Guidebook for the Dark Duke

Chapter 26: Quiet town


The twists and turns of the Lawrence family made the whole town boil. Mr. Lawrence was sentenced to hang, but it was Mrs. Lawrence who died first. On the morning of Mr. Lawrence's execution, Mrs. Lawrence committed suicide by taking medicine at home alone.

Delan Lier went crazy all of a sudden. Newspaper headlines were full of reports about the tragedy of the Lawrence family for more than ten days. Sheriff Chandler was chased and blocked by tabloid reporters. In the end, he was so annoyed that he could only run to Evan's. Church to hide and quiet.

Evan was wearing a white priest's uniform, standing solemnly in front of the statue and saluting, while Sheriff Chandler leaned lazily on the chair and said in a low voice: "Pastor, this is really a tragedy."

Evan looked at the crucifixion statue with a dignified look of compassion.

"Sheriff, this is all arranged by the Lord, don't blame yourself." Evan's tone was unusually soft.

Sheriff Chandler buried his face in his hands, looking very tired.

"I don't blame myself, I just can't figure it out." Sheriff Chandler's voice was a little dull: "I can't understand why such a good person, Mr. Lawrence, would do such a terrible thing."

Evan sighed, he turned his back to Sheriff Chandler and narrowed his eyes slightly, but in the end he didn't say a word.

Sheriff Chandler didn't expect to get an answer from Evan. The only thing he wanted was someone to listen to him.

In the end, Sheriff Chandler left, and Delan Lier Church was not his sanctuary. He had to face this disaster by himself.

After Sheriff Chandler left, Evan finally stepped down from the altar, placed holy water in the Holy Grail, and made a cross in front of him. He originally did not believe in ghosts and gods, but he desperately hoped at this moment that God could really bless him.

The world has changed so much.

Mrs. Sanders came out of it and saw Evan standing there, she couldn't help but stunned, his handsome profile looked a little psychedelic in the sunlight reflected in the colorful glass of the church, golden. Curly hair shone strangely, such a handsome young man, Mrs. Sanders had not seen for a long time.

"Madam?" Evan turned his head and looked at Mrs Sanders with some surprise.

"Oh." She suddenly came back to her senses: "Mr. Reverend, Duke Wilson just sent a letter." Mrs. Sanders handed the envelope in her hand.

Evan nodded and took the letter.

Since the last time he took the initiative to invite the Duke to the church, Duke Wilson has never missed a service, and the relationship between them has quickly become closer. Usually, Duke Wilson will take the initiative to invite Evan to Cornwall Manor, Evan. Duke Wilson will also be invited to his parsonage as a guest.

With such a relationship, in the eyes of the townspeople of Delan Lier, the two have undoubtedly become the closest friends, and as a result, Evan's status in Delan Lier is also much higher.

Evan swept the Duke's letter, elegant and beautiful swashes, rigorous and gentle wording, but the ultimate goal was to invite Evan to participate in the autumn hunting of Cornwall Manor.

Evan's finger holding the letter paused slightly, and Mrs. Sanders couldn't help but be puzzled: "Pastor, what's the matter?"

Evan looked at Mrs. Sanders hesitantly: "The Duke invited me to participate in the autumn hunting."

"What?" Mrs. Sanders was almost overjoyed: "The Duke actually invited you to the autumn hunt! Oh! What a great honor! Pastor Bruce, you are really the Duke's closest friend!"

Evan looked at Mrs. Sanders inexplicably: "Does this have any special meaning?" He thought that religious believers would not encourage such behavior.

"Oh, look at my memory." Mrs. Sanders sighed with a smile: "I forgot that you didn't know it yet."

Mrs. Sanders happily took the letter from Evan's hand and said with a smile: "The Duke's autumn hunt is held once a year, but it invites celebrities from Derain and sometimes nobles from London. , This is the annual prosperity of Delan Lier, Pastor Ross has served in Delan Lier for nearly 20 years, and he has only been invited once, you are really honored this time."

Evan raised his eyebrows when he heard it, and it seemed that his efforts were not in vain.

"Really, then it seems that I must pass." Evan's tone was very calm, without a trace of waves.

Mrs. Sanders finally realized that Evan's mood was wrong at this time, and looked at Evan with some doubts: "Pastor, what's the matter? Are you unwilling to go over?"

Evan lowered his head and couldn't see the expression clearly: "Of course I am willing to go, but I have no hunting experience before, I'm afraid I will make a fool of myself."

Mrs. Sanders was relieved to hear this: "Don't worry, this will not happen, you are a priest, they will not force you to hunt, most of them just follow the team to pray for God's blessing. , Pastor Ross is like that."

Evan nodded: "That's good."

Mrs. Sanders happily went out to prepare hunting things for Evan, but Evan sat in the front row of the church seat with a complicated expression.

It is good that Duke Wilson invited him to go hunting in autumn, but this matter is very difficult to deal with. This event will last for about a week. If Evan's memory is not wrong, there will be a big event in this hunting.

Someone is going to assassinate the Duke.

This is not an impulsive act, but a long-planned conspiracy. Duke Wilson is the king's cousin, the relationship between the king and him is very close, and Duke Wilson has a great influence on the king. Now the king is seriously ill, However, the heir has not yet been established. According to the law of succession to the throne, it should be inherited by Prince George. The relationship between Duke Wilson and Prince George is also very close, not to mention the army in the hands of the Duke, which plays a huge role in the entire kingdom. , so those who hide in the dark and covet the throne naturally cannot sit still.

They planned this assassination, which was almost a perfect plan. The Duke loves hunting, and only when he is hunting can he be alone. This is an opportunity for these people.

But unfortunately, this opportunity was broken by the heroine, the first halo character in this article. She blocked a shot for the Duke, but naturally, she survived, so the Duke became more and more dead to the heroine.

This result made Evan clearly understand that if he wants to completely grasp the Duke, he must pay the price for this assassination.

Evan lowered his head, he shook hands, struggling in his heart, the heroine had a halo around her and could survive even if she blocked the gun, but he didn't have such skills, he was just trying his best to catch the Duke's sight The despicable villain, if he really died for this matter, wouldn't the gain outweigh the loss.

This letter is a big problem for Evan.

He thought about it over and over again. This book is written with the heroine and the duke as the protagonists. If he doesn't make trouble this time, things will inevitably develop as described in the book. The heroine saved the duke, even if Now the duke doesn't want to have a favorable impression of the heroine like in the book. This result is also a time bomb, and he can't take risks.

Evan thought about it again and again, and finally decided to fight this time. It was incredible that he came to this place. What if he took another risk.

There was a dangerous light in Evan's eyes, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised. This time, let him take a good look at how the gloomy but affectionate duke in the book would react.

When Mrs. Sanders came out, she couldn't help but feel anxious when she saw Evan still standing.

"Mr. Pastor, why are you still here, the townspeople will be here in an hour, and you are going to mass."

Evan suddenly came back to his senses, he slowly stood up from his seat, he must plan this time well.

As always, people from the whole town came to this mass, and the parishioners in Dranlier seemed to be very devout. Since Evan became a pastor, almost everyone of them has not missed a service.

Evan stood on the altar and saw Duke Wilson also coming. He was still wearing a black coat and suit with a hat, his face was cold, and the whole person looked very solemn. Arya and Dr. Hester also came together Now, what made Evan even more unacceptable was that Arya was sitting next to Duke Wilson.

Looking at the crimson on Arya's face, Evan's heart became more and more determined. This time, he must not let it go. He must take risks.

After the mass, Evan sent all the townspeople out one by one. In the end, only the Duke stayed. Evan watched the reluctant Alia walk away with Dr. Hester, and then turned around. , looking at Duke Wilson with a slightly stiff face.

"Sir, thank you for your attendance today." Evan was so polite that he couldn't pick out any shortcomings.

There was something strange in Duke Wilson's eyes: "Have your feelings for Miss Arya still not changed?" He answered somewhat inaccurately.

Evan's heart was first shocked and then joyful, but his face pretended to be melancholy: "How can a person's feelings be controlled, Miss Alia is sincere and kind, I'm just a priest, I'm afraid I'm not worthy of it her."

There was a bit of anger in Duke Wilson's eyes: "Why are you not worthy of her! It's her... "

Under Evan's burning gaze, Duke Wilson couldn't continue. He licked his dry lips and tongue, looking at Evan's blue eyes as clear as lake water, just wanting to find a place to crawl in.

Evan just smiled slightly, as if he didn't care about Duke Wilson's gaffes, and just whispered: "I am very honored that you think highly of me, but it is a pity that I am just an ordinary mortal, and even the Lord cannot change it. One's affection for another."

Duke Wilson pursed his lips tightly and looked at Evan, who was a little lost. For some reason, his heart seemed to be condensed. He didn't like Arya very much, very, very much.

"Have you received the invitation I sent you?" Duke Wilson suddenly changed the subject.

Evan smiled and nodded: "Thank you for your invitation."

"Then will you come?" Duke Wilson pursued.

Evan was a little surprised, he thought he had already answered this question in his previous words.

"Don't worry, I will definitely go over." Evan made up his mind silently, this time he had the consciousness to risk his life.

Duke Wilson's face softened a little.