Guidebook for the Dark Duke

Chapter 30: Unforgettable


Evan has achieved his wish this time. The Duke's eyes have never left Evan since he was shot at the beginning. He has always looked at him with a very contradictory look, with a deep expression. Despair, but mixed with vague expectations, he looked at Evan, his pale and bloodless profile, as if he would suddenly open his eyes in the next moment and look at him with a gentle smile.

But Evan has been lying still like that, his long eyelashes trembling slightly, but the whole person has no intention of waking up, and Duke Wilson is a little stunned.

Dr. Hester felt a little strange to see this scene, but he was a very upright man, so he didn't think too much, just pulled the Duke's sleeve and whispered: "Sir, please leave first, I want Treated Mr. Pastor."

Duke Wilson turned to look at Dr. Hester in confusion, and made a sleepwalking voice: "Treatment?"

Dr. Hester nodded: "The bullet went into Mr. Reverend's body, and I have to help him get it out."

The Duke lowered his head to look at Evan. His bloodless lips were completely devoid of their usual vigor, and the blond hair, which was bright and sunny, was now slightly dimmed.

"Will he wake up?" asked the Duke suddenly.

Dr. Hester frowned. The tone of the Duke's words was a bit strange, as if something darker was hidden. He glanced at the Duke cautiously and replied cautiously: "My lord, it depends on God. I mean."

"God?" The Duke reached out and stroked Evan's hair. His hand was almost trembling, and the blood on his hand made Evan's hair a little embarrassed.

"He is such a devout believer, and God will surely wake him up." The Duke smiled and looked at Evan, but his smile was uglier than crying.

No matter how slow Dr. Hester was, he realized that something was wrong at this time. Before he even had time to make a surprised expression, he was frightened by the vicious gaze of Butler Chris next to him.

He is a person who is very good at winking. He hurriedly suppressed the strangeness in his heart and lowered his head.

The Duke suddenly stood up from Evan's bedside. He turned around and wanted to leave, but couldn't help but gave Evan a deep look, and then turned and left as if he couldn't bear anything.

Butler Chris also walked out, and in an instant, only Dr. Hester was left in the room, and he stared blankly at the direction the Duke left.

He really couldn't believe that the duke had such wicked thoughts about Mr. Priest, and he wanted to put Arya...

Dr. Hester couldn't help fighting a cold war. He had to forget about this. Even if Arya became an old girl, she couldn't have anything to do with Pastor Bruce. Duke Wilson was so powerful that he knew better than anyone else.

Dr. Hester sympathetically glanced at Evan, who was lying in bed without knowing whether he was alive or dead. Poor Pastor Bruce, I really don't know what the scene would be like when he knew the truth.

Dr. Hester sighed and began to open his medicine cabinet to start treatment for Evan.

The bullet that penetrated Evan's body was buffered by the iron sheet and was not very deep. Dr. Hester only cut a small incision and took out the bullet with tweezers.

He glanced at it roughly, but his heart was tight. This is not an ordinary civilian ammunition. If he is not mistaken, it is obviously the latest military ammunition.

Dr. Hester was sweating coldly from his back, but he didn't dare to slow down. He quickly wiped Evan's wound with alcohol. Speaking of which, the extraction of alcohol was taught to him by Evan a few days ago. He tried it a few times, and the effect Very good, but this time it saved Evan's life.

Although the main bullet was taken out, the black sand scattered by the ammunition still needs to be taken out by Dr. Hester slowly. Fortunately, the bullet seems to have been blocked by something, so the black sand splashed out is not too much, and it will be completed soon. , But at this time, Dr. Hester still didn't dare to relax. You must know that the most difficult stage was the high fever that followed.

Dr. Hester rubbed the alcohol on the wound again, and then rubbed it with the hemostatic medicine he suddenly got from an oriental merchant a few days ago. After seeing that the blood stopped flowing, he wrapped him with fine gauze. The wound, and then came out of the house.

When he came out, the duke was sitting in the small living room on the second floor. He didn't even change his clothes. His body was stained with blood. Butler Chris stood aside, holding the clothes in his hands, his face embarrassed.

Seeing Doctor Hester coming out, the Duke stood up immediately: "How is it?"

Dr. Hester sighed, wiped the sweat from his forehead again, and said in a low voice, "The bullet has been taken out. As long as Mr. Reverend can survive tonight, everything will be fine."

After hearing this, the Duke immediately fell back on the chair as if he had collapsed.

"Excellent! Thank you, Dr. Hester!" Butler Chris spoke first, and his originally indifferent face was now a little bit happy.

"My lord, did you hear me?"

Butler Chris immediately turned to look at Duke Wilson, only to find that the Duke was leaning on the back of the chair a little weakly, his face sallow and cold sweat dripping down.

Butler Chris ran up immediately: "Lord Duke, what's the matter with you?"

Dr. Hester was also startled, and hurried forward.

"My lord, are you injured?" Dr. Hester, still very experienced, immediately got the idea.

Duke Wilson was covered in blood, and naturally he couldn't see the abrasions on his arm.

The Duke pointed to his arm a little tiredly. Dr. Hester immediately turned his eyes away. He carefully cut the Duke's sleeve with scissors. The wet blood had already attached the sleeve to the wound. Hester The doctor carefully tore off the fabric, which should have been painful, but the Duke's expression did not change.

Dr. Hester admired and was a little scared at the same time. This man was so cruel to himself and others.

Dr. Hester wiped the Duke's wound with alcohol, and took out the herbs he bought from the Eastern merchant from his bag. He wanted to help the Duke apply it, but was stopped by Butler Chris.

"What is this?" Butler Chris frowned, looking at the black thing in Dr. Hester's hand.

"I bought the hemostatic medicine from an eastern merchant, and it works very well." Dr. Hester's expression was very certain.

This is actually a coincidence. Once again, he went to a pub to drink, and suddenly met a mysterious oriental man, his face was covered with cloth, and he was full of oriental mystery. He sold him a hemostatic medicine. At first, Hayes Te didn't believe it either, but the businessman appeared on the spot and said that it was so magical and efficient that he had to believe it.

Butler Chris looked at Dr. Hester with some distrust, but the Duke said at this time: "Let him use it."

He knew Dr. Hester very well, and he was a very cautious man who would not take medication lightly, especially to himself.

Butler Chris did not dare to stop him any more, and Doctor Hester hurried forward to help the Duke apply medicine.

The Duke's injury was not serious. As soon as the medicine was applied, the bleeding stopped. Dr. Hester helped the Duke bandage the wound and then stepped aside.

The Duke looked at the fine gauze wrapped by Dr. Hester, did not say much, and said solemnly: "How do you get through tonight?"

Dr. Hester was stunned, and finally realized that he was asking about Reverend Bruce.

"Mr. Pastor's wound is not deep, but he is afraid of festering, so he needs regular dressing changes and cooling." Dr. Hester said immediately.

The Duke nodded immediately: "I can do this."

Dr. Hester was startled, but he didn't dare to say a word. He just stood aside cautiously, trying his best to reduce his sense of existence.

Butler Chris seemed to be about to say something, but looking at the Duke's firm eyes, he didn't say a word in the end, just sighed softly.

Duke Wilson ignored the performance of the two people and turned around and entered the room. He stood at the end of the bed and was afraid to walk over. He was afraid to see Evan's pale and lifeless face, it would be like a nightmare for him. Well, he never thought that he would have such a big reaction to a person's life and death.

In the end, he walked up to Evan. Although Evan was still a little pale at this time, he no longer had the terrifying face he had before. Duke Wilson's tense heart finally relaxed a little, and he half-kneeled in front of Evan's bed. , and looked at his handsome profile with some fascination.

With a slightly sick face, he looked a little weak in the sunlight, but somehow, Duke Wilson's heart was greatly satisfied. He wasn't dead, he was still alive. Just this made him happy. mad.

Duke Wilson moved a chair from the side and sat beside Evan's bed. He stared at his face for a long time, and his originally frightened heart seemed to calm down little by little.

The tyranny that wanted to destroy the whole world suddenly disappeared at this moment, and he just wanted to sit here forever and watch him.

Duke Wilson finally discovered at this time that Evan was so important to him. Duke Wilson reached out and wanted to touch his hand outside the quilt, but stopped at the moment he touched him.

He suddenly remembered that the person in front of him was a clergyman and a believer of the Lord. He would not appreciate this kind of emotion beyond ethics, and he would never accept his dirty mind.

At this moment, there was a sudden commotion outside the door, Duke Wilson frowned, turned and walked out.

"What's wrong?" he asked softly, opening the door.

At the door is the embarrassed butler Chris.

"Lord Duke, the other gentlemen and ladies are back."

Duke Wilson gritted his teeth, and he suddenly regretted inviting these people over.

"Let them be quiet." The Duke dropped these words coldly and turned to close the door.

Butler Chris hurriedly said, "Sir, they want to see you."

Duke Wilson did not slow down the closing of the door: "Tell them, I'm fine, let them stay honest and talk about it tomorrow." After that, he closed the door without question.

He walked to Evan's bed again, looking at Evan's pale face, his face gloomy again.

What happened this time is not accidental. He has seen the bullets that Dr. Hester took out. Naturally, he knows more about this thing than Dr. Hester. This is not only military ammunition, but also the ammunition of noble soldiers. There are not many people who can get high-level gunpowder, and those who have a deep hatred with him, of course he thinks about it.

Duke Wilson looked out the window and smiled coldly. Since someone wants to provoke his patience, let him feel his anger well.