Guide To Raising the Sick Villain

Chapter 97


Tan Mo must be the newest student with the least luggage.

Qiao Lan also carried a small box, and Tan Mo only had a mobile phone all over his body.

This person is afraid of trouble, and everything, including clothes, is ready to be bought again after the registration is completed today.

The welcome was very lively.

The small bunting extends from the school gate to the registration office. There are seniors and seniors wearing various T-shirts everywhere. When one comes in, they ask which college they belong to.

Mathematics major is one of the ace majors of B University, and it is also a key major for top students to get together, so even the registration place is more conspicuous than other majors.

Tan Mo glanced over there, Wu Yangyang was full of people, and Tan Mo subconsciously didn't want to go there. He already disliked this kind of environment, not to mention the more suffocating registration office.

No matter how much I don't like it in my heart, I can't see anything on the face. Tan Mo is now very good at concealing his true thoughts, and even his eyes can be concealed so that Qiao Lan can't see it at all.

"Don't you really need me to accompany you?" Qiao Lan asked.

"No," Tan Mo returned the small box to Qiao Lan, "Call me when you find the dormitory in a while."

"Okay," Qiao Lan said. She and Tan Mo made an appointment to go shopping after the registration. Tan Mo lacked too many things.

Qiao Lan is not at ease. Who made Tan Mo always take care of him? Qiao Lan looked back at Tan Mo while looking for a position in psychology. Seeing is a standard freshman who has never seen anything.

In fact, Qiao Lan is definitely the most calm one today. After all, she has already experienced it once, and she also went to welcome new students when she was a sophomore. The general process is still quite familiar.

Qiao Lan walked around and finally saw a banner under the shade of a tree that said psychology major.

B University's psychology is a top-notch major in the country, but it is not a popular major, and the number of recruits is very small. This year, B University recruits a total of 70 undergraduates, 70 or 80 students a year, and the total number of students in several grades is less than The number of freshmen entering college majors.

Qiao Lan reckoned that it should be quite deserted here. In two days, he received a total of 70 schoolmates, so it shouldn't be too easy. But after arriving at the place, I found that there were quite a few people crowded together, which looked much more lively than the few professionals next to it.

After Qiao Lan walked over, the senior sister who was sitting in the front of the statistics heard the sound of pulling the box rolling and hurriedly roared behind, "Be quiet, a new student has arrived, give me the notice..."

When she turned her head, she saw Qiao Lan. Senior sister looked at Qiao Lan for a while, then lowered her head to look at Qiao Lan's admission letter, her voice softened in an instant, "It's so hot, go inside, junior first. Sit down and fill this out."

Sister Yisheng attracted a few talking seniors over, and after seeing Qiao Lan's appearance clearly, her eyes lit up and she suddenly squeezed over.

As soon as the few people dispersed, Qiao Lan suddenly understood why there were so many people here.

There was a boy sitting in the innermost position. When Qiao Lan saw him, the words "senior" popped into his mind, because he couldn't tell when he was sitting. He looked very clean in a white casual shirt. He was very gentle in appearance and temperament, of course. The most important thing is to look good.

Otherwise, why are there so many people here alone, after all, there are handsome guys sitting here.

But even if he is a handsome guy, he is far worse than Tan Mo, probably on the same level as Chen Yaoyang and Hao Ying.

Qiao Lan has a filter for Tan Mo, and it looks better if no one closes Tan Mo.

Qiao Lan glanced at it and retracted her eyes, took the pen handed over by her senior, and filled in her professional name on the form. The other two boys who squeezed in chatted with Qiao Lan.

"Xuemei's words are good."


"Where is the school girl from?"

"S province."

"Hey, my home is in the next province," the senior said happily, looking at Qiao Lan, there was no one else behind him.

"Did the school girl come alone?"

"No," Qiao Lan filled out the form and returned the pen to the senior, smiled at the senior, and said, "Come with your boyfriend."

The excited senior got stuck in an instant, and the senior sisters at the back immediately became happy. The senior sister who asked Qiao Lan to fill out the form at the beginning took it up and continued to gossip, "Then what about your boyfriend, I didn't come to accompany you to sign up."

"He's over there, we signed up separately," Qiao Lan pointed to a few majors in the distance, and said, "Thank you, Senior Sister."

"No thanks, no thanks, I'll take you to the dormitory." Senior Sister stood up, and it wasn't until Qiao Lan left that several seniors and seniors began to sigh. It turns out that there is such a thing as couples getting admitted to top universities together.

However, what struck the seniors more was that the psychology major had only a small number of enrollments, and it was difficult to find such a beautiful junior girl, but it was booked out long ago.

Why is this year's younger brother so ignorant? If you haven't come yet, grab someone from the senior, you can't say it too much!

The two senior sisters who ran to pick up people came back and said that the mathematics department was very lively, and asked why it was so lively.

"I heard that a handsome junior came, and a bunch of people ran over to watch the fun."

"You went too?"

"Of course," Senior Sister was very proud, and excitedly said, "The height is over 185, so handsome!"

"Are all freshmen this year so handsome?"

"Who else?"

"Just now, our major also came to a school girl with a beautiful appearance. She has long legs, so she already has a boyfriend."

"It doesn't matter if you don't have a boyfriend..."

"Damn", everyone burst into laughter, and the boy in the white shirt who had been sitting at the back picked up the registration form just now and read the name on it.

Qiao Lan.

The number of professionals is small, and the accommodation conditions are quite good. Four people sleep, the upper bunk and the lower table, Qiao Lan came first, and there is no one else in the dormitory.

Qiao Lan found her bed, simply packed up, put the suitcase in the cabinet, brought her mobile phone ID and went downstairs to find Tan Mo.

I just chatted with the senior who sent her over, and found out the location of the dormitory of the mathematics department. It was not very close, but Qiao Lan remembered the road very well. After walking for about ten minutes, she arrived at the downstairs of Tan Mo's dormitory.

After finding a shade, I called Tan Mo.

Boys can always get acquainted quickly because of a small topic of coincidence.

Tan Mo applied for the ace major of B University. This major was originally a group of real academic bullies. B University recruits more than ten college entrance examination champions every year. In the dormitory where Tan Mo is located, the four people are even more elites among the Xueba, all of them are more than 700%.

The biggest one is Tan Mo.

But when I saw Tan Mo, just like all the seniors who signed up before, even my roommates first saw Tan Mo's appearance at first glance. After introducing himself, Xie Hongyi covered his face and sighed, "Alas, 221 looks good. I can't keep the first one."

Tan Mo had never had the experience of having such a direct conversation with a stranger. He didn't know what to say or do. Looking at the handsome boy in front of him, he subconsciously popped out all kinds of things he had learned before. Emotion reading and imitative coping.

When he really didn't know what to do, he transformed it into borrowing other people's thinking, and everything seemed to be much easier. He smiled and even joked, "I can keep it, let it go to you."

"Going to the Road", Xie Hongyi subconsciously wanted to reach out and pat Tan Mo's shoulder, but Tan Mo avoided him without a trace.

Xie Hongyi didn't realize it. When he reached out, he found that Tan Mo was more than half a head taller than himself. He felt that he should not humiliate himself. I'm here, I'm going with my parents now. I didn't let my mother come with me. Did you come alone? Are you local? Why didn't you bring your luggage..."

After this series of questions, Tan Mo didn't know which one to answer, and finally picked the one he was most willing to answer, "Not alone, but also a girlfriend."

"Ha", Xie Hongyi stayed for a while, then turned around, and after thinking about it, he suddenly said, "Brother, which two characters are your names?"

Why does it feel so familiar.

Tan Mo handed his notice to Xie Hongyi, and Xie Hongyi slapped his thigh after reading it and shouted, "I'll say it's familiar! You are the number one science student in that national paper, right, I've read your news before! "

When he met a roommate who was familiar and talked a lot, Tan Mo felt very relaxed. He didn't need to answer questions, Xie Hongyi could completely ask and answer himself.

"Fuck you, why don't you have a picture of you when you look like this?" Xie Hongyi said excitedly, "I'll tell you, the most handsome college entrance examination champion on the Internet was just a joke, he's not as handsome as me, but he's the most handsome, look. When you grow up like this, he may be ashamed to death, believe it or not..."

Tan Mo frowned, how to answer this, talking about people behind their backs is always immoral.

As a result, before Tan Mo could speak, the sound of pushing boxes at the door rang.

"You're fucking arranging me behind your back, right?" A voice came from the door, and the tall and thin boy who was pushing the boss's box stood at the door and stared at Xie Hongyi, "It's just a point higher than you, your memory two months..."

Xie Hongyi jumped up instantly, "I can remember it for a lifetime!"

He usually did well in exams, but the last time this person was actually higher than him, it was okay to be higher, the result was one point higher, and he even won the title of champion in the province.

Tan Mo heard something was wrong, "You two knew each other before?"

"Ah", the tall and thin boy pushing the box at the door walked in, "I know, the bunk is on the table before and after high school, hello, my name is Kong Sha."

"Tan Mo."

"Okay, pack your things," Xie Hongyi helped Kong Sha drag the suitcase in and continued chatting with Tan Mo, "Brother, I really read your news, I didn't know your surname at first, so I was very impressed. , I also read the comments under the news, and some students from your school broke the news, saying that you never go to class and talk about the object honestly, but every time you take the exam, you are still the first, awesome!"

Tan Mo: "…Thank you."

"Thank you for being modest," Xie Hongyi waved his hand, "Oh, I just told you that you came with your girlfriend. Which school does your girlfriend belong to? Normal University? I remember that Normal University also started school these two days."

"No, it's also a big B."

Shit, Xie Hongyi was shocked, "How much do you score in the college entrance examination?"


After Tan Mo finished speaking, the phone rang, and when he looked down, the lines on his entire face softened.

Xie Hongyi tugged at Kong Sha and whispered, "It must be his object, believe it or not."

Kong Sha gave Xie Hongyi a roll of eyes, believe it or not for such an obvious question.

Looking at the smile on Tan Mo's face and listening to the smiling voice, after hanging up the phone, the two watched Tan Mo go out, Kong Sha glanced at Xie Hongyi, and said in a low voice, "Envy? "

"What's there to be envious of?" Xie Hongyi sneered, "Is it better to find a partner at the university? There are so many beautiful girls in the university, you don't know that several senior sisters will send Tan Mo over when you sign up, and they are all very beautiful. , must be prettier than his girlfriend."

College students can dress up, and because of his personal experience in this class, Xie Hongyi really doesn't think there are any particularly good-looking girls in the science class.

But in the end, I was curious. I stretched my neck and took a look downstairs. I saw a beautiful girl with tall and long legs downstairs in the shade of the tree. Xie Hongyi's eyes lit up, "Look, I'll say a beautiful girl. It's everywhere, it's so pretty, and you can make your debut when you pack up..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw the new roommate who had just gone out walking towards the girl. The beautiful girl smiled when she saw Tan Mo, and her smile became even more beautiful.

Then the girl was taken into his arms by Tan Mo, got very close and said something, and finally left hand in hand.

Xie Hongyi: "..."

There was a smile in Kong Sha's eyes: "What's wrong?"

Xie Hongyi: ... Why didn't he have such a beautiful girl in his class in high school? Why doesn't he have such a beautiful girlfriend now

Go to his sister is not envious.

What he said just now does not count, he is envious now.