Half Immortal

Chapter 104: Golem Castle (17)


There is no momentary blankness that has been experienced over and over again, and there is no figurative hot water and warmth in dreams. Everything around has not changed. The urging voices of Lin Zhen and Yu Feizhou came from outside, mixed with the noise of players moving around the castle, together with the temperature from Yan Mingguang grabbing his wrist, the reality couldn’t be more real .

——It turns out that this is Yan Mingguang's reaction.

Lou's notification sounded in his mind, informing him that he had obtained a full 240 perception and a 200 body index reward for breaking the dream branch problem of the puppet castle.

With the gift of perception, Yan Wei's perception of the surroundings became clearer.

He opened his eyes.

In front of him is Yan Mingguang's face that is close at hand.

The man's hand seemed to be holding him a little harder, much stronger than usual, and it trembled slightly with some control.

Yan Wei was still in the mood of going all out in a dream, thinking of Yan Mingguang's question just now, some nerves in his mind froze, and he blurted out in a low voice: "... seems to be kissing you?"

After Yan Wei finished speaking, he regretted soberly.

He swallowed.

Reality and dream have been confused for several times, Yan Wei's consciousness is still quite chaotic. At this moment, he completely pulled out, his reflex arc that twisted and turned around finally returned to the original point at this moment, and his whole body was on fire.

Under the urgency of just breaking the game, these emotions were all suppressed. Yan Mingguang was right in front of his eyes at this moment, and Yan Wei was completely panicked.

He suddenly pushed away Yan Mingguang's hands, jumped off the bed nimbly, picked up the windbreaker beside the bed and put it on his body, and said: "... I was haunted by a dream, I was dreaming just now. Let's go first. "

"I have a plan for today, we must be quick, my good puppet should start to act."

Before Yan Wei could reach the door, the people behind him grabbed him abruptly.

He was walking fast in the first place, but with such a pull, Yan Wei took a step back due to inertia, and was easily pulled in front of Yan Mingguang.

The other party looked down at him. The mirror reflected light slightly, covering a little of Yan Mingguang's eyes, Yan Wei could only see those forgetful black eyes looking straight at him, but could not see any emotion. Yan Mingguang didn't do anything else, just pulled him and didn't speak.

Yan Wei's palms were slightly wet from sweat. He was afraid that Yan Mingguang would notice his discomfort, so he quickly raised his hand and pushed Yan Mingguang's hand away. Just as he was about to speak, Yan Mingguang said one step ahead of him: "What did you dream about?"

Yan Wei was suddenly stuck.

He couldn't say that it was because he used the kiss of Yan Mingguang as the central axis to get rid of the nightmare, and ended up kissing all the way to the deity. That's why he just casually said that he was dreaming, and attributed all this to the actions caused by dreaming.

But when Yan Mingguang asked, he realized what was wrong - what kind of dream did he have to wake up to act like this? What he was clearly doing was just a dream within a dream in the dungeon, and he just broke the situation by kissing Yan Mingguang, but when Yan Mingguang asked, he realized how his words would be misinterpreted in other people's ears.

He originally wanted to avoid the important and ignore the minor, but in the end he became speechless.

Yan Wei: "..."

Fortunately, the next moment, Lin Zhen's impatience broke his predicament.

There was a loud knock on the door, and Lin Zhen kicked the door of Yan Wei's room to pieces.

Lin Zhen stood in front of the door with his arms around his arms, and said impatiently, "Let's go? I just heard that there are more than 40 layers of seed players who are catching the 'prey' hiding in the room. I'll be happy if I don't leave , you can fight head-on."

"Actually, it didn't take long," Yu Feizhou shook his head helplessly, "Yan Mingguang only entered the door for a few minutes, and it takes time for Yan Wei to wake up, so just wait a minute longer."

Another Yu Feizhou said: "It doesn't matter if people come, we are still there, we can fight."

Lin Zhen kicked all the explanations that Yan Wei wanted to say.

He and Yan Mingguang just glanced at each other, one dodged and awkward, the other was deep and silent.

Yan Wei turned around and walked out of the room quickly.

At this moment, he can already be sure that he woke up, and he also knows that they are still in the dungeon, the first night of the game has passed, and now the most important thing is to break the game and find a way to win the game.

Behind him, Yan Mingguang quickly followed. Lin Zhen and the two Yu Feizhou walked back and forth, and they looked around. Yan Wei paused, letting go of the newly improved perception.

For a moment, he chose the path that felt the least crowded: "Go here."

Lin Zhen: "Is there any clue here?"

"No, I just feel that there are few people."

"There are few people going?? Wait a minute, isn't our dungeon just to arrest people?"

Yan Wei didn't look back, and chuckled lightly: "If we catch people blindly, do we have the force to kill everyone, or do we have a way to wipe out all players? If not, just compare the speed, what can we do to kill everyone?" ?"

Lin Zhen was taken aback.

"We don't have it," Yan Wei said, "but we can."

They had already walked quickly to the corner of the castle. There were not many people living here, and the guest rooms were already empty.

Yan Wei stopped, looked down at his feet, and squatted down at the foot of a wall.

The next moment, Yan Mingguang also stepped forward, squatted down facing him, and stopped him. The man said, "Look for the structure... I'll do a little. I'll do it."

Yan Wei blinked.

He coughed lightly, looked away uncomfortably, stood up slowly and said, "I'll leave this to you, and I'll dig another place to have a look."

Lin Zhen glanced at Yan Mingguang, then at Yan Wei, twisted the longbow in his hand, and asked in confusion, "No, what are you doing? Aren't you fighting? Aren't you arresting people?"

Yan Wei had already exchanged the props, without further ado, he smashed a hole in the ground in an instant. On the other side, Yan Mingguang did the same thing.

Lin Zhen: "?"

One of them, Yu Feizhou, smiled and said: "They are thinking of using the floor where the puppet numbers are displayed. Although the power supply box is destroyed, it's just that the numbers can't be displayed. The internal structure of the entire castle floor is intact. If we can Take advantage of it, and we can read the numbers while others can't see them, and then we have an absolute advantage."

Another continued: "It's useless to get points one by one in the early stage, and it will only increase the number of kills. The feast of scoring is in the later stage. Instead of spending time on scattered players in the early stage, it is better to find a way to keep your hands and wait until the later stage to deal with those players. Tough and fierce opponent."

"Then we'll just stay here? If someone doesn't come, we'll see."

"No one will come. Yan Wei and the other him are cooperating by deducing each other's next step. Since Yan Wei is here, it means that the other him is distracting other players in this area."

not far away.

The young man who was exactly like Yan Wei looked at the approaching player not far away, and smiled imperceptibly.

He took out the dagger and cut a few times on the cloth covering his arm, cutting the cloth but not the flesh.

The next moment, he put away the blade, and the originally very agile eyes lost focus in an instant, and the expression on his face disappeared in an instant, leaving only numbness and indifference without emotion. Not only did he not avoid those players, but instead he just kept a dull face, stared forward with slack eyes, and walked swaggeringly in the aisle.

Someone noticed the appearance of "Yan Wei" and exclaimed in surprise, "There are people there!"

"This is... an evil puppet?"


"Why go? Don't you continue to look for the hidden waste?" The other person was not very happy.

The man pulled him up and left, saying: "This is a villain. Didn't you notice that his arm was cut by a knife but there was no blood? Only the villain has no blood and is irrational! The villain will actively attack the player. Since he has wandered over there, it means that there is no one there. The evil puppet has no points, why are we wasting time with a evil puppet? Let's go to the next place, or when the waste is caught by other people, we will It’s going to be harder to score.”

"Okay," the other gritted his teeth, "Let's go."

"Yan Wei" was still walking swaggeringly, but those players had already turned around and walked in the opposite direction from where Yan Wei, Yan Mingguang and the others were.

On the other side, Yan Wei has already seen a part of the structure under the floor.

Yan Mingguang got up, turned his head to look at Yan Wei, and said clearly: "It is interoperable. There are complete circuits hidden under the floor of the entire castle. When the power is turned on, they can all run at the same time to achieve the purpose of displaying numbers. It should be There are also structures that are connected to the puppets, but we don't need to understand, we just need to connect."

Yan Wei's eyes flashed with astonishment for a moment.

He didn't expect Yan Mingguang to be so knowledgeable in this regard. In the few dungeons they walked through, Yan Mingguang had always done it in silence. Now that I think about it... I'm afraid there are a lot of strengths that haven't been displayed at all.

"I've read it too," he said, "I don't understand the structure as well as you can. I'm mainly looking at how to get this information. I just tried it with my perception, which can replace the power supply. But too It’s a drop in the bucket, I can’t take it when I just connect it, I can’t connect the underground lines of the entire castle to provide energy for operation.”

"but… "

"but… "

Yan Wei and Yan Mingguang spoke at the same time.

"But what?" Lin Zhen asked.

Yan Wei hooked the corner of his mouth: "But I don't need to connect to the underground lines of the whole castle at the same time. Although they can be connected together, I can only connect to the one under my own feet. As long as we are in the castle every In a corner, within a fixed range, just sell a prop that can control the switch and block the power supply."

Yan Wei bent down, first wrapped his hands with a tissue, and then picked up a piece of gravel that was cracked when he hit the ground, and drew a square picture on the ground with the rather sharp corner of the gravel.

"Look, suppose the castle has only four corners, and I have left power-blocking props in these four corners. When I am in the upper right corner..." Yan Wei circled the other triangle, and finally clicked In the upper right corner, "I turn on the switches to block the power in the other three places, and then connect the one under my feet alone."

Yu Feizhou's eyes brightened: "This way your consumption is very small, but it is enough for you - because what we want is only the numbers under our feet, we don't need to have the same design as this dungeon, so that everyone can see it, we only need You can see your feet when you want to see it. But this method... requires us to walk all over the puppet castle."

Then hide the power-blocking props in each area you walk through. When you want to use them later, turn on the blocking functions of all props and turn off the areas where they are located. In this way, Yan Wei can use perception to replace the huge power supply as energy, temporarily maintain the operation of the piece under his feet, and thus read the puppet number. This may be quite tasteless in the early stage, but in the later stage when the player density decreases and other people have no way to determine the number of puppets, they can basically be said to have a great advantage.

It not only slows down the hunting speed of others, but also gives them an outstanding advantage.

The only problem is that you need to go to every part of the castle.

"So we may need to spend the first two days here, and our score will always be zero." Yan Wei said seriously, "We are teammates, and I respect your ideas. If you don't want to take risks—"

Lin Zhen yawned: "You are so annoying."

Yan Wei paused, then chuckled: "Then let's begin."

As he said, he had already slid his fingertips over the black ring, and exchanged for a white stone from the shopping mall on the information panel.

"Is this a high-level fake stone that can be exchanged for higher-level dungeons?" Yu Feizhou finally didn't understand this time, "It can simulate the appearance of anything for a day, but it can't simulate functions, it can only be used for viewing."

Yan Wei turned the false stone into a power-blocking prop, walked to the side of the big vase, and hid the prop that the false stone had turned into.

He said: "Remember the deliberately delayed explosion last night? Me and another player I used to confuse the same progress and successfully destroyed their boost, but now, they are already vigilant—they know that this In the castle, there is a team that is faster than them. So they can think of what we think of now, and since they think of it, they can think of us as well."

"I've said it a long time ago, this dungeon is a psychological warfare, a stage for deduction."

After hiding the tool and repairing the ground with the tool, Yan Wei turned around, pointed in a direction, and said, "Go, let's start from this road first."

About twenty minutes later.

A woman holding a black staff in one hand and a black card in the other led several players to the place where Yan Wei had just been. Beside her, stood a woman exactly like her.

When they walked to a large vase, one of them stopped suddenly, raised his hand, and took out a prop from inside the vase.

"This is a prop to block the energy related to electricity." Xu Miaomiao said.

"As expected, you guessed right. The person who left the props in the power box one step earlier than you started to tamper with the castle, trying to use the function of reading the number of puppets alone."

Xu Miaomiao raised her eyebrows slightly, and smiled faintly: "It's a pity."

She raised her hand, directly crushed the prop, took out the power-blocking prop she had exchanged, and put it in the place where Yan Wei had just hidden.

"Since he wants to move around the castle, let's follow their path and reap their fruits."

Another ten minutes later.

"Yan Wei" walked all the way to the big vase along the trace left by Yan Wei.

He looked at the obviously repaired traces on the ground, and then glanced around, his perception spread out, and he felt every place around him carefully.

Suddenly, "Yan Wei"'s gaze stayed on the vase.

He walked to the vase, raised his hand, and took out the props that Xu Miaomiao had just left from the vase. Thoughts flashed across his amber eyes, his brows were slightly frowned, and he closed his eyes in thought.

After a while, "Yan Wei" smiled.

"... So that's how it is."

He directly put the props left by Xu Miaomiao into his black ring, and exchanged the invitation letter for new power-blocking props, and stuffed them into this big vase.