Guide To Raising the Sick Villain

Chapter 95


Uncle Chen and Aunt Chen went out and came back a few days later, inexplicably feeling that the atmosphere of the two children at home was wrong.

Worse than before.

But for the old couple, the better Qiao Lan and Tan Mo are, the happier they are.

I heard that Aunt Chen married Uncle Chen when she was an adult. If it weren't for the society's promotion of late marriage, the two children would not have reached the age of marriage.

Tan Mo still goes to practice boxing every night, but Qiao Lan is now free, so he accompanies Tan Mo every day.

Chen Bo rushed both of them to take the driver's license test, so he learned to drive during the day and practiced boxing at night.

Until the high school entrance examination results finally came out.

I don't know how other people are doing, Qiao Lan is not very worried or anxious, and Tan Mo is even more calm.

Because it is good enough, there is almost an estimated result after the test, and the final result should not be too different from the estimated result, especially for science.

Qiao Lan and Tan Mo didn't stay up all night waiting to check their results until just after six o'clock the next day, when the class teacher, whom they hadn't seen for a long time, called Qiao Lan's cell phone directly.

Although I haven't checked the results yet, judging from the excitement of the head teacher, Qiao Lan and Tan Mo must not have performed abnormally, and they did well in the test.

But if he was so excited about it, Qiao Lan also became excited, and hurriedly asked the head teacher, Tan Mo, how much he had taken in the exam.

The head teacher called Qiao Lan because she was too excited, but she didn't even know what Qiao Lan said.

"I won't tell you," the head teacher laughed happily, "You check it out yourself, and remember to come to school after you check it out."

On the day when the grades are released, the school will uniformly issue the professional guidance book for the students to apply for the school, and some students also ask the teachers for their opinions, so everyone will go to the school.

"Okay." After Qiao Lan hung up the phone, she pulled Tan Mo and ran to turn on the computer. Aunt Chen and Uncle Chen also followed behind to watch the fun.

Although I don't know much about the college entrance examination, many grandparents don't understand this in reality, and they still care a lot when their grandchildren get their grades.

Although it is said that Qiao Lan habitually eats what she likes first when she eats, but now Qiao Lan still feels that she should check her own first, and then check Tan Mo's, leaving the surprise for the end.

Enter her admission ticket number, and after a while, Qiao Lan's results and information are all displayed.

The full score of mathematics and English is 150, the Chinese language is 140, and the comprehensive score is slightly lower at 281.

Overall score, 721.

Qiao Lan's college entrance examination paper one, a set of paper used by many provinces, has a total score of 750 points.

This score was a little higher than what Qiao Lan had expected before.

Qiao Lan estimated herself to be around 715, which was similar to her usual mock exams. Qiao Lan had never scored 720 in the mock exam, but she did not expect to break through the most important college entrance examination.

Although it only broke by one point, it is still a breakthrough!

It's probably because Qiao Lan and Tan Mo's expressions are too calm, Uncle Chen and Aunt Chen are not sure, so is girl Lan doing well in the exam or not

Tan Mo thought for a while and said, "Aside from the difficulty level of this year's paper, this score is almost the number one in some provinces."

I don't understand the grades, but I understand the word champion. Aunt Chen happily hugged Qiao Lan and almost kissed Qiao Lan, but Tan Mo dragged him back.

Qiao Lan quickly closed her page, clicked on the new page, and entered Tan Mo's admission ticket number.

It's enough to know her score, Tan Mo's score is the highlight!

The head teacher has been looking forward to Tan Mo's return as the provincial champion. As Tan Mo's girlfriend, Qiao Lan is even more excited than the head teacher.

After entering all the information, Qiao Lan paused, took a deep breath, and got ready.

Tan Mo couldn't help laughing and said, "Maybe you are taller than me."

"How is that possible?" Qiao Lan shook her head without thinking, "You must be taller than me, if it weren't for me eating keyboards."

The moment he spoke, he clicked.

Tan Mo glanced at it lightly and smiled, "It seems that you don't need to eat a keyboard anymore."

Qiao Lan stared at the result several times before turning around and grabbing Tan Mo's hand, her voice unable to hide her excitement, "Why are you so calm!"


Still, the full score of mathematics and English is 160, and the language is two points higher than Qiao Lan, 140. The most terrifying comprehensive score is 298. It is a full score if it is two points away.

The total score is only 12 points away.

Among them, ten points are in the language, but the language score is 140, which is already the highest score in the high score.

Qiao Lan was used to seeing Tan Mo's power for a long time, but he couldn't help but sigh.

How can my boyfriend be so awesome

It's 12 points out of 12!

Over the years, the province's college entrance examination champion definitely does not have such a high score.

If Tan Mo's score is not the champion, Qiao Lan can eat the keyboard again.

However, there is no need to ask the head teacher to confirm, the official website has already published news, Tan Mo's name is hanging on the top, and the amazing score is also hanging high.

Qiao Lan instantly understood why the head teacher was so excited just now, and now she is excited to find someone to call and show off.

But almost all of my friends are my classmates, so I don't need Qiao Lan to say, they should know all of them.

Qiao Lan suddenly felt a sense of loss that had nowhere to show off.

In the end, I can only continue to sigh with my boyfriend, how can I get such a good test this time.

Tan Mo answered seriously, thought for a while and said, "Because I checked it twice more."

Qiao Lan: "..."

Others don't have enough time to do the papers, so where do they have time to check them, and they check them twice.

So in the final analysis, Tan Mo is still amazing!

"Go, go to school!"

Qiao Lan was instantly revived with blood, as if he had got some big baby, and he had to find someone to show off.

Tan Mo couldn't help laughing again.

It is clear that he has also achieved unprecedented good results in the exam, but he doesn't seem to pay attention at all, and all his thoughts are placed on him.

Although Tan Mo doesn't like being lively and doesn't like people paying too much attention to him, but now he is very willing to cooperate with Qiao Lan.

After arriving at the school, there was a very conspicuous banner hanging on the banner below the teaching building. Tan Mo's name and grades were hung on the top. The office building was already crowded with students, and they all ran to find the teacher. our.

The results finally came out, some people were happy and some were worried, but most of them seemed to be in a good mood, and they got together and chatted happily.

Although it is said that Tan Mo Qiaolan is usually the star in the school, but today these two are definitely even more!

I think there were still people who were so arrogant about Qiao Lan and Tan Mo that they were blatant in their love affairs, but the teacher just turned a blind eye and pretended not to see it, which was unfair.

Looking at it now, the two people in the world are in love, but their studies have not fallen behind at all.

Some people can't help but sigh, God was really eccentric when he created man, why are some people so good-looking and still able to study so well? And there are boyfriends (girlfriends) too!

God is unfair!

Just like the usual exams, the school ranked first in Tan Mo, Qiao Lan and second, and this time the college entrance examination is still the same.

However, Tan Mo is the first in the school and the first in the province, while Qiao Lan is the second in the school and the third in the province.

The second place is a scholar from No. 1 Middle School, four points higher than Qiao Lan, with a total score of 725 points.

So Tan Mo is the only one who has more than 730!

The head teacher is definitely one of the most powerful teachers among all the teachers today.

The results of this province are neither too early nor too late. There have been several provinces that were also ranked first in the country, and the champions of those provinces did not have high scores in Tanmo. Lan has a high score.

Therefore, the head teacher estimates that Tan Mo's score is likely to be not only the first in the province, but also the first in the country for this set of papers!

More than 730 points is already rare, not to mention that Tan Mo is 738 instead of 731 or 732.

At that time, the cards will be even bigger!

Finally, when Qiao Lan and Tan Mo came to the office, the beaming head teacher rushed up and gave Tan Mo a big, unsuspecting hug.

Tan Mo is not used to hugging anyone other than Qiao Lan, let alone such a "sincere" hug.

For a time, the forehead jumped and almost threw the head teacher out.

Fortunately, the head teacher suddenly remembered that when Tan Mo came to school when he came to school, Uncle Chen had specifically mentioned that Tan Mo did not like human contact.

Then he hurriedly let go, and then happily explained, "I'm so happy, I can't hold back."

Tan Mo took two steps back with an expressionless face, and stood behind Qiao Lan, and the surrounding teachers and classmates all laughed.

At first, the teachers pretended not to be able to see Qiao Lan and Tan Mo, but now these two children have graduated, and they have both done so well in the exams, and seeing the two together, it is immediately pleasing to the eye.

Good-looking and excellent children, just ask who doesn't like it

The head teacher was so happy, pulling Tan Mo and still talking, Qiao Lan picked up the performance statistics table of Class 18 and read it from top to bottom.

Chen Yaoyang might be pissed off, because Qiao Lan is one point higher than Chen Yaoyang.

Qiao Lan mainly looks at a few people who have a good relationship with her. Bai Yu is performing normally, and there should be no problem with applying for the school she envisioned before.

After watching all the way, he finally stopped at Xiang Xiaohan's position.

This year's exam is a bit difficult, the score line is about ten points lower than last year, Bai Yu is nearly fifty points higher than the first line, and Qiao Lan and Tan Mo are even higher.

But Xiang Xiaohan didn't get the first grade.

Class 18 is not an ordinary class, class 18 is the top class.

The admission rate that the school pursues is 98%, 98% means that it is actually 100%.

Xiang Xiaohan's grades in Class 18 were indeed not good, at the middle and lower levels, but the top class was the top class, even the last students who went to the regular class could get a middle position in the exam.

As a result, Xiang Xiaohan didn't even pass a single line this time

Qiao Lan looked at Hao Ying's results, and Hao Ying surpassed the first line by 20 points.

Qiao Lan looked at Xiang Xiaohan's name. Although it was a little immoral, a few words still popped into her mind.

deserve it.

It is not incomprehensible that the mind is placed in the place where it should not be placed.

However, it was a bit tragic that Xiang Xiaohan became the only student in Class 18 who was not up to the standard.

The 100% enrollment rate in Class 18 was dragged back to 98% by Xiang Xiaohan.

The head teacher sighed from time to time, waiting for Xiang Xiaohan to come to prepare for ideological work, but Xiang Xiaohan never came.

I didn't come if I didn't come, and the head teacher didn't care too much, and turned to ask a few students about their intentions to apply for the exam.

Qiao Lan and Tan Mo's universities are very easy to choose. The two highest universities in the country are now left to them to choose, it depends on which of these two people choose.

Qiao Lan and Tan Mo chose schools very quickly, but when they were choosing their majors, Tan Mo looked at the major that Qiao Lan finally confirmed, and his pupils shrank suddenly.

Qiao Lan did not choose the finance that she promised to study before, she applied for applied psychology.