Guidebook for the Dark Duke

Chapter 106: Husband and wife relationship


Evan and Duke Wilson hurriedly stood up and went up to them.

"Mrs. Mel." Duke Wilson spoke first.

Mrs. Mel didn't look as radiant as when she first met. Her face was sallow and anxious, and her figure was not as tall as when she first met. She looked a little timid, and most of her hair was loose. , covering half of her face.

"Lord Duke." She raised the corner of her skirt and bowed to Duke Wilson, speaking in a slightly hoarse voice.

Duke Wilson frowned as he looked at him like this, but it was only one day's event that Mrs. Mel would become like this.

"Are you okay?" Duke Wilson asked in a slightly stiff tone.

Mrs. Mel gave a wry smile and said in a low voice, "This terrible thing happened, I really..."

Duke Wilson couldn't help sighing, and there was a bit of sympathy in his eyes: "I understand your situation very well, Mel is too absurd this time." Speaking of which, Duke Wilson changed his words and looked sad. Mrs. Mel, who was in the midst of her death, added, "It's just that, even though it's the case, I still can't believe that he would kill people. It's just too ridiculous."

Mrs. Mel bit her lower lip with a forbearance in her eyes: "I don't believe he would do such a thing either." Her voice was very soft, and if Evan hadn't listened carefully, he would have hardly heard it.

Duke Wilson nodded with great satisfaction, as long as Mrs. Mel thought so, he was afraid that this woman would do something irrational out of love and hatred.

"Since that's the case, then I want to ask you, do Colonel Mel have any enemies? This time, it's almost like a frame-up." Duke Wilson said it very cautiously. Kevin asked him just before he came here. After reporting the investigation results of the past few days, it was very unexpected that they did not investigate almost anything. This is almost unbelievable for Duke Wilson who has almost completely mastered Delan Lier, so she is very sure. , this time there must be some kind of force targeting him.

Mrs. Mel thought for a while, her eyes flashed with a hint of hesitation, and she glanced at Duke Wilson, but it seemed a little difficult to explain.

Duke Wilson caught her expression and immediately said, "Did you think of anything? Please tell me whatever it is."

Mrs. Mel pursed her lips in embarrassment, and finally said, "I... I don't know if this is an enemy, before... I saw Charlie and a gentleman quarrel in the study room, and it seemed that the situation was very intense. , The gentleman looked very angry, but it was fortunate that Charlie called the housekeeper in, which did not cause more serious consequences." The Charlie in Merv's mouth was Colonel Mel's Christian name.

Duke Wilson couldn't help squinting his eyes. Colonel Mel is not the kind of person who is prone to conflict with others. It is really unusual to have a fight with someone this time. He is carrying out some kind of dirty work of his own. When he was tasked, he did it with a gentleman's attitude, and he was more particular than him. For so many years, Duke Wilson had never seen Mel quarrel with anyone.

"Do you know the gentleman's name?" Duke Wilson looked at Mrs. Mel with a burning expression. Maybe this person was the breakthrough in this matter.

Mrs. Mel pondered for a moment, and finally said: "I... I don't know, but I heard Charlie call him Edson, or something else. I really can't remember it."

Edson? ! Duke Wilson couldn't help widening his eyes, and Evan also looked at Mrs. Mel in surprise. It turned out to be the Ederson. Evan's impression of this gentleman was not very good.

"Did you really hear me right?" Duke Wilson looked at Mrs. Mel with a serious expression, as if he was about to ask something from her in the next moment.

"I... I..." Duke Wilson's attitude made Mrs. Mel flustered for a while. She looked around helplessly and stammered: "Maybe... Maybe I'm wrong..." She His tone was getting lower and lower, completely unconvincing.

Duke Wilson couldn't help but sighed and gave his temple a favor, but he was a little convinced by Mrs. Mel's statement. There is indeed a big gap between Ederson and Mel. This time Eddard Sen even made a move to conceal himself, and what was even more bizarre was that in this incident, their underground power barely gained anything, which not only made people wonder if Ederson really did something.

"Okay, don't worry, I understand what you said, I will let Colonel Mel free as soon as possible." Duke Wilson comforted a little dryly.

Mrs. Mel couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief: "Thank you so much. It's really lucky for Charlie to have a friend like you."

Duke Wilson nodded, but also lost the desire to speak.

The atmosphere became a little awkward for a while, and Mrs. Mel hurriedly invited Duke Wilson and Evan to the living room to sit down, and the servants brought new tea.

Evan took a sip and put the cup on the table. Those words just now were what Duke Wilson wanted to know, but he wanted to know more than that.

"Mrs. Mel." He looked at the slightly neurotic woman with a gentle expression, and said softly, "If you have anything, the door of Derainier Church will always be open for you." Mrs. Mel is considered a His latest parishioner, she used to come to church with Colonel Mel before. Evan hopes to use this method to soothe her emotions and get more information from her words.

"Oh, Mr. Pastor." Mrs. Mel's expression was almost a little surprised, as if she hadn't noticed that Evan was here before: "Thank you for your generosity, I understand." She nodded slightly uncomfortably, It looked like he was making a fool of himself.

Evan frowned a little puzzled. Although Mrs. Mel was a Protestant, if Evan remembered correctly, he was still very enthusiastic about churches and churches. Anyway, he was 10,000 times more enthusiastic than Colonel Mel. When he looked at her, it seemed a little weird.

"Do you have any trouble?" Evan asked tentatively.

Mrs. Mel glanced at Evan subconsciously, her hands on her knees tightened, a smile was forced out of her face, and she whispered, "No, no, thank you for your invitation."

Evan nodded, but the doubts in his heart did not dissipate.

After that, a few people talked a lot about Colonel Mel. Duke Wilson hardly made a sound. Most of them were talking about Evan and Mrs. Mel. Evan suddenly found a very interesting phenomenon, even though Colonel Mel He did such a terrible thing, but when Mrs. Mel was talking about him, the expression on her face was still flat, and even a hint of softness flashed at certain moments, completely unaware of her husband's anger and derailment. Unwilling, but when talking about him being wronged, his tone becomes excited.

This kind of weird emotion made Evan unable to sigh for Mrs. Mel. It seems that she may have fallen in love with Colonel Mel to the bottom of her heart, and she would be so tolerant of such betrayal of feelings and marriage. This made Evan feel a little guilty about the question he was about to ask.

But Evan would not give up his questioning because of this, because he knew very well that Colonel Mel's imprisonment was a blow to the Duke, so he stopped going around in circles and asked directly: "You knew before. What about Colonel Mel and Mother Eliza?" Evan tried to keep his expression cold, he knew very well that as a victim in a marriage, Mrs. Mel was very likely to know about Colonel Mel's betrayal After that, make extreme moves.

As soon as Evan's voice fell, Mrs. Mel's face quickly turned pale, her lips trembled slightly, and she looked at Evan with a panicked expression.

"" She was almost speechless: "How could you say such a terrible thing!" She covered her face with her hands, and big tears rolled down her fingers.

Evan was a little embarrassed for a while, not knowing what to say.

"Mrs. Mel, you..." Evan wanted to comfort but didn't know where to start.

Mrs. Mel raised her head sharply, tears still raging on her face, but her eyes looked clear and pure at this time.

"I really don't know, please believe me." She said this, as if grabbing the last straw.

Evan was speechless for a while, he glanced at Duke Wilson who was sitting on the side with a cold expression, and could only nod his head with gritted teeth: "My lady, I'm sorry I said something that made you sad, of course I believe you Yes, don't worry, I just want to be sure, what Colonel Mayer said, so I can find out who actually killed Mother Eliza."

But when Evan said the word "kill", Mrs. Mel trembled, she buried her face in her palm again, and murmured: "Oh, this is so terrible, so terrible, I but May this all pass."

Evan looked at her like this, his expression flashed slightly, but his mouth was still very soft: "Please rest assured, it will pass."

"Thank you for your hospitality today." Duke Wilson suddenly interrupted Evan's gentle persuasion and said, "It's getting late, we'll leave first." He stood up from the sofa and looked with an urging look Look at Evan.

Although Evan was startled by him, he would not fight against him, so he also stood up with him and politely said goodbye to Mrs. Mel.

Mrs. Mel looked at Duke Wilson with a little surprise, the tears on her face were still clearly visible, she nodded dumbly, and then sent the two of them to the carriage, and then went back.

After Evan and Duke Wilson sat in the carriage, they said, "What do you think? Is there anything suspicious?"

Duke Wilson frowned: "I didn't think about Ederson at all. It seems that I have underestimated him." He just thought that Ederson's concealment was a heinous crime, but Mrs. Mel's words today Let him have the idea of another possibility.

Evan nodded: "This point does need attention, but I am very puzzled that Mrs. Mel looks a little wrong and always feels a little weird." Although Evan said this, in fact he and Mel The lady has never gotten along with her, but she just feels a little weird.

Duke Wilson raised his eyebrows. If Evan is just a little unfamiliar, then he has never seen him a few times.

"If you have doubts about her, then I will find someone to monitor her for a while to see if I can find any flaws, but I think the most important thing at this time is Edson." Speaking of Edson's At that time, the expression on the Duke's face was very cold.

Although Evan had doubts in his heart, he still nodded at this time. The Duke was indeed right. Edson, as long as he remembered this name, there would be a chill in his heart.