Half Immortal

Chapter 115: Golem Castle (28)


As soon as the words fell, puppets walking mechanically appeared slowly in the aisle in all directions.

Their faces are stiff and numb, but they have the faces of those players who entered the dungeon on the first day. Some dungeons had only evil puppets left on the first day, while others were still active in the vicinity a few hours ago, but now only thoughtless evil puppets are left—obviously, something happened to me.

One villain can't threaten Xu Miaomiao and Yu Hua at all, but a dozen or even tens of hundreds of villains are enough to pose a huge threat to them.

From the beginning of the dungeon to the present, the man in black robe has never made a move, even from Xue Wan's threat to the fight just now, the man in black robe has not moved at all. So much so that everyone relaxed their vigilance towards the black-robed man, and they were all unprepared for such a sudden encounter.

On Yu Hua's side, the faces of the six identical people suddenly changed drastically, and two of them instantly changed back to Yu Hua's appearance—leaving now is the best choice.

The black-robed man has already made a move, driving all the evil puppets around. A dozen or so of them are here to fight the evil puppets.

After Yu Hua withdrew her skills, she shouted, "Let's go first!!"

But as soon as she turned around, an arrow feather suddenly shot in front of her. Surprised, Yu Hua hurriedly took a step back, the path ahead was instantly occupied by the villains. She turned her head and saw a young man in all black sitting with his legs hanging down on the edge of the revolving stairs, holding a bowstring in his hand and looking at everything in front of him leisurely, with a calm and casual expression, not like he was surrounded by evil puppets , on the contrary, it seems to be watching a play.

Lin Zhen smiled at Yu Hua, and was about to get up to play with those good puppets, when Ben Wo Yanwei's serious voice came from his mind: [Stay!]

[…] Lin Zhen was helpless, [I haven't had a good fight for a long time, okay!]

I, Yan Wei, was hiding at the corner at the top of the stairs at the moment, leaning against the wall, with my eyes closed, and my senses spread out to feel the surrounding environment. The moon swayed in front of him, cutting the drop around him, enveloping him. The good puppet rushing over couldn't break through the barrier for a moment, and there were a lot of targets in front of him, so he didn't linger, which made Yan Wei much more relaxed.

He maintained the rotation of the moon wheel, and his mind turned back and forth in an instant.

His good puppet is now facing off against Xu Miaomiao, without even thinking about it, he knows he can't beat him, but the good puppet has no intention of running away, Yan Wei knows exactly what he is up to. Yan Mingguang and Yu Feizhou on the other side of the other side of the flower were fighting each other, and they couldn't get out of the body for a while, and there was a good puppet, so he was relieved. On Yu Hua's side, after leaving for a while, she might turn around and come back to look for the man in black, maybe she would also want to follow behind the man in black just like him.

This hidden danger must be addressed now.

Yan Wei said to Lin Zhen: [You find a reason to stop these unorganized people first, let the evil puppets consume them, so that they don't have the mind to care about other things these two days.]

Lin Zhen raised his eyebrows: [This is quite interesting.]

His hand was faster than words, he drew his longbow, and shot at those unorganized players indifferently, saying in his mouth: "Don't rush away, you have attracted these things, and you want to keep us!" Solve the problem and leave? Wouldn't it be a pity not to play for a while?"

He didn't stop in his hand, he shot one arrow after another, the arrows all went towards the vital points of Yu Hua and the others, and he didn't intend to hold back at all.

Due to the constraints of Lou's rules, unless it is a deadly enemy, the players always aim to injure the opponent when they fight, and they dare not really make a deadly move. Because once a dead move is made, what if the opponent really doesn't block it? Even if he killed the opponent, he would be obliterated by Lou's rules.

This also caused a subtle psychological game when the players fought each other, and whether they could make a death move was a balance that needed speculation and adjustment between the two parties. Whether it is to see whether one party really makes a move just now, or whether the other party dares not to hide, all need to be judged by the forestry farm.

Only a desperate lunatic like Lin Zhen doesn't have this problem at all.

Therefore, unorganized people are doomed to be unable to win this kind of psychological game. When Lin Zhen made a move, they only dared to hide, and took a few steps back, only to be blocked by evil puppets in front of them.

At this time, the evil puppets from all directions had completely surrounded them, Yu Hua and the others had to forcefully fight out if they wanted to leave now.

But because of Lin Zhen's actions, Yu Hua lost even her temper. She just turned her head and looked at Lin Zhen angrily, gritted her teeth and said, "This lunatic!"

Lin Zhen achieved his goal and whistled, "I like this title."

He jumped directly from the height and jumped into the pile of villains.

The man in black just stood silently in the chaos.

On the other side, the players of Bi'anhua are not as embarrassed as Yu Hua and others, but they not only have to deal with these evil puppets, but also Yan Mingguang and Yu Feizhou.

Xu Miaomiao waved the long stick in his hand, and the good puppet Yan Wei, who was already unable to hold on, was swept away by the sudden force, and the whole person was thrown backwards, and his back slammed into the wall. He snorted and frowned, and before he could get up, the tip of Xu Miaomiao's long black stick touched his heart, pressing him firmly to the ground.

Yan Mingguang looked over in the confusion, his eyes dimmed, and the strength in his hand became stronger as if to vent—even though this was not Yan Wei, it was a person who looked exactly like Yan Wei being held down by Xu Miaomiao.

It's just that the good puppet Yan Wei and the self Yan Wei who is now using his perception to direct everyone have said beforehand that they want to act as if they are too busy to save others. He couldn't go to Xu Miaomiao's side, but he just flicked the whip in his hand, and the puppet in front of him, which was exactly like Xue Wan, was instantly torn apart.

One Xu Miaomiao blocked the surrounding evil puppets, and the other Xu Miaomiao held Yan Wei with a long stick, squatted down slowly, and said with a slight smile, "I've finally caught you."

The good puppet Yanwei's face was pale, and his expression was quite ashamed. He seemed to say in a panic: "There is no man in black at the observatory, and you can't kill me." In his amber eyes at this moment, there were faint worries and fears. Nervous, as if he really accidentally fell into Xu Miaomiao's hands just now.

Xu Miaomiao tilted her head: "I don't want to kill you, that's so rude. People who can trick me, how can I be worthy of my loss if I don't play around?"

As soon as she finished speaking, a player of Bi'anhua suddenly shouted: "Miaomiao! The man in black has run away!"

Everyone looked over the pile of villains, and saw that the man in black had disappeared into the corridor under the cover of the villains.

Yu Hua gritted her teeth: "Damn it!" This time they lost their wife and lost their soldiers, they didn't get anything, and they were pissed off by the evil puppet and Lin Zhen.

Yan Mingguang and the others glanced at each other, and Lin Zhen took the lead and said, "Leave him alone, there are more and more villains, let's go first! Anyway, he won't die for a while."

I, Yan Wei, curled my lips in the dark—Lin Zhen's acting skills this time are much better than last time, and I don't know if he has a new voice and acted in his true colors.

After Lin Zhen finished speaking, Yan Mingguang paused, activated the short-distance teleportation skill, and immediately brought Lin Zhen and two Yu Feizhou to face Yan Wei, who was hiding in the corner.

I, Yan Wei, opened the barrier of the moon wheel to let them in, and the surrounding villains seemed to sense the increase in targets here, and began to approach this side consciously. Yan Wei quickly said: "My perception is still following the black-robed man, let's follow up now. There are no players with Yan Mingguang's skills in Xu Miaomiao's and Yu Hua's team. They are not as fast as us in breaking out from the encirclement, so they will definitely not be able to follow. The black-robed man is here, let's hurry up."

Lin Zhen chuckled lightly: "Then what are you talking about? Let's go."

The man in black left, and Yan Mingguang and the others didn't know whether they used any skills or props and ran away first. There was nothing on the scene except the puppet. Among the evil puppets crowded the aisle, Yu Hua and the others were not stopped by Lin Zhen, and they didn't have the slightest nostalgia at all. They found a direction with the fewest evil puppets and rushed out.

Xu Miaomiao made a decisive decision and pointed at the good puppet Yan Wei: "Take him away, and we will also withdraw."

Yan Wei and others followed behind the man in black.

Perhaps it was because the villains in the area of the castle were all driven to the place just now by the man in black, and the other players should have run away as well. The road was so clean. The footsteps of the black-robed man were getting heavier and heavier in the dimly lit corridor, Yan Wei and others followed secretly, but the black-robed man did not even notice.

[It seems that he was really worn out just now, and now he is walking more and more slowly, not to mention, he has no sense of our tracking at all.]

Yu Feizhou said: [This is the stairs to the third floor.]

Yan Wei raised his eyebrows: [He didn't go back to the observatory on the fourth floor, he really didn't dare and didn't want to.]

Yu Feizhou nodded: [You should be right. The man in black is now going back to his trusted place to rest. After resting, wait until there are more villains in this castle, and then go back to the observatory to snatch it from Xue Wan. Control. The secret place trusted by the people in black... Maybe it has something to do with the secret that Yan Wei you said that the castle is like a crow coin, or the secret of making puppets by the people in black.]

What it is, is not known until I see it, but it is impossible to get nothing.

Yan Wei first played a psychological game with Xu Miaomiao, and successfully planted a blocker in the entire castle so that they could read the numbers of the puppets around them, and then used Xu Miaomiao to open a path in front of the castle. The rudimentary form of the Raven coin. Afterwards, the good puppet Yan Wei lured Xu Miaomiao and others to come to the observatory, and at the same time brought those unorganized people. I, Yan Wei, led the way to the east, causing Xue Wan and the others and Bianhua to lose both.

This interlocking layout has been successful, and it has come to this point.

Yan Wei followed the man in black to the third floor, but his heart did not relax. They seem to have successfully taken a lot of lead, but there are still many unknown things-what are the secrets about the black-robed man and another way to break the game

Since he chose not to participate in this massacre, it must be much more difficult than Xu Miaomiao and Xue Wan's group to break the situation.

At this moment, the man in black robe was getting weaker and weaker, and the exhaustion that drove the puppet just now seemed to counterattack at this moment. The man in black robe staggered a few steps, and stumbled into a room covered with black glass.

In a room on the second floor.

The door of the room had already been closed by the Bianhua player who had just gone out. Xu Miaomiao was sitting on the sofa alone, and the other was leaning against the wall lazily with arms crossed. In front of her was the good puppet Yan Wei with her hands tied behind her.

Xu Miaomiao, who was sitting on the sofa, held the other end of the rope, and suddenly pulled it, and Shan Puppet Yan Wei was dragged onto the sofa. His windbreaker, which was already messy, was rolled up at this moment, and the collar drooped, making his pale face even more embarrassing.

Xu Miaomiao seemed very satisfied with this, and leaned forward, looked at Yan Wei carefully, and said, "Why don't you talk? Are you afraid that I will kill you?"

The good puppet Yan Wei raised his eyes, his thick eyelashes fluttered slightly, and his natural peach blossom eyes made him obedient and friendly no matter what expression he made. He was clearly speaking harsh words, but his expression did not possess any offensive power, "You don't have the guts."

Seeing his expression, Xu Miaomiao felt that she had already controlled the overall situation. She smiled and said: "Why not? It's not inevitable. You may be a player or a good puppet. If I kill you directly, there is a 50% probability that it will not be obliterated by the rules-this is on our level. In the copy of a layer of experience, it is actually a bet with a high probability of winning."

The good puppet Yan Wei raised his eyebrows, and actually raised the corners of his mouth and chuckled: "Hey, little sister, will it count? I have a half chance of being a good puppet, and you have a half chance of being a good puppet." , if you kill me now, the probability of being killed by the rules is 25%, it is worth trying."

"Don't you want to try?"

Xu Miaomiao paused, and her eyes slowly settled on Yan Wei's face.

She said: "Little brother, are you afraid that I will do something to you, are you teasing me?"

The good puppet Yan Wei said without hesitation, "Which of your eyes can see that I am teasing you?"

Xu Miaomiao was taken aback.

The good puppet Yan Wei continued: "I like men, the possibility of me flirting with a man in black robe is higher than that of flirting with you."

Xu Miaomiao: "..."