Guidebook for the Dark Duke

Chapter 36: Breaking news


Evan's sudden turn of his head made Duke Wilson wake up. He immediately turned his face away, and the whole person looked a little flustered.

Evan was also a little overwhelmed for a while. He had never seen such deep feelings appear in the eyes of a person. He never thought how deep the Duke's feelings for him would be.

There was an awkward silence between the two, Evan didn't know what to say, but Duke Wilson was ashamed and angry.

He saw it, he knew it.

Such thoughts grabbed Duke Wilson's heart, and he wanted to disappear from this place immediately.

After a long time, Evan suddenly realized that he couldn't go on like this. If it continued like this, the relationship between him and Duke Wilson would also change.

"What do you think of my thoughts?" Evan asked suddenly.

Duke Wilson was taken aback by Evan's sudden speech. He turned his face a little stiffly. Looking at Evan's still gentle expression, Duke Wilson was suddenly relieved.

He probably didn't see it, Duke Wilson was a little fortunate in his heart.

In his mind, Evan is probably the purest and most devout believer in the world, and the feelings in his heart are very evil in his eyes. He doesn't want Evan to know his feelings, he wants to put himself Hide your feelings and never let anyone know.

"Your idea is also very reasonable." Duke Wilson tried his best to adjust his expression to normal.

Evan raised his eyebrows slightly: "Then you say, should I report this to Sheriff Chandler?"

When Duke Wilson heard this, he frowned slightly and whispered: "There is no evidence in this matter. You dare to tell Sheriff Chandler that there is something wrong. Don't say whether he will believe it or not. I'm afraid it will also damage your friendship with Sheriff Chandler."

Evan smiled slightly. Duke Wilson really thought about him a lot. His relationship with Sheriff Chandler was not close at all, and it was fine last time. No matter how generous he is, I am afraid that he will be dissatisfied, but Evan will not do these thankless things.

"What you said is very true." Evan said with sincerity: "I didn't think about it carefully."

Duke Wilson heard this, and for some reason, he suddenly felt a little satisfaction in his heart. He lowered his head and pursed his lips and smiled.

When he raised his head, his face was already pale.

"It's good if you can figure this out." Duke Wilson tried his best to restrain his inner joy and whispered.

Evan could see that his expression was unnatural, but he didn't know what was wrong with him, so he nodded.

Duke Wilson and Evan left after talking for a while, and the atmosphere between the two was much better than before.

Evan squinted at Duke Wilson's back, but he was a little uncertain in his heart. The Duke's treatment of him made his emotions a little complicated.

Evan sighed and buried himself in the quilt, his heart suddenly heavy.

A few days later, Evan began to recover. About Mr. Johnson, he was told to Evan by his footman Tom, for example, Mrs. Johnson's complaint, Sheriff Chandler's rage, The chaos of the hearing simply left Evan a little speechless.

He thought that Mrs. Johnson should be a rational person, but now, seeing that she still has emotional emotions, it is a bit surprising that she can do these vigorous things.

Evan's injury was almost healed that day, and he was able to sit up. Tom helped him to the other end of the room and let him sit on the edge of the bed and bask in the sun.

Evan took the newspaper that Tom brought up and looked at the various gossip about this incident in the newspaper. Sometimes he really couldn't help but want to laugh.

At this moment, the duke came in.

"Pastor Bruce." He casually walked over to Evan and sat down.

The relationship between Duke Wilson and Evan has become much closer these days.

"Lord Duke." Evan still gestured politely.

The Duke looked at Evan's gentle expression, his eyes softened a lot, and said warmly, "Are you feeling better?"

Evan smiled and put down the newspaper in his hand: "It's better, I can sit up, but I'm afraid there is still some distance from the complete recovery."

The Duke's expression suddenly felt a little regretful, and he whispered: "This time it is because of me that you have experienced these terrible things."

Evan smiled nonchalantly: "You are overthinking it, this is all the Lord's test, I was able to escape from death, and I am very grateful for the Lord's gift."

Duke Wilson sighed, and in a blink of an eye, he saw the newspaper that Evan put on the table, and his expression flashed a bit of complexity.

"Are you concerned about this too? It's a shame. Mrs. Johnson is like a mad woman now."

Evan sighed, and there was a little pity in his eyes.

"Please don't say that to a lady whose methods are extreme, but they are also for the truth of Mr. Johnson's death."

Hearing that Evan's tone was wrong, Duke Wilson's eyes suddenly showed a bit of annoyance, and immediately said: "You are right, I am too mean."

His tone was so urgent that Evan couldn't help but glance at him.

Duke Wilson's expression immediately became embarrassed, he bit his lower lip, and there was a bit of annoyance in his beautiful eyes, looking extremely embarrassed.

Evan just smiled softly: "No, you don't have to be sorry, Mrs. Johnson's actions are indeed inappropriate, and now I am afraid most people hold your thoughts."

Duke Wilson breathed a sigh of relief and said, "It's true that the word outside is now, but Sheriff Chandler finally decided to re-investigate Mr. Johnson's death under the pressure of Mrs. Johnson."

Evan heard a move in his heart. In Evan's view, Sheriff Chandler is a very assertive person. If there is no clear evidence, he may not change his mind.

"Is this true?" Evan looked surprised: "Has Sheriff Chandler found any evidence?"

Duke Wilson couldn't help frowning when he said this, and finally thought about it again and again, and finally said: "I didn't want to tell you these words, after all, this is really too scary."

Evan just smiled: "You always think of me as being so vulnerable, don't worry, I won't be easily scared."

Duke Wilson's brows still did not loosen, and he paused again before saying, "It's okay, you will know sooner or later anyway."

He picked up the newspaper from the table, pointed to the huge photo in the newspaper and asked, "Do you know this man?"

Evan looked over and saw that the person Duke Wilson was referring to was a beautiful young man standing proudly behind the Johnsons.

This photo is a photo of Mr. Johnson before his death. Now, the reporter did not know where to find it and published it on the main page of the newspaper.

Evan nodded: "This person is Mr. Johnson's secretary Rael."

Evan was very impressed with this beautiful young man, but since he was shot, he hadn't seen this man for a long time, so he didn't take it seriously. Now he was pointed out by Duke Wilson, he was very concerned about this. People's memory also turned out immediately.

"Yes." Duke Wilson threw the newspaper on the table with some contempt, as if there was a virus on the newspaper.

"It's this person." Duke Wilson looked up at Evan: "I'm afraid you still don't know, the relationship between him and Mr. Johnson is not pure."

When he said this sentence, there was a trace of expectation and contempt in his expression. He couldn't tell which one accounted for more, and Evan was stunned for a while.

He never thought that a standard gentleman like Mr. Johnson would have such hobbies, but now that he thinks about it, he can think of something wrong between the two people.

For example, Mr. Johnson could endure such an arrogant person as Rael, or the strange atmosphere between the two people when he went to see Mr. Johnson that day.

But this incident came so suddenly, Evan didn't know how to react. In the end, he could only stare at Duke Wilson in a daze, and said in a low voice, "You, what did you say?"

Looking at Evan's dull expression, the Duke's heart sank straight down. He couldn't tell whether he was more disappointed or more gratified.

Disappointed at Evan's ignorance of this aspect, and pleased that he is so simple and kind.

"Mr. Pastor." Duke Wilson adjusted his expression as much as possible to make himself look more natural: "That secretary Rael has an improper relationship with Mr. Johnson."

"Improper relationship." Evan repeated somewhat meaninglessly: "What do you mean?" Evan seemed to have suddenly reacted, and looked at Duke Wilson as if he had seen a ghost.

Duke Wilson only felt a bit bitter in his heart. He pursed his lips tightly and said in a low voice, "That's what you mean."

"Oh my God!" Evan crossed in front of him like every devout believer: "This is horrible."

Duke Wilson listened to his words and almost couldn't help but want to run out. He knew that Evan's reaction would definitely be like this, but he still held on to expectations, hoping that he would have a different opinion.

This is so stupid that Duke Wilson almost despises himself.

Evan was very concerned about the Duke's every move at this time, and naturally he could see the changes in the Duke's emotions.

"It is horrific that Mr Johnson, as a married man, betrayed the marriage of the Holy Spirit."

The expression on Evan's face was simple and sincere, like a person who was really worried about it, which made Duke Wilson, who had been ashes as death, suddenly stunned.

He turned his head a little stiffly, looked straight at Evan, and asked with a bit of truth, "What did you just say?"

Evan looked at Duke Wilson with some doubts: "Mr. Johnson betrayed the marriage, isn't that what you told me?"

"Yes! Yes!" Duke Wilson looked slightly excited: "I told you this, but don't you object to two men..."

After all, Duke Wilson was educated by an old-fashioned gentleman, and the last sentence was indeed a little difficult to say.

Evan looked at Duke Wilson and suddenly smiled.

"Why do you think so?" Evan picked up the newspaper on the table: "Although the Bible says that two men cannot love each other, things in this world are very complicated, and love comes from nowhere, this is not the Bible What can be stopped, I have no such right to deny a person's feelings."

Evan said such words, but the duke didn't seem to understand. Looking at Evan, the whole person was stunned.