Half Immortal

Chapter 116: Golem Castle (29)


The good puppet Yan Wei looked at Xu Miaomiao's colorful face, on the surface she looked disdainful and calm with a trace of nervousness, but she was thinking about the next step in her heart. Xu Miaomiao was choked by his words, and Bianhua was quite exhausted, she didn't have much thought to deal with Yan Wei, just got up and said: "You are really interesting."

Afterwards, one of Xu Miaomiao stayed here to stare at Yan Wei, and the other went out, presumably to find other Bianhua players.

The good puppet Yan Wei pretended to be exhausted, leaned on the sofa and closed his eyes, but in fact his heart was turning back and forth.

The situation has developed to this point, and he and I have no way to continue to deduce, because everything that will happen next is unknown.

He can only stabilize the situation as much as possible.

To put it bluntly, it was to let Xu Miaomiao put all her energy on him as much as possible.

Originally, I, Yan Wei, should have gone with the man in black, and I must not be concerned about other accidents at this time, so he should try his best to ensure that other accidents do not happen. He said it was difficult and difficult, and it was simple and simple. He wanted to delay Xu Miaomiao's time as much as possible, in case Xu Miaomiao found out that there was something wrong with the blocker and the topographical map when I, Yan, and the others were busy with the black-robed man.

But he has a big advantage—he knows he's a good puppet.

He doesn't care about life or death...

Lou's dungeon is never afraid of players who are cautious at every step, but the kind of players who have no scruples-only those who have no scruples dare to gamble.

So he can say something angry with Xu Miaomiao, just like before, in order to make Xu Miaomiao emotionally unstable, and play this back and forth psychological game with Xu Miaomiao. He can also put himself into danger later in order to cheat the other side of the flower.

They don't want to accumulate points with the blood of players, but they are not so merciful as to completely give up the first place that is crucial to them, delay the progress of Xu Miaomiao and Xue Wan and others, and at the same time find another way, which is what they can choose so far. the best way. Even though the requirements for deduction and contingency are abnormally harsh, both the good puppet Yan Wei and the self Yan Wei are willing to take the risk.

The good puppet Yan Wei—or I, Yan Wei—has always defined himself as a selfish person whose interests are paramount, and his sensibility is far less important than reason in his heart. Before today, he never thought that he would be the kind of person willing to sacrifice for the overall situation.

It seems that since he climbed the building, he has always defined himself as selfish and caring about the interests of the final result. This is not a personality that has been accumulated for many years, but once he thinks of something, he will have such a self-loathing but irresistible idea: he will choose the result that is best for himself, not for everyone.

This kind of thinking continued until the moment when he practiced in front of Xu Miaomiao.

The good puppet Yan Wei suddenly realized that it seemed that since their little by little arrangements in the past two days, every choice he made was completely contrary to this cognition of the same voice.

He should be able to realize it.

He smiled sarcastically in his heart.

Bad kindness.

Yan Wei followed behind, watching helplessly as the man in black stumbled into a room surrounded by black glass.

The entire three floors are all kinds of glass rooms, inside which are piled up bloody and terrifying props for making puppets, filled with a pungent and foul smell of blood. Some of the glass is transparent and some are black. In these staggered aisles, black and white are interlaced, which is weird and weird.

The afterglow of the setting sun outside the window pours in, continuously refracts in the glass, and emits blurred light and shadow, making this place even more eerie.

Yu Feizhou asked in a low voice: "Are we still going in? It's getting dark."

In Lou's dungeon, whether it's that kind of absurd and weird ghost, or this kind of puppets that are hard to distinguish between real and fake, most of them follow the laws of those dirty things. Night is a weakening of vision and mobility for players, but it is a feast for them.

As for the room that the man in black robe entered, none of them knew what was in it...

But because the black-robed man drove a lot of evil puppets just now, he couldn't even walk steadily, but he still had to pass through so many glass rooms and rooms to get here. This place is obviously different from other glass rooms and rooms. They have set up a game for two days and now, if they leave now because they are worried about danger, who knows if they will be in vain after a one-night delay

Yan Wei frowned slightly, but relaxed again after a while, and said decisively: "Go in, but not all of them. My good puppet at Xu Miaomiao's side is there, and I trust myself. The man in black... me and Yan Mingguang One more person will go in, and the remaining two will go to the observatory.”

"Xue Wan is not stupid. I should have realized by now that the observatory is really important. No matter how much we players fight, the top floor is essential for everyone to go out. Venus will stick to the observatory, so in order to let We will not be stuck by Venus in the future, we will leave two people to deal with them. Don’t fight directly, as long as my side is not over, I will continue to interfere with and consume them in various ways, consume their skills, and consume their props , find out their ways."

Yu Feizhou's eyes lit up: "We don't do it head-on. We are flexible, but they are fixed in one place, and we can consume them in various ways. A little consumption can't be seen, but accumulation can be enough. Make them let their guard down while weakening them."

Yan Wei nodded.

Knowing that time is running out, he glanced at Yu Feizhou and Lin Zhen, and said without hesitation: "Yu Feizhou is going to the observatory. Your strengths and skills are already suitable for this kind of time-delaying war of attrition. Don't confront them head-on. , you can harass them for a while and run away, and then come again, and you two can cooperate with each other tacitly. Lin Zhen will go in with us."

Lin Zhen immediately protested: "Why do Yu Feizhou go to fights, and let me go to break the game??"

"Because you go, you will directly fight Xue Wan and the others."


Yan Wei waved: "Let's go in."

It was completely dark.

The castle, which had already lost its power supply, once again entered darkness, only the moonlight shining through the window was slightly illuminated, and the crows were croaking around outside, and the footsteps of evil machines echoed in the corridors of the castle, and some crazy screams sounded from time to time .

The dream of true and false is much more serious than the previous night. Even if there are no players who have scored any points due to the disappearance of the man in black today, there are still players who die in the middle of the false and the real that they can't distinguish clearly. The puppet became a villain.

This is what those multi-layered dreams do.

Even if the players aren't killing each other, they're going to kill people everywhere.

There are more and more villains.

Yan Mingguang stood in front of Yan Wei, Lin Zhen followed behind, Yan Wei wrapped the light of the moon with a windbreaker, and divided the three of them into a small barrier.

Before entering, Yan Wei had prepared for the worst—that is, he would see a man in black robe or some unknown danger as soon as he entered the door, so he had to act. It's dangerous, but worth trying.

But after entering, it was dark and silent.

But Yan Wei has a kind of creepy feeling.

[No, I can't see anything clearly.] He pulled Yan Mingguang, and at the same time stopped Lin Zhen behind him, signaling them to stop, [My perception has encountered many obstacles ahead, and I feel that the road ahead...is not a smooth road.]

[Otherwise, take out the flashlight and have a look, the worst thing is to fight.]

Yan Wei thought for a while, and said: [The light from the flashlight is too strong, let me take out the moon wheel.]

He took the moon wheel out of the windbreaker, put it in his palm and held it in front of him. The bright and indifferent white light slightly illuminated the situation ahead, and all three of them paused.

There is a wall in front of it, and there is a door on the wall with the same texture as the wall, like a mechanism door hidden in this glass room. The players on the forty or so floors are not fuel-efficient lamps. It is impossible that they have not explored every corner of this castle without taking risks. The doors here should be difficult to open or only people in black robes can open them.

The door was ajar, obviously the man in black had just been in a hurry and didn't have time to close it.

This time they picked up a bargain by mistake.

Yan Wei suddenly had a guess.

[This game... a total of seven days, right?]

Yan Mingguang: [Yes.]

[But in fact, judging from the current drive, it doesn't take seven days at all for everyone's score to be completely opened and there will be cannibalism between high-ranking players. This dungeon is a dungeon that will get faster and faster, why was it given for seven days?]

Lin Zhen scratched his head, Yan Mingguang said indifferently: [We may have made a mistake.]

Yan Wei nodded.

Three days is enough to qualify for the results, what is the extra time for

It's broken.

The secret door in this glass room has not been discovered by any players in the past two days, and it is obviously a difficult thing to find. Even if it is discovered, there may be many twists and turns in opening this door.

This should be a very time-consuming level, and it may even consume two or three days of time for the players who discovered it. But after Yan Wei made a series of arrangements, he found this place so easily—no, it can’t be considered easy—by mistake.

Taking advantage of the weak light, Yan Wei and Yan Mingguang looked at each other. Afterwards, Yan Mingguang walked in front, and Yan Wei approached the half-open door one after the other.

Yan Mingguang raised his hand, without any movement, he slowly opened the door.

The door was ajar just now, Yan Wei could only glimpse a spacious space inside. This time it was completely pulled away, and he looked forward, his eyes suddenly paused.

— This turned out to be a huge ladder.

But there are already three floors here.

According to the topography they got from walking around the castle during this time, the first floor of the castle is the largest, the second and third floors are the same size, but the area of the fourth floor is very small. There is only the observatory with a meat grinder. When they were in the jungle maze, there were crows all over the sky, and the outer walls of the castle were all black, so they couldn't see the building structure clearly. After entering, Yan Wei figured out the terrain, and always thought that this castle is a trapezoid from bottom to top, and the area gets smaller as it goes up.

But this is the third floor, and there is an upward staircase in this glass room, and this is not the part where the star observatory is located...

Yan Wei's eyes lit up, his amber eyes looked like bright stars under the pale light of the moon.

He whispered: "We caught the big one this time... It turns out that the fourth floor is not just the observatory."