Half Immortal

Chapter 13: Promenade Hotel (13)


The dim light amplifies the sound finely, and every particle of dust is clearly visible at this moment.

Yan Wei could clearly hear his own sudden stagnation of breathing. He looked at "Yan Mingguang" who was sitting by the bed in front of him, stabilized his figure, stared straight at him, and finally saw clearly the other party's face in the dark. Face - no face at all.

At the moment of realization, the cool feeling of being watched from all directions in the daytime swept over again, rushing straight into Yan Wei's brain.

The thing sitting beside the bed was very sensitive, Yan Wei didn't hesitate for a moment, "Yan Mingguang" slowly raised his head, a blood-stained mouth suddenly appeared on his face with no facial features, and bared at him. Teeth smiled.

This thing used Yan Mingguang's voice, whispered floatingly and vainly: "You found out..."

The more dangerous it is, the calmer Yan Wei is.

He could feel his heart beating fast, and his blood seemed to flow more happily, but his brain was actually calmer at the moment.

He moved his fingers slightly, his eyes narrowed, and suddenly he grabbed Yan Mingguang's hand under the quilt, jumped over the dirty thing and got out of bed, saying: "Yan Mingguang, run!!!"

The moment the person beside him grabbed his hand, he also rolled over and got off the bed with him, and his movements were nimble and quick. The man's hand was warm, but Yan Wei felt a little cold in his palm.

Beside the bed, the faceless "Yan Mingguang" didn't move his body, but turned his neck around, followed their direction and looked at them, the only mouth exposed on his face smiled wider, revealing blood stains all over his mouth.

Yan Wei grabbed Yan Mingguang and quickly ran to the door, thoughts flashed across his mind. Seeing that he was about to run to the door...


Yan Wei withdrew his posture to open the door, turned around, let go of Yan Mingguang's hand, raised his foot and kicked the person behind him violently!

At the moment of the shot, Yan Wei clearly felt the physical improvement brought about by Lou's body index feedback. During his hasty movements, the force of the kick was actually much stronger than before entering the building.

And behind him, Yan Mingguang, who was supposed to be very skilled, didn't react immediately, and was kicked back several steps by Yan Wei in an instant, and fell to the ground.

Yan Wei took a deep breath, just stood by the door and looked into the room, reached into his clothes pocket with one hand, and found the small dagger that he specially prepared during the day.

A few steps away on the ground, Yan Mingguang, who was dragged out of bed by his running, was lying on his back. The man was holding the floor to stand up, and said in his mouth, "Yan Wei, what are you doing?"

And "Yan Mingguang" who was sitting by the bed stood up slowly, walked towards him with a grin. Yan Mingguang, who got up from the ground, also stood up, and a cold voice sounded in the dark room: "Go."

Yan Wei took out his dagger, leaned against the door, slightly bowed his waist, and looked very vigilant. But his previously tense expression actually relaxed a little at this moment, his thin lips moved slightly, revealing a sassy and savage smile.

"Why?" He looked at the two Yan Mingguang in front of him, "You are all fake."

The thing sitting next to his bed didn't hide much from the beginning, and the moment he realized something was wrong, it showed a bloody and filthy mouth and a terrifying face.

But the person lying next to him was very quiet all the time—Yan Wei thought at first that Yan Mingguang had woken up long ago, and just lay there and did not move. But just a moment after shaking hands, he suddenly realized something was wrong.

All the characteristics of the things lying beside him are exactly the same as those of Yan Mingguang, and the temperature is also like that of a human being. Even the texture of the fingertips of the man who looks like he has been holding a weapon all year round is exactly the same, but there is only one thing missing - Lou for every The black ring that each player uses to access the information panel.

The person lying next to him was not Yan Mingguang either!

At this moment without any movement, Yan Wei touched his black ring without any trace, and glanced at the information bar that popped up. On the status bar of the permanent skill, the "undead state" is still on.

He guessed right.

It wasn't daylight at all, and it wasn't even twelve midnight now.

Yan Wei held the knife and curled his mouth: "Aren't you going to get rid of this illusion? It was fake from the beginning, no matter if it's the person sitting by the bed or the person lying next to me, it's all an illusion. Just like the last time I was in the studio, it was only used to confuse the audience, disrupt my thoughts, and make me rush into the painting by myself. There must be a painting that I can’t see now, waiting for me to cast it myself snare."

Exactly the same illusion scam as that time. If he was fooled and ran into the painting, it would be really difficult to survive. At this moment, it's not past twelve o'clock in the middle of the night, even if he can move around in the painting, but once he can't find a way out, after twelve o'clock, he will not be able to protect himself.

After he finished speaking in an orderly manner, the thing sitting by the bed stood there and smiled at him several times. The laughter was sharp and sinister, like a rather high-spirited male voice.

The next moment, the surrounding environment really changed. The originally very gray sky outside suddenly dimmed, and the sky returned to the pitch-black night. Everything in the room swayed slightly, revealing stacked lines of portraits one after another, revealing the room for what it really was.


It turns out that the reduction in the limit of ghosts mentioned in the dungeon is exactly what happened!

Yan Wei was not in Room No. 5 at all, he had been transferred by the ghost to the studio on the top floor at some point. In front of him, the other "Yan Mingguang" kicked away by him also disappeared, replaced by an eyeless girl in a dress. Yan Wei glanced at the closed studio door behind him from the corner of his eye, and saw a painting pasted on the door, and a combination lock on the doorknob, obviously the door could not be opened by turning the doorknob.

The faceless fake Yan Mingguang also slowly revealed his true face.

It was a man covered in blood. Both of his eye sockets have been hollowed out, exposing two big blood holes, and the very expensive suit on his body is also filled with dried blood.

Even though his face was already ferocious, Yan Wei recognized the ghost's identity from the man's nose, mouth and facial contours.


On the first night, the middle-aged man said that the painter ran out of the painting and poached the eyes of the woman in the long skirt.

This talented artist who made self-portraits before his death was covered in stolen goods at this moment, and he looked at him with a ferocious expression, and a cold voice sounded: "Since you are not leaving, then give me your eyes."

Before the words finished, amidst the reverberating voice, several portraits of women lacking eyes moved, and women with empty eyes came out one after another. With their feet slightly off the ground, they walked towards Yan Wei vainly, under the quiet moonlight coming in from the window of the studio, Yan Wei could only see his own shadow.

He didn't move.

His hand holding the dagger tightened slightly, but he said calmly, "If you could gouge out my eyes, would you still wait until now?"

The footsteps of several eyeless girls stopped, and the painter's terrifying face trembled suddenly.

The ghost's reaction verified Yan Wei's guess, he relaxed a little, and continued: "You have restrictions, you can't kill me, that's why you use this method to lie to me. On the first day we came to the hotel, you I was the first to follow, right?"

At that time, the waiter praised his appearance, which was basically equivalent to leaving a death trigger on him, which was convenient for the painter to dig out his eyes at night. It's just that he cracked the trigger directly on the spot, and Yan Wei and Yan Mingguang were very careful the next day, and didn't touch any restrictions at all. The painter wanted to kill him and his eyes, so he could only move him to the studio and trick him into triggering the restriction himself.

Seeing that Yan Wei was not fooled at all, the empty-eyed painter let out a furious roar, and his voice became even deeper and more terrifying, as if grinding a basin full of blood.

"So what if I have restrictions? Yes, I can't kill you, and you can't get out," the painter laughed abruptly, "You are locked here, and you will starve to death. Why don't you give me your eyes?" ...Give it to me... With such beautiful eyes, my paintings will look even better... "

Yan Wei turned his head to the side, tore off the picture pasted on the door and threw it on the ground, and glanced at the combination lock on the doorknob.

Having made sure that the ghosts would not attack him, he put the dagger back into his pocket, and took a look at the combination lock with both hands.

This is a combination lock that can be rolled. The lock body is very thick, obviously it cannot be cut by cold weapons. On the lock, there are three rows of numbers that can be scrolled. At this moment, the three numbers are all stuck on "0".

That is to say, the password has three digits, each digit may be any number from zero to nine, and there is a small confirmation button next to it, which should be pressed after the password is scrolled correctly to open the lock.

The painter grinned grimly: "Of course, you can also try to open this lock, but you only have one chance... As long as you roll the password and the password you enter is wrong, I have no restrictions..."

"I can dig out your eyes... Such beautiful eyes, these are the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen. Oh yes, the man with you also has beautiful eyes, I want... I Hahahahahaha!!"

Yan Wei's eyebrows twitched slightly.

Only one chance

In other words, if the hotel they are in now is a complete copy, he should have solved the last death problem now, but also triggered the next branch. He has only one chance to unlock the combination lock in front of him. If he rolled to the correct combination and opened the lock, tonight's crisis would be over. If he made a mistake, the last restriction imposed by the dungeon on ghosts would disappear completely, and the artist in front of him would definitely come up and empty his eyes.

In the studio, the man with hollow eye sockets and covered in dried blood was still repeating in a low voice: "Give me eyes! Give me... I can draw the most perfect portrait... Eyes..."

Yan Wei glanced at the information panel, there was still an hour and four minutes left in the undead state.

He held the combination lock silently and looked at it for about a minute, and then he actually chuckled under such a strange environment.

This chuckle interrupted the painter's murmur, his face trembled suddenly, and he said to Yan Wei sadly: "What are you laughing at?"

"For a three-digit password, each digit has the possibility of zero to nine-ten numbers, that is to say, a thousand possibilities. It takes about three seconds for me to enter a password, and fifty minutes for a thousand passwords. In fact, I could try them one by one. Even if I'm wrong, you can't kill me. But I think it's stupid.

"You don't seem to think that I can enter the correct password at all? Let me guess why you are so sure. This combination lock is a restriction on me and you. We are fair. But the password This kind of thing, nonsensical guessing is completely based on luck, a thousand possible answers means that the probability of guessing right is only one in a thousand, and the fairness between us is completely out of balance, so this is definitely not a random number.”

Under the moonlight, the painter's bloody face, which was mostly buried in the haze, seemed to twitch, showing resentment towards him.

The smile in Yan Wei's eyes deepened.

The blood in his whole body was flowing rapidly with the accelerated heartbeat, and the vigilance all over his body did not make him tense, but put him in a state of excitement. Not only was he not afraid of such a life-and-death game, but he seemed to have released his rebellious nature, allowing him to be in it heartily.

Holding the combination lock in one hand, he looked at the ghost in the terrifying dungeon, and continued: "Since it can't be a random number, it means there are patterns or clues, which are usually hidden in the information I already know. First One day we didn't have any clues about the numbers. The next day, I saw some dates in the archives, July 3rd ten years ago. There is also a possibility that the guest's room number is from Room 1 to Room 5, The studio doesn’t have a number, but if you want to give it a number, it should be Room No. 0 on the fifteenth floor. Then according to the clues I found, the password should be 703 or 150.”

The young man's fingertips were on the button for confirming the password, and he seemed to be ready to roll the combination lock. His clear voice echoed in the spacious studio, under the cool moonlight, Yan Wei and the painter raised their lips at the same moment.

The tails of Yan Wei's eyes moved lightly, his pale brown eyes filled with confidence.

The painter's blood-stained mouth twitched, revealing a terrifying and cold smile.

"You're happy now because you think I'm going to lose 703 or 150, I'm dead, right? You want to see me press it? Don't worry, I will, but before I leave, I have to do one thing."

Yan Wei smiled, facing the room full of eerie ghosts, unexpectedly put down the combination lock just like that. He even put away his small dagger for self-defense, and with one hand in the pocket of his windbreaker, he strode towards the painter with strides.

The painter seemed to be grinding his teeth, and made a hoarse and harsh voice: "Hahahahahaha!! You dare not try, and you come here to die?"

Yan Wei gave him a supercilious look.

He has always been very skeptical about why the painter also lost his eyes and why he died. Everything has a reason, and their dungeon is obviously a story of a resentment-turned-ghost. How likely is it that the ghost who controls all the portraits has no reason? Yan Wei felt that it was impossible.

Now that the state of immortality is not over yet, and the painter is in front of him again, it happens to be a good opportunity for him to find clues.

He walked directly in front of the painter like that, resisting his abnormally picky cleanliness, stretched out his hand, and grabbed the painter's smelly hand full of dried blood with a face full of disgust.

He has already been in direct contact with ghosts, and ghosts naturally have no restrictions on not being able to kill him. The painter smiled grimly, and moved his fingers violently, trying to reach his eyes.

— nothing happened.

Yan Wei's brows and eyes were almost squeezed together by the obstinate obsession with cleanliness, but he still persisted and took a clear look at the painter's whole body.

The painter screamed: "Why are you not dead!! You touched me, I can kill you! I can kill you!!!"

"Brother, don't try it, the fatal injury is useless. You seem to only gouging out the eyes? Every time you gouging out the eyes, you will also goug out the brain, which will hollow out the person's brain. This kind of fatal injury is useless," he finished reading his hand, Moving his eyes up, he looked carefully at the empty eye sockets of the painter, and said, "Look at it for a while, just for a while. I can't beat you tomorrow, but I have to see clearly today."

Painter: "..."

Yan Wei observed it carefully, up and down amidst the quiet voice of the ghost.

The painter's hands are already very shriveled, but it can be seen that although the painter's hands were strong before his death, they were not considered slender. And the edges of those two empty eye sockets are very irregular, it doesn't look like it was hollowed out by some sharp weapon, but it seems... to be hollowed out by someone's hands. There is also a little bit of brain matter in the eye sockets, and the way of pulling out the eyes is cruel and direct, and there is no other bloody place on the painter's body, so he should die by pulling out the eyes.

"By the way, buddy, did you dig out your eyes yourself?"

The painter didn't answer him, just repeated: "I'm going to hollow out your eyes... use your eyes to decorate my perfect painting... I'm going to hollow out your eyes..."

Yan Wei: "..." It's possible that she was out of breath.

I've seen everything I need to see, and there are no clues worth staying here. He wrote down all the details just now, walked back to the door again, and picked up the combination lock.

"703 or 150?" he said.

When Yan Wei put his fingertips on the confirmation button of the password lock, the painter laughed "Jie Jie": "Open it... open it... You made a mistake, the eyes are mine, they are mine, that is mine's..."

Yan Wei laughed softly.

His laughter echoed a few times in the spacious studio. In such an eerie place, his mocking laughter was actually three points more indifferent than the painter's voice.

The next moment, Yan Wei, who was talking about the two numbers 703 and 150, didn't even move the three-number scroll bar, but directly pressed the confirm button without hesitation! !

The painter's ferocious smile froze instantly.

The number was still at 000, but the combination lock opened with a "click".