Guidebook for the Dark Duke

Chapter 4: Duke's Secretary


Of course John wouldn't know his end, and he was busy talking to Duke Wilson about his work.

As a duke's secretary, even graduating from Cambridge University is a great honor.

"Edward likes John very much, Mr. Lawrence, you have a good son." The smile on Duke Wilson's face was a little fake.

Edward is the only son of Duke Wilson. The Duchess died three years ago, leaving the son only six years old this year.

Mr. Lawrence was very excited, and immediately said: "It is a great honor to be appreciated by Lord Edward."

Duke Wilson nodded slightly, but there was no wavering in his eyes.

Evan stood aside with a bit of interest in his eyes. He had read in the original book that the duke valued his only son very much, and the heroine also used this child to get close to Duke Wilson.

Evan glanced at Alia who was sitting in the corner. She was not involved with Duke Wilson yet. Evan twitched her lips slightly, and she would never be involved with Duke Wilson again.

"Lord Duke." Just when Duke Wilson was finally impatient to leave, Evan said, "I just read the accounts of the church's donations. Thank you very much for your generous donation to the church. I wonder if you have time recently. Allow me to salute your generosity."

Duke Wilson looked at Evan in surprise. In his opinion, Evan, an overly young priest, was just like all the priests he had ever met, quiet and peaceful. Suddenly, he spoke astonishingly, and he was indeed a little uncomfortable.

"I am a believer of the Lord, and these are what I should do. Pastor Bruce is overrated, but if Mr. Pastor wants to visit, Cornwall Manor will always open the door to the messenger of the Lord, and Pastor Bruce can come over at any time." Wilson The hesitation in the Duke's eyes was fleeting, and he became the deep and well-bred nobleman before.

Evan slightly hooked the corner of his mouth and nodded.

Duke Wilson finally left the dinner party ahead of schedule. With his status, there is no need to stay in such a place for much longer. It is God's blessing to show his face.

The Lawrence couple sent the duke out as if they were sending off the king. After they came back, the smiles on the faces of the two did not stop. They were like butterflies among the flowers, leading John who was left behind, Go around and talk to celebrities in town.

Evan was also fortunate enough to have a few words with them. As a priest, he was considered a gentleman in this small town.

From Evan's point of view, the Lawrence and his wife can be regarded as doting on John, especially Mrs. Lawrence, who almost praised John to the sky. The words were so intimate that Evan had goosebumps, but she But he was still proud to tell Evan about John's glorious history. In the end, Mr. Lawrence couldn't take it anymore and hurriedly stopped Mrs. Lawrence's exaggerated remarks.

"Okay dear, I don't think Reverend Bruce has eaten yet." Mr. Lawrence said with a smile.

Only then did Mrs. Lawrence realize her gaffe, and smiled and led John to other places to brag.

The protagonist of the matter, John, was indifferent from beginning to end. Even in the face of Evan, he raised his head arrogantly.

Evan just sneered when he looked at his back. Such a person is only worthy of being a cannon fodder. Evan has no idea of saving him from the disaster. He feels that there is no need for this. Time, the only thing he thinks about is how to survive in this chaotic world, or to survive more comfortably.

It was very late when the welcome dinner ended. Sheriff Chandler had drunk too much and was already a little drunk. Evan's parsonage was just in the same direction as the sheriff's house. The sheriff's wife was a weak She couldn't move the tall and tall sheriff at all, so Evan, as a good pastor, had to take on the heavy responsibility of sending Sheriff Chandler home.

Fortunately, everyone did not miscalculate the weight of an alcoholic, especially Sheriff Chandler, who was six feet three inches and more than two hundred pounds. The Lawrences sent one of their servants to assist Evan in sending the Sheriff back.

This servant happened to be John's manservant, and Evan's impatient heart suddenly calmed down, and he began to calculate quickly in his heart.

John is the secretary of the duke. The one who knows a lot of information about the duke is probably this secretary, and as the secretary's servant, I am afraid that he knows a lot.

Evan and the footman helped the sheriff into the car, the terrified Mrs. Sheriff drove in front, while Evan and the footman sat in the back.

Evan has a very seductive face, and coupled with his respected profession, he takes a big advantage when he wants to get closer to someone.

Evan was just talking a few words of nonsense in the New Testament of the Bible, and the devout Protestant took his heart to Evan.

"Pastor Bruce, I want to repent to you." The slender footman said suddenly after they sent the sheriff home.

Evan looked at the dark night around him and couldn't help but hesitate: "At this time, the door of the confessional room should have been locked. Come over tomorrow." Even Evan couldn't help but want to listen immediately, but he didn't. Don't break the rules at this time.

The servant shook his head with a sad face: "Pastor, please don't mind, I want to repent to you here, you are right, God created us, and his mercy is enough to forgive all our mistakes."

Evan was a little surprised, but he couldn't help the devil in his heart and nodded: "Since you asked for this, then I'll make an exception for you."

Evan brought the manservant to the church, the night watchman had fallen asleep, Evan took him to the living room in the back, poured a glass of brandy into his hand, and then crossed his chest. , whispered: "Okay, lost lamb, you can start repenting."

"I... My name is Jimmy, and the last time I confessed was... It was six months ago." Jimmy was obviously nervous and stuttered.

"Jimmy, what have you done?" Evan looked mild.

Jimmy raised his hand and rubbed his eyes, a little panic in his eyes: "I... I'm guilty of lying."

Evan was a little dejected for a while. After a long time, it turned out to be such a thing. People in this era are too innocent. If it was a crime to lie, he should have gone to hell long ago.

"Jimmy, the Lord will forgive your guilt." Although Evan was disappointed in his heart, he still had a kind expression on his face. In the blue eyes, under the dim light, there was a power to see people's hearts.

Jimmy trembled for a while. He shook the brandy in the handshake, lowered his head, and muttered: "You see, Mr. Reverend, it's not like this. My guilt is more than that. My master, Master John, smokes opium. , he asked me to hide this from Mr. Lawrence and steal money from Mr. Lawrence, I... I really don't know what to do, Mr. Reverend."

Evan's eyes widened all of a sudden. He never imagined that he would dig up such exciting news. John Lawrence smoked opium, no wonder he would be cannon fodder in the end, and Evan's eyes flashed.

"Jimmy." Evan reached out and took Jimmy's trembling hands: "The merciful Lord will seize every opportunity to bring back his lost lamb, you are guilty of lying, but as long as you can reform, then the Lord will I will forgive you, and your soul can be saved." Evan looked at Jimmy with sincerity, but his heart was just around the corner. This matter was never mentioned in the original book, and if he exposed it , I really don't know what the scene will be like.

Jimmy looked at Evan with a hint of fear in his eyes, and hurriedly took his hand out of Evan's hand: "No... I can't do this, if I tell the master, Master John will dismiss me, I still have children and I can't lose this job, old man."

Evan bent his mouth slightly: "Jimmy, don't worry, John is a reasonable child, he knows you are for his own good, and he won't blame you, even if he dismisses you, the church just needs a night watchman, you can always You can come."

Hearing this, Jimmy's eyes grew a little excited. Everyone knew that being a night watchman in a church was a very lucrative job, at least more money than being a low-level servant.

"Boo, Pastor Bruce." Jimmy licked his dry lips with some hesitation: "Is what you said true?"

Evan twitched the corners of his mouth slightly, he knew very well that the big thing had been decided.

"I am the servant of the Lord, how can there be lies."

Jimmy breathed a sigh of relief, the clergy at this time were still very credible.

Evan sent the worried Jimmy away and returned to the church again, but when he passed the Notre Dame Hall, he found Mrs. Sanders kneeling in front of the Virgin Mary and weeping.

Evan stopped calmly, but Mrs. Sanders discovered his existence first, she wiped her face quickly, and said coldly, "Pastor Bruce? Why are you still in church so late. "

There were still tears on her face. The original serious look looked a bit desolate at this time. She was still wearing a long dinner party dress, a dark purple dress, just like herself, monotonous and rigid, without the slightest attractive.

Evan came out of the shadows, with an approachable smile on his face, and whispered, "Mrs. Sanders."

At the dinner tonight, he also paid attention to the whereabouts of Mrs. Sanders. She didn't seem to have any close people in this town. All night, she stood alone in the corner, watching everything coldly. Not the slightest thought of wanting to speak to the crowd.

"I just sent away a repentant believer." Evan replied with a smile.

Mrs. Sanders has completely recovered her former ruthless appearance. She glanced at Evan with a stern face, and said solemnly: "The confession room is locked, how can Pastor Bruce be so foolish? canonical behavior."

Evan gave a wry smile: "I can't refuse a lost lamb because the confession room is locked, Mrs. Sanders, I'm so sorry."

Looking at Evan's sincere eyes, Mrs. Sanders couldn't help but be moved by her cold expression. She sighed softly and said in a low voice, "Pastor Bruce, this is not an example."

Evan smiled mildly, but suddenly there was a bit of interest in his heart, he thought, he finally found the weakness of this stone-hard Mrs. Sanders, who could make a woman cry in front of the Virgin Mary, only Two reasons, infected by the gospel or because of her children.

A person like Mrs. Sanders is obviously not the kind of person who can be touched by the gospel, which means that she once had children. The reason why she said yes is because now Mrs. Sanders has no children, and her husband has long been Died just over twenty years ago, and they have no children left.

It's really interesting that Mrs. Sanders, who is almost comparable to Joan of Arc, has an illegitimate child. This is like Christmas for Evan. The darkest side of the town finally unfolds slowly in front of Evan. .