Guide To Raising the Sick Villain

Chapter 9


Qiao Lan approached the classroom with candy in her pocket, always feeling that the atmosphere in the classroom today was a bit wrong.

But I didn't think much about it. Maybe it was because there was a physical education class in the afternoon, and everyone was more excited. After all, the previous two physical education classes were changed to self-study because of the rain.

The sun is shining brightly today.

Physical education is the last session in the afternoon.

After the second class was over, the classmates rushed downstairs one by one. Qiao Lan sorted out her things and looked back habitually. Tan Mo hid herself in a small shadow behind the wall and lowered her head. It is out of tune with the lively classroom.

Qiao Lan packed up her books and walked downstairs slowly. The playground was just across the road to the right of the teaching building. The students were chatting together, and the sports committee was calling for everyone to form a team.

The physical education teacher also knew that the students wanted to play ball, and organized the students to do a few groups of sports before disbanding. The students cheered and rushed to the court.

After Song Yao and other teams disbanded, they turned to look for Qiao Lan.

For the past few days, she didn't know what to do.

She was the one who brought Qiao Lan to play together at the beginning. Although her friends didn't like Qiao Lan, even Chen Yaoyang said that Qiao Lan was not as deep as she appeared on the surface, so she should stay away from Qiao Lan.

Song Yao was very embarrassed, especially after Qiao Lan quarreled with her close friend, Song Yao was even more difficult. If she asked Qiao Lan to play together now, her good friend would definitely be unhappy.

But as soon as he turned his head, he saw Qiao Lan standing alone, and he couldn't bear it anymore. He was struggling to ask Qiao Lan to play together, and was pulled away by the girl who was playing with him.

"What are you in a daze, Yaoyang and the others are going to play!"

Song Yao's thoughts were instantly taken away by Chen Yaoyang's name, and when she turned her head again, Qiao Lan was gone.

Maybe it's also watching Chen Yaoyang and the others play.

Song Yao actually knew that Qiao Lan liked Chen Yaoyang, but there were too many people who liked Chen Yaoyang. From childhood to adulthood, she was already used to it, and she even knew that she had a good time with her. Friends also like Chen Yaoyang.

It was a lot of fun on the field today.

Boys play, girls watch, and even students from other classes come to watch today's game, mainly because of two people.

One Chen Yaoyang and one Hao Ying.

Because of his handsome looks, Chen Yaoyang won the first grade in the first monthly exam, and has since become a star of the school; and Hao Ying was a star as soon as he entered the school, just because Hao Ying had a star face. , He looked like a very popular actor at the time. When the report was first reported, even the seniors from the second and third year of high school came to see him.

In this way, the two of them played together, and after a while, there was a circle of people around the stadium. Qiao Lan bypassed the crowded stadium, and just entered the elementary school building quietly and returned to the classroom.

She wasn't in the mood to watch a bunch of high school students play ball, and she wasn't in the mood to stand there and be ridiculed as a living target. She might as well go back to the classroom to read.

The classroom was very quiet, only Tan Mo was reading a book.

All the classmates went to the playground for PE lessons, and he was the only one in the classroom.

Tan Mo likes to be alone. There are no other people around, and there are no messy voices. It is a rare relaxation for Tan Mo. When he is alone, he can read faster than usual, and he will not be tense.

Prolonged periods of high-intensity concentration to maintain a vigilant posture can be exhausting both physically and mentally.

But the next moment, clear footsteps stepped into the classroom, making Tan Mo's body stiff in an instant.

someone is coming.

He suddenly raised his head, and across his long forehead, he instantly recognized the person in the classroom.

It was the girl who kept saying hello to him.

But after being warned by him to stay away from him last time, she never said good morning or good afternoon to him again.

He guessed it would be so, and it should be so.

If it is good intentions, after he refuses again and again, it should give up, if it is malicious, after being noticed by him, it should also retreat.

But since it has been given up, why does it appear here again

Why are you here, why are you still smiling at him like the previous few times.

How could it be good intentions? Even his biological father chose to throw his hands after being rejected by him several times, let alone such a stranger.

Is that malicious, then

Because she said that humiliating him a few days ago, because she has not achieved her goal yet, so she insists on it again and again, what does she want to do? What exactly does she want

He lowered his head and guessed what she would do, but he was powerless to think that even if she wanted to do what he could do.

He has no ability to resist, not even to stand up.

All the sounds around him were clearer than usual. He could hear the footsteps of the girl getting closer and closer, and the sound of the chair being pulled away... Finally, the sound of gently opening the book.

The surroundings were calm again.

Tan Mo raised his head suddenly.

The girl who had just approached the classroom sat in her seat with her head lowered, holding a pen in her hand to write something.

She did not approach him, she returned to her seat.

She didn't do anything, she didn't show any malice, Tan Mo unconsciously clenched the pen in his hand, and his eyes fell directly on the girl sitting in front, as if he wanted to find something from her.

The tip of the pen touches the paper and leaves a slight rustling sound, quiet and peaceful.

Tan Mo still stared at her, and if Qiao Lan turned around, she would see that suffocating gaze.

In fact, when she first entered the classroom, she wanted to approach and say hello to Tan Mo, but found that Tan Mo was very nervous.

Recalling the content in the previous materials, Qiao Lan gave up approaching Tan Mo, and finally just smiled at Tan Mo and returned to her seat.

Qiao Lan did the questions very seriously, Tan Mo stared at Qiao Lan more seriously, Qiao Lan turned his back to him, and could not see his unbridled inquiring eyes.

As time passed, the sun began to gradually turn to the west. The sun was lying on its side and shone into the classroom, illuminating the shadow of Tan Mo that was originally blocked by the wall.

Tan Mo's table was gradually covered with sunlight, shining on the open book, which stings Tan Mo's eyes.

He is not very adaptable to strong lights, and if it were brighter, his eyes would even be a little blurry.

He set his eyes on Qiao Lan again, but when he looked at it again, Qiao Lan's body looked a little unreal, and there seemed to be a dark shadow in front of him.

Eyes hurt more.

He closed his eyes, and when he opened it, he stretched out his hand to pull the curtain not far away, but it was a little far away. He moved the wheelchair forward, but he couldn't do anything.

Qiao Lan heard a little movement while doing the question, and when she turned around, she found Tan Mo's pale hand holding the curtain, but because of the distance, the curtain could only make a slight noise.

Only then did Qiao Lan notice that half of Tan Mo's body had been exposed to the sun.

He is afraid of light.

Qiao Lan discovered another secret.

After hesitating for a moment, Qiao Lan gently pushed the chair and stood up. Tan Mo's sensitive hearing instantly heard the sound, and the hand holding the curtain trembled and froze.

He heard her pull away the chair, the footsteps getting closer and closer to him.

He raised his head stiffly and saw her walking in front of him, walking to the window, closing the window and pulling the curtains with his hand.

In an instant, all the dazzling light was hidden behind the curtains, the space belonging to Tan Mo regained its previous brightness, and the somewhat unreal vision that was stimulated by the sun just now gradually returned to normal.

He saw the corners of her lips raised slightly, and the dark eyes staring at him seriously.

Her pupils are really dark.

But if Tan Mo can read other people's eyes like normal people, then he can see the faint smile hidden in these dark eyes.

Tan Mo was still tense all over, but the tense feeling seemed to be different from just now.

Tan Mo lowered his head and raised his head again after the other party said "I'm sorry".

The girl with dark eyes sat on the chair in front of her, her eyes were level with him, "I'm sorry", the girl said, "I just wanted to talk to you that day, I'm really sorry to offend you, but I really didn't mean it ."

Tan Mo fixedly looked at her and did not speak.

Qiao Lan paused, reached out and touched his pocket, and finally took out a lollipop and placed it on his table, "I really didn't mean it, can you forgive me?"

Tan Mo still looked at her, still did not speak.

Although she had long known that it would be difficult to get close to Tan Mo, Qiao Lan was still a little disappointed. Tan Mo was still very resistant to her, sighed silently, looked back at the time, and the get out of class was over in five minutes. , she has to go down to assemble.

"I have to go down and gather." Qiao Lan stood up, turned and walked towards the door. After two steps, she turned around and said, "Tanmo, goodbye."

Tan Mo was hidden in the shadow behind the wall, motionless.

It wasn't until Qiao Lan's figure disappeared and the sound of footsteps faded away that he set his sights on the sugar on the table.

He never eats candy.

After a long silence, he picked up the candy, turned the wheelchair and slowly moved to Qiao Lan's seat, and slowly placed the candy on Qiao Lan's table.

On the table was the physics paper that Qiao Lan had just finished. He had already written most of it, and there were still a few questions left, and the part that had been written was empty.

It's that she won't do it on purpose.

Tan Mo stared at the question for less than twenty seconds, then turned around expressionlessly.

He can figure out the answer to this question in his mind in just twenty seconds.

He already knew all this knowledge when he was twelve years old, but she couldn't do it.

How stupid.

Stupid beyond imagination.

Would such a stupid person really try to deceive him again and again just to humiliate him

Tan Mo's hand holding the wheelchair stopped.

After a long silence, Tan Mo turned the wheelchair and returned to Qiao Lan's seat, opened Qiao Lan's book, remembered the name in the book, and finally took the candy that was just returned in his hand again.