Half Immortal

Chapter 53: Dead Schoolhouse (5) That's four words


Yan Wei followed Yue Wenxing to the teaching building, and joined Li Qing and others in the teaching building.

Class time is approaching, and students are constantly coming and going in this cold teaching building. There are obviously popular players, and there are also npc students who look rather stiff. Except for the unorganized players who come in alone, all other players from different organizations act together in groups, and there is almost no communication between different organizations—in this copy, they all come for only one legendary item, Both are rivals.

The total number of students in Chenxi High School is not large, and there are only a few classrooms in total. It seems that there is no difference. The players enter the classroom according to their intuition and sit down temporarily to observe the situation.

Li Qing was standing in the corridor leading Yuemang. When he saw Yan Wei and Yue Wenxing approaching, his eyes dimmed and he asked, "Is it done?"

Yue Wenxing nodded palely: "Yan Wei said that Yan Mingguang would check the room, so I set up a ghost trick that will disappear only when the time is up, but it consumes a lot of my energy, I may not be able to help you today gone."

Li Qing laughed: "What you did today is already very busy. That idiot Jiang Xiu, who is not as skilled as others, rushed to his death, and made all the players in the building laugh. , The number of seeds that can be recruited has been greatly reduced, and the benefits brought to Yuemang by solving Yan this time are immeasurable, and I will exchange the promised point props for you after I go out."

Yue Wenxing looked happy: "Thank you, Brother Li!"

Yan Wei silently watched the back and forth between these two people, and his heart became clearer.

—It seems that when Yuemang entered the mobile book this time, not all the people he brought in were loyal.

After all, it was a mobile book with ten deaths and no life before. Except for players like them who came in with an emotional connection, most of the players in Yuemang were probably linked by interests. In this way, this group of people may easily become a mess when life and death are at stake.

Then he plans to plan tonight about the bell network, and his chances of winning are several percent higher.

"Brother Li," Yue Wenxing asked, "Aren't we going into the classroom?"

"Wait a little longer."

Not long after, Yan Mingguang and others also came to the teaching building a few minutes before class started. Li Qing watched Yan Mingguang and Lin Zhen choose a classroom to enter, and then brought Yuemang and others into that classroom.

Yan Wei immediately understood - a person like Li Qing who has a deep city, once he targets a person, he will use any means to kill him. Even though he had already made the move of recruiting the ghost formation, Li Qing still did not miss any other opportunities. It was so cheap for Yan Wei, he could follow Yuemang to get as much information as possible before tonight, and he could stay with Yan Mingguang and the others.

Although he was glad in his heart, the expression on his face became more and more flustered.

He glanced guiltyly at Yan Mingguang and the others who had already sat down in the classroom, and then hid behind Li Qing and followed into the classroom.



"Dingling Dingling—"

Class begins.

When the teacher NPC with a numb face stepped on the class bell and walked in, a player who was sitting in the third row of seats and was spinning a pen stopped suddenly.

His eyes gradually widened, his pupils shrank suddenly, and he looked forward in horror. The next moment, his hand holding the pen moved towards his throat uncontrollably, while his head seemed to be pressed by something behind his back, stiffly and slowly lowering bit by bit.

The teacher had already walked to the podium, and at the moment when the class bell rang, the teacher said numbly and indifferently: "I am your math teacher, you can call me Teacher Wang. Some new students entered school yesterday, and I will repeat the rules. Students don’t have high requirements, as long as they can learn the content, they don’t need to listen to the lectures.”

Teacher Wang was talking, but the players were not looking at him.

I don't know who suddenly shouted: "—Look!!"

Everyone turned their heads in the direction the man was pointing at.

On the seat in the third row, the player who was spinning the pen lowered his head, poked his hand violently, and directly stabbed his own throat with the pen!

Blood dripped onto the textbook bit by bit from the tip of the pen. The player's expression remained horrified and unbelievable, his eyes widened, and he fell forward on the desk.

The faces of all the players present sank—another one died inexplicably.

Some of the npc students screamed, and one even got up in a panic and wanted to run, knocking down the table and chair in front of him, and when he fell, he hit his head on the sharp corner of the table and died instantly!

Teacher Wang didn't even look at the two "students" who died. He just sighed and said, "I've said it many times. As long as you are a student of Chenxi High School, you may die at any time. Please pay attention to safety. Okay, Let's start class."

In the midst of speculation, panic, and confusion, Yan Wei, who was sitting in the farthest corner, unobtrusively took out the Skull Eye—an item obtained in the first dungeon, which can see danger, but it is extremely limited, and can only be used once in a dungeon.

He slowly put the eyes of the skull in front of his eyes, and looked at the player whose throat was pierced by the tip of the pen.

Under the bloody desktop, in the drawer shrouded in dark shadows, a pale face slowly poked out.

This thing's hair is sticky and messy, its face is pale, blood is flowing from the corners of its eyes, nostrils and mouth, and a pair of pure white pupils are gloomy. It wasn't until it stretched out its entire head that Yan Wei saw that there was also a bloody pen stuck in the throat of this dirty thing.

Just now when everyone was still watching the npc teacher walk in, he, who had extraordinary perception, suddenly looked at the player who had an accident. At that moment, something was wrong in Yan Wei's heart, and he immediately took out the Skull Eye, and as expected, he saw the dirty thing in the drawer.

The conjecture was confirmed once again, but Yan Wei's mind became more serious.

The first triggering condition for death must be a violation of the basic laws in the dungeon, such as the dormitory rule that the teacher said - do not speak after dark. This basic way of survival, which is directly told to the player through the mouth of the npc, is the survival bottom line and opportunity given to the player by the Lou, which is basically equivalent to sending sub-questions.

As for the other triggering conditions for death, apart from the half-eaten corpse of the player, what currently exists is the repeated death method discovered by Yan Wei. Ghosts under a certain death method will forcibly kill the player when the player or student npc violates their death trajectory, and once this step is reached, the player will not be able to resist no matter how high the body index is.

It seems to have discovered the law of understanding, but in fact it has not.

——All deaths have a source. Players die from ghosts with the same method of death, but where do those ghosts with the same method of death come from

Moreover, such signs of death, such as drowning and pen turning, may have some clues that can be found and avoided. But a death like eating biscuits at the school gate has no traces that can be found, and there is no way to avoid it.

So in fact, no matter what you do, there is a certain probability of death.

Everything is back to the predicament at the beginning-they can't take the initiative to avoid it, they can only passively pray that random death will not happen to them.

Obviously, this will only make the situation worse, because there are more and more players, and it is impossible to find out the reasons for the death of those initial ghosts and the way to avoid them completely. Then, will the players who came in and died later become those ghosts? a member of ? There is also competition between players. Players can never die from this death trigger, but may also die from conspiracy and struggle. There will only be more and more ways to die.

As the copy time goes by and the number of incoming players continues to increase, the probability of being selected by random death... will continue to expand at a growing rate! !

At the same time that Yan Wei came to this bad conclusion, the neck of the dirty thing sticking out of the drawer slowly turned, and looked in the direction of Yan Wei with an almost distorted arc.

Through the eyes of the skull, Yan Wei met the pale eyeballs of this thing directly, caught the eyeballs of this thing trembling for a moment, and the already pale face seemed to freeze for a moment.

Then, as if running away, the thing suddenly retracted into the drawer.

Why did you suddenly hide after looking at him

Yan Wei's breathing sped up slightly, and under the cover of perception, a sense of ominousness that rushed directly to his brain vibrated in his mind. Almost subconsciously, he quickly put away his skull eyes. Among the students running around in a panic, he pushed the chair and suddenly fell back, as if in panic.

With the sound of collision, Yan Wei fell to the ground.

The next moment, the electric fan above Yan Wei's original seat and hanging from the ceiling trembled, and immediately brought the rotating blades down vertically at a speed that was extremely unnatural.


Before the player sitting in front of Yan Wei could react, the fan blade had already cut his neck neatly.

The player's body was still sitting on the seat, and his head had already rolled around Yan Wei's side several times.

Yan Wei took a breath.

He gets it.

—The thing sticking out of the drawer was not looking at him at all, but saw the dirty thing beside him that was running the electric fan. He is in a normal state today, if he was still sitting when the electric fan fell, he would also be decapitated in an instant.

Just now, the death that would come at any time also happened to him.

Li Qing looked over from not far away, looked at the head indifferently, and sneered at Yan Wei who was "surviving after the catastrophe", "Your life is quite big, you were so timid that you fell and survived."

At the same time, the same situation happened in the other classrooms.

Screams and the sound of things being knocked down were intertwined, but the voices of the teachers teaching never stopped, intertwined insipidity and panic.

The sunlight outside dispelled the thin morning mist in the campus, and the broken golden light scattered, peacefully shining on the chaos of the teaching building.

When everything calmed down, the teachers were still numbly teaching. The old players who hadn't come in were obviously used to it, and they went out of the classroom to look for clues after a while.

The three dead bodies were bleeding blood in the classroom, and Teacher Wang's bland lectures sounded continuously.

Li Qing frowned, and said to the Yuemang players around him: "Looking at the reactions of these old players, we can skip class, and there should be no clues in class, it's just a must-go process—otherwise they won't miss it, roll call After that, I left the classroom. People from other organizations also began to leave one after another, and we must go to other places in the school to find clues, otherwise we will only be one step behind. Let’s go.”

Yan Wei got up from the ground "with lingering fear" at this moment, and said timidly, "Brother Li, do you have to go? I... I'm afraid that suddenly..."

Li Qing glanced at him, then at Yan Mingguang and others who seemed not to leave in another part of the classroom.

He turned his eyes and said in a low voice: "Don't dare to look for clues, then you stay here, just as Yue Wenxing is relatively weak now, you two stay in the classroom and watch Yan, what's the matter with Yan—"

He raised his hand, threw the walkie-talkie used by Yuemang player to Yue Wenxing and Yan Wei, and continued: "Use this to notify me."

After saying that, Li Qing glanced at Yue Wenxing again, winking silently. Yue Wenxing saw it, and nodded silently—they all understood that it was not so much letting Yan Wei and Yue Wenxing look at Yan together, as it was the situation where Yue Wenxing was staring at Yan Wei and Yan. Qing uses Yan Wei, but it is impossible to completely use Yan Wei as a player of Yuemang.

Yan Wei pretended to be ignorant of the coming and going of these two people, and even acted rejoicing, clutching the walkie-talkie tightly, nodded sharply: "Okay, okay! That... Brother Li, if you are in danger, I call you on the intercom, and you'll—"

"I'll come, but I have more important things. If you come to me casually, don't blame me for dying."


Li Qing immediately left with the people.

Teacher Wang was still lecturing to the classroom with few people left, Yan Wei sat down slowly, his perception stretched out: [Can you all hear me?]

Yu Feizhou raised his eyebrows: [Yes.]

[Tsk, little pet, your skill is really useful.]


Zhou Tian and Gao Ming also responded respectively.

Communicating with five people at the same time was more physically exhausting than communicating with Yan Mingguang alone before, but Yan Wei's face turned paler in just one sentence, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

He told others that the death methods he got just now will add up and more and more conclusions, and then quickly said: [There must be some way to directly avoid random death, and this is related to the root cause of death at any time, death at any time The roots are related to the ladder.]

[The class cannot be a fake process. Those old players left because they felt that there was no clue at all in the class, but I think they couldn't find a clue. As an npc that is much more three-dimensional than the students, the teacher must know some information. But after entering the dungeon, the player has tried many times, and the teacher npc can't ask for clues at all. I also think that it's not that there are no clues, but that the clues need to be drawn out of the teacher's mouth in other ways.]

[The players in those organizations are thinking that if you find the legendary props, you can use the legendary props to easily clear the dungeon. Finding clues about the legendary props in the school is the most important thing. But my point of view is just the opposite—if you find the clues to clear the level and hold the ladder clues in your hands, even if others get the legendary props, they must go out through me. In the end, the legendary props will still be mine.]

Lin Zhen yawned boredly: [Long story short, can you just tell the conclusion directly, little pet, I hate this kind of long-winded lectures like learning textbooks the most.]

[OK, just four words: sit down and study.]

Lin Zhen: […]