Guide To Save The Yandere Villains

Chapter 108: Domesticate a big devil (3)


The arena was full of people, and the audience was clamoring, not hiding the desire and killing on their faces.

What etiquette cultivation, here, there is only extreme evil.

The slaves fought desperately with the beasts, and every second of life was a luxury.

And those nobles still dislike the slaves for being too weak and vulnerable.

This is the nobility, always aloof, always righteous.

Smelling the smell of blood lightly, Si Tu put down the white gauze from his top hat and sat upright in the auditorium.

"Oh, dear God of Light, why didn't this slave go to hell?"

Agatha blushed with excitement, but her words were very vicious.

"Agatha, pay attention to your ladylike self-cultivation."

The shouts around made Situ uncomfortable, especially the floating blood, which reminded her of the doomsday in six months.

[Where is he?]

Taking him away is the purpose of her coming here.

[Here, right in front of you]

Si Tu raised his beautiful violet eyes and frowned.

It's really..., the enemy's road is narrow.

"Such a thin piece of garbage, how dare you drag it to the arena?"

"He will only be food for wild beasts, oh, food for teeth."

The young man stood in the middle of the arena, surrounded by yellow sand, but Ke Situ recognized him at a glance.

Sasim, the man who killed her twice.

"Tear him apart, eat him hard!"

Agatha yelled beside her, her crazy appearance really surprised even the God of Light.

The burly tiger opened its dark pupils, as if it didn't seem to be interested in the food that wasn't enough to fit between its teeth.

"Go up and kill him!"

Stimulated by the people in the audience, the tiger finally made a move and jumped straight at him.

Sasim raised his head suddenly, staring at it with a pair of black eyes like poisonous snakes, carrying unpredictable danger.

[Could this be the opportunity for him to explode his divine power?]

Si Tu was still a little afraid of that white light that could destroy the world.

[Probably not]

Under the watchful eyes of so many people, Sasim's ability to awaken would not be easily overlooked.

Provoked by a thin human being, the tiger roared and rushed towards him with its mouth open.

"That's it, tear this slave to pieces."

The people in the auditorium have been reduced to the sacrifices of desire, and their bloodshot eyes are more terrifying than the monsters on the field.

Although Sasim dodged the first blow, his physical condition was so sharp that he could no longer dodge the second blow.

[Is the host still not making a move?]

If you don't do it again, everyone will die.

[Isn't it good to die]

Si Tu replied angrily.

Unfortunately, she knew that Samuel would not die in today's Colosseum.

Quietly leaving the auditorium, Si Tu always felt a scorching gaze following her.

But when she looked back, she could only see evil ghosts in human skin.

It's chilling.

Unsurprisingly, Sasim fell down, with scratches all over his body.

Like a cat catching a mouse, the tiger kept teasing him, trying to kill him.

And this is just in line with the humble appetite of the nobles.

As if in response, Sasim raised his obsidian-like eyes and met Situ's eyes.

This kind of him is very different from the future coquettish and evil big devil.

Si Tu quickened his pace and came to the place where the slaves were held behind the arena.

The damp and moldy air made Situ uncomfortable, and the luxurious dress was even more incompatible with this place.

The person who received her was a skinny man, and the torch lit up the dark underground environment.

"Miss Stuart Magritte is here, and it is very splendid."

The man seemed not at all surprised by her appearance.

After all, ladies from noble families often have a habit of abusing slaves.

"I'm here to buy someone."

Holding up the hem of his skirt, Si Tu stepped across a stinking puddle in disgust, straight to the point.

She didn't want to stay in such an environment any longer.


Holding a torch, the man walked around the slave room.

The people there were ragged and unkempt, but most of them looked fierce.

That's right, in this world, how can you survive without being fierce.

"Sams, that's the dying man on the field."

The man's voice was low-pitched and taunting, with a look of embarrassment on his face,

"Miss Si Tu, you also know that the audience wants to see him being torn apart by wild beasts, if at this time..."

The man didn't continue talking, but his mung bean-sized eyes kept staring at the brocade box in Si Tu's arms.

"He belongs to me, and these twenty gold bars belong to you."

Twenty gold bars!

Oh, his God of Light, he had never seen so many bars of gold in all his life.

The man nodded repeatedly, his cloudy eyes gleaming with greed.

"No problem, as long as the money is in place, we can talk about anything."

The man immediately asked his servant to replace Sasim from the field.

The sound of the chain being dragged echoed in the quiet basement. In the light of the fire, Si Tu looked at him again.

The servant took the other end of the chain and led the bloody man over.

"You are really blessed by the God of Light. Miss Si Tu is willing to give you twenty gold bars in exchange for you."

The man took the chain from the servant, and handed it to Situ respectfully.


Si Tu opened his smooth and white palm like a pearl, his eyes were indifferent.

The man took out the key from his pocket and reminded,

"After Miss Si Tu returns, she can only open it under the supervision of her servants."

This slave is too vicious to hurt the sole heir of the noble Magritte family.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have to open the arena anymore.

"Are you teaching me how to do things?"

Si Tu directly used the key to unlock the chain around his neck, and casually threw it to the man.

His gaze fell on him, and Si Tu frowned delicately.

The cloth that was torn into strips by the wild animal was loosely wrapped around him, looking extremely embarrassed.

Taking off the cloak on his body, Si Tu covered his naked body with it.

In her eyes, he is not a slave, but a real person who needs to be respected.

Holding his wrist, Si Tu led him out of this man-eating cage.

The sun was shining on his shoulders, and Samuel squinted his eyes uncomfortably.

His eyes fell on the palms of the two, and the soft touch made him feel a little unreal.

The tip of the nose is no longer the damp and rancid smell of the underground cage, replaced by the unique body fragrance from the girl in front of me.

He... , seemed to be saved.

But will this be another hell

Seeing the girl's loose blond hair, Sasim raised his heavy arms, but was caught by Situ who turned around.

"What do you want?"

Don't think about killing her now.

Heh, what an ungrateful dog man.

Sasim raised his black eyes and said very seriously,

"There seems to be light on you, I think... grab it and have a look."

The long-lost light made his heart tremble, and the unreal illusion made him panic.

It wasn't until his fingertips touched the soft hair that Samuel felt relieved, with a satisfied smile on his lips.

That's great, in his life, he can be regarded as someone who has received the favor of the God of Light.

(end of this chapter)