Guidebook for the Dark Duke

Chapter 44: The police officer asked


Since this mediation, Ferd has finally quieted down, but Sheriff Chandler is more active than before, and he will find opportunities to see Evan from time to time, but most of the time he will be directly called by Duke Wilson. Stop, only very rarely, in the absence of Duke Wilson, can Sheriff Chandler be lucky enough to be put in.

For example, today...

Evan propped his forehead helplessly, looking at Sheriff Chandler's bitter face in front of him, he was really speechless.

"Mr. Sheriff, what is the purpose of your visit this time?"

Sheriff Chandler rubbed his hands, and the smile on his face was a little embarrassing. After a long time, he said, "Mr. Pastor, please help me in this case."

Evan couldn't help but stunned, he didn't expect that Sheriff Chandler still didn't give up the idea.

"Sheriff Chandler, what can I do? You are too high on me." Evan said with a smile.

Sheriff Chandler sighed: "Mr. Pastor, you are too modest. Thanks to your help in the last case, I was able to solve the case. I have no clue in this case until now, and I need your help. Help me."

Speaking of this, in fact, Evan is also a little curious. It was rumored that she committed suicide. Did Sheriff Chandler change his judgment because of Mr. Johnson's personal ethics

"Sheriff Chandler." Evan considered for a moment and finally said: "Did Mr. Johnson really die of murder? I have always heard that he committed suicide before, why did you suddenly change your meaning?"

Hearing Evan taking the initiative to talk about the case, Sheriff Chandler was overjoyed and hurriedly said, "To tell you the truth, Mrs. Johnson also discovered this matter."

Mrs Johnson? Evan couldn't help frowning, this woman is definitely not simple.

"I always thought that Mr. Johnson committed suicide by taking poison, but I didn't expect that Mrs. Johnson found that the poison Mr. Johnson was taking was very strange. The local pharmacy did not have this poison at all. After the forensic examination, it was a special kind of poison in India. , but Mr. Johnson has never been to India, but the secretary, Rael, once served in India for a garrison general, so I detained Rael."

Sheriff Chandler said with a heavy expression.

Evan listened but was still a little puzzled: "Since this is the case, what's so difficult about this matter?"

Sheriff Chandler couldn't help but smiled bitterly: "Although this matter is so obvious, unfortunately, I don't have any evidence that Rael directly saw the matter. At present, it is impossible to convict him at all, because about this Among the suspects in the incident, it is not only Rael who is related to India, but Mrs. Johnson, who discovered that the poison was not right, has also been to India, which makes this matter extremely complicated."

Mrs. Johnson has also been to India, and Evan's heart moved slightly.

"In that case, does that mean that Mrs. Johnson is also suspect?" Evan asked tentatively.

Sheriff Chandler shook his head at this time: "Impossible. Mrs. Johnson has been helping the Women's Association to donate wool hats that afternoon. She has no chance to commit the crime."

Hearing this, Evan couldn't help but lowered his head and smiled: "The Women's Association and Johnson's house are only two streets away, and under normal circumstances, women's activities are very messy, people come and go, is there anyone who will keep an eye on them all the time? Mrs Johnson?"

Sheriff Chandler was stopped by Evan, his expression stiffened for a while, and he pondered for a moment before saying, "This... this is also very possible."

Evan looked at Sheriff Chandler's unwillingness to believe, and couldn't help but smile: "Mr. Sheriff, you are a gentleman and don't want to believe that Mrs. Johnson might be a murderer, but please ask for this matter. You have to look at it objectively.”

Sheriff Chandler was a little embarrassed by what Evan said, and laughed a few times: "I am subjective, I will investigate this matter carefully."

Evan nodded, but he was a little muttered in his heart. He didn't want to take care of this matter, but he didn't expect to be able to pay attention to his curiosity in the end.

Sheriff Chandler finally broke through a little bit from Evan, and he was relieved, and hurriedly said: "Mr. Pastor, that Rael is really difficult, I can't break through his confession at all now, his insecurities The proof of presence is also very vague now. He said that he went to the opera house to listen to the opera, and the opera house also has records of his ticket purchase and admission, but unfortunately, during the time of Mr. Johnson's death, there was a gap in the middle of the opera house. No one knew where Rael was at that time."

Evan couldn't help frowning when he heard it. It seemed that neither of them had a perfect alibi, and this matter might be complicated.

"Since Mr. Rael has a conflict with Mr. Johnson, have you gained anything in the opera house?" Evan asked again.

Sheriff Chandler frowned: "The Opera House has not gained anything either. The management of the Opera House has always been chaotic, especially during the intermission, no one will pay attention to a boy who has no name."

Evan couldn't help sighing when he heard it: "This matter is so complicated, I suggest that you still publish a newspaper to find witnesses, otherwise this matter will be difficult to solve."

Sheriff Chandler has always disagreed with the handling of the newspaper, but at this time there is no other way, Sheriff Chandler can only nod: "I hope to get a good result."

The two exchanged a few words later, mainly to exchange Evan's injury. Evan's current injury is actually much better, but because of Evan's plan, it is naturally impossible to tell the truth.

"The wound hasn't fully recovered yet, thank you for your concern." Evan said very politely, but with a hint of alienation.

Sheriff Chandler's thick nerves did not hear Evan's estrangement, he still smiled and patted Evan's shoulder, and said cheerfully: "I hope your body will get better soon, the assistant pastor these days. Mass, sir, is too unbearable."

Sheriff Chandler has always had the character to say something, so Evan didn't question the truth of his words, and couldn't help frowning, did that kid really do such a bad job

Evan resisted and didn't ask for details. It's better to ask Mrs. Sanders next time about this matter. If the mass is not well done, let Ferd know, I'm afraid he will find something for him again.

In the end, Evan sent Sheriff Chandler away before lunch. It was not that Evan was unwilling to keep him for dinner, but Sheriff Chandler was afraid that Duke Wilson would come back.

Sheriff Chandler left Cornwall Manor on the front foot, and Duke Wilson came back on the back foot. When Duke Wilson came back, the expression on his face was not happy. He came to the garden where Evan was reading with a sullen face, followed by an Evan. A man never seen before.

The man looked mediocre, but the look in Evan's eyes was very intriguing, and Evan couldn't help frowning.

"Lord Duke." Evan stood up on the chair and nodded slightly: "You are back."

The Duke watched him stand up, hurried forward to meet him, and helped Evan to sit him down.

"Mr. Pastor, your body hasn't recovered yet, so you don't need to be so polite in the future."

Looking at Duke Wilson's anxious face, Evan couldn't help but smile, and finally sat down according to the Duke's wishes, and said in a low voice, "Your face is so anxious, is there something wrong?"

Duke Wilson frowned and waved his hand: "It's alright, it's just that something went wrong in the capital."

The capital? Evan's heart couldn't help but jump. He couldn't hear the word "Royal Capital" now. As long as he heard it, he would think of the commotion in the book. From the capital to Delan Lier, the mob riots Among them, Delan Lier was even bloodbathed in the end. If the Duke transferred the army at the last moment, I am afraid that the Duke of Face would not have been spared.

But even though Evan was so worried in his heart, he couldn't show a special interest in the capital at this time. He suppressed the many worries in his heart and said in a low voice, "That's it." Having said that, he turned to look again. He glanced at the man who looked at him with a very strange expression, and said, "Then don't know who this gentleman is? I haven't seen it before."

Evan has been in Delan Lier for so long. Although he can't say that he has seen all the townspeople in Delan Lier, at least he can have an impression of most of them, but he has no impression of this man at all.

Duke Wilson watched Evan pay attention to Ederson, and he couldn't help but feel a little nervous. He moved his steps to block Evan's gaze at Ederson, and said stiffly: "This is one of my staff, you don't need to care. ."

After speaking, he gave Edson a wink, and in the end Edson could only retreat reluctantly.

The duke's strange actions made Evan a little surprised. Why is the duke so nervous? Is there something wrong with this staff

Evan's heart was full of doubts, but he didn't show it on his face. He turned to look at the Duke, smiled slightly, and said softly: "You are really working hard, sit down and have a cup of tea."

As soon as the duke came in, a maid brought black tea.

The Duke saw that Evan would not pursue it, and he was relieved. He sat down and took a sip from the tea bowl.

"Mr. Reverend, how are you feeling these days?" Duke Wilson asked routinely.

Evan moved slightly after hearing the action and smiled: "Sir Duke, forgive me for offending, in my heart you are already my friend. If you don't mind, you can call me Evan."

Duke Wilson seemed to be startled by Evan's words, and looked at Evan blankly, half-opening his mouth, looking a little ridiculous.

Evan smiled secretly when he saw it, but his face showed a worried look: "Sir, are you all right?"

"Eh?" The Duke trembled as if shocked by something, and the tea bowl in his hand almost fell to the ground.

"Oh, oh, I'm fine, it's fine." The Duke quickly put the teacup on the table, and sat upright, not looking directly at Evan, but at the rose bush in front of him: "I am very touched by your friendship, Of course I wouldn't mind, on the contrary, I am very honored to have your friendship, but since you recognize our friendship, please don't call me Lord Duke in the future, you can just call me Charles."

The Duke said very quickly, as if he was afraid of Evan's rejection, and did not dare to look at Evan's expression.

Evan looked at the handsome profile of the duke, a meaningful smile flashed in his eyes, but the words in his mouth were extremely gentle: "You are too kind, it is my honor to have your friendship." Speaking of which, Evan Wen slightly hooked the corner of his mouth, and his tone was a little scary: "Charles."