Guide to Stabilizing the Blackening of the Villainous Husband

Chapter 11: waistline


Jiang Mei was dumbfounded.

Her momentary thought was, what is the relationship between Ling Zhen and this man? He was sitting on the judging panel, did Ling Zhen go through some back door? ! Or did she know some big guy

Jiang Mei immediately became confused—what if that was the case, she was taunting Ling Zhen outside just now, and Ling Zhen turned around and complained

"Number 23? What are you doing, don't you come in?" Seeing Jiang Mei froze at the door, a screenwriter urged her impatiently.

"Oh, oh!" Jiang Mei was frightened by herself, her self-confidence disappeared, and she stuttered about introducing herself, "Hi teachers, I am Jiang Mei on the 23rd, and I, I am from Shengxia Entertainment..."

The one in the middle of the judging panel is the main producer. He glanced in the direction of the man in the black shirt, and then nodded at Jiang Mei: "Let's get started."

As a result, Jiang Mei was distracted to pay attention to the man's reaction the whole time. When the audition was in the middle, he frowned and changed his sitting position. Jiang Mei was startled, and ended up forgetting the next sentence.

"Producer, producer, I'm sorry! I'll start over right away—"

"No need." The producer interrupted her.

The whole performance was lackluster, and the image was not eye-catching. The boss of the capital beside him never looked up from the beginning to the end, so there was no need to watch it any longer.

Jiang Mei's face turned pale, her lips trembled, and she finally walked out of the audition room in disgrace. She didn't dare to look at Ling Zhen at all, she just felt that every word she just said was slapping her in the face.

Ling Zhen saw Jiang Mei coming out from a distance, his face was pale, and he left in a hurry without staying long. The audition result seemed to be not very good.

... Is it really strict? Ling Zhen was inexperienced, so he couldn't help feeling a little worried and nervous. The main producer and casting director in the room can finally breathe a sigh of relief—the boss of the management team suddenly came to the scene today, which shocked them too. The whole audition process was not smooth at all, and the censorship became stricter, but it was exhausting. .

From the current point of view, the most prominent actors are Gu Wei and Shen Yanchu, and the actresses are Zheng Qianqian and Jian Wenyi, especially this Jian Wenyi. Although not as famous as the others, but there are also works, the people are beautiful and gentle, giving people a good impression.

They exchanged a few words in a low voice, and then looked at Wei Xi at the end of the long table, feeling a little thumping in their hearts.

President Wei of Qingxi is notoriously difficult to get along with. Today he sat here with a cold face for two hours, and went out through the side door with a bottle of water in the middle, and then came back and continued to sit.

The audition process was long and boring, and he looked grumpy, but he refused to leave.

Although he was not sure, the producer still asked tentatively: "Mr. Wei, if you have an actor you want to see, would you like to let her advance...?"

Wei Xi glanced at him: "No need."

"Okay, okay." The producer wiped off his sweat, feeling mad: There are no actors who want to take care of, so why are they here? !

After a few more young actors, the producer turned to the next resume, and suddenly his eyes lit up: "This is that day..."

The assistant has already gone to the door to call someone: "Next one, No. 26, Ling Zhen—"

The casting director's originally lacking eyes also showed a little light: "I also remember, it's that..."

After the words were lost, the man at the end of the long table suddenly stood up, left the judges' seat, walked to the corner seat in the back row and sat down.


The room was silent for a few seconds.

Don't you all know that this actor below is very special? !

It's not obvious at all! !

After Ling Zhen was called, he straightened his clothes, rubbed his face, put on a smile, and then opened the door and walked into the audition room.

There were a lot of people sitting in the room, the first row was the producers and other judges, and there were some staff members behind, with dark heads, Ling Zhen didn't look carefully.

She was a little nervous, her almond eyes widened slightly, and said with a smile, "Hi teachers, I am Ling Zhen on the 26th, and the role I came to audition for is Junior Sister."

For some reason, Ling Zhen felt that the expressions of the judges were extraordinarily kind, as if they were not as harsh as she imagined.

The producer in the middle of the long table looked at her with a smile. At the ball that day, this little girl danced a classical dance, which amazed the audience, and everyone present saw it.

Looking carefully now, I found that the girl's appearance was exceptionally good, with a fairy air all over her body, a look suitable for ancient costumes.

He clicked a clip: "Try this one."

Ling Zhen nodded obediently: "Okay."

The little junior sister is a spoiled little cannon fodder in the play. In this part, she insists on the Xianmen senior brother to buy her candy, and when she is rejected, she pretends to cry nonsense. Ling Zhen had figured out the script by heart, and took a deep breath before substituting into the role.

"Brother, have you gone down the mountain again?" Junior Sister Ling Zhen crossed her hips, raised her chin, her black eyes were full of displeasure, "Where is my candy! Where is candy!"

Her expression was so clever, and she was so good-looking. The way she asked for candy in the air made all the judges laugh.

"Okay, you didn't buy it for me! You only care about going down the mountain to be happy!"

"Little Junior Sister" said a few words aggressively, then turned her small mouth, and began to rub her eyes and pretend to cry: "You don't even have me in your heart, woo woo woo, I just leave the teacher's door and forget it, am I asking too much, I Not even a candy bar!…”

After the performance, everyone in the room laughed.

I really want to buy candy for her!

Her acting skills are not the best, but her aura is compelling, and her crying and treacherous appearance is so cute.

The producer and the director exchanged glances. There is another character in "Fairy Questions", who is also eccentric. The most important thing is that there are many dancing scenes.

So the producer looked at Ling Zhen with a smile, and ordered another segment for her to try. Ling Zhen knew that this was not the role of the younger junior sister, but she was very familiar with the whole book, and immediately performed it without hindrance.

Now the film crew is more satisfied. It seems that this girl is not only beautiful and pleasing, but also very serious and hardworking!

After the audition, they were in no rush to let her go.

Although the big guy in the back row didn't make a sound the whole time, his special behavior just now made the film crew have to pay attention. They guessed that maybe the boss was also impressed by the little girl's dance that day, so he paid extra attention.

So the producer coughed, and pretended to cue caringly: "Is it you who danced at the ball that day? How about it, do you want to show a scene?"

Ling Zhen was dazed, thinking that this might be an extra chance to show off: "It's okay..."

Immediately, people cheered and applauded behind the judges' seat. Most of them had only watched the video in the trending search, and hadn't seen the scene yet, so they were looking forward to it for a while.

The assistant quickly played the theme song of the radio drama "Fairy Questions" on the speaker, which is a very melodious ancient song.

Ling Zhen listened for a while, found the feeling, and danced the dance steps she made up when she was in the fairy palace in accordance with the rhythm.

Her arms are bent softly, her shoulders are turned and her legs are turned, her dancing posture is as tough as practice, but also as soft as a puddle of water. Without that red dress, she still looks like a fairy when she dances.

Then, a series of dazzling leg turns made the drapey shirt on her body fit on her body, outlining an astonishingly slender and flexible waistline...

The room held its breath and watched without blinking. At this moment, there was a sudden "bang" in the back row, as if something had been smashed.

The producer was still immersed in the fairy dance, and was startled suddenly. At the same moment, the screen of the mobile phone in hand turned on.

He only glanced at the content of the letter, and hurriedly stopped: "It's fine!"

Ling Zhen stopped his movements, and stood obediently and helplessly.

"Ahem," the producer wiped his cold sweat, "Thank you for your hard work, just wait for the announcement, and you can go out."

Ling Zhen blinked his eyes, bowed his thanks, and left the room.

As she walked slowly out of the building, she thought a little uneasy: Did you jump wrong just now

As soon as she walked out of the building, she suddenly saw Wei Xi standing at a distant intersection, with one hand in his trouser pocket, frowning, like a handsome sculpture.

Seeing her come out, Wei Xi beckoned.

Ling Zhen ran over in small steps, and asked in a low voice, "Why are you still here?"

Wei Xi's eyes were very dark and heavy, and he lowered his eyelashes to look at her for a while: "Stretch out your hand."

"Huh?" Ling Zhen subconsciously spread out Bai Nen's palm.

Then, a small candy was placed on it.

"Give you candy."

The author has something to say: Wei Xi: Sugar, here you are. dance, don't dance.

Ling Zhen:? ?

Thank you ( ̄ ̄)ゞ for the nutrient solution +17!

The author will work hard to update~