Half Immortal

Chapter 110: Golem Castle (23)


The player in front of the stairs has already carried up the person he thought was a good puppet.

The "man in black robe" watched the man disappear at the corner of the stairs, he should have gone to the observatory on the fourth floor, and then he turned sideways and stood there silently. The black hood covered his face, and the huge black robe covered all parts of his body, and there was no difference at all.

Yu Feizhou tilted his head slightly under the black robe, and glanced at the direction of Yan Wei and the others.

Yan Wei nodded to him.

Lin Zhen: "I can't hear you communicating with skills, what are you doing?"

"He asked me if I wanted to stay there." Yan Wei said.

Yan Wei's answer is yes. His method is actually very simple, even bloodless, but the difficulty lies in the blind spot of thinking. This dungeon is walking in the rules, distinguishing between true and false, and everyone's focus is on puppets and players. Even if I think about coins, I just think about how to protect my own coins or snatch others' coins.

As for pretending to be an npc

First of all, he couldn't think of it, and secondly, he didn't know what he was pretending to do—except for people like Yan Wei who figured out that Xue Wan was at the star observatory and planned to turn around and fight against Xue Wan.

So as long as Yu Feizhou doesn't show his flaws, no one will doubt the authenticity of this man in black.

"Why does Yu Feizhou only need one coin? He's too picky."

"..." Yan Wei was helpless, "Look at this man, he is very skilled in catching people, his clothes are covered in blood, but he has no injuries. He is obviously a player who has scored a lot of points. This kind of person has some strength, Also be careful, he won't take all the coins by himself. He only caught one prey that he thinks is a puppet, so he will only take one coin."

"Okay, what you said is quite reasonable. But if this person goes up, won't he see another man in black robe? Then as soon as they go up and see Xue Wan, Xue Wan will know immediately," Lin Zhen rolled Rolling up his sleeves, "I said what are you doing so complicated, just hit it."

Yan Wei glanced at him.

Lin Zhen flattened his sleeves angrily.

"It depends on Yu Feizhou's judgment. There are two possibilities for the people who go to the observatory now. One is that Xue Wan thinks that the people who go there are not fat enough, so he will hide them and let the black-robed people deal with them in a normal way." Among those people, there is another kind of player who is already worth shooting, then Xue Wan will put the black-robed man aside, and he will catch him."

So their method is easy and easy to say, but also difficult to say, the difficulty is that Yu Feizhou needs to judge whether the player who comes is a player with a high score.

"The first possibility is that Yu Feizhou can't stop him, because if he does, these people will see a man in black robes when they go up, Xue Wan will not do anything to them, and our plan will spread. And the second one Maybe, Yu Feizhou will take all their coins away. When these people go up, they will not see another man in black robe, but Xue Wan. At this time, Xue Wan will take action to arrest those people and then Those people were found to have no coins."

"At this time, even if someone said that the coin was given to the man in black, Xue Wan would just think that these people were lying to save their lives."

Lin Zhen "cut": "Then you can't hide it from a few people. Xue Wan must not have strong limbs and a simple mind."

Yan Wei raised his eyebrows: "What I want is that I can't hide it from a few people."

"What's the meaning?"

"What we have to do is to let Xue Wan come down, and we are not really collecting coins."

Lin Zhen was just too lazy to think about those twists and turns, and he wasn't stupid, so he understood when Yan Wei said this, so he didn't ask any more questions.

Even though Xue Wan would find something was wrong after a few encounters, it was already a fact that he didn't have any coins. At that time, Xue Wan had already caught many puppets, but because he didn't have any coins, he couldn't hand over those suspected puppets to the man in black for points. So Xue Wanhui faced two things - to get more coins, and to deal with the people behind the scenes, that is, Yan Wei and the others.

To do this, some people must come down, and they must come down with strong people.

Most of the people who came down were Xue Wan and other powerful people in Qixing, because these two things were not easy. As for whether there will be two Xue Wan, Yan Wei is not afraid at all. Judging from Yan Wei's current speculation, people like Xue Wan are similar to Lin Zhen to some extent. It is impossible for this kind of person to cooperate with the ego. There may also be hidden dangers.

So there is only one Xue Wan up there, and they just need to lure this one away. When Xue Wan and the others come down and the stargazing platform is clear, Yan Wei can go up. At that time, there will only be Venus players on the top floor of the castle who are not opponents of Yan Mingguang and others, as well as a bunch of captured "prey" and a A real man in black.

Yan Wei's thoughts were clear, and he said, "I'm thirsty."

On the other side, Yan Mingguang had already taken out a bottle of exchanged purified water, unscrewed the bottle cap and handed it to Yan Wei. Without any hesitation, Yan Wei took the water almost subconsciously, drank a few sips naturally, and handed it back to Yan Mingguang.

He kept staring at the situation of Yufeizhou in front of him, but didn't notice that Yan Mingguang beside him took the water and didn't screw on the bottle cap. The man glanced at him, then at the water bottle in his hand, picked it up as if he was thirsty and took a sip slowly, then screwed on the bottle cap and put it away.

Seeing this scene, Lin Zhen frowned slightly, feeling that something was wrong.

At the other end, Yu Feizhou waited for a while, but the people who went up never came down again.

As Yan Wei said, this kind of player who looks like a "fat sheep", no matter whether he is a good puppet or not, Xue Wan will not let him go. And since Xue Wan wants to make a move, he won't let the black-robed man stay there. This person can't see the black-robed man but was arrested by Xue Wan. Naturally, he won't find anything wrong with the black-robed man. For less than a coin, all is well.

After a while, another person came. This person grabbed the suspected puppet, his movements were quite clumsy, he was not very familiar with the way here, and at the beginning he found the wrong stairs to go upstairs.

This time, Yu Feizhou hid to one side and did not appear.

After this person went up with the suspected puppet, it didn't take long for him to come down unharmed.

Lin Zhen clicked his tongue in amazement: "Why did you guess everything right?"

Yan Wei ignored him, and just said: "A few more people will come later, get ready, Lin Zhen, you are good at long-distance attack, and later you will be the bait to lure Xue Wan away - don't be too fond of fighting, you just need to lure him far away Yan Mingguang and Yu Feizhou directly took down the other Venus players who came down with Xue Wan, arrested them and tied them up."


Xue Wan looked at the fourth player they had caught, with a smile on his face, but his tone was very low: "—and no coins?"

Another player of Qixing said, "I really searched, but there is nothing. Since the first night, coins cannot be put in the black ring. These people really don't have any coins on them."

"This... Xue Wan, our coins were used up long ago, how can these people exchange for points without coins? This person also said that his coins were given to the man in black, but isn't the man in black here with us? It's an excuse..." The speaker also glanced at the black-robed man standing in the center of the observatory.

Xue Wan stepped forward and kicked the player who was caught just now.

The players who had already been beaten half to death still cried out in pain because of Xue Wan's move.

Xue Wan smiled and said: "Are you stupid? One person said it was a lie, two people said it was a coincidence, and three people said it was true. Some people intercepted it below and used this method to cheat coins. Really smart, who is it?" The players in the organization have this idea? Xu Miaomiao?"

"Then we..."

"If you dare to do this, you can also think of doing it. The strength is not low, and the number of people will not be small. I must go down and deal with them, you two—" Xue Wan casually selected a good puppet and a person who was with me, "and I'll go down and get rid of this group of hands-on people. And you, go find the coins first, and the remaining two, keep an eye on this, and that black guy."

After he finished speaking, without consulting his teammates, he picked up the serrated long knife and turned to leave. The teammate he pointed out, who was both his true self and his puppet, didn't dare to be sloppy, so he followed up.

After Xue Wan went down with two identical teammates, another person from Qixing also explained to his teammates, and went down to the fourth floor to complete the task of grabbing coins.

Three stairs.

Lin Zhen put on the robe Yu Feizhou used to play the man in black just now, and put on the hood that was enough to cover his face.

Yan Wei's perception was carefully spread out, and the expanded five senses heard the footsteps coming from above the stairs. He curled the corner of his mouth soundlessly, and said with the skill of burst of perception: [Come down, Lin Zhen...]

[Is it really impossible to fight? He is famous for being good at fighting, it's fine if Yan Mingguang doesn't let me fight, but even Xue Wan?]

[If you fight him now, we may not be able to get out alive.]


While they were talking, three figures appeared.

The leader was a young man with a very young appearance. His face could be considered handsome, but his brows seemed to be stained with blood, filled with spontaneous vigor. Even though Yan Wei had never met this person before, he could tell from his temperament at a glance that this person was Xue Wan, the morning star.

Lin Zhen, Yan Wei and the others looked at each other, and turned the bow in their hands with a smile at the corner of their mouths. The moment Xue Wan and the others walked down, suddenly shot an arrow feather!

Yan Wei and the others had already hidden in the side room, and the moon wheel divided a small space to wrap them in, ensuring that Xue Wan and the others could not feel their presence.

When Lin Zhen shot the arrow, Xue Wan and the two people he brought with him reacted immediately. Xue Wan looked at Lin Zhen's figure quickly disappearing around the corner, and said, "Sure enough, he is pretending to be a man in black robe, chase after him."

Through the crack of the door, Yan Wei watched the three people being lured away by Lin Zhen.

Not long after this group of people were lured away, another Venus player came down. However, this person did not look around after he got down, but left immediately.

Yan Wei speculates that this person should be the person in charge of finding coins in the Venus team. After all, Xue Wan and the others had just caught so many. Without coins, it would be a waste of work. If people or puppets catch them for a long time and don't deal with them, they will easily cause problems. Naturally, they need to get enough coins as soon as possible.

After this person also left completely, Yan Wei removed the barrier of the moon and walked out of the room with Yan Mingguang and the two Yu Feizhou.

He shook his head: "Xu Miaomiao is smart but is misled by cleverness, Xue Wanyi is bold but easy to fall for tricks. People, don't be too complacent."

Yu Feizhou was helpless: "So, go up?"

"Go up."

Yan Wei made a rough calculation, and there are four people walking here, including the good puppet that Venus players can cooperate with, and there are at least one or two people on it. They didn't make a sound, but walked to the entrance of the fourth floor by touching the railing carefully and without any trace.

Sure enough, there were two people who were obviously members of the Venus Star guarding the meat grinder. There was a row of tied-up people and kind puppets lying on the ground. The black-robed people were the same as they came last time. Standing in the center of the observatory with his head down, he couldn't see any emotion.

Yan Wei has been using the connection of perception, a few people are in the corner, Yu Feizhou said to him through perception: [Yan Wei, these two people, we should work hard together with Yan Mingguang, we should be able to win, but time issue. Yan Mingguang and I will deal with those two, and the other I can go with you to take away the others.]

[What do you take away the others?]


Yan Wei rolled his eyes, the light brown eyes were full of cunning. He said: [Players can't kill each other, Xue Wan and the others can't tell who is the true self and who is the good puppet, and they dare not kill anyone. They can only "destroy" these people by handing them over to the black-robed man. Since Xue Wan can't kill people with his own hands, why are we taking so much effort to take away so many people? If you don't get points, it is easy to delay time and cause accidents.]

[then you… ?]

[Let me ask you, if you want students in a class with good grades to fail the exam, is it easier to prevent this group of students from failing the exam, or is it easier to just kidnap the teacher who corrects the exam?]

Yan Mingguang said indifferently: [Mr.]

Yan Wei hooked his mouth, raised his hand, and pointed at the man in black in the center of the observatory.

[We rushed out to fight them, Yu Feizhou, you stop those two people, Ice Cube, you go straight up and carry the "Reviser Teacher" away.]