Guide to Stabilizing the Blackening of the Villainous Husband

Chapter 42: Finger circle


"Miss Ling? Miss Ling!—"

Ling Zhen came back to his senses, and looked at the little girl who was leading her.

The little girl didn't say anything, after all, countless people watched Mr. Wen's dancing, and Ling Zhen's reaction was quite normal.

She smiled proudly and asked her, "Can we go?"

Ling Zhen suppressed the astonishment in his heart and nodded: "Okay."

If I am not mistaken, it is indeed a kind of dance in the fairy world. Ling Zhen is very familiar with the movements of dropping hands and kicking legs. Could it be... This person, like her, came in through a book

As she thought about it, the little girl had already brought her to the assessment classroom, and opened the door: "Today, Teacher Guo and Teacher Zhang are assessing you. Don't be nervous, the teachers are very nice."

Ling Zhen shook off all kinds of thoughts in his mind, and decided to focus on the current affairs first. She smiled and said thank you and walked in with a smile on her face. The little girl closed the door and went to the back row of the classroom to take notes.

"Hi teachers, my name is Ling Zhen."


The two teachers sat down and looked the person up and down first.

As expected of a star, she is not on the same level as an amateur. Although the little girl is already in her early twenties, she doesn't look much older than a teenager. Judging from their many years of dancing experience, their waists are flexible enough to have the graceful posture of a professional dancer when they are standing still, and their dance will definitely not be bad.

But the strange thing is that this girl did not graduate from a dance academy, nor did she have the experience of studying with famous masters, so how did she get through it

"Then let's do the dance you prepared first." Teacher Guo looked at her with a smile.

Ling Zhen nodded, and played the accompaniment with a small portable speaker.

This is a human dance she has just learned. In order to show her strength more directly in the assessment, the degree of difficulty in choosing it is not small. At the end of the song, the eyes of the two teachers showed satisfaction.

Really solid!

Even the little girl who recorded in the back row was shocked. Ling Zhen's level is definitely the first in their group! The most frightening thing is that not only is she a good dancer, she also looks first-class...

This world is so unfair! !

The second level of the assessment is an impromptu performance, and the other three people in the classroom are looking forward to it. An ancient accompaniment was played randomly, Ling Zhen listened quietly to two bars, and began to dance gently with the rhythm.

This time, she used dance moves that she was familiar with. After dancing for a few eight beats, the expressions of the people sitting below changed.

The expression of the little girl in the back row was more straightforward, her eyes were rounded, and her face was full of shock.

After Ling Zhen finished dancing, Mr. Guo and Mr. Zhang looked at each other, and then asked Ling Zhen to go back and wait for the notification. There will be a reply within a week.

Ling Zhen thanked him politely, opened the door and walked out.

Teacher Guo then turned to Teacher Zhang and said, "Where did this child learn? It's too similar..."

Mr. Wen Zichu, the pillar of the Oriental Song and Dance Troupe, is well-known throughout the country for his unique classical rhythm in dance, which no one has been able to imitate so far.

But this girl named Ling Zhen easily jumped out of Wen Zichu's feeling, even more light and elegant than him...

With Ling Zhen's strength and conditions, they are definitely willing to call her into their ranks. But there can be two tigers in one mountain, no one would have thought that she and Wen Zichu's unique style are so close... So we have to ask Mr. Wen.

Ling Zhen left the assessment room, followed his memory, and returned to the rehearsal room just now.

She didn't know if she could meet that "teacher Wen", but she was so curious.

Could it be that there are really her kind in this world? If so, how long has he been here? Did he try to go back, and what were the results

Ling Zhen carefully scratched the glass of the window, and took a look—

People are gone.

Ling Zhen sighed, and was about to turn around when a voice suddenly sounded behind him.

"Looking for me?"

Ling Zhen turned around abruptly.

That Teacher Wen was standing behind her right now, smiling inexplicably.

"It's been a long time since I've felt such abundant aura..." His voice was warm, "However, you've consumed more than half of it."

Ling Zhen opened his eyes wide in surprise.

But she still looked at the person in front of her calmly with a hint of vigilance. Ling Zhen always felt that everything was too coincidental, which made her feel unreal.

Looking closely, this is a young man, about the same age as Wei Xi by visual estimation. He has clear facial features, wears a red dress for dancing, and has an aura that only Ling Zhen can understand.

Wen Zichu saw her worries, and smiled faintly: "Which palace is this little fairy? I haven't seen you before."

Only then did Ling Zhen confirm it in her heart—the man in front of her was actually her kind!

She had a lot of questions, but at this moment she was very cautious, and said cautiously: "Master Master Lingxu is a disciple of Master Lingxu."

"No wonder, I'm not very familiar with your side," Wen Zichu said, "Don't be afraid, I did pass in too."

Ling Zhen's heart was pounding, he raised his eyes and asked him: "How long have you been here?"

Wen Zichu thought for a while: "It's been many years."

"Then you now..." Ling Zhen hesitated whether to ask or not.

But perhaps because the two came from the same place, Wen Zichu easily understood what she wanted to ask, and he nodded: "Same as ordinary people."

Ling Zhen was a little surprised.

Listening to his voice, it should be a fairy who has practiced longer than himself, but as a mortal, he lived a very good life in the world, and he didn't seem to have any resentment or unwillingness.

Wen Zichu didn't explain too much. His probing eyes fell on this little fairy's face, and he became a little interested: "You want to join our dance troupe? It's just right. I just need a dance partner for the national tour next year—I think You should be able to."

Ling Zhen's head was in a mess now, so he nodded ignorantly.

Wen Zichu continued: "Since there is fate, we can have dinner together tonight. If you have any questions, you can ask me."

Ling Zhen thought about it, it would be better if he sat down and chatted slowly. Just as he was about to agree, the phone in his bag rang suddenly.

"Sorry!" Ling Zhen glanced at Wen Zichu apologetically, then lowered his head to see that it belonged to Wei Xi, so he hung up first.

Wen Zichu waved his hand: "No problem."

Ling Zhen put down the phone, "You are a senior, let me treat you to dinner, I don't know what's around here—"

As soon as the voice fell, the phone rang again.

It seems to be a little more fierce than before.

Ling Zhen was embarrassed for a moment: "...I'm really sorry!"

Wen Zichu smiled, with some meaningful meaning: "It seems that the person calling you is in a hurry, you should answer it."

Ling Zhen looked apologetic, thinking that Wei Xi might really have something urgent to do, so he took the phone aside to answer it: "What's the matter?"

But Wei Xi's voice didn't sound urgent at all: "Is the exam over?"

Ling Zhen was a little absent-minded: "Yeah."

Wei Xi's deep voice came from the microphone: "Why don't you come out? I'm at the door."

Ling Zhen was taken aback: "Are you here to pick me up?"

"Well," Wei Xi said calmly, "By the way."

Ling Zhen: "..." She didn't know which way to get here from Qingxi.

But Wei Xi is here, so it is impossible for her to let him go back.

After hanging up the phone, Ling Zhen returned to Wen Zichu in embarrassment: "My friend came to pick me up... It seems that I can only treat you to dinner another day."

Wen Zichu's smile carried a bit of deep meaning: "It seems that you are very comfortable here - it's okay, there will be another time. I think we will meet again soon."

Ling Zhen said goodbye to him, turned around and left the building.

Wen Zichu opened the door and walked into the rehearsal room, standing by the window. He saw the little fairy come out of the building, she changed her restraint in front of him just now, and bounced out of the gate.

Outside the door, a slender man with a cold demeanor was waiting for her.

There was a hint of amusement in Wen Zichu's eyes.

"Little girl, the fetters in the world are very deep..."

"Did the exam go well?"

Ling Zhen was still digesting the huge amount of information just now, so he replied after a while: "Huh? — It went well."

Wei Xi glanced at her from the tip of his eyes.

There is a roast duck restaurant that Ling Zhen likes very much nearby. Wei Xi didn't drive, so he took her there directly.

After entering the store, I asked for a private room, and Ling Zhen was not as active as usual when ordering food. Ren Weixi ordered a few casually, and then poked his chin to distract himself.

Wei Xi's dark eyes fell on her face, and she stared at her for a few seconds without any response, as if she completely ignored him.

Wei Xi's breathing became deeper, put his hands on her shoulders, and turned the person to face him.

"What are you thinking?"

Ling Zhen twisted his waist, struggled for a while and couldn't get away, so he pushed him with a wrinkled face: "What are you doing—"

But when she pushed, Wei Xi suddenly lost his strength, and Ling Zhen lost his strength and threw himself into his arms.

She is a fragrant and soft ball, and it doesn't hurt to bump into someone. Wei Xi pursed his lips, and landed his big hand on her back, caressing her gently.

At this moment, the door of the box was opened, and the waiter smiled: "Hi, I'll serve you something—"

In the box, the man raised his eyelids coldly, drew a cold arc, and turned sideways to block the person in his arms. In his arms, the little girl blushed and didn't dare to raise her head.

The waiter knew that he had come at the wrong time, and under the sight of death, he quickly arranged the dishes, then closed the door and left.

"have a good meal!"

As soon as the waiter went out, he wiped the sweat from his forehead. That handsome guy just now was so scary! !

She clutched her heart and walked around the corner, leaning on the wall, shouting in her heart.

But they both look good! Hugs are so sweet too! !

After the waiter left, Ling Zhen dared to raise his face and asked in a low voice, "She left?"

Her slightly sweet breath blew around her neck, and Wei Xi's throat tightened: "Mmm..."

But Ling Zhen became fierce in the next second, staring at his bright black eyes, propped himself up and scratched him: "You did it on purpose!! Make me ashamed!"

She committed a serious offense, but Wei Xi was not annoyed at all, instead there was a trace of joy in his eyes, and his whole chest was open for her to scratch.

Ling Zhen was confused by his good-tempered appearance, and finally had the illusion that he was making trouble for no reason.

But after such an interruption, Ling Zhen briefly forgot about meeting Wen Zichu just now, and the meal was very solid.

After dinner, the two took a short walk as usual.

Walking quietly side by side, the streetlights cast long shadows of the two figures.

Ling Zhen suddenly realized that maybe this kind of life has become less and less day by day.

The timeline is advancing bit by bit, and in the near future she will face the day when she will leave Wei Xi and stop relying on him.

In fact, I will regret it.

After getting along for so long, this man has changed from a blackened villain who made her afraid, to a gentle and kind person who won't fight back even if he is beaten.

Ling Zhen didn't want to say that these changes were caused by herself, but she did witness his changes bit by bit.

Wei Xi looked at her and asked in a low voice, "What are you thinking about?"

Ling Zhen smiled, raised his face, his eyes were like stars, "I'm thinking... You really have changed a lot, Wei Xi."

Wei Xi lowered his eyes, and called her name after a while: "Ling Zhen."

The man's voice was low and deep, and there was an imperceptible lingering in the night.

He asked her, "Am I a good person?"

Ling Zhen smiled and nodded: "Forget it."

Me too, I can almost rest assured.

Wei Xi smiled.

Back in the car, Ling Zhen stretched out his hand to pull the seat belt, and just as he buckled it up, he was suddenly grabbed by the man beside him.

Ling Zhen didn't understand: "What's wrong?"

Wei Xi raised her hand and squeezed her slender white fingers. He took out a thin thread from nowhere and wrapped it around her ring finger lightly.

Ling Zhen didn't understand the intention: "What is this for?"

Wei Xi wrote down the size, gathered the thin thread, and squeezed her fingertips.

He smiled lightly: "Nothing."

The author has something to say: Pat Xi on the shoulder (come on)

Thanks to 29922021 classmates for mine!

Thanks to ["", Sakata Gintoki's iChigo milk x5, zjzq123, angel fish x10] for their nutrient solution!

bow! See you later!