Half Immortal

Chapter 68: Dead Schoolhouse (20)


Yan Wei let out a sigh of relief.

it is as expected.

At first, although it was obvious that the goblins had switched a player, there was no trap and their thinking was correct. It is precisely because there are no traps in it, instead, they subconsciously assume that there are no traps in all thinking, so they completely focus on thinking in a wrong direction-who is the ghost among the people who are still alive.

Even in the end, the Venus players wanted to make people die more, so as long as they survived, they would have more chances of choosing the right one.

The basis of all this is the subconscious assumption that ghosts are among the living.

And the ghosts also know that this is a method of elimination. Even if some people die at the beginning, there will be fewer and fewer people alive in the end. Those who are lucky or strong enough to survive can easily succeed because there are not many people left.

But what if the ghost was "dead" from the start

Then it was directly excluded from everyone's sight from the very beginning.

Yu Feizhou is right, the first attack can be detected and avoided when it is close to Yu Feizhou, because what the ghost wants is for Yu Feizhou to dodge, so as to hit itself and "kill" itself.

In this way, the target of the attack is Yu Feizhou, but the player played by the ghost is the one who dies. Even if the players realized that the ghosts might attack them to clear their suspicions, the first suspect would be the Yu Feizhou who was attacked, not the player who died indirectly because the Yu Feizhou evaded.

But that's not the whole answer. This handkerchief-throwing game sets a trap for the player.

Lou never talks nonsense. Lou's reminder for this branch dungeon is "be careful behind you". And this reminder, under the influence of the prank faces of ghosts, everyone immediately thought it was the so-called "be careful behind you".

But it wasn't just the player and the grimace behind him.

There is also a handkerchief left behind.

The reason why the morning star player grabbed the corpse was judged wrong, and Yan Wei was right when he grabbed the corpse with the handkerchief, precisely because of the handkerchief.

The corpse is not a complete goblin - because the head of the corpse is the real head of the player, only the body part belongs to the goblin.

He almost forgot that the body part in this split space was the head. If you start thinking from the head, you will find that the first dead player is slightly different from the second dead player—the pupils of the player who died in the first game are still shrinking, which is not in line with the eyes after death. On the contrary, it seems that something deliberately fixed this person's expression at this moment of surprise.

When he discovered this difference, Yan Wei suddenly realized.

As early as the moment of darkness, this ghost killed a player of Venus—it should choose the weakest player, so that it can be silent as much as possible. Or Yan Mingguang with a very strong body index, I am afraid that there will be movement in this game at the beginning. Therefore, it is inevitable that the player of Venus is selected and killed, because that player is the weakest.

Before the start of the game, the ghost killed the player of the morning star, and cut off the player's head, and put it on its own neck. When the game starts, the player everyone sees is the ghost with the player's head. As for its own head? There will be no unnecessary things in the space, and the handkerchief suddenly appeared after the darkness—the handkerchief is the head of the ghost!

In this way, combined with the appearance of the first dead body, there is a very clear logical chain of what the ghosts have done from the beginning of the game to the present.

The first player to die saw the ghost in the dark and was killed. The ghost suddenly appeared in the dark and killed him, so when he died, his face was caught off guard, his pupils shrunk, and he was very shocked. It deliberately used the same frightening method to make the player die suddenly. It then attaches the player's head, masquerading as the player. And its own head turned into a handkerchief, circulating in the player's hands. So every time the handkerchief fell to the ground, when they turned around, they would see pale, mischievous faces.

After the game started, it controlled Bone Broken, intentionally attacked Yu Feizhou sitting opposite him, and gave Yu Feizhou a chance to react, and Bone Broken naturally "killed" him sitting opposite Yu Feizhou after Yu Feizhou dodged Own. Because it is equipped with a real player's head, it maintains the last moment of the player's expression "after death", and it looks like it can be fake.

In this way, its first "death" completely prevents the player from accidentally catching it during the game. In addition, the expression of the first "dead" was indeed surprised and did not want to die, it looked very real, so that everyone had no doubt at all at first.

The ghost is actually very smart - but it has forgotten that the pupils of the people will slacken after death. Just like the second dead player, the second dead player was caught off guard and killed in shock. His pupils shrank before he died, but after his death, his pupils began to dilate.

It was this tiny detail that revealed that the first player who died was a ghost in disguise.

But the morning star player caught the corpse just now, but the judgment failed and he died, because catching a ghost required a complete ghost, and that player didn't have a handkerchief that turned into a ghost's head, and the object he caught was an incomplete ghost, so he was judged Because of the wrong arrest, he was directly obliterated.

In fact, this Venus player is not stupid. The reason why he immediately rushed to answer when Yan Wei said the answer was because he saw through the text trap under the rules at the beginning—the ghost just said that he wanted to catch it, but he didn’t say anything. Be sure to catch him according to the rules of throwing the handkerchief, here is a subconscious text trap: throwing the handkerchief and catching the ghost appear together, the player will subconsciously think that the ghost must be caught by the rule of throwing the handkerchief, but in fact the game does not Clearly defined.

So this person thought that he would win by catching the ghost directly, completely ignoring the handkerchief, thus catching the wrong person and dying.

But this text trap does not refer to the handkerchief, but actually refers to the rules of the game. To throw a handkerchief, the person whose handkerchief was thrown behind him can get up and catch people, but just now Yan Wei was not the last person whose handkerchief was thrown behind him, he can also catch ghosts, because the game does not stipulate that the person whose handkerchief was thrown can catch ghosts .

This seemingly simple rule actually has two layers in it.

If you just discover a text trap that doesn’t require you to follow the rules to catch ghosts, or you just find out that the first dead player is actually a ghost pretending to be a ghost, so you can go straight up and grab the corpse like the morning star player just now, that seems like a mess. As a result, it actually fell into the tricks of ghosts.

Only guessing the answer completely, seemingly clever but bypassing a layer of cleverness, and seeing that there is no necessary connection between throwing the handkerchief and catching the ghost, holding the handkerchief and the first dead player at the same time The corpse is the one who caught the complete ghost in this game of throwing the handkerchief.

There are many twists and turns, one link after another, even if you catch clues, guess that the handkerchief is a ghost, or guess that the first player to die is a ghost, you will fall into the trap headlong.

Fortunately, Yan Wei did not miss any details.

He held the handkerchief transformed from the ghost's head in one hand, and grabbed the ghost's body in the other. Only then did he completely crack the game and successfully break the game.

The hazy playground in front of him began to sway, and the bone fragments in Yan Mingguang's hands disappeared instantly. A bright and pure white thing slowly floated down in front of Yan Wei.

— Fragment of the Second Luna!

Several people's eyes were attracted by this fragment, but they already had experience. Lin Zhen and others also knew that Yan Wei contributed the most to the branch line that split the space this time, so I won't say more.

Yan Wei couldn't suppress the sense of familiarity, frowned, and immediately took the fragment back.

Afterwards, just like the ghost hand space last time, the body data and point rewards after passing the branch line were added to their information panel.

[… . Congratulations to the player for getting rewards: Body Index +10, Perception +10, Points +30. Additional reward: a fragment of the legendary item moon wheel. ]

Perhaps it was more difficult this time, and it mainly relied on Yan Mingguang's strength doubling in three minutes and Yan Wei's final break. The two of them got more points than the others.

The next moment, Yan Wei and others appeared in the file room.

The door of the archive room is closed at the moment, and the student who was playing the Rubik's Cube sat at the door, still sitting by the card reader, quietly playing with the Rubik's Cube with his head down. But now, everyone looked at this npc with completely different expressions—they already knew that this npc student was actually just a ghost disguised as a student.

After several people stood firm, the npc student lowered his head and said indifferently and flatly: "You guys are rewarded for winning the game, and now you can check any information in the file room."

Yan Wei raised his eyebrows: "I want two files - all class seating charts and student files within three years."

Three years is enough.

Because the background information of the dungeon has already said that after the incident, the students who have not graduated, that is to say, the strange incident at Chenxi High School happened three years ago at most.

The npc student raised his eyelids, but his voice still did not have any ups and downs: "The first bookshelf has three rows in column a, and the fourth bookshelf has all of them."

Yan Wei understood.

The first bookshelf, column A, row 3 is a seat chart with little content, and the fourth bookshelf is the archives of all students in the past three years, including those of players who are constantly entering, so the content is particularly large, occupying the entire bookshelf.

Lin Zhen glanced at the fourth bookshelf, and the corner of his mouth twitched: "There are so many!? If I want to find a student with a problem here, I have to look through the files and vomit blood? Hey little pet, or we should go directly to violently kill monsters , die and die."

Yan Wei: "..."

Zhou Tian quickly calculated the events that five people needed to read, with a solemn expression: "To find things related to these deaths in the school in so many student files, we need to read them continuously for about 23 hours. The big risk of death is to spend the night in this archive room, or come over in three days, and it is likely to have two more games for this student, and the game may still be different... This... "

Yan Wei has already walked in front of the third row of row A of the first bookshelf, chuckled, and pointed to the seating chart inside: "Then how about after reading these?"

Zhou Tian was taken aback: "If the five of us are together, it will take up to ten minutes."

Yan Wei took out all the folders—not many, only dozens, after all, there are only dozens of classes in three years. He randomly distributed five of these folders to everyone, and he kept the most content.

He continued to ask: "Then what if, in these seating charts, the names of the students who have fixed two seats in each class are specifically found, and then these dozens of names are used to find them in the student files?"

Zhou Tian suddenly said: "Up to thirty minutes!"

Twenty minutes later.

Yan Wei and the others sat in a circle in the open space of the archives room, with the information of dozens of students deliberately extracted in front of them.

Yan Wei's pupils became brighter and brighter.

"Did you find something wrong?" His voice was filled with a smile.

Yu Feizhou smiled gently, pointed to two of the student files, and said: "The information of the others is mediocre or normal, but these two are very extreme. They entered the school three years ago, and the information of the admission is the first year of high school. In class two, the boy sitting in the first row of the fifth row is named He Luo, and he has the lowest score in the entrance examination. Also... a borrower."

Yan Wei chuckled lightly.

Yan Mingguang had already got up and started searching on the fourth bookshelf.

After a while, Yan Mingguang found six student files one after another, and was about to walk over with the files, when Yan Wei suddenly said, "Don't worry, Teacher Yan, how can we only use ours?"

He turned his head and walked in front of the npc student, as if he didn't remember how the student turned into a ghost to tease the player just now, so he raised his hand and patted the player on the shoulder, saying, "Hey, buddy."

The npc student stopped turning the Rubik's Cube and looked up at him.

"Can we take what's in the archives?"

The npc student looked at him for a few seconds, didn't speak, and lowered his head again.

No denial.

Yan Wei whistled: "Hey, then I won't be polite. Everyone, take out the files of all the students in our batch."

Lin Zhen: "What do you want, little pet?"

Zhou Tian smiled shallowly: "What else can I do? Yan Wei must have plans in mind."

Lin Zhen said "yo": "It's really exciting to play the dungeon with you, and I can play every day."

Yan Wei raised his brows lightly and ignored him.

The school uniform was already dirty when he lost the handkerchief, and Yan Wei's obsession with cleanliness was useless, so he copied his pockets with both hands, and simply leaned against the wall of the file room. He looked at Yan Mingguang, and subconsciously showed a proud and confident look in his eyes. His pale brown pupils reflected the voice of the man in front of him, and his pupils were as bright as stars.

Yan Mingguang also looked at him with deep black pupils.

At such a moment, Yan Wei suddenly felt that Yan Mingguang's gaze did not contain any trace of purpose or impurity, it was just looking at him, just to look at him.

But just as this feeling emerged, Yan Mingguang withdrew his gaze, walked forward and handed the files of the six of them to Yan Wei, and turned back to search for other players' files.

Yan Wei took out a pen.

The top one is his own file, and the column of student status information is filled with the words "Chenxi High School".

——"Student deaths have occurred frequently in Chenxi High School in recent years, and the death conditions of students are also strange..."

——"The danger buried in Chenxi High School will cover every student's head step by step, making them... one by one, step by step, die, die."

— "Our high school is a key high school, and there should be no students with poor grades."

— "How many times have I said that as long as you are a student of Chenxi High School, you may die at any time, everyone pay attention to safety. Alright, let's start the class."

Students will face death at any time.

There will be no students with poor grades in Chenxi High School, but it does not mean that there will be no students with poor grades coming to school.

Borrowing students whose student status is not in the borrowing school, but can attend classes in the borrowing school, in some cases, do not need to meet the school's requirements for admission scores. Except for things related to student status, loan students are no different from other students in the school, and they still study, attend classes, and take exams.

Regardless of what happened to these two people, but the two extremes they have in common-borrowing and countdown in grades are enough to explain what is the way to avoid the most basic triggering conditions of death.

The npc teacher will ignore the loan students, because they are not the students of Chenxi High School in essence.

Then, in the eyes of those ghosts who only keep repeating the same killing methods, borrowers are also ignored.

Looking at his file, he crossed out the four words "Chenxi High School" without hesitation, and filled in the three words "borrower student" the same as He Luoqian Xuanxuan.

The moment he finished writing, Yan Wei felt that the discomfort and cool feeling of being stared at his body after entering the copy instantly weakened a lot.

— Sure enough, it was right!

Without hesitation, he also made such changes to the files of Yan Mingguang and others.

After the modification, Yan Mingguang and Lin Zhen also took out the files of all the players who were still alive.

Yan Wei took over the student files of the players they found one after another, and stacked these files together.

"Yan Wei, I felt light all of a sudden just now, what did you do on our files?" Yu Feizhou asked him, "Also, why are you looking for all the players' files?"

Yan Wei weighed the stack of files in his hands, and said: "The most basic way to avoid the trigger of death is to change the student status information to student status. I just changed all the student status information in our file. As for these —”

He blinked, his eyelashes fluttered slightly, and his amber pupils were clear and bright.

Yan Wei held up the stack of player files with a smile on his face.

"Because only student files can modify student status information, this thing...is a gold medal for avoiding death."

"—Now, their gold medals for avoiding death are all in our hands."