Guide To Raising the Sick Villain

Chapter 84


This time, it was Qiao Lan's turn to be stunned.

Because Qiao Lan couldn't see each other and couldn't figure it out, why Tan Mo would ask her such a question.

Qiao Lan felt that they had gone through so much in the two years that they had known each other, and finally came together, no matter what it was, it was a matter of course.

Why are we together, because I like you very much for a long time, and just by chance I found out that you also like me, so we came together.

How natural and comfortable.

Between them, even though no one has ever said the word liking, the act of liking the eyes and liking has been obvious for a long, long time. On the side where they were together, they hugged, kissed, and kissed so fiercely, so Qiao Lan thought that they didn't need to explain this at all. She thought that Tan Mo was the same as herself, in fact, she understood everything.

But Tan Mo suddenly asked her why she was together.

Tan Mo doesn't understand at all.

He didn't know how much he liked him at all.

The bell rang for the end of get out of class. After the second class, everyone had to go downstairs to do radio gymnastics. Tan Mo lowered his eyelashes and turned around and walked outside the classroom. He was suddenly caught by Qiao Lan before he took two steps.

"Follow me," Qiao Lan pulled Tan Mo to the opposite direction of the playground.

The open space between the teaching building and the teaching building is a lawn. There is a trail in the middle of the lawn. There is a spiral staircase going inside the trail.

If you don't go during exercise, the head teacher will definitely ask questions later, but Qiao Lan compared her left and right, and still thinks it is more important to clarify with Tan Mo.

Tan Mo obediently let Qiao Lan drag him away, and after turning into the small spiral staircase, he pressed Tan Mo on the steps before he said, "Tan Mo."

Tan Mo sat on the stairs and looked up at Qiao Lan standing in front of him, "Huh?"

Qiao Lan pressed one hand on the small wall at the entrance of the steps, looked down at Tan Mo, and said, "I always thought that we were together because our intentions were the same as each other, so there are some things that you don't say, you and I understand it all," Qiao Lan said seriously, "but I just found out that some steps in falling in love really can't be saved at all, and the sense of ritual is really a very important thing."

Tan Mo opened his mouth, not knowing what to say.

Because he didn't understand what Qiao Lan meant.

He raised his head and looked at Qiao Lan, and Qiao Lan stared at Tan Mo, "So let's ask everything that has fallen, Tan Mo, why did you kiss me that day?"

Tan Mo's fingers tightened.

Because, Tan Mo said hoarsely as he listened to the beating voice of his heart,

"I like you."

I liked it for a long time, and I liked it to the core.

Qiao Lan smiled, her dark eyes were bright, she bent down a little and continued, "Then why do you think I would kiss you back?"

Tan Mo was silent for a moment, then said honestly, "I don't know."

Tan Mo does not know.

Even today, Tan Mo still can't figure it out, maybe it's because he kissed her her unconscious response, or maybe it's because she didn't understand it at all.

Qiao Lan was so angry that Tan Mo wanted to grab Tan Mo's collar and yell at him, how could you not know! But in the end, he held back and continued, "Then why do you think I am with you?"

After another moment of silence, Tan Mo said, "Have mercy on me."

Qiao Lan: ... ? ?

Qiao Lan was really pissed off this time.

"I pity you?"

Qiao Lan simply didn't know what to say, probably because she was out of anger and didn't care about her image anymore. With her long legs, she stepped on the steps next to Tan Mo, her arms resting on her knees, and the two suddenly got closer.

"Why do I pity you? What can you have that can make me pity? Don't turn your head, look at me", Qiao Lan reached out and turned back Tan Mo's face, "And I'm the kind of person who is confused because I think you're pitiful. The kind of person who decides his life?"

There are many pitiful people in this world, but Tan Mo is the only person she chooses.

And Qiao Lan couldn't understand why Tan Mo felt pity for him. Compared with Tan Mo, she should be pitied more, isn't she

"I don't understand why you think so. In contrast, my family is difficult, no one cares if my father does not love my mother, and there are a lot of troubles. Have you ever pitied me?"

Tan Mo shook his head, how could he feel that Qiao Lan was pitiful, in his heart Qiao Lan was beautiful and smart, and excellent people felt perfect.

Tan Mo's view of Qiao Lan is no longer a simple filter. Qiao Lan felt a little embarrassed when she heard Tan Mo's words, smiled and said, "It sounds so nice, I almost believed it."

"It's all true," Tan Mo said. In his heart, Qiao Lan was such an existence.

"Then do you know that in my heart, you are the same?" Qiao Lan slowed down, as if he was worried that he would not be able to understand, he said almost word for word, "Maybe he also started to approach you. I feel pity, but that's not all, no one's relationship with anyone can only be maintained by pity."

"You don't know how good you are in my heart, you are better than any boy I have ever met." Qiao Lan reached out and stroked Tan Mo's cheek, "You are so beautiful, so smart, so powerful, you don't know that I have I admire you so much, I want to stay by your side and keep walking like this, shush, don't talk, wait until I finish."

Qiao Lan retracted the foot she stepped on the steps, squatted in front of Tan Mo, looked up at him and continued, "What I said is all true, when you went to the United States without telling anything, every day I I'm thinking about you, when will you come back, will you just leave me like this and go away. I'm also afraid, afraid that you will meet another person in a place I can't see, you will be right I treat her the same, and I'm also afraid that one day in the future you will fall in love with a girl I don't know, and from now on, you and I are just better friends."

"I have also tried many times to test whether you also like me, so I have been worrying about gains and losses for a long time. Tan Mo, having said so much, what I want to tell you is that I was never with you because I was sorry for you, and wanted to take care of you. My whole life is because I like you, I don’t like you because I like you when I get too close to other girls, and that day you kissed me and I kissed back because I liked you. I decided to be with you and want to be your girlfriend or because I like you. There is no second reason."

"I didn't expect you to feel so insecure. I'm sorry I didn't say this at the time." Qiao Lan held Tan Mo's hand, put her chin on Tan Mo's knee, raised her head and said softly, "You want to listen to it in the future. You can do it as many times as you want, Tan Mo, I really like you, I have never liked someone like this, and I want to like that for a lifetime, okay, I’m finally done, now it’s your turn to say…”

Tan Mo grabbed Qiao Lan's hand, just wanting to hold the person in his arms, but before he could move, a head stuck out from the hidden little staircase and opened his mouth faintly,

"What are you doing here?"

Also intertwined with Tan Mo's fingers Qiao Lan: "..."

Tan Mo, who first calmed down after being stunned for a moment, said, "...let's have a heart-to-heart talk."

Seeing that there are two less people doing exercises, I have been looking for a class teacher for nearly ten minutes: "..."

When can we not have a heart-to-heart talk? Where can you not talk heart to heart? Do you have to go to such a place where birds don't poop to talk between classes? If you have something to say, you have to say it now, and you can't wait for the rest of the class to finish.

The head teacher became more and more angry.

He turned one eye and closed one eye, no matter what the two did, after all, the two of them didn't fall behind, but today's behavior is really too much! He has brought students for decades, and he has never seen such courage in puppy love!

Fortunately, he saw it. If it was seen by the dean, it shouldn't be pulled out and criticized by the whole school

This can't be over like this, it has to be managed!

Even if the relationship between the two of you has been acquiesced in the family, even if your two grades are the first and second in the grade, you must take care of it. This makes the school younger brothers and younger sisters see what the system is, and who is responsible for the bad teaching!

So the students in Class 18 found that the head teacher brought back Qiao Lan and Tan Mo angrily, and took them out again. The whole Chinese class disappeared, and they didn't come back until after the Chinese class.

Qiao Lan and Tan Mo wrote a class inspection, Qiao Lan obediently and earnestly wrote 800 words, and Tan Mo's inspection report was just one sentence, sorry teacher, I was wrong.

No one knew what the two of them were up to. Who made the two of them perform so well? Even Bai Yu thought that the head teacher sought them out because of academic problems.

The head teacher finally finished educating the two of them and strictly prohibited them from being so rampant in school.

So the two people who were educated finally calmed down for several days.

In fact, it's not the class teacher's credit, but because of Qiao Lan's confession, Tan Mo finally ended the period of self-doubt that made him restless, and even because the confession was too sweet, his reaction was half a beat, and he was happy like a man. little fool.

It wasn't until Friday night that the power of Qiao Lan's words finally subsided, Tan Mo's dizzy head was finally able to think rationally, and the little fool was finally no longer stupid and became excited.

During the evening self-study, Qiao Lan received Tan Mo's WeChat, and Tan Mo said that he was outside the teaching building.

Qiao Lan looked at the biology teacher sitting on the podium.

Very good, today is not the evening self-study of the head teacher. The head teacher has not shown up tonight. It seems that he did not come at all.

Qiao Lan ran to ask for leave from the biology teacher. The biology teacher did not have any doubts about a good student like Qiao Lan, and was very concerned about letting her pay attention to her body.

Qiao Lan nodded obediently, then walked out of the classroom and out of the corridor, and was hugged full of arms just after going down the steps.

Tan Mo almost picked her up in the air, and Qiao Lan hurriedly hugged Tan Mo's neck in a panic, "Why did you suddenly come here at night?"

"I miss you," Tan Mo whispered as he buried his cheeks on Qiao Lan's collarbone.

"I can go home tomorrow weekend." Qiao Lan stroked Tan Mo's head, "I have to come here suddenly today."

"I missed you," Tan Mo said in a low voice after repeating it again, "Does what you said that day count?"

"What?" Qiao Lan said deliberately, "I said a lot that day."

Tan Mo put her on the ground, lowered his head and gently rubbed Qiao Lan's forehead with his forehead, "You said that as long as I want to hear it, you can tell me, I want to hear it now."

Qiao Lan chuckled lightly, stroked Tan Mo's cheek with her fingers and finally pinched it on his earlobe, stood on tiptoe and whispered in his ear, "What? I like you, I like you very much, I like you the most, which do you like? "