Half Immortal

Chapter 105: Puppet Castle (18) Lin Zhen


At this point, the ranking table that can be seen on each player's information panel has begun to change significantly.

Unlike the occasional changes in the middle of the night, in the current ranking table, someone will add points almost every second. In addition to Xue Wan who didn't know why the score was so high, Xu Miaomiao's score was second. From the third place, the organization's score was disconnected from the first and second place. But after the third place, every organization is very tight, and the ranking changes all the time.

Yan Wei tapped the black ring with his fingertips, a thought flashed in his mind, and the latest ranking table appeared in front of him.

First place, Venus, Xue Wan, ... , 21 points.

The second place, Bianhua, Xu Miaomiao, ... , 16 points.

Third place, … , 8 points.

Fourth place, unorganized,… , 8 points.

Fifth place, … , seven points.

Thirty-seventh place, Xuanniao, Yufeizhou, Lin Zhen, Yan Mingguang, Yan Wei, 0 points.

Thirty-eighth place, ... , 0 points.

Sixtieth, … , died.

Yan Wei first glanced roughly at the current game situation from top to bottom, then looked up again, and when he saw the fourth place, his gaze paused.

Unorganized... This is followed by a very long name, which is obviously what Lou said, the unorganized player who was dragged into this instance for various reasons. Because this is originally a competitive dungeon between organizations, and the points are calculated based on the organization, and these players are almost all low-level players in the 10s and 20s, so the dungeon directly counts them as a new organization. People's scattered scores will be counted.

But at first, including Yan Wei, no one would take this group of people into consideration. Because they were not the players who took the initiative to enter this dungeon, but were dragged in after failing to gamble. From the moment the dungeon rules became clear, players who took the initiative to participate in the competitive dungeon knew that these people were just victims thrown in by Lou in order to provide more puppets.

But now, the total score of this group of people is as high as fourth. And this fourth place is tied with another organization that scored 8 points earlier. It can be said that apart from Venus and Bianhua, they already have the highest score.

"... Interesting," Yan Wei blinked, his eyes were clear, "It seems that there are players worth noting among this group of people."

He closed the information panel, and exchanged for another Stone of False, turning the Stone of False into a blocker and hiding it behind a mirror on the wall.

Lin Zhen held a pen and paper at the side, whistling, and leisurely drew the road he had just walked. On the paper he was holding, one of the corners had already been densely drawn with routes. While completing the road he just walked into the structural diagram of the castle, he said: "You have hidden all the fake props along the way. We didn't get anything except this topographic map."

"Our blockers are already hidden where we walked."


"Didn't I just say that after the explosion early this morning, players whose progress is similar to ours should have been wary of us—they won't make the same mistake a second time. In this case, they also expected us to destroy The next step after the power box is to use the wiring in the castle floor to read the golem values individually."

After putting the blocker in place, Yan Wei checked his pockets with both hands, felt the situation ahead with his perception, and chose a still very remote road first.

He continued: "If it was you, you have already guessed that I want to place blockers all over the castle, so as to facilitate the control of the number of local reading puppets, what would you do?"

Before Lin Zhen could speak, the two Yu Feizhou said in unison: "Look for the traces of your walk, destroy the blocker we put in, and replace it with theirs. This can paralyze us and make us think we have succeeded, but in fact They will be able to read the value at that time."

Yan Wei smiled and said: "That's right. So if someone can make the same progress as me, then I have to admit that they are an opponent worthy of being taken seriously, so I have to take a vacation first, and let these players who want to pray for mantis and catch cicadas destroy it." Fake it, replace it with theirs."

"The other I can definitely think of this, he will also follow the traces of our actions, if he sees a real blocker, bypassing this layer of logic, he can also guess that there is something in front of him At least two groups of people, one group of us, and one group of players who followed us to replace the real blocker. Then he must be able to think of what happened before, take away the blocker controlled by another group of players, and start again. Replace it with a real blocker that we can control."

Lin Zhen: "Are you sure that there are at least a group of people who would do this?"

"I'm sure, but I can't confirm it. After all, I can't be sure what the players in this game will think. But as long as it's possible, I have to do it. It doesn't matter if I do it too much—on the other hand A person who sees a fake blocker and thinks about it, and replaces the fake blocker I left with a real one."

"Regardless of whether there are players who are praying mantises and cicadas, we are all orioles, and the result is the same."

Yan Wei put down a fake blocker again.

But this time, he paused a little, looked at the road ahead, and frowned.

Yan Mingguang said from behind: "We may have to separate."

Yan Wei nodded: "We have finished walking the most remote part of this area. Next... My perception is spreading out, and the density of players has increased, making it impossible to avoid people. We will score two teams, and a few people will go to the front to open the way first. Divert people or... arrest people, and the rest will continue to use holiday blockers. But the speed of opening the road ahead must be fast, otherwise... "

Otherwise, if his guess really happened, there would be someone behind them... If they were delayed for more than ten minutes, it would be easy for them to collide directly with the person behind them. At that time, there will be a group of players who have not been lured away in the front, and there will be a team of players who are enough to engage in psychological warfare with him in the back, and their situation will become very passive.

Yan Wei himself must be responsible for hiding the fake blocker.

This blocker can't be hidden so that it can't be found at all, and it can't be hidden so that others can notice his intentions. Only he can release it himself to achieve the effect.

Whoever leads the way must be quick...

Yan Wei glanced at Yan Mingguang and Lin Zhen, and immediately said: "Yan Mingguang, Lin Zhen, Yu Feizhou, you go to open the way first, and Yu Feizhou stays with me just in case. We use the intercom to communicate, and we can respond at any time if there is an accident. .Don’t worry too much. There are not many players who can cooperate with two identical selves like us.” Most people usually want to get rid of another identical self, which is the inner instinct of fear of being replaced. .

After saying that, Yan Mingguang glanced at him.

The other party didn't speak, just nodded, looking at him as if he had seen through his thoughts.

Yan Wei met the man's gaze, blinked quickly, and a guilty conscience flashed in his eyes. He is indeed a little afraid to be alone with Yan Mingguang now, worried that this person will ask questions that he cannot answer.

"What are you looking at? Then let's go first," Lin Zhen turned around, paused, and then said, "Don't say I didn't ask, what are you going to do when you meet someone who wants to entangle us? I didn't So kind, if anyone stops me, I will send them to the meat grinder."

He said it with a smile, his tone was casual, his words were cold, and he looked back at Yan Wei with rather inquiring eyes, obviously waiting for Yan Wei's opinion.

Yan Wei just said: "Then arrest."

Yan Mingguang's expression remained unchanged, but Yu Feizhou stole a surprised look.

"It's not surprising, is it? I'm not very merciful. If someone offends me, I will definitely offend him. Since everyone is blocking us, what morality do we have?" Yan Wei carefully felt the situation of the roads ahead with his perception, While saying, "But don't send them to the observatory, arrest them and find a place to lock them up first. If we really need to divide... don't be merciful."

"Don't send it directly to the Observatory to get points?"

"There must be someone guarding the observatory."

Yan Wei pointed to a path: "Go here first."

"Okay, let's get in touch with the props."

After Lin Zhen finished speaking, he walked towards that road first. The two Yu Feizhou glanced at each other and chose one to follow. Yan Mingguang didn't hesitate. The figures of the three disappeared from Yan Wei's eyes in just a moment, leaving only Yu Feizhou beside Yan Wei.

Following the traces left by Yan Wei, Xu Miaomiao destroyed the "blocker" that Yan Wei "hidden" and replaced them with theirs.

After finding a way, she paused a bit, and said to her teammates: "I see these traces... They first walked to a relatively remote place, and took the lead in avoiding crowded places. It seems that although this team has a strong ability to deduce , but the force is not high, we don’t need so many people to fight them. I put a blocker here—”

Another Xu Miaomiao continued, "I'm drawing a topographical map of the castle. Go catch your prey and score points. It's too embarrassing to be slower than a lunatic like Xue Wan."

Yan Wei hid a fake blocker again, and Lin Zhen's casual voice came from the intercom prop in his ear: "Ah, I caught another one, why do you all like to fight with me—Yan Ming Guang doesn't look easy to provoke, but he has a good temper. Hey, little pet, when are we going to send these caught waste to the meat grinder? We've been hanging 0 points for too long."

At the same time, there seemed to be a player's scream in the background.

Yan Wei didn't bother to care about him, just said: "You are very noisy."


Yan Wei: "..."

"Go to the leftmost road," said Yan Mingguang's indifferent voice this time, "We've finished clearing this road."

Yan Wei let out a "hmm".

"Yu Feizhou," he said, "have you checked the ranking table?"

"What's wrong?"

"I'm thinking, if anyone in this dungeon can match my progress, who would it be? I went up the building too fast. Since I entered the building, I have been preparing the dungeon experience and passing the dungeon. I don't know much about the players in the building. You and Lin Zhen know each other better. In the ranking table, among the top three, which one is good at non-violent breaking?"

"You mean, if someone is following us, it must be in the top three?"

"It must be in the top three, because it is absolutely impossible for a player organization that thinks of mantis catching cicadas and orioles to be behind, and does not reject the rules of fighting, not to get points last night, and they must get more points if they want to get it."

Yu Feizhou thought for a moment, then said, "I think you may have guessed right."


"The second place, Bianhua, the player whose name is ranked first, is a female player with a strong perception, who mainly uses weird and unpredictable ways to break the game. And her style... completely matches your perception of possible existence. Anticipation of the opponent's behavior style."

"You don't look very well."

"Because I've heard his name before, and I heard it from Lin Qing."

Yan Wei was taken aback: "Lin Qing? Isn't Lin Qing already breaking the 90 mark?"

"Yes, it's around ninety."

Yu Feizhou and Yan Wei walked forward quickly, opened the ranking table at the same time, pointed to the name of the second place and said: "This person, her code name is Wizard. Wizard Xu Miaomiao, the player that Bi'anhua strives to cultivate the most, The weapons are wizard staff and puppet cards. These are the props that Bianhua directly brought Xu Miaomiao from the 40th floor to the 90th floor. The gifts from the 90th floor, even the numerical rewards given by a small branch at the beginning, are enough All the accumulation of players beyond the 40th or 50th floor. Bianhua used this method to help Xu Miaomiao get high-level props and body data that exceeded dozens of levels, and then paid a huge price. Before the copy was cleared, Xu Miaomiao Found the descent channel—so that Xu Miaomiao is no longer a descendant player."

"She's tricky."

Yan Wei raised an eyebrow. He doesn't care how many floors Xu Miaomiao has been to - anyway, he knows that he is a player who has restarted from formatting.

What he cares about is another point: "Puppet card?"

"Her skills and auxiliary props are puppetry, and this dungeon... perfectly fits."

Yan Wei was about to continue asking when another Yu Feizhou's voice came from the intercom. Compared with the calmness of the Yu Feizhou in front of him, another voice that was exactly the same was full of haste and surprise.

"Yan Wei! Don't come here, go find another place with few people! Something happened to us..."

"What's wrong?"

"Lin Zhen got into a fight with another one of them. There are players from other organizations here. It's a mess now. If you come here, we may not be able to spare the energy to protect you. Yan Mingguang and I will settle Lin Zhen's matter first and then —Lin Zhen!!!"

Even through the walkie-talkie, Yan Wei's ears were almost pierced by Yu Feizhou's sudden shout.

Before he even asked what was going on, Yan Wei knew everything about the small voices of other players in the background. Those people seem to be the other players that Yu Feizhou mentioned. They are far away, and what they say seems to be amazed to themselves. Through their intercom props, they are transmitted from Yan Mingguang's side of Yu Feizhou to Yan Wei. In the ears, vaguely.

Yan Wei concentrated all his senses on his hearing, and it took a lot of effort to hear a few words clearly.

Afterwards, he paused, and his amber pupils trembled slightly.

The Yu Feizhou next to him was not as perceptive as him, and he didn't hear clearly, and he was quite confused: "What happened? What happened to Lin Zhen? Did you hear clearly?"

Yan Wei nodded slowly.

"they said… "

"what did they say?"

"They said that Lin Zhen killed another self."