Guidebook for the Dark Duke

Chapter 76: Very embarrassing


Duke Wilson ran away without looking back, and Evan was pushed crookedly against the edge of the sofa, his expression a little confused.

The development of today's things really exceeded his own expectations. Duke Wilson would have such a thing, and Evan had never thought of dying.

What to do now

Such a question suddenly appeared in Evan's heart. This kind of question has never appeared since he came here, and he has never been so dazed as he is now.

What will happen to the relationship between him and Duke Wilson? What will happen to the two of them in the future? This is a mess for Evan now.

The next morning, Evan was not surprised that he did not see Duke Wilson. Butler Chris had an embarrassed smile on his face, as if he felt a little embarrassed: "Pastor Bruce, Lord Duke and Oran Lord Mu is out hunting, the Duke said he doesn't want to affect your work, and you can leave at any time if you want to go back to church."

In this case, it is equivalent to chasing people directly. Butler Chris has been a housekeeper for a lifetime, and he has never said such rude words to a gentleman. He almost said the words, and the whole person even looked at Evan's courage are gone.

Evan was stunned when he heard this. Although he expected that Duke Wilson would avoid him for a while, he did not expect that the Duke actually wanted to drive him away.

"Oh." Although Evan maintained a smile on his face, he was actually very uneasy: "I also remembered that there are indeed many things in the church waiting for me to deal with, so I will leave first."

The gentlemen's party will last for the whole weekend. I am leaving at this time. I am afraid that rumors will spread soon. Evan feels very worried. If this continues, he does not know what will happen.

Evan got on the carriage specially prepared for him by Butler Chris, and left Cornwall Manor with a full heart.

When Evan just returned to the church, Mrs. Sanders was taken aback. Before leaving, Evan said that he would not be back this weekend, but now he is back suddenly, Sanders The thoughts in Mrs. S's heart also quickly began to spread.

"You..." Mrs. Sanders looked at Evan hesitantly. The obvious worry on Evan's face made her a little worried: "You... what happened?"

Evan sighed, his expression slightly solemn: "It's okay, it's just because there are too many things in the church, I'll just come back first."

Mrs. Sanders didn't believe Evan's words at all. As long as she looked at Evan's face, she knew that this time it was something big.

"Mr. Pastor." Mrs. Sanders walked over to Evan full of worry: "If you have anything, please say it, and we will find a way together."

Evan looked at Mrs. Sanders' worried face, and finally smiled reluctantly: "I remember your words, please rest assured, I will definitely."

The worried Mrs. Sanders was sent out by Evan, and now for Evan, no one can help him, only he can face the current situation.

Evan returned to the small room where he usually worked. The narrow space made him feel more secure. Before, he had full control over Duke Wilson, but now he is not so sure. This time it happened so suddenly. , so that he did not know how to deal with it, and now Duke Wilson's reaction made him a little helpless.

Evan couldn't help clenching his fists. Duke Wilson was originally a proud and sensitive person. If this incident hurt his dignity, I'm afraid it would be difficult to implement the next thing.

As long as Evan thinks of the future direction, he feels like he is sitting on pins and needles. That matter is so imminent, the relationship between him and the Duke must not be delayed at this time.

Evan spent this day under extreme worry, and he didn't even sleep well at night, which seriously affected the worship he should do the next day.

For the first time, Evan came late in the next day's service. By the time he arrived, several townspeople had already come, but the one that caught Evan's attention the most was sitting in the last row. , The Duke who looks very low-key.

Evan's originally depressed heart suddenly rejoiced. He actually came. Although the Duke looked a little bad, since he can sit here, it means that there is still room for manoeuvre between the two of them. .

Evan spent this time in a relaxed mood. He seemed to have lost some ability to restrain himself. During the Mass, he always showed some inexplicable smiles, even the small town. The townspeople noticed the difference.

Finally, when he left after the mass, Sheriff Chandler patted Evan on the shoulder and asked him with a face of teasing: "Mr. Pastor, you are so happy today, is there any good thing?"

Evan sighed helplessly, perhaps because he was so familiar with this person that he even said the same thing to a religious person.

"Sheriff Chandler, if you don't leave again, Mrs. Chandler is really going to be angry." Evan pointed to the place where Mrs. Chandler was angry with the children.

Sheriff Chandler shuddered and didn't dare to tease Evan any more, and hurried towards Mrs. Chandler.

After Sheriff Chandler left, Evan began to search the crowd for Duke Wilson's figure. Just when he saw the Duke turn around to get on the carriage, Evan was anxious and hurried forward.

"Lord Duke!" Evan grabbed Duke Wilson's arm and whispered.

Duke Wilson's body froze suddenly, but he still didn't turn around, just whispered: "Are you still doing anything?"

Yesterday, he let him leave so simply and rudely. Duke Wilson is actually very regretful. He can almost imagine that if the rumors and rumors that Evan faced, he could not let him really fall into such a scene. So I came here today, came to see him, and let outsiders know that they are still fine.

Evan hesitated at this time, as if he didn't know what to say.

"If you have nothing to do, I'll leave first." Duke Wilson endured the restlessness in his heart and wanted to leave the place quickly.

Evan saw that he was really going to push his arm away to leave, and he was also anxious, and said anxiously: "Charles!"

Duke Wilson once asked him to call him by his name, but except for a limited time, he has always called him Lord Duke Wilson very respectfully, and now the sound of Charles makes Duke Wilson tremble.

"Charles!" Evan shouted his name again: "You don't go yet, we need to talk."

Although Evan's voice has stabilized, he is still holding Duke Wilson's hand very tightly.

Duke Wilson didn't know how to react at this time. He did such a shameless thing, and he still wanted to talk to him? What to talk about? Duke Wilson was at a loss.

He turned around suddenly, the blue and black eyes were so obvious that Evan couldn't help frowning when he saw it.

"What do you want to talk to me about?" Duke Wilson's face was very cold, as if he had first seen him, arrogant and alienated.

Evan looked at Duke Wilson's face. Although his indifference was piled on his face, the fluctuations in his eyes could not escape Evan's gaze.

"This place is not a good place to talk." Evan looked around at the tentative glances that had appeared around him. The different movements of the two of them had already caught the attention of the people around them. If they really talk here, I'm afraid they will cause a commotion.

Duke Wilson, of course, also noticed this, and he couldn't help but wrinkle his face in disgust: "Go in and talk." He stepped into the church first.

Evan breathed a sigh of relief and walked in.

Evan walked inside, but his mind turned sharply. He left Duke Wilson to talk about it, but he said it in a hurry, but he still had to think about what he wanted to talk about.

What happened that night was really too embarrassing. Evan didn't have the courage to say such a thing to the Duke's indifferent face now, but it was also an unavoidable question. Evan really didn't know, he now What are you going to say to the duke

When the two of them arrived at the small house where Evan was working, Evan still couldn't find a better topic. The two of them stood looking at each other, and Evan could feel the embarrassment coming.

"You..." Evan finally stammered: "That night..."

As soon as Evan said these four words, he was suddenly interrupted by Duke Wilson: "I think you are still very necessary to attend the marriage of your brother that you said that night."

The Duke's tone was cold and hasty, but his face turned away, not looking into Evan's eyes at all.

Evan couldn't help being stunned, he almost forgot the topic he was looking for at the time.

"Cough cough..." Evan coughed a few times, and followed the Duke's words: "You are very right, and I think so too. After all, he is my brother, and I really have to attend his wedding."

When Evan said this, Duke Wilson's eyebrows wrinkled. Although the truth is true, but his father is such a person, what would he do, I really can't say. If he really went, but But something happened, what should I do

Duke Wilson was a little gloomy for a while, but finally he couldn't help but said: "Lord Orlam and I will also go to London in a few days. If you don't mind, you can also go to London with me."

In fact, Oram has been eagerly inviting the Duke to London, but the Duke has not agreed. After all, the situation in London is so complicated. If I go there again, I am afraid it will be more complicated, but now I can't control it so much.

"Oh?" Evan looked at Lord Oram with some surprise. In his impression, it seemed that this was not in the original book, but since the Duke was able to leave the dangerous situation in Yorkshire, then what happened later might not be the case. has changed.

"Thank you for your invitation. If it's not troublesome, of course I'm very honored to go to London with you." Of course Evan will not miss this great opportunity. For him, as long as he can continue to contact Duke Wilson, then everything will be fine. possible.

Evan finally sent off the stiff and eccentric Duke Wilson, looking at Mrs. Sanders who seemed to be relieved, but Evan couldn't help crying and laughing, and the biggest test was yet to come.