Guide To Raising the Sick Villain

Chapter 90


Qiao Lan didn't even think about it, refused!

Every meal of Tan Mo is specially matched by a professional nutritionist, and there are many things he can't touch at all.

The ghost knows whether Tan Mo's system can drink alcohol or not.

What if I have a problem with drinking alcohol

"No." Qiao Lan is like a little hen who protects her calf. She can block the menacing Hao Ying with her body. "Tan Mo has never had a drink, so I don't drink it."

Hao Ying had probably already drank a little, and the whole person looked different from usual.

But maybe it's because of Qiao Lan, especially now that Qiao Lan is still protecting Tan Mo and contradicting him, Hao Ying's handsome face is a little pitiful due to the smell of alcohol, looking at Qiao Lan His eyes were full of grievances.

If you don't accept me, it's fine, and now you are suspected of helping your family bully me.

"Everyone has never had a drink, and I've never had it before." Hao Ying was really looking for trouble this time. After two years in school, she has now graduated. After the results come out, everyone goes their separate ways. In the future, I may not even see Qiao Lan once.

So just treat today as the last time we meet. If you are wronged, you will be wronged. If you need to be angry, you will be angry.

Since Tan Mo Neng stood up, the status of Hao Ying and Chen Yaoyang in everyone's minds began to plummet.

Don't talk about Chen Yaoyang, just talk about Hao Ying herself, Hao Ying is angry when she thinks about it.

According to many people, Tan Mo looks better than Hao Ying, and he was completely beaten in his studies. Originally, he couldn't match his height. As a result, Tan Mo became crazy in the later period. The slippery landlords are no match for Tan Mo, who has just started playing.

Nothing beats Tan Mo.

I mean, don't be embarrassed.

Hao Ying is determined to compare with Tan Mo today, even if I am inferior to you in every way, I don't believe that I can't drink enough to drink you

Especially Qiao Lan just said that Tan Mo has never drunk alcohol.

Tan Mo has never drank alcohol, but Hao Ying played with his buddies when he was in junior high school, and drinking has long been commonplace.

Is it unfair

No matter, the girl I liked so much was kidnapped by Tan Mo. What's wrong with unfairness

hold on!

After being unreasonable, Hao Ying patted the table and yelled at Qiao Lan, "This is a matter between us men, don't get involved, Bai Yu, take Qiao Lan to sing and drink orange juice!"

Qiao Lan: "..."

Bai Yu: …

She didn't dare, Bai Yu was 100% more afraid of Tan Mo than offending Hao Ying.

Bai Yu didn't dare, but there were more than Bai Yu and Qiao Lan present today.

Almost everyone in the class except Chen Yaoyang, Hao Yingtanmo and others were the focus, but now the two of them are directly facing each other, and they don't even sing songs.

Especially the few who have a good relationship with Qiao Lan, who are usually fed too much dog food by Qiao Lan and Tan Mo, the fairy is more excited than anyone else.

"Drink and drink!"

Qiao Lan wanted to stop him again, but Tan Mo was unusually calm.

Reaching out to take the beer bottle that Hao Ying handed over, he tried to open the bottle cap with a wine screwdriver gracefully, and raised his eyebrows, "How do you drink it?"

The students next to him suddenly boiled.

Bai Yu didn't dare to listen to Hao Ying's words, but it was obvious that he wanted to watch the fun more than anyone else. Seeing Tan Mo's excited attitude, he grabbed Qiao Lan's arm and said, "Fuck."

"Hao Ying lost again," Bai Yu sighed, "Tan Mo is too handsome!"

For Qiao Lan, who already has a filter in Tan Mo, she naturally only thinks it is more handsome.

The young man sat firmly on the sofa, leaning on the sofa and raising his eyebrows, which made Qiao Lan feel palpitations.

The classmates who were watching the excitement around moved stools, and those who sat on the back of the sofa sat on the back of the sofa. Qiao Lan silently squeezed to the side of Tan Mo, looked at the row of beer mugs that had been poured, and then looked at the aggressive Hao Ying. In the end, he asked Tan Mo in a low voice, "Really drink, do you know how to drink?"

"No," Tan Mo was sincere, "I've never had one."

I don't know who brought many cups from outside. One table is full of wine, and there are twenty cups at least. Qiao Lan's scalp is numb, "Then what do you promise?"

The action just now was really cool, but it's not like being a hero.

"It's not certain who drinks it," Tan Mo was not worried at all, "and..."

Having said this, Tan Mo paused, turned his head and whispered in Qiao Lan's ear, "For you, I can't lose."

Qiao Lan: "..."

Although a little moved.

But does this kind of thing mean that you can win if you win

Hao Ying saw that he was used to drinking on the wine scene, so he dared to directly ask Tan Mo to make a drink, but Tan Mo had never drank it at all.

But Tan Mo had already agreed, and Qiao Lan did not object.

Forget it and drink it. Tan Mo should not be the kind of person who doesn't make fun of his body at all. If he dares to agree, he should not be allergic to alcohol.

As long as you don't have allergies and don't get into trouble, even if you're drunk...

Get drunk and get drunk.

Hao Ying probably couldn't bear to see Qiao Lan and Tan Mo biting their ears in front of her eyes, she couldn't bear to knock on the table with dice, "Don't talk, drink!"

"You talk about the rules first." Tan Mo narrowed his eyes and glanced at Hao Ying, and a wicked smile suddenly appeared on his lips. He said to Qiao Lan in a voice that Hao Ying could definitely hear, "Encouragement. a bit?"


Qiao Lan was stunned for a moment, what encouragement

On the contrary, the classmates who were watching the lively next to him had a faster brain circuit than Qiao Lan. They laughed and screamed in an instant.

Tan Mo squeezed Qiao Lan's chin, turned her cheek, and kissed Qiao Lan on the lips in front of Hao Ying.

A moment of screaming almost knocked the roof off.

Tan Mo's move was simply too cruel. Showing his affection in front of Hao Ying, Hao Ying came aggressively, and now he might be wei.

Qiao Lan was caught off guard by the kiss. Listening to everyone's cheers, her cheeks became hot after realizing it.

Sitting opposite Hao Ying, who was caught off guard and "hurt", she stared at Tan Mo silently for nearly ten seconds before taking a deep breath.

Damn it, if you don't drink Tan Mo today, he will take the surname of Tan Mo!

"Bragging, will it be possible?" Hao Ying felt that she couldn't talk nonsense with Tan Mo. If she talked nonsense, she would lose, and it was because of drinking.

"No", Tan Mo is a good boy, he doesn't drink and doesn't "gambling", how could someone who doesn't know how to play landlords play "bragging."

Hao Ying can only explain to Tan Mo, "Each person shakes it once, sees the number of points in his own cup, guesses the point of the other party, and then starts to call out from the dealer how many dice of a certain point there are in the dice cup of all the participants, called it For example, three points, four points, a maximum of six points... I will demonstrate with the old cat once, you can take a look first, and let's start."

Qiao Lan sat in front of Tan Mo, looked up at Hao Ying, and suddenly felt pity for the child.

If you play tricks like the size of the gold and the flower, it's as much as you want. Although this game is boring, it's pure luck.

But "bragging" is different. This game is not only better than luck, but also IQ. It depends on whether your guess is accurate or not.

Tan Mo played Landlord Fight, and he could beat Hao Ying in three games. This kind of game... Qiao Lan stood directly on Tan Mo's side without thinking.

Tan Mo just said, "It's too wise to say who is drinking it."

Hao Ying was probably too confident in herself. After playing a few games with a boy in the class, she asked Tan Mo if she understood.

Tan Mo made it clear, and Hao Ying "kindly" gave Tan Mo three chances to try it out, "Let's try the first three games, don't drink, and after the three games, start drinking, no problem."

"No," Tan Mo shook his dice and said slowly, "How about wine."

"Three cups in one game, I had fun."

Usually it's three or six, but Hao Ying said that having a good time makes it clear that he wants to drink. If I'm not satisfied, then keep playing until I get you drunk.

"Yes." Tan Mo's expression was still light, "Try it first."


Start with three hands, don't drink, it's purely for practice.

Tan Mo lost all.

The classmates who were watching the lively around made a noise. Some people started to say that Hao Ying was a bit bullying. After all, Tan Mo had never played.

Hao Ying is very thick-skinned. What's wrong with not playing, who asked him to agree.

Only Qiao Lan, look at the three dice in Tan Mo's hand, and think about the number Tan Mo just called.'s just screaming.

If it wasn't for Tan Mo who didn't get the hang of it at all, then it would be...

on purpose.

Qiao Lan thinks the latter is more likely.

After all, "bragging" is not a game with too high IQ, and it has something to do with mathematics. It is impossible for Tan Mo to play a few games by himself after watching a few games of others, and he still doesn't understand anything.

Tan Mo's IQ was never on the same level as their normal people.

So under such a start, when Hao Ying finally felt that victory was in sight, Hao Ying's tragic night finally kicked off.

When the game officially started, Hao Ying was dumbfounded.

In this game, the element of luck is too low, no matter how good the idea is in your hand, as long as the opponent guesses it, it doesn't matter if you are good or not.

At the beginning of the third round, Hao Ying, who had just won three straight games, lost all of them.

Nine glasses of wine were sent directly to the eyes.

Hao Ying was not convinced. Do not believe in evil, "Continue!"

Tan Mo glanced at the wine lightly, "Sake the wine first."

Hao Ying: "..."

The classmates who were watching the lively next to her ran out and asked for a large nine glasses. Hao Ying watched as the nine glasses were poured together, and then a large glass of wine was handed in front of her.

It wasn't the start he imagined.

It shouldn't be like this!

Hao Ying's words counted, and he didn't mean to escape the drink, and he was really good at drinking. After drinking a large glass, he shouted "come again".


In the beginning, it was indeed because of Tan Mo's intentional showing of weakness that Hao Ying underestimated the enemy a lot. Only now did he find out that Tan Mo was throwing a fog bomb, and Hao Ying finally paid attention to it this time.

Although it is said that the IQ is not as good as that of Tan Mo, but he is a veteran who has been playing for many years. After taking it seriously without underestimating the enemy, it is finally not the situation where Tan Mo has been hanging and beating.

You can still win one in three rounds, and occasionally you can get a little better after taking the lead.

Overall, the two have a winning percentage of three to seven, Hao Yingsan and Tan Moqi.

Tan Mo couldn't help frowning when he started drinking. People who have never drank, even beer, don't think it tastes good.

After drinking more and more slowly, I feel that the beer is not as difficult to swallow as before, and the taste is okay.

But people who drink often are more experienced. When you feel that the wine starts to taste good, it means that you have been drinking too much.

Obviously, Qiao Lan, who doesn't drink much, doesn't know it, and Tan Mo, who has never drank before, doesn't even know.