Guide To Save The Yandere Villains

Chapter 98: Difficult for a aunt (20)


This one is probably her sister-in-law Si Le who is married to the richest man in Shengjing.

It's really, ah.

"Oh, my poor daughter."

With teary eyes, Li pulled up Si Tu's sleeve and cried.

"My younger sister has lost a lot of weight. She must be unable to eat enough to wear warm clothes in the palace."

The second elder brother, Si Chengren, who was eight feet tall, couldn't help feeling sad at this moment.

It's all their fault, Shen Si shouldn't be allowed to live in the cold palace in the first place.

It should be... cut the weeds and root out the roots, so as to avoid future troubles.

There were so many people around him, Si Tu couldn't get in a word even if he wanted to.

In fact, she ate well and slept well in the palace, so she was not so pitiful.

"That mother, sister, brother, I have a good life in the palace."

Apart from having to deal with that bastard Shen Si, the small life is also a joy.

Although Si Tu said so, the members of the Si family didn't believe a word.

She just thought it was her own favorite who had been wronged in the palace, so she didn't dare to go home and cry.

For a while, the resentment towards Shen Si increased a lot.

"Then Shen Si..."

Si Chengren was about to curse, but Si Tu covered his mouth.

"Brother, at the feet of the Son of Heaven, pay attention to your image."

Before the words finished, Si Tu heard his father swearing in the direction of the palace gate.

And... with arms crossed.

Si Tu dragged Si Shouzhong into the mansion, "Then what, dad, let's eat quickly."

Mingwei was still behind her, so she might have sent a small report to Shen Si.

"Girl is hungry!"

I was hungry before noon, which showed that my daughter really couldn't get enough to eat in the palace.

"Look, my daughter is starving, come in quickly, your mother ordered the servants to prepare a table of your favorite dishes."

With the crisis over, Si Tu looked relieved.

But before Si Tu could put her heart in her stomach, Si Shouzhong's words lifted her little heart up again.

"I asked you to kill Shen Si long ago, but you are the one with the kindest heart."

This amount of information is too much, Si Tu really can't hold it.

Looking around, they were all from his own family, even Mingwei was blocked outside.

Only then did Si Tu let go of his hanging heart.

"Why are you still talking about this at the dinner table? Come on, Xiao Tu, have a big chicken drumstick."

Mrs. Li arranged the dishes for her, and looked at her husband resentfully.

"Little sister, come and eat two pieces of braised pork."

Seeing Si Tu's slender figure, Si Le sighed again and again, and stopped holding the vegetables in his hands.

But after a while, the bowl in front of Si Tu couldn't hold any food, it was piled up like a hill.

"Enough is enough, I can't eat these."

For some reason, Si Tu inexplicably remembered the fear of being dominated by Bai Yuan in the previous plane.

"How much is this? Don't you usually start with two bowls of rice at home?"

It seems that the person who abused his own sister has a small appetite.

"I used to..., can I eat that much?"

Si Tu looked at the bowl in front of him that was bigger than his palm, and fell into deep thought.

"Not bad, at least two bowls of rice for a meal."

Si Le took the opportunity to put a few more pieces of braised pork in Si Tu's bowl.

"The main thing is that the food at home is delicious."

Si Chengren didn't seem surprised at all.

What's the matter with the girls eating more, it's not like they can't afford it!

Si Tu tasted the roast pork with lipstick, his eyes lit up, it was really delicious.

"How about it, it still tastes like before."

Seeing that her daughter was eating happily, Mrs. Li was also happy.

Si Tu nodded again and again, it's not a loss if he can eat two bowls of rice with just this braised pork.

"Eat more if it tastes good."

Taking advantage of Si Tu's time to eat, Li-shi kept adding vegetables to her.

After a meal, Si Tu kept chopping the rice.

It vividly interprets the concept of "the person who cooks the rice cooks the soul, and the cook is also the master of the people".

After lunch, the servants brought melon and fruit snacks for the host to taste.

Si Tu rubbed his swollen belly, his eyes were still rolling on those pastries.

"Xiao Tu, come with me to the study."

The claw that was about to be stretched out abruptly stopped in the air, Si Tu nodded, reluctantly.

"Don't worry, I'll keep it for you for my mother."

Mrs. Li waved her hand.

Through the corridor, Si Tu followed behind Si Shouzhong, looked at his gray temples, and sighed.

Although the town government mansion is looking at the infinite scenery, how many pairs of eyes are staring behind it.

Once you make a mistake, you will be lost forever.


Pushing open the door of the study, the smell of ink from the scroll came to my face.

What caught my eye was the four rows of bookshelves. I couldn't tell that my father was still the kind of person who read poetry and books.

Passing through the bookshelves, Si Tu followed Si Shouzhong to the bookshelves.

There is an open space at the back, where there are chaise longues, reclining chairs, seasonal fruits, pastries and melon seeds, everything you need.

Si Tu casually flipped through the book, oh, it looks so new.

"Father, you usually just lie down and read in the study?"

Si Shouzhong sat down on the recliner, paralyzed at will.

Two words, comfortable!

"How is it possible?"

Si Tu reckoned it was the same, after all, he was awarded a title, so he couldn't do without some reading.

It is estimated that these reclining chairs were arranged by Mrs. Li because he was afraid that he would be tired from studying.

"I usually just lie down and don't read."

Situ: ...

He was speechless.

"By the way, why didn't you kill Shen Si at that time?"

From the very beginning, the Zhen Guo government planned to support Shen Yan's ascension to the throne.

As for Shen Si, he was naturally the one to be abandoned.

Back then when Si Tu entered the palace to go to the Shang's study, he was also looking for opportunities.

But in the end, why did Shen Si take the position

Si Tu was worried that he didn't know how to answer, so Si Shouzhong gave the answer.

"You're in love with him."

Si Tu: This plot is not right.

The original owner likes Shen Si? No one can see it, right

"This is what Fusang found when he was cleaning your room after returning home."

Si Shouzhong sighed and handed her a scroll.

The scroll page is wrinkled, and it seems that the original owner has frequently flipped through the records.

Kind of like a modern diary.

It recorded every detail of the acquaintance between the original owner and Shen Si, every detail.

The love and concerns of the youngest daughter's family are all reflected in this book.

[I can't see it, I'm still an infatuated species]

The original owner is a touch of her consciousness, and she can be regarded as herself for the time being.

The system complained silently, even a touch of spiritual knowledge is more enlightened than you, so I have the nerve to say it.

However, since the host is the god of war, it is impossible to be affectionate.

The seven emotions and six desires will only be bondage.

[It seems good to be an infatuated species]

It is always better than the cold God of War general who only knows the reincarnation of heaven.

Such a host is more humane.

"Tell me honestly, did you marry into the palace because of Shen Si?"

At that time, Shen Si was isolated and helpless, and she was only the second lady of the Zhen Guogong's mansion, so she couldn't help much at all.


Situ answered firmly.

Following the intention of the original owner, she entered the palace for Shen Si indeed.

It's just that no one thought that Shen Si was a master who pretended to be a pig and eat a tiger.

Si Tu didn't plan to do anything yet, so he took the throne directly.

(end of this chapter)