Guide to Stabilizing the Blackening of the Villainous Husband

Chapter 54: return trip


"Sister Zhenzhen?" Gu Xiaomeng waved her hand in front of Ling Zhen with a towel wrapped around her head, "Sister Zhenzhen?"

Her little idol was lying on the bed, dazed in a daze.

Just looking at Ling Zhen's appearance, she is a goddess full of fairy spirit. But after living together for a few days, Gu Xiaomeng also got to know her a little bit. Her little idol is actually a little girl. Although she is two years older than her, she is ignorant about many things, and she will be as dazed as she is now.

Goddess is of course good at everything, even in a daze she is prettier than others!

Gu Xiaomeng shook her hand: "What are you thinking about?"

Only then did Ling Zhen come back to her senses, she rubbed her slightly hot cheeks against the pillow, and turned her eyes away: "No, it's nothing."

Gu Xiaomeng originally asked casually, without any intention of inquiring about her body, so she straightened up: "I'm done taking a shower, the bathroom is a bit slippery, be careful."

Ling Zhen nodded: "Yeah."

He went into the bathroom, took off his clothes, and warm water flowed over his body.

In the mist, Ling Zhen lost his mind again.

Someone's low and hoarse "missing you" is still echoing in my ears.

She remembered that Wei Xi would occasionally talk to her like this before. The voice was a little teasing, and the black eyes looked down at her with a hint of teasing.

Ling Zhen has always thought that this is because of a good relationship. Wei Xi is close to her, so she will make a few jokes.

For example, ask her if she has taken a fancy to him, and ask her if she cares about herself.

But now that she knows Wei Xi's intentions, and after listening to him say such words, she finally understands the words commonly used by men and women in the world without a teacher.


It turns out that the feeling that makes people blush is ambiguous. And what Wei Xi said to her with a light smile was ambiguous and affectionate, which would only be said to a lover.

Ling Zhen's eyelashes were wet, and he raised his hand to wipe the water from his face.

The steam in the bathroom made the face even hotter.

After a while, the little girl bowed her head under the shower, her face blushing, and she poked the cold tiles with her fingers.

Wei Xi, he is so good...

The next stop of the tour is in a first-tier city in the south.

The food, lodging and transportation of the dance troupe is still a high-end configuration. After arriving in this city, three-fifths of the tour has been completed, but everyone is not tired, but more excited.

Because not only the tickets were sold out, but also attracted much attention online. There are even standing signs and flower baskets for fans to support them outside the theater where they performed. Of course, they are mainly Ling Zhen fans.

In view of the popularity of "Appealing Heartfelt Love Order" on the Internet, after careful consideration, the head of the group put this dance at the finale position.

Ling Zhen didn't think it was appropriate. After all, the finale had always belonged to Mr. Wen alone. Now adding her as a junior was really a bit...

But Wen Zichu himself had no objection, and even said that he always felt that this dance could be put at the end. Ling Zhen had no choice but to agree.

On the night of the performance, the theater was full. On the railing on the second floor, a banner was hung by Ling Zhen's fans. On it were Ling Zhen's retouched photos and slogans of support, which was quite popular.

Ling Zhen felt ashamed and moved at the same time. After a while, Ling Zhen posted a selfie on Weibo with the caption "I won't let you down Da [Xin]"

The performance went smoothly, and after about two hours, it was time for her and Wen Zichu to take the stage.

After the host announced the curtain, there was obviously commotion in the theater.

Then, when the lights on the stage were also dimmed, Wen Zichu came out first, captivating the audience with his dance moves. After Ling Zhen came on stage, there was a wave of applause and cheers from the audience.

Song Ling and the others watched from the background, both sad and envious.

Originally, it was already a great honor to be able to dance with Mr. Wen and act as a supporting role for him. But... is Ling really matching someone

As soon as she appeared, half the audience stood up.

When she dances, she really walks around like a fairy, and everyone's eyes will stop on her involuntarily.

Some people are born to belong to the world of the stage.

The performance ended perfectly, and Wen Zichu and Ling Zhen still bowed hand in hand.

Ling Zhen is still an immersive performance today, dancing very happily. She pulled her hair, raised a smile, waved to the audience, and then prepared to step down.

At this moment, a man came up from under the stage with flowers in his arms.

With a confident face and a clear goal, the man went straight to Ling Zhen.

The bouquet in his hand was huge, there were about a few hundred red roses, and it seemed to be Ling Zhen's male fan. Of course, this kind of flower offering is not allowed in concerts and other occasions, but dance troupe performances are different, and people are even arranged to present flowers to dance artists.

Ling Zhen had never experienced this posture before, the man had already handed the flowers directly to her eyes, and said loudly: "999 roses, dedicated to my goddess Ling Zhen!"

There was a booing in the theater, and the sound of the mobile phone "clicking" to take pictures kept coming and going. There were also fans of Ling Zhen expressing dissatisfaction, and the hall was filled with noisy voices for a while.

Ling Zhen froze for a moment, then quickly waved his hands: "No need, no need."

That man is a local rich second generation, and he fell in love with Ling Zhen while watching a TV series. It happened that she was touring in this city again, so the rich second generation came directly holding flowers.

He looked at the little fairy in front of him, pretending to be affectionate and said: "Take it, I can do more for you."

Ling Zhen responded in shock, and stepped back: "No thanks."

The rich second generation looked persistent and wanted to say something else.

Wen Zichu held back a hand and smiled, "Sir, it's better not to send roses indiscriminately."

In the end, the rich second generation was invited to leave by the security guards, and when he left, he turned his head every three steps, and the bouquet of roses was also taken away by the security guards. Ling Zhen finally stepped off the stage and patted his chest with lingering fear.

Gu Xiaomeng came rushing over with a frightened look on his face: "That man is so scary, and he still has such fanatical fans! Sister Zhenzhen, are you not scared?"

Ling Zhen shook his head.

She was indeed a little scared just now, but now that she thinks about it carefully, when she looked at the huge bouquet of roses, the first thought that popped into her head was... Wei Xi will be angry if she finds out.

That night, #玲真是精神forced to present flowers# was still on the hot search.

Some viewers posted a few live photos. The male fan was dressed in expensive clothes, holding a handful of exaggeratedly large roses, which were almost as wide as three Ling Zhens.

The little fairy was wearing a performance costume and was buried behind the flowers. She didn't mean to be happy and looked pitiful.

Most of the people on Weibo are scolding the rich second generation. If this kind of thing is put in the fan circle, that person can be drowned in saliva.

Ling Zhen was still a little uneasy after watching the trending search. Not long after, Wei Xi's phone call came.

She picked it up, feeling a little apprehensive: "Hello...?"

Wei Xi's voice sounded calm: "Have you eaten yet?"

Hey, it seems that there is no intention of invoking the teacher

Ling Zhen breathed a sigh of relief, and leaned softly on the head of the bed: "Eat."

Wei Xi gave an "um" and chatted with her for a few words.

Ling Zhen's slender fingers grabbed the tassels of the bed banner, and yawned a little while talking to him.

Suddenly, Wei Xi asked: "Someone sent you flowers? Don't you like roses?"

Ling Zhen was stunned for a moment before he realized that his yawns were scared away, and he explained subconsciously: "I confiscated them, I don't like roses, and I heard that roses can't be taken casually!"

The tone is very serious, as if explaining innocence to a jealous lover.

But she may not have noticed it herself.

Wei Xi's restlessness all night finally died down.

Seeing other men give her flowers, the dark things in her heart will still be ready to move. The villain who is ugly by nature is instigating in his ears, look, so many people covet her, is it right to let her out

He's still fine.

But his little girl was beginning to understand him.

There was a hint of joy in Wei Xi's eyes, and he smiled: "If you don't like roses, what do you like?"

Ling Zhen can now distinguish the different meanings of his laughter, and knows that Wei Xi's smile at this time is really laughing. She breathed a sigh of relief, and then bent her lips: "You know what I like."

The little girl was teasing him.

Wei Xi's brows were completely relaxed, and he sat back in the chair, his raised neck outlined a sexy line: "... what is it?"

Ling Zhen smiled and said in a very obedient voice, "I like it, I gave it to you."

— That emerald green fortune tree.

She smiled: "Did you take good care of it?"

Wei Xi curled up her fingertips and said, "Yes."

Ling Zhen was very satisfied, and touched each other's little feet in slippers.

Then next to the ear, Wei Xi continued to speak: "Since you like it, come back early and water it yourself."

Ling Zhen paused on his toes, and his heart softened.

She knew that Wei Xi was waiting for her to come home.

The meaning of the word "going home" was given to her by this person. She ran a long circle, free enough, and turned around to find that someone had been waiting for her.

Ling Zhen tugged at the bed flag, and after a while she whispered: "Okay, it's almost here."

More than a week later, the Oriental Song and Dance Troupe successfully concluded its last tour, and the troupe returned to court with a full performance.

This trip took a month, and when the return plane landed, the little girls on the plane were very excited.

Ling Zhen was also inexplicably excited.

After each took their luggage, the dance troupe disbanded on the spot. You can choose to take the bus booked in the group to go back, but some relatives, friends and lovers will come to pick you up, and everyone can arrange it by themselves.

Wen Zichu left beforehand, and seemed to have something to say to Ling Zhen before leaving.

Ling Zhen took his luggage and waited for him to speak.

Wen Zichu thought for a while: "Do you still remember the other purpose of our going out on tour?"

Ling Zhen didn't react for a while: "What?"

It happened that a few girls dragged their luggage over to say hello to Wen Zichu: "Teacher Wen, go slowly!"

What Wen Zichu was about to say was interrupted, and after greeting them, he said to Ling Zhen helplessly, "Forget it, it's fine, let's go back and rest first."

There is no rush for this moment.

Ling Zhen didn't ask any more questions, but nodded: "Okay."

When I went out of the customs, I met the station sister who was squatting at the airport to take pictures. But this time Ling Zhen had experience and was not in a panic. He was walking with a large group of girls from the dance troupe. Sister Zhan was still unable to get close, so she had to give up in the end.

The bus booked by the dance troupe stopped outside the arrival hall. After a large group of girls came out, most of them got on the bus.

Ling Zhen and Gu Xiaomeng stood together and walked towards the bus with the flow of people. Someone saw it, and suddenly felt a sense of relief.

The big star doesn't have a special car to go home? Do you have to take the bus with them

Ling Zhen didn't think there was anything wrong with the bus, it was so convenient to be able to park directly outside the family compound.

But there are always people who feel sorry for her, and pretend to say to Ling Zhen: "You celebrities have never taken a bus, have you? Do you want to leave the first row for you, lest you get motion sickness."

The little sisters around immediately echoed: "That's right, we're fine!"

Before Ling Zhen said anything, Gu Xiaomeng suddenly pulled his sleeves.

"Sister Zhenzhen, look behind!"

Ling Zhen turned his head, and the people around him followed suit.

I saw that in the black luxury car parked behind the bus, their father, who had only met once, was looking at someone with one hand on the window.

It was already April in the world, the man was wearing a thin black shirt with the cuffs rolled up, and the texture of his arms outlined nice lines.

Handsome, cold, and expensive.

The moment Ling Zhen looked back at him, the man's eyes were dark and the corners of his lips were slightly raised.

... The smile of the flower of the high mountain is comparable to a nuclear bomb in lethality.

Ling Zhen's eyes lit up, he spoke to Gu Xiaomeng, and then trotted towards the man.

Proposed to reserve the first row of seats for Ling Zhen: "..."

Everyone else: "..."

Gu Xiaomeng patted the shoulder of the person just now, and seriously suggested: "You should sit in the first row?"

"If you eat too much dog food, you will get motion sickness easily."

The author has something to say: Come back this time, just be serious! formal! Husband and wife live together!

(crackling applause

Where have all my cute little readers gone! ! ! There are so few comments on Lonely Monday QAQ!

Thanks to [July] classmates for their landmines!

Thank you [Duji x4, Duji x10, meredithx20, sensiyax3] for their nutrient solutions!

bow! There are two more~