Half Immortal

Chapter 33: Ankang Ancient Town (12) Quick answer mode settlement


The sorceress was still yelling "Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm", pity that the human skin was stuffed too deeply by Yan Wei's tight regiment, this old thing just sobbed after a long time.

Yan Wei didn't soften his heart at all - he just remembered what inhuman things this old bastard was doing just now.

"It's also thanks to what you told me, Lin Zhen, that players who descended from the building have the lowest priority. I now have a plan to deal with Jiang Xiu, but I need your assistance."

With one hand, he held the rope tied to the sorceress, and with the other hand, he held the handle of the knife, and the tip of the knife was freely floating around the sorceress' neck. He also glanced at the information panel. At this moment, there are more than eight hours before the end of the undead state, which is more than three o'clock in the afternoon.

I don't know if those skinless girls are hiding at the bottom of this well. It will be very troublesome if they are still here at night. It took some time for them to follow the goddess into the deep mountain, and now they have to start walking back in order to reach the mountain temple before sunset.

Lin Zhen laughed softly: "Why should I agree to you? I don't care about scoring points, and it doesn't matter if I don't have the best player. If I don't agree, you should kill the sorceress."

Yan Wei's expression didn't change at all, Hao Hao said without talking nonsense: "Time is running out, so I'll just say it straight, I just want a yes answer. I know Lin Zhen, you—"

Yan Wei paused, looked at Lin Zhen who was carefully looking at various tools for making skin bone umbrellas, and continued: "You don't care about the answer points, but clues don't just represent answer points... Have you forgotten that each answer point There are stage rewards for body index, perception and points behind it?"

Yu Feizhou was still slowly recovering from the shock, Lin Zhen paused when he was playing with the blade.

— Just by this action, Yan Wei knew that the fish had taken the bait again.

He played with the whip tail and the rope in his hand, and just said: "When the time comes, Yan Mingguang and I will get an increase in data, and the gap with your strength will be narrowed, and then we may easily defeat you. Then there will be more fun tricks , For example, tied you up and sent you to the bed of the sorceress, it doesn’t violate Lou’s rules—"

"I've changed my mind." Lin Zhen said suddenly.

He put down the knife in his hand, turned his head sideways, looked at Yan Wei, hooked the corner of his mouth, and said casually: "Okay, I will cooperate with you."

Yan Wei raised his eyebrows, and glanced at Yu Feizhou.

Yu Feizhou frowned slightly, confusion appeared on his gentle face: "Yan Wei, you...were all pretending before?"

Yan Wei didn't continue to cover up, but nodded generously and asked, "So, have we settled?"

Before Yu Feizhou could speak, Lin Zhen raised his arm and carried Yu Feizhou on his shoulders forcefully. He patted Yu Feizhou on the shoulder and said with a smile: "We have settled, and he agreed. Tell me, what is your plan?"

Yu Feizhou was taken aback: "When did I agree?"

"Just now, I negotiated for you."


Yan Wei turned his head and met Yan Mingguang's eyes who lowered his eyes slightly.

[Teacher Yan, please take this old thing out of the well and bring it back to the mountain temple. Just don't get hurt or get killed, this is a few points for being alive.]

"My plan...it's actually very simple."

In the gambling building area, the projection of the copy of Ankang Ancient Town was almost half black.

"Why do all six of them turn off the projection? The reward feedback of the casino is increased according to the betting ratio and the proportion of the projection time. These seed players don't care about the reward feedback of the casino."

"Did Lin Zhen and Yu Feizhou come out of the backtracking illusion? After being locked up for so long, I can't see anything..."

"They are afraid that we will see them kiss, hahahaha! There must be many unspeakable scenes in this wedding. These two are seeded players with airs. It is normal to turn off the projection."

"What the hell did the four of them do at the bottom of the well? It's been so long, and there hasn't been a single new answer point."

"Jiang Xiu is coming soon, he and Zheng Mao have followed the cook to her house."


Jiang Xiu and Zheng Mao followed Hu Ayu to her home in the ancient town.

Along the way, the townsfolk they met here and there cast unkind looks—most of them were aimed at Hu Ayu. Because Zheng Mao pulled Hu Ayu in front of the townspeople just now, now he is wearing the debuff of disgust, and these unkind eyes along the way have no other influence.

And Jiang Xiu kept smiling.

He not only got the help of Hu Ayu, but also Zheng Mao to bear the debuff, so there was no pressure at all at the moment.

And after everyone searched for clues, there was only one prompt to answer the question, probably Ning Yi or Yu Feizhou. As for the others, they should all be one or zero at the moment. After he gets the quick answer points, regardless of whether he can kill Yan Mingguang tonight, the sharp-toothed little trash who follows Yan Mingguang will always Will be torn apart by ghosts because of zero points.

"Please sit down," Hu Ayu led them into the house, just poured two glasses of water, "There is no one in my house all year round, so maybe there is nothing good to entertain travelers."

Jiang Xiu just took the water, but didn't drink it—he didn't dare to touch the things given by the npc in the dungeon, even if the cook in front of him looked like a harmless girl.

The three of them sat down one after another at an old coffee table.

Only Hu Ayu lived in this house, it was very empty, and all the way in, many places were covered with a layer of dust, it should be such a big house, many places that Hu Ayu didn't need were left unattended.

They came in and only walked through the front road, and there seemed to be a large area behind the hall. From the outside, the size of this house is three to four times the size of ordinary houses of other townspeople. It looks like an extremely wealthy family in the town. It is really not a place where people like Hu Ayu who are squeezed out at first sight would live. .

Zheng Mao whispered in Jiang Xiu's ear: "Brother Jiang, it's a bit strange..."

Jiang Xiu naturally also found out. He silently put the water glass aside and asked, "Your home looks quite big."

Hu Ayu paused, and Shui Lingling's eyes showed a bit of sadness.

She was born extremely beautiful, even the npc in the dungeon, her posture and expression were very vivid, without the monotony brought by other npc at all. Jiang Xiu is also a man after all, looking at such a pitiful and weak woman, he unconsciously slowed down his tone: "I'm just curious... I remember you said during breakfast that you came to the mountain temple to help earn some money. Xiaoqian. But I see that your house is bigger than many people in the town, and there seems to be more than one guest room?"

Hu Ayu's face turned pale.

Her voice was extremely low: "There was an accident at home ten years ago... so people in the town... don't like me very much."

Jiang Xiu has ten levels of experience, so he can understand that there is a lot to be said for this.

It took them some time to go down the mountain, and they observed in the town for a while, so they had to hurry back to get the answer points. Jiang Xiu couldn't wait, and his gentle tone disappeared instantly: "An accident happened? What accident!?"

He asked anxiously, leaned forward, and immediately grabbed Hu Ayu's arm, even touching the water glass that was put aside.

The water glass jingled and knocked to the ground, the white water dizzy, and Hu Ayu took a step back in fright.

Her skin was already paler than that of ordinary women, but now that Jiang Xiu forced her, she seemed to have become even paler. She lowered her head and said, "I know travelers are curious about some things. The town has received travelers from outside many times. When someone finds something wrong with the town, they always want to ask. But they always offend the mountain god. Did not leave alive. I... I am willing to tell you, but the matter is a bit long, and I also hope that travelers will think about whether to listen... "

She paused, and said cautiously: "Why don't you stay overnight tonight? I'm really worried that you, like the travelers before, won't be able to get out of town alive..."

Just as Jiang Xiu opened his mouth to say something, Lou's notification suddenly sounded in his and Zheng Mao's minds.

[The progress of the dungeon has been updated. Players have successfully answered the clues related to the skin bone umbrella: how the skin bone umbrella is made. Since the currently discovered clues are recorded in the props in the relevant dungeon, this reminder only notifies the player to answer the relevant clues successfully, and the specific content will not be announced. ]

[The corresponding player who succeeds in the quick answer gets 1 point for the quick answer. The rush to answer continues, all players are asked to do their best to answer and try to survive. ]

[The progress of the dungeon has been updated. Players have successfully answered the clues related to the Skin Bone Umbrella: How to deal with the Skin Bone Umbrella. Since the currently discovered clues are recorded in the props in the relevant dungeon, this reminder only notifies the player to answer the relevant clues successfully, and the specific content will not be announced. ]

[The corresponding player who succeeds in the quick answer gets 1 point for the quick answer. The rush to answer continues, all players are asked to do their best to answer and try to survive. ]

The prompt appeared twice in a row, one was the method of making the bone umbrella, and the other was the method of dealing with the bone umbrella. Obviously, the same player got two clues at the same time.

The already cloudy and rainy sky outside became darker as the sky darkened, and the sun, which could occasionally be looming behind the thin dark clouds, was completely covered.


It seems that the rain is going to be heavier.

Jiang Xiu's complexion suddenly sank.

"Brother Jiang, this..."

Jiang Xiu glanced at Hu Ayu.

The cook in front of him had information, but the information obviously required him to spend more time digging. He originally thought that there was still an hour for him to deal with Huayu before dark, but the weather now looks like it will rain heavily. Walking in the deep mountains on a rainy day.

But if you stay here... Although the dungeon doesn't ask for anything, staying overnight is still an unknown move, and it's safe to go back to the mountain temple.

An information npc like Hu Ayu has no fighting power, as long as the player discovers the value of the clue, no matter how they ask it, as long as it can be asked.

He made a decision: "Zheng Mao, take this cook away, let's go back to the mountain temple before the rainstorm, and then dig a score or two from this woman to grab answer points."

Zheng Mao grabbed Hu Ayu's arm directly and roughly: "You come back to the mountain temple with us!"

Jiang Xiu had already stepped out.

Hu Ayu obviously didn't expect that the two people who had been so eloquent just now would suddenly change, and said in surprise, "What are you doing!"

Zheng Mao dragged Hu Ayu to follow behind Jiang Xiu: "Just follow us."

In the sky, there was another "boom" thunder that pierced the eardrums in the clouds.

When Yan Wei and the others arrived at the mountain temple with the witch tied up, they also heard the two prompts for the answer points.

The four of them had already reached the entrance of the mountain temple, and when the reminder sounded, they all paused.

The witch was dragged and dragged down the mountain by these four inhuman men all the way. When she arrived at the mountain temple halfway up the mountain, she was already so tired that she didn't even try to vomit the human skin that was stuffed in her mouth. come out.

Lin Zhen tugged at the sorceress who was almost dead fish beside her, and twitched the corner of her mouth: "Hey, someone scored two points at once, and it's not the four of us."

"It can't be Jiang Xiu, I can guess what the clues in the town are, nothing unexpected..." Yan Wei pointed to the sorceress, "This old man knows the things in the town, it's not these two clues."

Yan Mingguang said decisively: "Ning Yi."

In the copy of the twelve of them, one died in the first night. Song Yu went to bury the dead first, and then he might also take action to find clues. Jiang Xiu and Zheng Mao probably went down the mountain to the ancient town. Yan Wei, Yan Mingguang, Lin Zhen and Yu Feizhou explored the well for a day. After they entered the well, there might be a few players left who couldn't get in.

Among those people, Ning Yi, who has always been quiet, was the most capable and got two quick answer points at once.

Lin Zhen was bored playing with the rope in his hand, pulling the sorceress wobbly, but he didn't see anything at all: "Is your plan unchanged?"

Yan Wei pursed his lips: "Of course it won't change, do you want to go back on your word?"

"That's not true," Lin Zhen turned around, dragged the sorceress into the mountain temple, and said, "After I heard you finished the plan, I found it very interesting. I am looking forward to Jiang Xiu's expression after your plan is successful. Make an effort to appreciate it up close. Yu Feizhou, let’s go.”

Although Yu Feizhou agreed to cooperate with Yan Weiyan Mingguang at the bottom of the well, he is still in a daze at the moment.

He glanced at Yan Wei, and then at the sorceress in front of him whose mouth was blocked by Yan Wei with human skin. He didn't know whether they, the players, were being teased by the npc, or Yan Wei was teasing the npc.

"What are you doing standing there?" Lin Zhen turned around.

Yu Feizhou opened the projection angle of the gambling building as they agreed, and walked in with Lin Zhen back and forth.

Yan Wei glanced at Yan Mingguang: "I'll stay here for a while, judging by the weather, Jiang Xiu doesn't dare to stay in the ancient town, and he probably will be back in a while."

"Not together?" Yan Mingguang asked him.

"No, once the sorceress tells her everything she knows, I will also get quick answer points if I am present. But I have to share with you to ensure that Yan's name is still on you. I already have three points, and I will get quick answer points again this time. It's too difficult to divide. Anyway, after she explained everything, Lou will announce the clues, and I will still know."

Yan Wei exchanged a fake stone, turned the stone into an in-ear wireless earphone, plugged it in one ear, and said: "I wear this, as if I hear everything through you, and listen After reaching the content explained by the sorceress, I got a quick answer point."

"it is good."

Yan Mingguang raised his hand, and was about to touch the black ring on his fingertips to turn on the projection, but there was a sudden pause.

"Protect yourself." The man said suddenly.

"..." Yan Wei spread his hands, "I'm just waiting for Jiang Xiu to come back at the door? Don't worry, I'm just stabilizing my useless dim sum character in front of the audience in the gambling house, and take a look at him after he was tricked by me. Expression. Anyway, he didn’t dare to violate Lou’s rules and kill me.”

Yan Mingguang stopped talking, turned around and entered the mountain temple.

Yan Wei dangled boredly at the entrance of the Mountain God Temple, the hem of his windbreaker was blown by the strong wind before the heavy rain, and the wind was rustling. He got a little bored waiting, yawned, carefully wiped out a clearing on the steps at the entrance of the mountain temple, sat down leisurely and waited for Jiang Xiu and Zheng Mao to appear.

About half an hour later, the sky had gradually darkened, only the hazy and dim sky, and the pouring rain poured down.

Even under heavy rain, the eaves cannot cover the slanted raindrops. Yan Wei exchanged an umbrella from the shopping mall on the information panel, stood under the eaves holding the umbrella, and saw Jiang Xiu and Zheng Mao walking quickly.

These two people were probably worried that there would be problems with holding an umbrella, even though the heavy rain soaked their whole bodies in an instant, they didn't hold an umbrella. Hu Ayu was forced up the mountain by Zheng Mao all the way, his expression was full of fatigue and panic at the moment. The rain fell on her fair and beautiful face, which made this very ethnic cook look so pitiful.

Yan Wei just glanced at it, and knew that Jiang Xiu was trying to get some quick answer points from the cook.

such a pity…

Jiang Xiu and Zheng Mao also saw him and stopped in the rain.

Jiang Xiu sneered: "Why are you trash here? Why, your fawning Yan drove you here because he thought you were useless? You still dare to hold an umbrella, and you are not afraid of accidents."

Yan Wei just glanced at him and Zheng Mao, walked out of the eaves holding an umbrella, walked up to the cook Hu Ayu, and handed the umbrella to her: "Hold on."

Hu Ayu was taken aback.

Her rain-wet hands took over the handle of the umbrella and touched Yan Wei's hand. Perhaps it was because of being forced to go up the mountain, and because of the rain, her hands were very cold.

Yan Wei exchanged another hand warmer and tissue, and handed it to her as if taking it out of his pocket.

"Thank... thank you." Hu Ayu said.

Jiang Xiu finished watching this scene with great interest, and said with a sneer, "You are quite leisurely and carefree, let's get out of the way, we have to go in."

The gate of the mountain temple is not wide, Yan Wei standing here alone has completely blocked the way of Jiang Xiu and Zheng Mao.

But he just took a step back, hid under the eaves, looked at the two drowned chickens in front of him, and smiled: "Anyway, my presence is of no help, so it's better to look at the scenery at the door. Why are you in such a hurry to go back? The scenery halfway up the mountain is so good, it feels foggy when it rains, let's enjoy the scenery together, you two... "

He paused, raised his hand, and made a "0" gesture to Jiang Xiu just like in the morning.

Ordinary people in the world inside the building like Hu Ayu were present, and they couldn't tell about the existence of the checkpoint. He just opened his mouth and said silently to Jiang Xiu and Zheng Mao: "0-point player."

Jiang Xiu's complexion sank, and he glanced at Hu Ayu who was violently dragged back by Zheng Mao, and said sinisterly: "I'm sure, you are..."

He also made a "0", and then said: "This kind of thing? Tonight, under the rules, Yan can't keep you. I can't wait... to see you die."

Yan Wei stopped talking.

He just put his hands in his pockets and stood at the entrance of the mountain temple, obviously not intending to get out of the way.

Jiang Xiu smiled angrily: "Okay. I just can't kill you, and it's not that I can't do anything to you."

Yan Wei blinked.

—Lin Zhen and the others have been in for so long, his plan should have been almost completed.

Sure enough, Jiang Xiugang raised his hand, intending to push Yan Wei away, and Lou's reminder sounded in the minds of the three people present.

[The progress of the dungeon has been updated. Players have successfully answered clues related to the Skin Bone Umbrella: The Customs and Truth of Ankang Ancient Town. … ]

[The corresponding player who succeeds in the quick answer gets 1 point for the quick answer. The rush to answer continues, all players are asked to do their best to answer and try to survive. ]

[The progress of the dungeon has been updated. Players have successfully answered the clues related to the skin bone umbrella: the secret of the well in the deep mountain. … ]

[The corresponding player who succeeds in the quick answer gets 1 point for the quick answer. The rush to answer continues, all players are asked to do their best to answer and try to survive. ]

[The progress of the dungeon has been updated. Players have successfully answered clues related to the skin bone umbrella: the origin and secrets of the skin bone umbrella and the skinless girl. … ]

[The corresponding player who succeeds in the quick answer gets 1 point for the quick answer. The rush to answer continues, all players are asked to do their best to answer and try to survive. ]

There were three prompts in a row, except for Yan Wei who was still blocking the door with the appearance of "I'm just trash, I'm so bored, I'm free", Jiang Xiu and Zheng Mao all stayed on the spot.

The customs and truth of Ankang Ancient Town... This has already taken away the answer points they thought Hu Ayu, the cook, could bring!

Moreover, there were three prompts in a row, which were obviously taken away by someone at the same time.

Jiang Xiu's face was extremely gloomy, he gritted his teeth and looked at Yan Wei: "Get out of the way!" He had to go in to see who had scored three points in a row, and also took away the Guzhen points that he was already sure to win!

There was a "bang" from the sky, and finally the hazy light disappeared, and endless rain wrapped in the night.

it's dark.

Yan Wei didn't block the door this time. He turned sideways, very eloquently, out of the way.

But Jiang Xiu didn't move.

— because all players who were still alive heard the same prompt.

[The time is counted from the moment the player enters the dungeon, the first day of the dungeon is over, and the rush mode is settled. ]

[Quick answer points are sorted by ranking.

First place: Yan Mingguang, 4 points;

Second place: Lin Zhen, 3 points;

Second place: Yufeizhou, 3 points;

Second place: Yan Wei, 3 points;

Second place: Song Yu, 3 points;

Second place: Lu Ya, 3 points;

Second place: You Rui, 3 points;

Second place: Kong Yuwei, 3 points;

Third place: Ning Yi, 2 points;

Fourth place: Jiang Xiu, 0 points;

Fourth place: Jiang Xiu: 0 points.

[If there are no players who violate the rules and trigger death tonight, the last player will be the target of the ghosts. Please continue to answer with all your strength the next day and try to survive. ]

The torrential rain is still pouring down, the thunder is roaring, the sound of water and wind are intertwined.

Jiang Xiu and Zheng Mao were stunned.

——Yan Mingguang ranked first, all the other players except Yuemang were evenly divided, and Jiang Xiu and Zheng Mao... were at the bottom tonight!

Zheng Mao panicked instantly: "Jiang, Brother Jiang, this, this, this... us, what should we do!?"

He even forgot to drag Hu Ayu in, and as soon as he let go, the beautiful cook immediately panicked and ran into the temple to escape under an umbrella.

Jiang Xiu's face was full of disbelief: "How is this possible? Yan Mingguang is the first, how could it be possible that all other players have the same three points? Three points... three points... the three prompts for answering points just now...?"


The rain wet the hem of Yan Wei's windbreaker, so he exchanged it for an ordinary umbrella again to hold it up.

He didn't actually listen to these three clues, but he knew that the earphones on his ears would make people watching the gambling building speculate that he heard them too.

The time limit for the False Stone is approaching, Yan Wei took off the earphones in front of Jiang Xiu, threw it in his hands, and said with a smile: "It's the three prompts for answering points."

He pretended to be a tiger and said: "Yan Mingguang told me that you took Zheng Mao down the mountain to the ancient town, you must be one step ahead of us to get the quick answer points today, and then use the remaining few days to pester him and stop him Get the quick answer points and make him the lowest score. In this case, we should thank you for your inspiration—so, he thought of a way to make you the lowest score."

"I'm sorry, Yan Mingguang tied the witch back and didn't intend to compete with everyone, so I found a few other players who are not your Yuemang, and let the witch tell everyone at once-I heard it through this headset, So a lot of people have three points."

"Now it's only you..." He pointed to Jiang Xiu, then pointed to Zheng Mao, "And you... 0 points? That's really unfortunate. Fortunately, I have someone as powerful as Yan Mingguang covering me. What? Even if you don't do it, you get three points."

"The two of you have been busy all day and didn't get one point. I spent a leisurely day and easily got three points. From this point of view, it's happier to be a waste snack."

Jiang Xiu clenched his fists in the torrential rain, his face was completely flushed with anger, his slightly parted lips trembled uncontrollably, and he was too angry to speak.