Guide To Save The Yandere Villains

Chapter 90: Difficult for a aunt (12)


Under the moonlight, the Albizia Julibrissin in the Royal Garden blooms enthusiastically, but it is a pity that the same scene is different from the people.

Now Si Tu is no longer in the mood he was in when he was admiring the flowers a month ago.

[Is the spiritual power from another world still there?]

The last Shen Yi she met must not be the real Shen Yi.

[Not here anymore]

No matter how the system traced it, it couldn't find that familiar spiritual power.

[He seems to know me]

To be precise, it was her in the past.

[I also feel that this spiritual power is somewhat similar to the host's]

That's why it didn't notice it in the first world.

However, those who can avoid the detection of heaven and come to the three thousand planes must not be underestimated.

[Forget about him, let’s finish solving this plane first]

No memory, no clue, why bother.

Back at the Jiaofang Hall, the imperial guards in sharp armor were still standing outside the hall, cold and solemn.

"Welcome the empress to return to the palace."

Dozens of maids stood side by side, saluting respectfully, with the same expressions on their faces.

"Now that the second prince is on the throne, you should call me Queen Mother."

What queen, don't make any misunderstandings, okay

But they didn't give Si Tu an accurate answer.

Si Tu stepped into the hall and searched around, but couldn't find Fusang.

"Where's my maid, Fusang?"

Dragging a maid, Si Tu asked in a hurried tone.

"I don't know the servant girl, but what orders does the empress have?"

Mingwei lowered her eyes, her attitude was very respectful, but no matter how Si Tu asked her, she always answered that she didn't know.

It was like punching cotton, and Si Tu's chest hurt from holding back.

This Shen Si is really good.

"It's getting late, servant girl waits for the empress to rest."

Mingwei is like a marionette, without any mood swings.

Situ: ...

So aggrieved.

In the early morning, the sun was shining, the darkness was gone, and Shengjing City ushered in the first ray of dawn.

Si Tu was awakened by the sound of whips, and the ringing of the bell was loud, it was the enthronement ceremony.

He is still on the throne.

The palace door was pushed open, and a group of maids filed in, waiting for Si Tu to wash.

Sweep the eyebrows, touch the lips, pull the phoenix crown, and trace the flowers.

Si Tu looked at himself in the bronze mirror, slightly stunned.

This makeup made her facial features very bright, coupled with a long-tailed red dress with golden phoenix phoenix and hundreds of flowers, her charm was swaying.

Is this the dress that a queen mother should have

But the clothes look a little familiar.

There are strings of pearls and jade tassels around his waist, and when he walks, there is a tinkle, which is really sweet.

Ke Situ only felt noisy when he heard it.

In Daqing, black is the most respected, and the empress dowager is dignified and dignified, so the costumes should be mainly black.

But seeing himself wearing this bright red body, Si Tu's heart trembled.

This guy, Shen Si, is he going to let her be buried

Dress her up beautifully, and send her down with a glass of poisonous wine to accompany Shen Yi.


Si Tu couldn't help but gasped, and his determination to run away became more determined.

Hearing her uncomfortable voice, all the court ladies quickly knelt down, shaking like chaff,

"It's the servant's rough hands and feet that hurt you, and I ask the empress to forgive you."

Is she that scary

Didn't you tell me not to use this title anymore

"Ai Jia remembers that he said last night that he wants to change his name."

Si Tu turned around, but happened to meet Shen Si who was oncoming.

"I think this title is good, there is no need to change it."

Shen Si, dressed in a black crown robe of sun and moon, came pacing, with the luxurious jade set shaking around his waist, which complemented Si Tuana's string of pearls and jade.

In an instant, there were only two people left in the silent hall, and the incense wafting from the copper furnace obscured Si Tu's vision.

He seemed to want to let her know who is the true dragon emperor whom everyone expects, so he did not change his fine clothes during the ceremony of offering sacrifices to heaven.

Everyone knows that the second prince, Shen Si, is gentle and elegant, with a peerless elegance.

But as he walked forward, Si Tu couldn't help but feel a little weak when he met those sinister eyes.

Sure enough, the rumors are not credible.

"Ai's family is the queen mother, how can I still use the previous title?"

Unconsciously backing away, Si Tu didn't calm down until his palms touched the dressing table.

Not to mention, wearing this dragon robe is quite bluffing.

Si Tu took a step back, and Shen Si took a step forward until his big palm wrapped around her soft waist.

"Didn't Ah Tu say that you want to be a queen? Now that you have taken that position, I will never allow you to shrink back."

What Queen Mother? Didn't Empress Yirong go with the late emperor long ago

Now the person in Jiaofang Palace is his Empress Xining.

The black eyes tightly locked her cheeks, and Shen Si's fingertips brushed her trembling eyelashes,

"Are you afraid?"

What are you afraid of? Is it because he is afraid that he will settle accounts after autumn

But it doesn't matter, as long as she obediently stays by his side, it will be enough to atone for her sin.

"I don't!"

Si Tu tugged at the corner of his luxurious clothes, the five-clawed dragon embroidered with gold thread made her eyes hurt.

"Let go first, I can stand on my own."

She's not a child, what's the matter with holding her all the time

It was rare for him to come, and Si Tu planned to discuss a business with him.

Fingertips lingered on her cheeks, looking at her beautiful face, Shen Si couldn't help but lose his mind.

"Didn't Ah Tu realize that this dress is very familiar?"

Good guy, she told him to let go, and he ripped at her clothes.

I didn't listen to a word that should have been heard.

Si Tu lowered his head to take a closer look, feeling uneasy.

Isn't this the first day she came here, the one she wore when she got married

If it is added with Dongzhu Xiapei, it will really become a wedding dress.

"Shen Si, what do you mean?"

By dressing her up like this, is she in a hurry to send her down to accompany Shen Yi

[Maybe to accompany Shen Si]

The system stared at the sky speechlessly, the first few world hosts had finally opened their openings, and with a slap, they were all gone.

[No way, no way, is it so exciting?]

Logically speaking, shouldn't Shen Si come here to laugh at her for being on the wrong team and slap her in the face like crazy

This is not the same as the plot she expected, and it is getting more and more biased.

The rough index finger picked up a strand of hair hanging on her shoulders, Shen Si exerted a little force with his palm, and Si Tu leaned towards him.

"It's still your favorite scent of styrax."

Sniffing the fragrance lightly from the tip of his nose, Shen Si looked like a child who got a candy cake, his brows and eyes were stretched and raised lightly.

Su Hexiang? Does the original owner also like it

That was indeed a coincidence.

"Is your Majesty a dog? He smells this fragrance and that fragrance all day long."

Is it dead or alive to give a happy talk

Shen Si's black eyes were shining brightly, and he smiled even more freely, like a large, um, large dog.

"It turns out that Ah Tu still remembers my zodiac sign."

In front of her, he always wanted to disguise himself as a ruthless emperor, but as long as she showed her a little favor, his reason would be defeated.

"I don't remember, didn't we say that good graces should be cut off from righteousness?"

Shen Si: ...

Is it too late for him to take back what he said

Taking advantage of his loss of consciousness, Si Tu directly pushed him away.

In broad daylight, how decent is it to hug and hug.

He really didn't have the slightest respect for her, his aunt!

Shen Si: I have never regarded you as my aunt, so how can I respect you

(end of this chapter)