eyes narrowed, and the smile deepened.

It turns out that Tan Mo really knows everything!

So why does she insist that Tan Mo is a child's mentality who doesn't understand anything? Thinking of the fierce and incomparable question just now in the car, and then thinking that Tan Mo was too simple before, Qiao Lan suddenly felt that she was too simple.

But after figuring it out, and then contacting Tan Mo's excited words, Qiao Lan seemed to understand some of the thoughts hidden in the depths of the young man's heart, desire and inferiority intertwined.

Even if you don't think about it, it's painful.

Qiao Lan suddenly felt a little distressed.

Reaching out his hand and stroking the hair of the boy who had gradually calmed down, the cold wind poured into his cuffs. Qiao Lan shivered coldly and took out the phone again, "It's so cold, let's call Uncle Chen."

Tan Mo was silent, stretched out his hand and took Qiao Lan's mobile phone, put it back in Qiao Lan's pocket, and said, "Go back."

After speaking, he added, "Not far, one stop."

Although Uncle Chen and Aunt Chen knew what he was thinking for a long time, they wouldn't get in the way, but Tan Mo didn't want a third person to spoil the current atmosphere, so he just wanted to be with Qiao Lan without anyone disturbing him.

Qiao Lan glanced at the stubborn young man, smiled softly, and pretended not to see Tan Mo's intention, "Okay," Qiao Lan said while walking, "But it's very late, will it be a little dangerous."

"No," Tan Mo said, "I am here."

Qiao Lan chuckled, "So confident."

Tan Mo thought about it seriously, and nodded after a while, "Yeah."

Qiao Lan wanted to laugh again, but this time it was cute.

She always forgets that Tan Mo has grown up, his body is healthy, and he has also learned free combat. Seeing his self-confidence, and thinking about the strength of his hand on Qiao Lan's waist just now, Qiao Lan felt that Tan Mo should be qualified to say such a thing.

Although he is not very strong, he can't move when he is pressed with one hand by Tan Mo. It seems that Tan Mo's learning of free fighting is indeed effective.

Looking up at the boy who was almost a head taller than her, he suddenly remembered the visible muscles on Tan Mo's arms that he had seen at home earlier. At the time, it made her blush and heartbeat, but now that their relationship has changed, they can touch as much as they want. Qiao Lan suddenly reached out and pinched Tan Mo's arm unceremoniously.

Tan Mo was startled, his arms that were suddenly tense really felt very good.

Without the same confused Tan Mo explanation, Qiao Lan calmly retracted her hand and said, "Momo, how tall are you now."

For some unknown reason, Tan Mo, who is always a bit dull, replied dully, "185."

Two months, another four centimeters

Qiao Lan had to sigh again that the development of adolescents is terrible.

Tan Mo didn't know what Qiao Lan was thinking at all, he had been dizzy all the time, and suddenly the infidelity with Qiao Lan did not weaken at all, but became more and more serious. The two accidentally bumped into each other a little, and Tan Mo's heart skipped a beat, and his mind only had a moment of clarity.

After all, this kind of thing is too bizarre.

The girl who had been in love with him for two years and dared not say a word in her heart suddenly told him that she felt the same way as he did.

Even if it is a dream, Tan Mo has never had such a beautiful dream.

It was so beautiful that he couldn't believe it.

Therefore, Tan Mo always wanted to touch Qiao Lan. Only the solidity of the skin can make him feel that everything is true, but this kind of touch is too shallow, and Tan Mo feels that it is not enough.

It's better to kiss like just now, and then hold Qiao Lan in his arms, if it's really bad, then grab her hand.

No matter what kind of contact it is, as long as there is contact, it is fine. Just thinking about it, Qiao Lan suddenly pinched his arm.

Tan Mo hesitated for a long time and stretched out his hand, but when he stretched it out, he suddenly retracted it and put his hand into his pocket.

I almost forgot that I was very insensitive to cold, and I could hardly feel it, so even if Qiao Lan said it was cold, Tan Mo didn't notice it, and even if his hands were exposed to the air, he didn't feel much, he could only feel his fingers. stiff.

But as long as you think about it with your brain, you can know that at this moment, your hands must be as cold as ice.

Tan Mo put his hand in his pocket, and when his fingers became less stiff, he gently held Qiao Lan's hand in a tentative manner.

At the moment when he held it, Qiao Lan held it back, and the moment his fingers intertwined, the unreal feeling lingering in Tan Mo's mind was like being blown away by the cold wind, and Tan Mo's heart was beating with a clear understanding again. speed increased again.

It turned out to be true.

Snowflakes floated in the sky, but Tan Mo wanted to walk slower.

He suddenly regretted why he got off the bus so early, it would be better if he took two more stops.

Qiao Lan had a rare deviation from Tan Mo's mind. Tan Mo reluctantly didn't want to go back, because there would be two light bulbs when he got home, but Qiao Lan really wanted to go back right away.

Although it was romantic to walk hand in hand in the snowy night, it was too cold to bear.

Qiao Lan felt that she was freezing.

Finally arrived at the door of the house, Qiao Lan grabbed Tan Mo and almost flew into the corridor.

She quickly turned on the light and opened the door. When the door opened, she heard Tan Mo suddenly call her. Qiao Lan pulled Tan Mo into the room. After finally feeling the long-lost heating, she breathed a sigh of relief before turning around, "What's wrong?"

He looked up at Aunt Chen, who had come out quickly after hearing the news.

Tan Mo, ""

Instantly returned to his expressionless appearance.

"Nothing." Tan Mo turned his back and lowered his head to change his shoes.

Just wanted to have a kiss before entering the door.

As a result, Qiao Lan didn't hear at all.

Qiao Lan looked at Tan Mo, who had the word grievance written from the roots of his hair, and was stunned in place.

Why did you feel wronged suddenly

Aunt Chen had no idea what was going on between the two of them. While talking about why they didn't make a phone call, she urged the two of them to take a hot shower quickly to avoid catching a cold. She ran to the kitchen and tossed a little supper by herself.

The boy took a shower quickly, and Qiao Lan was still in the bathroom when Tan Mo came out.

Aunt Chen prepared snacks and chicken soup again. Tan Mo took a bite and looked outside the kitchen door. Aunt Chen saw the absent-mindedness at a glance. Aunt Chen thought that the soup she simmered was not good. Tan Mo looked at Aunt Chen. Misunderstood again and hurriedly finished drinking.

Then Aunt Chen drove him directly into the bedroom and urged him to go to sleep.

Tan Mo: ""

He said he couldn't come back so early, and he had to do everything outside if he wanted to.

When I came back, the atmosphere and space were gone.

Tan Mo lay on the bed sullenly, listening to the door of the bathroom outside finally opening, the sound of Qiao Lan's slippers, and the conversation between Qiao Lan and Aunt Chen who could not understand what they were saying.

Finally, Qiao Lan entered the bedroom opposite, the sound of the door being closed.

Everything is quiet again.

Qiao Lan touched her stomach, which was a little stretched, thinking that she must go for a run tomorrow morning. Tan Mo will grow taller by eating like this every day, and she will definitely have a long cross-section if she eats like this.

It was very late, and no matter how lively it was during the day, it was now the dead of night.

Qiao Lan rolled over while wrapped in the quilt, staring at the ceiling with her eyes open. Only then did she have time to be in the mood to sort out everything that happened today.

Today is a dream day for Tan Mo, but not for Qiao Lan.

She just made a decision not long ago that she wanted to teach this young man who didn't know anything about feelings and what he liked, but it was only today that he found out that Tan Mo already knew the meaning of liking, and it was even deeper than she imagined. many.

When you calm down and think about it, many things become traceable.

At the beginning, Tan Mo inexplicably asked her what would happen if she couldn't stand up in her whole life. After half a year, why did she stand up in the end, and why did she struggle again and again when she knew she was not healthy.

Qiao Lan's love for Tan Mo is her wavering hesitation, but Tan Mo's love for her is the difficult repression and struggle to fight against fate and reason.

Compared with Tan Mo, Qiao Lan is too relaxed, too easy.

Qiao Lan's heart was tight again. She couldn't help feeling distressed. Before she knew it, Tan Mo had suffered too much.

Tan Mo feels inferior because of Asperger's disease, but Qiao Lan feels inferior in front of Tan Mo's feelings.

She is really what virtue and how capable she is, to be liked to such an extent by such an excellent boy.

Qiao Lan covered the position of her heart, and she jumped very fast, with bursts of sourness, and it even hurt a little, she took a deep breath and closed her eyes.

I don't know how long it took, Qiao Lan suddenly opened his eyes.

I listened carefully to the movement outside, motionless, but after a long time there was no sound at all.

Did you hear it wrong

Her mind was full of Tan Mo and she couldn't sleep at all. She had just heard a sound, like a door opening. It was very soft, but it really was there.

Qiao Lan thought that Tan Mo came out to drink water at night, but after listening for a long time, there was no movement at all.

Qiao Lan lay with the quilt in her arms for several more minutes, then suddenly turned over from the bed, got out of the bed quickly with bare feet, opened the door, and turned on the dim light in the small corridor.

The boy who should have fallen asleep crouched on the ground, drooping his head and drawing circles with his fingers on the floor.

Then he was taken aback by Qiao Lan's sudden opening of the door, and his delicate and beautiful face was full of daze.

Qiao Lan, who was also stunned in the same place, reacted first, walked two steps over and squatted beside Tan Mo. With Uncle Chen's snoring in his ear, he lowered his voice and asked Tan Mo, "What are you doing here?"

"Nothing," Tan Mo pursed his lips.

Qiao Lan was silent, it was nothing like that at all.

The two squatted together like two little hamsters. After a long time, Tan Mo raised his head to look at Qiao Lan and said slowly, "I just thought about it." After a while, he continued, "Confirm it."

He still felt unreal.

Qiao Lan's heart softened suddenly.

"Since I want to confirm that I'm staying at the door, how can I confirm it?" What if she really fell asleep and didn't hear it

"Come here," Qiao Lan said softly, cupping Tan Mo's cheek, who didn't quite understand but obediently, and kissed it earnestly.

"Confirmed, is it true now, boyfriend?"