Half Immortal

Chapter 67: Dead Schoolhouse (19)


The death of one player is like a catalyst, completely tearing apart the last remaining reservation between the remaining seven.

Unstoppable blood immediately flowed from the body of the player who had just died, and the slight gurgling sound of blood was like a clock with sound, "tick-tick-tick", implying that the next possible random death is approaching.

Yan Wei took a deep breath.

The first person to die is the morning star, but what about the next one

For every second of delay, every minute of breaking the game, his friend may die instantly.

Yan Wei suppressed the sense of familiarity that this space had always brought him, and thoughts surged in his mind.

The two players who were still alive in Venus were pale, and one of them looked at Yu Feizhou in a low voice, and said, "Are you the one who was transferred?"

Lin Zhen sneered: "Why is it him?"

"This 'punishment' is so fast, my friend was caught before he could react in an instant, why did he dodge so quickly? I think it is very likely that the ghost intentionally uses this punishment to attack itself, and then dodges, causing it to be attacked But it’s not an illusion of ghosts!”

Zhou Tian frowned: "According to your logic, then you might as well. You raised this point of view at the first time just to show that you can't be a ghost."

"Hey, your friend doesn't have that strength himself, so he will die if he dies. Looking at the bleeding, tsk tsk, it's really unsightly."

On the contrary, Yu Feizhou looked gentle and didn't lose his temper, and sighed: "When that bone fragment attacked me, I really noticed it, but judging from your companion's reaction, it may be true that the attack he received was stronger than mine. Big. You are right, I may be, but I may also be the focus pushed out by ghosts. Positive and negative logic is useless at this time, because there is no absolute loophole, no matter how hard this kind of positive and negative logic is broken Can."

Yan Mingguang just watched from the beginning to the end, without speaking.

Yan Wei, who was walking around the six people who were still alive, raised his hand, brushed his fingertips across his cheeks, and wiped away the blood on his cheeks. Holding the handkerchief tightly in the other hand, he walked slowly, looking down at the other six people.

When it was pitch black just now, nothing happened on his side.

He didn't even hear anything except the ghost and the sound of the building's reminder. When he opened his eyes again, eight people had already been arranged to sit in a big circle.

He doesn't know the two people who are still alive in Qixing, but whether it is Yan Mingguang who has been silent and calm, Lin Zhen who is not serious at the critical moment of life and death, Zhou Tian who is rational, and Yu Feizhou who is gentle and good-tempered, their words and deeds are the same as the ones in his impression. There is no difference. Although no expression can be seen, from the beginning of the game to the present, the scenes that happened flashed through Yan Wei's mind over and over quickly, and Yan Wei still did not find any loopholes in anyone's words and deeds.

But the "student" said that he played with everyone.

Lou's reminder was "look behind you", and at the moment when he was thrown the handkerchief just now, the feeling of coldness that swept over his whole body made him react quickly and turned around, what he saw was pale and pupilless grimace.

Even at that moment, he felt that the person who threw the handkerchief to him was a ghost, and subconsciously chased him out. He ran a few steps before realizing it, and then the person died.

Yu Feizhou was right. At this time, it is useless to look at the common experience to verify the truth, or to speculate on the pros and cons. If ghosts are mixed among them, the check just now is enough to show that ghosts can imitate all behaviors and memories, and positive and negative logic is even more possible.

The process and logic are impossible, and the most important thing in finding the truth is the result. The process can be deceiving, and it can be full of tricks, only the result is the purest purpose.

Yan Wei walked behind Yan Mingguang and stopped.

If the handkerchief is not put down, there is no turning back. Yan Mingguang turned his back to him.

Yan Wei said in a low voice: "I believe in my feelings, and I also believe that your strength will not be transferred and you haven't made any movement, it's not you. Do you believe in your feelings?"

What responded to him was a cold bass: "It's not you."

At this time, Zhou Tian suggested: "We can win by catching ghosts. How about this? Everyone gets a handkerchief once and puts it behind the companions they choose. Those who know that they are not ghosts will not run away, only ghosts will." run."

"No," another player of Venus shook his head, "ghosts may also pretend to be players and not run away, and no one knows whether the companion you choose is a ghost. If I stand still, the person I throw the handkerchief to is a ghost." , turned around and caught me, who knows what will happen?"

Lin Zhen sneered: "This method is useless at all. There is no trust between us. Without trust, it is impossible for everyone to cooperate to find the ghost. I think so, let's just play with the flow, anyway, we will die later If there are fewer people, it will be clear at a glance who is the ghost."

"Don't you care about your companion's life? You must be a ghost, the first one to take the initiative to throw the handkerchief—"

"Then I say I am, why don't you come and catch me?"


For the time being, Yan Wei didn't participate in these back and forth temptations. He stood behind Yan Mingguang, bent down, put down the handkerchief behind Yan Mingguang, and quickly ran back to his seat.

The man turned around and picked up the handkerchief without haste.

At the same time, he said: "The moment the handkerchief fell to the ground, I saw a grimace."

Everyone suddenly stopped.

Yan Wei just ran fast, and now he was sitting in his seat panting, and said: "Sure enough, this ghost thing is playing tricks on us, making everyone who is thrown the handkerchief feel that they saw a ghost when they turned around. You Be careful when you are thrown into the handkerchief, and don't be led away immediately."

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.

Without hesitation, Yan Mingguang ran up with a handkerchief, threw it behind a Venus player, and quickly ran back to his seat.

The morning star player also reacted immediately, picked up the handkerchief and ran away.

In this way, several people were quickly rotated, and one minute was up again.

Yan Wei instantly sensed the danger coming from behind!

This time, the randomly selected person... was him.

He just hesitated for a moment, and then he didn't move, allowing the murderous intent that suddenly appeared behind him to approach quickly - he couldn't hide, and Zhou Tian was opposite him.

It seemed to be a broken bone, and the moment it approached Yanwei, the broken bone stopped for a moment. This was a piercing death attack, which was completely stopped by Yan Wei's undead skill. The broken bone was stopped for a moment, turned a corner, and disappeared completely after passing through Yan Wei's left arm.

The rest of the people couldn't see what was behind Yan Wei, they only thought that his arm was seriously injured.

Yan Mingguang was about to break the rules and get up, Yan Wei hurriedly shouted: "I'm fine! I'm just injured."

The pain was delayed for a moment, and then swept over, tearing his nerves. He gritted his teeth and took a few deep breaths.

The Venus player holding the handkerchief immediately threw the handkerchief behind him.

The moment the handkerchief fell to the ground, Yan Wei felt the chill on his back again, as if something cold had touched his neck, and the cold air was blowing in his ears.

He shivered subconsciously, turned around and saw the pale, pupilless grimace flashing by again.

Yan Wei ignored him, picked up the handkerchief, and gave the Venus player a faint look.

In the current situation, everyone knows that as long as the one who dies is not himself, and more people die, the chance of being able to catch the right one will be greatly increased. As soon as this person saw that he was injured, he threw the handkerchief to him. If he threw the handkerchief to the ghost, it would be impossible for him to run faster than the ghost, and the possibility of death was extremely high.

The handkerchief was soaked with blood from his arm.

On the ground, the first Venus star player who died was still lying on the ground with wide-eyed eyes and an expression of disbelief, blood pooled all over the ground.

He clutched his wound, took a handkerchief, walked slowly behind the Venus star player who threw him the handkerchief, and put down the handkerchief.

But Yan Wei didn't move.

He just stood behind the man like that, watched the man turn around and pick up the handkerchief, and after being frightened by the grimace that everyone would experience, he looked at him even more surprised: "Why don't you run?"

"Why don't you catch it?"

The man choked.

"Try to catch me? I was attacked and survived. It must be a way of being confused by ghosts. Would you like to try to catch me to break the game? The rules don't say what happens if you get caught, but they say catch the wrong person If you die, you are afraid that I am not a ghost, so you dare not catch me?"

The man gritted his teeth and dared not move at all.

Even if he had doubts about Yan Wei, maybe he would still chase after Yan Wei if he just dropped him and ran away. Now that Yan Wei was standing in front of him swaggeringly, he didn't dare to try it.

Yan Wei's complexion was slightly pale due to injury and blood loss, but under the dim light, not only the distance, but no one could clearly see his weakness at the moment. His voice was full of disdain: "Don't think that I don't know what you think, the more dead people are, the more likely the living people are to win, but if you continue to help ghosts kill people like this, I have plenty of ways to make you a Next target."

After saying this, Yan Wei walked back to his original seat step by step.

Fortunately, the flower ball, which has nothing to do with perception and body index, can still be used. He took out the flower ball and instantly healed the wound on his arm.

The Venus star player didn't dare to contact Yan Wei for the time being, so he took a handkerchief, threw it behind Lin Zhen and ran away.

A few turns came down, and it was another minute. This time the person being attacked was Yan Mingguang. After Yan Mingguang dodged, the broken bone pierced directly through the eyebrows of another Venus player.

Another one died.

At this moment, only the Venus player who was bullied by Yan Wei just now is still alive.

Yan Wei swept over these people bit by bit.

The cool wind blew across his cheeks and neck, and the coldness poured into the collar of his clothes. The coldness of death at any time permeated everyone's heart.

Is the only Morning Star player still alive

Not like, after being teased by him just now, that person's reaction was very real, not like a ghost can perform it.

Yan Mingguang, there is nothing wrong with his feelings.

Yu Feizhou and Lin Zhen...

In fact, the handkerchief floated in front of him at the beginning, and it was Lin Zhen who insisted that it was fun to take it for him to bear the danger. This kind of reaction can't be imitated just by spying on the memory, he prefers that ghosts can't act out Lin Zhen's erratic temperament to the bone.

The possibility of Lin Zhen having a problem is very low.

Judging from the current results, the first person to throw the handkerchief was Lin Zhen, the first person to be attacked was Yu Feizhou, and the first player to die was a player from Venus. The second person to be attacked was himself, and he exchanged the injury for no one dying in his round. The third person to be attacked was Yan Mingguang, and the one who died was another Venus player.

Among them, Yu Feizhou was unharmed and from the first logic point of view, it was Yu Feizhou who was not suspected.

Yu Feizhou's gentle and good-tempered personality is also the best to pretend.


Yan Wei looked at Yu Feizhou.

Yu Feizhou was far away from him, so he couldn't see the other person's expression clearly, but he could see the other person sitting cross-legged upright with his back straight. Even under such light, the obscure outline could bring out his gentle temperament.

Nothing wrong.

Zhou Tian? Zhou Tian is the one he doesn't know the most among these people. Although he can't see any flaws, Zhou Tian is the newest friend among his teammates. There are many things that he hasn't had time to get used to. Is it possible—

Yan Wei's thoughts were suddenly interrupted.

The illusory and eerie ghostly voice sounded again: "... It's another minute."

A piece of skull and bone came from nowhere, and quickly walked towards Lin Zhen who was standing outside the circle with a handkerchief and walking quickly.

Yan Wei listened to the direction of the voice, Lin Zhen turned around to deal with it, but Yan Mingguang got up suddenly!

He pulled Lin Zhen away, appeared on the track of the bone crushing attack, and raised his hand without dodging.

The next moment, Yan Mingguang firmly held the skull fragment with the attack power that could kill the player in an instant. He stood tensely, his bony hands clenched tightly, blood flowed from his fingers, but the broken bone did not penetrate, but was firmly held by him in his hands.

Everyone was taken aback.

They didn't expect Yan Mingguang to be able to directly grab the ghost's attacking object without fear of death. The player who was still alive at Venus was even more surprised: "You don't want to die? You caught it... You can't be a ghost, right?"

Lin Zhen sarcastically said, "Why do ghosts help me as an attack? Going against logic makes everyone think that ghosts can't save people?"

"Maybe you're a ghost."

"Okay, then I'll catch you and give you a ride."


Yan Mingguang ignored them at all, he walked back to his original seat and sat down while holding the broken bone tightly.

His voice was unwavering, still calm: "Three minutes."

This was said to Yan Wei.

Yan Wei immediately understood.

They had exchanged skill information. His skill was one-half immortality without any upgrade space once he entered the building, and this time he entered the dungeon to get the reward skill of lifting the building three times in a row, and his perception burst.

Yan Mingguang's skills are life to death and short-distance group teleportation.

This person is now in a state of living towards death. Under the attack of this broken bone, he was stimulated to double his strength for three minutes, and only then did he firmly hold the broken bone. The same piece of broken bone was attacked every time. Now that Yan Mingguang holds it in his hand, no one will be attacked or die within three minutes.

Yan Mingguang was buying time for him, buying three minutes for him to think about breaking the game without distraction, and even betting on the danger of his skills failing after three minutes.

Yan Wei took a deep breath, and looked away from Yan Mingguang. He slowly closed his eyes, and in such an environment of suspicion and doubt that could come at any time, he recalled all the scenes after the game started without distraction.

Lin Zhen had already resumed playing with the handkerchief. Both Zhou Tian and Yu Feizhou seem to trust Yan Wei very much, waiting for Yan Wei to break the game, no different from before. The remaining player of Venus Star also looked at Yan Wei. He seemed to see Yan Wei's position among these people, and thought he could find out the answer.

Everyone sees no particularly obvious problems.

In Yan Wei's mind, the scenes after the game started turned over one after another, from the death of the first player to Yan Mingguang stopping the broken bone...

Everyone who is still alive has no logical loopholes in words or deeds.

The ghost said that it also participated in the game, and only by catching it can the game be successfully broken.

As thoughts surged, countless details collided and intertwined, and guesses popped out of his mind. He went over his memories, and more than half of the three minutes had passed.

Yan Wei slowly opened his eyes, starting to look at Lin Zhen.

Lin Zhen, Yu Feizhou, Zhou Tian, the last Venus player who is still alive...

The dead were two Venus players, one was pierced between the eyebrows and the other was pierced through the heart, their faces were frightened—

Yan Wei's thoughts suddenly paused.

He looked at the body of the first player to die.

The man's expression was astonished, his eyes widened and his pupils shrunk. It was obvious that he was in an unbelievable state at the last moment before his death. This is normal, because it was Yu Feizhou who was attacked, and after Yu Feizhou dodged, this person died in surprise and caught off guard.

As for the second player who died, because Yan Mingguang reacted too much, his surprised expression was not too exaggerated. The man's eyebrows were pierced, his eyes were loose, and his face was covered in blood when he fell to the ground.

One is the pupil shrinkage, the other is the eyes are lax...

Seeing that time was running out, he suddenly shouted: "It's the first player to die!!"

As soon as the words fell, the last player of Venus Star, who had been staring at him for a long time, immediately stood up, grabbed the pierced corpse on the ground, and proudly said: "Thank you for your answer!! The reward is mine—"

His voice stopped abruptly.

A bloodstain suddenly appeared on his neck, and the blood flowed out. The bloodstain became bigger and bigger, and finally became a gap.

The misty and gloomy voices of ghosts came from all directions.

"... I caught the wrong one."

"Wrong catch."

"I got it wrong..."

With a sound of "Boom," the head of the Venus star player fell to the ground.

The broken bone in Yan Mingguang's hand struggled, and the cut blood in the palm flowed and dripped little by little.

Yan Wei got up anyway, first ran to Zhou Tian who was holding the handkerchief, and said quickly, "Give it to me."

Zhou Tian was stunned for a moment, but she still handed the handkerchief to Yan Wei without saying a word.

Yan Wei grabbed the handkerchief and ran quickly to the body of the first Venus player who died.

Lin Zhen was startled: "Didn't you say you caught the wrong one just now? Little pet, you are looking for death!"

Yan Wei shook his head, knelt down in front of the corpse, grabbed the corpse's shoulder with one hand, and grabbed the handkerchief with the other, took a deep breath, and said word by word: "I caught it."

The surroundings fell into a deathly silence for a moment.

The rustling wind swept over, and this time, Lou's notification sounded in everyone's minds.

[Congratulations on the correct answer. ]