Half Immortal

Chapter 61: Dead Schoolhouse (13)


As soon as this person's words came out, there was a moment of silence before the projection, and then a louder discussion erupted.

In the world inside the building, there are many people who are hiding or hiding in the dark for various reasons, but these people are more or less rumored. At most, the players don't know their true strength, not at all. On the contrary, people like Yan Wei, who are clearly useless from the beginning, and have a potential player by their side, usually rely on others to survive in the world inside the building.

The fact that Yan Mingguang is yan is what everyone has subconsciously acquiesced to—after all, Yan Mingguang himself admitted it.

But at this moment, Yan Wei was caught off guard and broke up with Li Qing on the spot, and everyone watched it.

From the point of view that yan might be Yan Wei, everything seems... more reasonable.

"I remembered!! I also watched the last dungeon of Yan Mingguang and Yan Wei. That dungeon is a rare quick-answer mode. At that time, there were two quick-answer points, and now I don't know who will get it." There is a The player's expression became more and more enlightened, and his tone was excited, "The person with the most possible two points is actually Yan Wei, because he was talking with Jiang Xiu at the gate of the temple, but he just wore a headset, saying that he heard what the sorceress said through the headset. So it got quick answer points—but we had no idea if the earbuds worked or not."

"... You mean, the earphones were fake at that time, he didn't get the three points given to everyone under the yan control point at all, but he was on par with all the players with the three points he got earlier!? ?”

"In this way... it makes more sense! In the first dungeon of Yan Mingguang and Yan Wei, Yan Wei was the best player and took the code name yan. In the second dungeon, Yan Wei controlled everything behind the scenes. Mingguang will execute it, complete the score control of the entire dungeon, and finally Yan Wei and Yan Mingguang get the highest score at the same time. The best players in the Ankang Ancient Town dungeon, Yan and Zhou, don’t you think the name of Yan Mingguang is more like that?”

"I didn't know why Yan Wei was day before, but my preconceived idea was that Yan Mingguang was yan. Looking at it now, the light is like day, and day... In fact, Yan Mingguang is day, and Yan Wei is yan!"

Everyone suddenly realized!

Bright as day.

Day is Yan Mingguang, Yan is Yan Wei.

This so-called waste that they have been ignoring is actually the one they have been trying to recruit or deal with.

In the crowd, among the high-level players who came from Broken, a player named Zhong Xing first showed the same surprised and enlightened expression as everyone else, then quickly restrained his reaction, and said to the other Broken players around him: " Whether it is Yan or Zhou, they are enough seeds to participate in the competitive dungeon, and they have no organization yet. If they can come out this time, you should quickly think of a way and use all methods to recruit us Broken."

"But didn't you say before that it's not worth fighting against Yuemang for a yan?"

Zhong Xing's tone was firm: "That was before. Now... I think it's worth it."

At the same time, similar conversations take place in different organizations.

Except Xuanniao.

Listening to these contents, Lin Qing's eyes flickered slightly, but no emotion could be seen in the dark eyes.

He just waited for all the players present to boil for a while, and then said when the commotion subsided a little: "Everyone, the time I gave is almost up."

"You should go."

Yan Mingguang slowly opened his eyes.

It was already late at night, and not even the moonlight could weaken the darkness in the dormitory. Even though the players had perceptions beyond ordinary people, Yan Mingguang still couldn't see Yan Wei's facial features clearly.

The young man was leaning against him at this moment, shrunk in more than before falling asleep, and almost shrank his whole body into his arms. He gently placed one hand on Yan Wei's body, almost welcoming her to lean against him, absorbing his body temperature.

At the window, in front of the bell net, a pale girl with short hair in school uniform stood there silently, her all-white pupils were facing the direction of Yan Mingguang.

The moonlight outlines the shape of this thing, and the cool wind whizzes past the window.

On the lower bunk on the other side, Lin Zhen also woke up. At the moment, he was lying on the bed with a quilt on, looking at this dirty thing, resting his chin in one hand and holding a pen in the other, drawing the appearance of this dirty thing on the white paper in front of him.

Yan Mingguang: "..."

He withdrew his gaze, and looked at Yan Wei in his arms under such a strange situation.

Because of his slight turning around just now, the quilt was pulled back a little, and a little cool breeze poured in. Yan Weixing probably felt a little cold, and shrank into Yan Mingguang's arms again. Yan Mingguang did not hide, and very naturally protected him in his arms.

In fact, as long as Yan Wei is lying with him, every night she will always lean towards him after falling asleep.

Yan Mingguang had discovered this before, but he didn't resist, and he didn't understand why he didn't resist.

until today.

Yan Wei asked Yan Mingguang about his past before entering the building several times, but he didn't answer—not that he didn't want to, but that he didn't have an answer. In his memory, the past is blank, only some vague pictures and the swallow necklace. The memory content begins with meeting Yan Wei at the Promenade Hotel. But today, the familiar aura that existed everywhere in the dungeon and the impact brought by the fragments of the moon wheel instantly set off his previous blankness.

That was the high-spirited and clear-cut Yan Wei in memory.

Yan Mingguang stared at Yan Wei for an unknown amount of time, but the dirty things by the window did not tempt anyone to make a sound, and suddenly disappeared at some point. Lin Zhen had nothing to draw, so he tossed the pen and paper aside, and covered himself with the quilt again to sleep.

The original calm was restored in the dormitory.

Yan Mingguang sighed silently, and slowly closed his eyes.

When the first ray of sunlight fell in the morning, everyone woke up immediately.

Yan Mingguang seemed to be the first to wake up. When Yan Wei was sitting by the bed and wearing his school uniform jacket, he had already removed the two bell nets in the dormitory, leaning against the window, wondering what he was thinking.

And the picture in Yan Wei's mind is still in the last moment of the dream.

In the dream, Yan Mingguang asked him what his purpose was for climbing to the top.

And he really wanted to answer, but after thinking for a long time, he couldn't speak. He seemed to have already answered, but he couldn't remember what he answered.

Then opened his eyes in the morning.

Yan Wei rubbed his temples, yawned, and asked Yan Mingguang lazily, "Hey, ice cubes."

Yan Mingguang turned to look at him.

"What do you want to climb to the top for?"

Yan Mingguang's expression remained unchanged: "Pandora's Box."

"Oh yes, I remembered. Only when you reach the top can you get a one-time reward of 100,000 points, and you need 100,000 points to exchange for Pandora's Box. Then what am I for...?"

It seems that he just has to go into the building, has to go into the copy again and again in order to survive.

The Pandora's Box that can fulfill all wishes is the dream of many players in the building, but when Yan Wei first saw it in the exchange mall, he seemed not to be interested.

"Forget it, don't think about it, it would be nice to be able to climb to the top," he stood up, and said casually, "I dreamed about you last night, and you talked a little more in the dream, and you didn't talk like that. If it wasn't for you in the dream Much cuter than now, I almost thought we knew each other before."

Yan Mingguang reacted faster this time than before, almost following Yan Wei's words and said, "Thinking too much."


Lin Zhen, who had put on his school uniform, took a line of paper in front of Yan Wei, spread it out for Yan Wei, and said, "Look, the female ghost standing by your bedside last night looks scary. I'm afraid that you and Yan Mingguang will be together." I didn’t see it when I fell asleep, so I drew it for you to see.”

Yan Wei raised his eyes and glanced at this handicapped painting, he was stunned for a moment, and said with some difficulty: "I don't know if that female ghost is scary or not, but I can be sure that your painting is definitely better than her own ghost. Still scary."

Lin Zhen: "...that means my painting skills are superb, and the blue is the blue."

Yan Wei: "..."

The six of them packed up and walked out of the dormitory quickly.

As soon as he came out, he collided with the person in 406 next door.

In the corridors at the entrances of 407 and 406, broken limbs were scattered all over the place, blood spurted in all directions, and the air was filled with a strong smell of blood.

This is Yue Wenxing's body torn apart alive by ghosts. The body parts were not even whole, and it was unknown where some body parts had gone.

Last night, in order to stay in the dormitory at night, Li Qing tricked the unsuspecting members of Yuemang who originally lived in 406 to go to 303 where there is a ghost formation. All the members of Yuemang, including Yue Wenxing, died.

Yan Wei and the others and Li Qing and the others looked at each other through the shattered corpses, Yan Wei chuckled lightly: "Why do you all look so gloomy? Didn't you all hear the situation clearly in the dormitory yesterday?" Yet?"

Li Qing clenched his fists tightly, gritted his teeth and looked at Yan Wei, and said, "You told me from the beginning that you and Yan Mingguang had a falling out, and you were playing us?"

Yan Wei lifted his chin slightly and let out a "huh hum".

"I will decapitate you sooner or later." Li Qing said.

Lin Zhen let out a "wow", pointed to Yue Wenxing's broken body and said, "No way, isn't he the first one whose head was removed? Oh, it seems that he is the man of Yue Mang!"

As soon as the words fell, Li Qing's face became more gloomy, and the members of Yuemang behind him looked even more ugly - just as Yan Wei said, Li Qing seemed to have overcome this problem this time, but in fact he was a player who was alive in Yuemang A seed of distrust was planted in my heart.

Li Qing didn't notice the expressions of Yuemang's members behind him. He was still very unwilling to accept yesterday's defeat: "It's fine for you to hide your strength, but Yuemang never said that he would kill you, right? Is it better than hanging out with these lone wolf players? Do you think Yan Mingguang and the others can always trust you? Yan Wei, why do you—"

Yan Wei raised his hand, making a "shut up" gesture.

"Stop it, you were wrong from the start."

He winked at Yan Mingguang and the others, and slowly stepped across the bloody mess on the ground. When he reached Li Qing's side, he stopped in his footsteps, smiled softly, and said, "You know where your mistake is." ?"

"You were wrong because you didn't recognize my position. I didn't take refuge in Yuemang, not because of others, but because I was the one you most wanted to kill."

Li Qing slowly opened his eyes wide.

After a while, he exclaimed: "Are you Yan??"

Yan Wei didn't look back—selfishness and doubts were already lingering among the Yuemang players, and these people had nothing to worry about when Yue Wenxing died at the gate of 406 last night.

He, Yan Mingguang and others did not procrastinate and continued to investigate the death in other parts of the dormitory building.

More people died last night.

Including the four from Yuemang, seventeen players died in various ways.

Just like yesterday, more than half of the eaten corpses appeared on the second floor. There were two in total, and there were some scattered broken corpses.

Wearing gloves, Yan Wei knelt down in front of one of the corpses, and together with Gao Ming, carefully observed the wounds of the deceased.

"Actually, this kind of thing happened when my batch came in," Gao Ming said, "There are often such corpses on the second floor, but our last batch was not as large as yours. There are not many people who died in the way of death. And the next day, all the corpses that died the day before will disappear, which may be what you guessed, being dragged into the ghost hand space or something like that. But because of this, we old players are actually It has not been investigated carefully, or it has been fruitless.”

"Has anyone checked the second floor?"

"No, because the frequency was not high before, only two or three times, and there were not many people. It is also the first time for me to see this at a close distance. Anyway, I can be sure that this is the shape of a human tooth mark, but the bite force is definitely not human. He did it, and he should not only be active on the second floor, these corpses... Judging from my professional experience, it is very likely that they belong to Yue Wenxing."

— One of the dirty things recruited by the 303 ghost array last night!

Yu Feizhou frowned: "Could this be just a way to die? Like other rules discovered by Yan Wei, some people are eaten to death, so players who trigger certain conditions will also be eaten alive by ghosts." Lost limbs and died?"

Yan Wei got up slowly, shook his head, and said: "Impossible. We have a question that we have never been able to answer. If the corresponding death method is repeated continuously, then why did the first death happen? The cycle needs to have a beginning. Yes, even if it is a Mobius ring, there will be a moment when the two key points of the note are rotated and docked. Suppose something happens, let this Mobius ring that represents the way of death be buckled, and a continuous cycle begins Repeatedly, the way of cannibalism..."

He pointed to one of the corpses whose head had been eaten, "Look at the place where these players are eaten, there is no way, some have half of the body, some have the upper body, some have the lower body, and the head is also eaten, so this one was eaten first. Since the dead who fell and turned into ghosts have been eaten, why can they still turn into ghosts and eat people? If its head is also eaten, what will it use to eat these players? Even if the head of the first dead If it is not eaten, it can continue to eat other players raw to repeat the way of death, but its killing method is not regular."

"I understand what you mean," Yu Feizhou suddenly realized, "It's like Nie Liang drowning, cutting his head with an electric fan, piercing his throat with a pen while turning the pen, standing in a fixed position and being pushed into the water with the same posture... These are all things. It is exactly the same way of death, no matter the posture, the medium of death or the location, there is no change."

The corner of Yan Wei's mouth curled up: "Yes. But you see, the place of death of these eaten dead is very messy, this thing will even chase Yue Wenxing to the fourth floor, and then take away some Yue Wenxing by itself And the positions of these dead are not the same, the number of dead is not certain, and the parts eaten seem random. Ogre will eat a part repeatedly, but this ghost does not. The method of death is the only method of death we have seen so far that does not conform to the law, and if something abnormal happens, there must be a demon."

Yan Mingguang glanced at the clock: "There are still ten minutes for class."

Yan Wei subconsciously turned to look at Yan Mingguang.

The man's gaze met his gaze in mid-air, Yan Wei looked at the man's calm face, and didn't see any extra emotions. But he always felt that Yan Mingguang was weird—this person knew what he wanted to do without him even telling him, and even helped him see how much time he had.

I know too much about him.

But he couldn't see anything unusual.

Yan Wei withdrew his gaze, blinked, and his eyelashes trembled slightly.

"Within ten minutes, before class, we were doing a blanket search on the second floor," he said.

Lin Zhen raised his eyebrows: "Oh? Why are you searching the second floor?"

"Our thoughts are too chaotic now. Classes, teachers, students, death... we must find a point and start to spread. And I think this way of dying... is a breakthrough."