Half Immortal

Chapter 55: Dead Schoolhouse (7)


If you start from this angle, then what happened when the player died can have a reasonable explanation.

He died when he looked up, and he also heard the prompt to bow his head, but he thought that bowing his head was the one that would kill him, so he wrote "Don't bow his head", and then raised his head to trigger death.

Simply putting it on a ghost is a completely unexplainable paradox.

But what if the ghost that reminds him to make the player bow his head is not the same ghost that kills the player after the player raises his head

Look at this player's death in a completely different light - while he was in the toilet cubicle, a ghost made him bow his head, trying to help him avoid death. But this player sees ghosts in the same way, and he feels that ghosts are deceiving him, so he wrote down the warning "Don't lower your head", then raised his head, and was twisted and broken by the ghost who wanted to kill him.

Just like when Yan Wei was in the classroom, the falling electric fan should be pulled by a ghost, and the frightening grimace that appeared on the teacher's face when the test paper was handed out reminded him of the difference between the teacher and the students. What if the ghost on one side is pulling the electric fan to kill people, and the ghost on the other side is attached to the teacher's face to play a prank

Taken apart, these are not contradictory.

Yan Wei sorted out these thoughts, and everyone in the teaching building also exited the bathroom, which may be dangerous at any time, and came to the corridor, looking at each other.

This conclusion seems to have uncovered new clues, but it also makes the clues of the ladder more blurred.


Why does this school have a general method of ghosts repeating the death cycle, constantly killing students who repeat actions? Why is there another goblin that might even help the player

If simply repeating the death method and talking at night will attract ghosts, then what happened to the half-remained corpse in the corridor on the third floor of the dormitory building

While maintaining his skills, Yan Wei consumed a lot of physical energy, followed Yuemang's team panting slightly, and said to Yan Mingguang and others in his heart: [Although we are all just cooperating, I don't have the right to order you all the time, but I suggest that when you act this afternoon, mainly observe others-observe if there are any players who saw the ghost but did not die. After all, my current guess is only two samples, and the data is too small, so there must be more cases to be sure. I will follow Yuemang first, and at sunset, I will find a way to contact you to meet up.]

Lin Zhen: [Tch, it's as if you didn't order us before. Hey, why do I feel like you are about to disconnect from the internet again—]

Yan Wei withdrew his perception.

Li Qing turned around and saw him walking behind without saying a word, he paused, and put his arms around Yan Wei's shoulders. He glanced at Yan Wei's face, as if the relationship between the two was really good, and said casually: "You say you are so tired looking for clues, how do you live in this kind of place?"

Yan Wei laughed sarcastically: "Brother Li, isn't there you guys here?"

Li Qing rolled his eyes and glanced at Yan Wei again.

The young man seemed to be quite exhausted, his breathing was fast, his face was pale, but his cheeks were reddish, this complexion matched with his delicate facial features, his bones were exquisite, and his skin was clear.

"Yan Mingguang has no eyesight. He is not easy to provoke, but he wants to provoke us. But he has a good eye." Li Qing laughed softly, "By the way, although you were all taken by Yan, you also …It’s like lifting the building three times in a row, right? It seems like you haven’t told me what the skill is yet.”

Yan Wei's expression remained unchanged.

He had expected that Li Qing would ask, and said, "Brother Li, please help me keep some secrets. My skills are very useful! You can gain a bonus of increasing your perception by 30 points within three minutes, and you can use it once a day." , I used it once, it’s really good!!”

Regarding Li Qing's character and psychology, Yan Wei has already grasped 90% of it. If he made up a not-so-good skill and told Li Qing that the skill was not good so he didn't say it, Li Qing would become more and more suspicious. If he behaved complacently, Li Qing would be convinced.

This person seems to have a lot of scheming in the city, but in fact he has done it well, he is just a fool.

Sure enough, Li Qing didn't doubt him, sneered, patted him on the shoulder and continued walking, saying, "You're only good enough."

Yan Wei curled his lips silently.

Afterwards, Li Qing seemed to be chatting again, and asked Yan Wei for some information about Yan Mingguang. Yan Wei said half-truths and half-false words, the logic was very smooth, and none of the members of Yuemang noticed anything wrong.

Speaking of later, Li Qing's attitude towards Yan Wei became more and more casual - in his eyes, Yan Wei has no value.

Yan Wei pretended not to know, and conveyed the clues obtained from Yuemang's side and his own observations to Yan Mingguang and the others bit by bit, so that Yan Mingguang and the others did not need to follow the path he had walked, which saved time and was safer.

After walking through the laboratory building, Yuemang didn't find any clues. Yuemang's people only saw a student NPC who died on the stairs, no different from the person who died suddenly in this dungeon.

They didn't waste time here and went directly to the office building. There are more npcs alive in the office building—all teacher npcs. Compared with the panicked student npcs, these teacher npcs all look calm, and they are no longer surprised by everything in Chenxi High School.

Everyone walked around the building and stopped not far from the file room on the top floor. There were three corpses lying on the steps in front of them, lying down in disorder, and a large area of blood dripped out.

"Brother Li, look," a member of Yuemang came back and said in a low voice, "There is only one student on duty at the door of the archives room, and you need to swipe your student card to enter. Our student card is still being processed and will be issued tomorrow."

Li Qing frowned, looked down at the corpse on the ground, and then at the half-open file room not far away, pondered for a moment, and said: "The high school copy, if it is a story background copy with cause and effect, the school file room has information The possibility is very high. But these three are people from Broken Scythe, they probably came here before, but people have died here, and it must be difficult to trigger death, so Broken Scythe killed three people at once... "

Yue Wenxing asked, "Brother Li, should we go see it?"

Li Qing shook his head: "Let's not go now, we are eager for quick success and instant benefit. This is a lesson learned from the past. We still don't know how to avoid the death trigger, and we don't have a student card. Even if we go in, it may consume too much. It's only the second day. We mainly In order to fight for that thing, we must maintain most of our strength and retreat first."

Yan Wei followed behind, with a flick of his eyes, he secretly wrote down the location of the file room. Li Qing and other members of the organization did not dare to act rashly now, but it was easier for him. When he is not dead, he can come here again to have a look.

As for the thing Li Qing was talking about - the legendary item.

Judging from the status of other organization players along the way, as well as the information revealed during Yuemang's conversation, these people actually don't know where the legendary item is or what it looks like. They only know that the legendary item is not evil. The function should be more positive, at least it won't be the same as Yue Wenxing's ability to recruit ghosts.

In front, Li Qing waved his hand and said, "Let's go."

On the green plank road of Chenxi High School.

Yu Feizhou pushed aside the cluttered vegetation that blocked the way, and said: "I just told Yan Wei that there are indeed some players who saw ghosts but did not die. He guessed that ghosts with different attitudes towards players are very likely to be That's right. Yan Wei said that he got the information, and the people from Yuemang didn't know the specific situation of the legendary props, so it seems that everyone got the same news. A player who came in last batch felt the legendary props He sent this message immediately, but he should have touched something at that time, and the message was interrupted as soon as it was sent out—he should have died.”

Gao Ming was taken aback: "Then how do you know it's from a high-level dungeon?"

Lin Zhen paused, and said in a casual tone, "Stupid or not, that's because the number of legendary items is fixed, and other legendary items can be found everywhere. Only this one was lost by a high-level player in the high-level mobile book. It can only be That's it."

Gao Ming suddenly realized and nodded.

Yan Mingguang walked in the front, copying his pocket with one hand, and kept silent. The afternoon sun shines on his body through the shadows of trees and trees, leaving mottled and sparse spots. The golden sunlight was slightly reflected by the lens, which covered his eyes, making it difficult for people to see his emotions clearly.

Yu Feizhou was the first to notice that something was wrong with Yan Mingguang.

"Yan Mingguang?" He said warmly, "What's wrong with you?"

Yan Mingguang just paused, speechless.

The light outlined his indifferent and cold outline, he swayed in the light and shadow, looked left and right, and frowned.

—From the moment he entered this dungeon, he always felt a sense of familiarity. Not to this campus, but to a kind of... ethereal atmosphere here.

This feeling was faint and faint, so Yan Mingguang never took it seriously.

But walking on this plank road at this moment, this feeling is actually stronger.

Behind Yan Mingguang, Lin Zhenbai pulled out a long weed and played with it boredly, and said to himself: "This Chenxi High School is a noble school, right? I have seen so many high schools, and the general high school facilities are not good enough. It’s so perfect that it’s superfluous. This kind of green plank road is useless except to give students a walk, but it has been built for such a long time. It’s not that noble schools can’t afford it. The dungeon of the building will not deliberately make some useless things, ordinary schools are the easiest Appeared, but here is a rare noble school... Forget it, I will let the little pet think about it later, I am too lazy to use my brain."

Zhou Tian smiled: "I've heard of you before I entered this dungeon. I always thought that you should be a profession that wandered on the edge of gray before entering the building. I didn't expect to know so much about high school. Lin Zhen, you It seems that I have seen many schools, are you a teacher?"

Lin Zhen said "cut": "The teacher has seen not as many schools as I have. Before I entered the building, I was pressed by human traffickers at the gates of various schools every day to pretend to be pitiful and ask for money. There are more noble schools. Of course I know."

Zhou Tian was taken aback for a moment, then sneered, not knowing how to answer.

The person who said this was very comfortable, he forgot it after he finished speaking, and continued to walk around in front of him. But just after taking a few steps, Lin Zhen waved his hand suddenly: "Wait a minute, I think this place is... a bit strange."

Everyone paused.

The green plank road is next to the fence of the campus, and the location is relatively remote. It doesn't seem like students often come here. The long plank road has been in disrepair for a long time, with weeds and branches everywhere, so peaceful and peaceful that no difference can be seen.

Lin Zhen immediately took out the black longbow, gripped the bow handle tightly, drew the bowstring fully, and raised his guard.

He looked towards the grass obliquely in front of him.

There were a few drops of blood there.

But here, like other places in Chenxi High School, there are no corpses of students or players, and there are no traces of fierce battles. Where did the blood come from? Where did the person who left the blood go

He said, "Something's wrong! I always feel like it's a dangerous place—"

Zhou Tian stared at the place where Lin Zhen was, and muttered to herself: "212.3 centimeters, 42 degrees, 0.23 centimeters splicing, air velocity... the velocity is in the direction of 67 degrees... Broken?"

"—Lin Zhen, go away!!" Zhou Tian yelled suddenly, "There is a space break on your side!!!"

Before she could say anything, a pair of pale ghostly hands suddenly stretched out from the empty air in front of Lin Zhen. The ghost hand's skin was pale, and in some places, the flesh and blood were so blurred that the bones could be seen. Where the flesh was intact, there were corpse spots, and the nails were blue and black, and the sharp and slender nails stabbed forward fiercely.

- instantly pierced Lin Zhen's shoulder blade!

Lin Zhen was originally good at long-distance attack rather than melee combat, so he was caught off guard and was stabbed through his right shoulder. He gritted his teeth and snorted, turned the longbow in his hand, turned around and hit the ghost's hand.

The ghost hand retracted in an instant, the black and green nails retracted, and blood splashed from Lin Zhen's shoulder immediately.

At the same time, Lin Zhen's body appeared at the same time... More and more ghost hands stretched out from the air! !

More and more, more and more...

The densely packed hands were covered with densely packed corpse spots, and the sharp and slender nails danced indiscriminately, sending eerie and treachery in this remote and quiet place.

In the blink of an eye, Yu Feizhou and Yan Mingguang shot at the same time. Yan Mingguang whipped out a long whip, Yu Feizhou held a dagger, and the sharp blade pierced through the air, repelling the ghost hands that were close to Lin Zhen's side from left to right, and pushed Lin Zhen away neatly and quickly .

Lin Zhen's eyes flashed, his eyes spun, and he hit a tree stump not far away with a "bang".

His complexion remained unchanged, he turned a blind eye to the wound on the right shoulder blade, and with his right hand he pulled the bowstring to the front.

The long black arrow had just condensed on the bowstring, and he was stunned—the place where the ghost hand appeared in front of him was empty except for the blood dripping on the ground from his injury just now.

"Where are Yan Mingguang and Yu Feizhou!?"

Gao Ming's expression was horrified: "They just finished saving you, and they were dragged away by ghosts together!!"