Guidebook for the Dark Duke

Chapter 79: Before the storm


After dinner, Duke Wilson sent Lord Oram away, while Evan returned to his room. Evan took Lord Oram's invitation very seriously.

He knew very well that someone like Lord Oram, although such a person seemed amiable, but if anyone dared to look down on him, he would definitely pay the price.

At the cusp of this storm, he actually wanted to hold a dance. If he said that there was no purpose, he would never believe it.

Lord Orlam definitely had a plan, and that plan also had something to do with King Richard.

Evan knew this very well, so he became more and more worried, because this episode did not clearly state in the original text that the only thing he knew was that the final winner was Prince George, but even so, let him He was a little frightened, because the current situation has changed, and Duke Wilson, who did not appear in London in the original book, is here. Evan does not know what the result of such a change will be.

Evan clenched his fists, and now he can only take every step.

The next day, Edward was taken to London by Butler Chris. His arrival eased the awkward relationship between Evan and Duke Wilson a lot.

And Evan was also relieved. Since Edward also came to London, the ending in the original book should also be changed, because in such a state of mind, his attitude towards Edward became more gentle.

Edward is a sensitive child. He also captured Evan's emotional changes. He was very happy, so he liked being around Evan more and more.

Evan doesn't mind Edward's closeness. After all, the atmosphere between him and the Duke is still a little awkward. Although it is much better than before, he still talks a little dry. Edward's arrival, in the end It eased the atmosphere. In the past two days, the conversation between him and the Duke was obviously much smoother than before.

This afternoon, just as Evan comforted Edward to sleep, Duke Wilson came back.

Evan watched Duke Wilson change his coat as he walked downstairs.

"Lord Duke." Evan looked at Duke Wilson, who looked down as if thinking about something, and suddenly said.

Duke Wilson was obviously taken aback, looked up and saw Evan.

"Have you not rested?" Duke Wilson looked slightly unnatural.

Evan's usual work and rest habits are very similar to his previous life, and he always likes to take a nap after lunch. Duke Wilson is also very aware of this.

Evan smiled knowingly: "Lord Edward just fell asleep, I want to come down and drink a glass of water."

"Oh, yes." Without Edward's buffer in the middle, Duke Wilson's tone was still a little stiff.

"Tomorrow is the day when Lord Oram holds the ball. Do I need to prepare anything?" Evan saw Duke Wilson's discomfort, so he changed the subject and tried to ease the atmosphere.

Hearing Evan talking about this, if Duke Wilson looked a little cautious, he thought for a while and said, "When you go, don't wear the priest's collar, but put on a normal suit."

Evan couldn't help but raised his eyebrows: "Why is this? Is there something wrong?" Is there really any movement in not letting him dress up as a priest? Evan thought silently in his heart.

The corner of Duke Wilson's mouth twitched slightly, lowered his head, and finally said: "Nothing, knowledge has not been very peaceful in London recently, so please be careful. After all, the identity of a religious person will lead to unwarranted speculation."

Evan frowned. Although this sentence can't be counted as telling everything, he can also guess a bit of its meaning. I'm afraid it's a big move. If he, a religious person, gets involved for no reason, I'm afraid there will be something inappropriate. The place, after all, there is a church above, if it is successful, it is fine, if it fails, it will be difficult for this matter to end.

"Okay, it's up to you to be considerate." Evan's words were sincere. At this time, he almost forgot that he still has the identity of a religious person.

Duke Wilson raised the corner of his mouth, as if he wanted to laugh, but in the end he was unsuccessful, just nodded, as if turning upstairs.

Looking at the back of the Duke hurriedly trying to go upstairs, Evan suddenly didn't know which string was touched in his mind, and suddenly said, "Lord Duke, we need to talk."

The Duke's back, which was in a hurry, stiffened in an instant. He seemed to be locked by some spell, unable to move a step, and a huge roar began to sound in his ears, with a desperate cry.

Evan was also taken aback by his own words, but he also knew that the opportunity was fleeting, and since he had already spoken, it was impossible to take it back, so he immediately said: "About the last time, I Think, we need to have an open and honest talk."

Evan's tone was sincere and gentle, but Duke Wilson's face turned ashen. He looked straight at the stairs in front of him, with a faint despair in his eyes, why couldn't he walk faster? He could escape a little bit, but unfortunately he still failed to escape his fate.

"We..." He pursed his dry lips, and the word "we" came out of his mouth with a bit of bitterness: "Let's go to the study and talk." Duke Wilson's voice was soft, as if he was still With a trace of unwillingness.

Evan looked at his stiff back like a stone statue, and couldn't help feeling a little cute in his heart. Maybe he was the only one in this world who would think that this cold-faced duke would have a cute side.

Evan walked towards the second floor with Duke Wilson's footsteps. The Duke's every step was very heavy, as if the place he was going was not a study, but a hell on earth.

Evan followed behind him, almost sympathizing with him, maybe what he was going to say later would make him happier.

They entered the study, the Duke sat behind the desk, and Evan sat down on the sofa, with a table between them, and most of Duke Wilson's face was covered in shadows. Wen also couldn't see the look on his face.

"Speak what you have to say." After a long silence, Duke Wilson finally spoke, his voice slightly hoarse.

At this time, Evan was a little dumbfounded. Although he had done countless psychological constructions before, when it came to this critical moment, he didn't know what to say.

"You..." After pondering for a long time, Evan finally spoke: "I understand your reaction that day."

After Evan said this sentence, he couldn't wait to swallow his tongue, what kind of words, it was no better than a rude villain.

Evan watched Duke Wilson turn his body agitatedly, and immediately said: "This is a gift from God to us human beings, all desires and reactions are pure and natural, you don't need to feel embarrassed or uncomfortable. , I am still your closest friend, this kind of thing will not affect our friendship, please be sure of this."

Duke Wilson suddenly stood up from the chair, Evan was startled by him, and also stood up: "You... you... "

"Pastor Bruce!" Duke Wilson suddenly interrupted Evan's words, he walked out of the shadows, his handsome face was cold: "Are you pretending to be confused?" He looked at Evan coldly.

Evan was stunned by his gaze. Duke Wilson had never treated him with such an attitude before, nor had he ever said such rude words to her.

"What do you mean?" Evan pursed his lips, without the slightest weakness in his expression, and looked at Duke Wilson with some confusion.

Duke Wilson just looked straight at Evan for a long time, until Evan was a little uncomfortable, he suddenly smiled to himself: "Oh, I'm such a fool." He stroked Forehead, like a child who suddenly realized, he walked to Evan step by step, looked straight at Evan's eyes, his black eyes were full of caution, he slowly approached Evan's cheek, and finally He stopped less than a centimeter from Evan's cheek and said word by word: "I only intend to say these words once, so please listen carefully, the reaction I had that day was not because of natural Desire arises, but I am toward you." He paused slightly: "I have desire for you, Pastor Bruce, that is to say, I love you."

After saying these words, he breathed a long sigh of relief. Although the rumbling sound in his ears continued, the tumult in his heart subsided at this time.

Maybe he has been waiting for such an opportunity to pour out all his feelings and all his feelings to him. He can't accept this person in front of him spending his life with another woman, and he can't accept that he can't have this person in front of him in his whole life. He may have been hesitant and afraid before, but just when he looked at the person in front of him, he realized that the only thing he wanted was him, and if he never said these words in his life, then he would It is impossible to have this person in front of you in your life.

Evan was stunned when he heard this. It wasn't because he was acting sluggish on purpose, but he was really stunned. He knew the sensitivity and pride of this person, so he made a lot of excuses for Duke Wilson in advance, thinking that maybe This person would go down the steps, but he never thought that this old antique of the feudal society would express his love to himself so clearly and clearly.

This is beyond Evan's imagination and beyond his scope of coping at this time. He has no idea what to do now.

"I..." His voice was like a speck of dust, although it was small, it moved Duke Wilson's heartstrings.

"You don't have to give me an answer at this time." Looking at Evan, who was still in a state of shock, Duke Wilson finally reacted to his inappropriate behavior, and immediately said: "You can think about this matter, I know this You are a very shocking thing. You need time to ease, but please believe that my love for you is absolutely pure and firm. A lie."

Duke Wilson looked at Evan very sincerely. If the most iron-hearted person in the world saw Duke Wilson's gaze at this moment, he would be moved.

Evan was also a little confused for a while, and there was a sudden panic in his heart, as if something that was originally stable as a cornerstone was touched, causing his heart to fluctuate.

"I... I need some time..." After dropping such a sentence, Evan fled.