Half Immortal

Chapter 69: Dead Schoolhouse (21)


"You're really holding back," Lin Zhen stretched, "but I think we're going to be together this time. Hey little pet, do you want to use these to cover the rest of the split space?" information?"

Yan Mingguang was the first to look at Lin Zhen.

This person didn't have the relaxed look when he handed the file to Yan Wei just now, but just glanced at Lin Zhen, the slightly reflective lenses weakened the sharpness of his eyes, but added a trace of indifference that didn't mean anything.

Lin Zhen froze subconsciously.

Yan Wei glanced at Yan Mingguang in confusion, but the other party immediately withdrew his gaze, as if the displeasure just now was just an illusion.

Yan Wei felt that Yan Mingguang seemed to be... warning Lin Zhen just now, because of what Lin Zhen called him.

Although he often tells Lin Zhen not to call him a "little pet", he also knows Lin Zhen's temperament after spending time together these days. After all, he himself doesn't care what others call him, let alone a friend he has already recognized. But Yan Mingguang seemed to care more than him.

But every time this person gave Yan Wei the feeling that all of this was just his illusion, so that Yan Wei still doesn't know if he was wrong.

He put away the stack of files, and answered what Lin Zhen asked him just now: "This time you really guessed right. Based on the general quality of the players who entered this time, these people are normal dungeons who can deal with many dangerous situations. There are still seeds in the players, but they are still a little bit worse in dealing with the branch line of the split space. So in this mobile book, according to my estimation, there will inevitably be a lot of casualties when the average player enters the branch line of the split space, just like The three players in Venus just now are the same."

"But now except for the three members of Venus," Yu Feizhou interjected, "there has not been such a large-scale casualty of players on the same team."

Yan Wei snapped his fingers: "So apart from the two split spaces we encountered, no one has passed the level, but I don't think the others have no news. They just don't know that the split space is caused by fragments of legendary props."

Lin Zhen made two "tsk tsk" sounds: "Some people would be willing to exchange their student status for information about splitting the space. But, how do we divide it? I also want legendary props."

Zhou Tian immediately said: "Exclude me. I am not related to body index or perception. My ability is relatively biased. According to Yan Wei, the possible functions of this legendary item have nothing to do with me."

Yan Wei smiled: "Although it is said that the final judgment of the reward is based on who has contributed the most, in fact, everyone has participated to varying degrees. Let me just say that this legendary item fits me very well. I have to, but I also know Everyone has contributed. So if you believe me, we will try our best to get all the fragments in the dungeon first, and after we go out, we will use points or other props to make compensation and exchange, and we will discuss it later."

This is actually equivalent to a blank check.

Currently everything is kept in Yan Wei's hands. If he does this, whether he will perform as promised after going out depends entirely on Yan Wei's character.

But none of the other people present had any objections.

Yan Wei nodded, said no more, turned around and opened the door to leave the file room.

At the door of the archives room, including Li Qing, the bodies of several Yuemang players lay peacefully and scattered on the ground. Li Qing's head fell on his neck in a backward posture, and it could be seen that the bones had been completely twisted. The expressions of these people were quite surprised, and Li Qing was even more unwilling and shocked.

Yan Mingguang and others also came out one after another.

As soon as they came out, Gao Ming, who had been asked by Yan Wei to hide in the corridor, trotted over: "Yan Wei! Just now I was hiding in the corner and waiting for you to come out. I was afraid of causing trouble for you, so I didn't move, so I didn't find anything new. .”

Yan Wei nodded slightly, and said, "It's good that it's okay, you were originally forced into this dungeon by Li Qing."

Lin Zhen squatted down in front of Li Qing's corpse, and sneered, "Hey, he's dead, this ghost is not as cruel as me. How did this idiot die?"

Yan Wei directly grabbed Lin Zhen by the collar of his school uniform and roughly pulled the man away, angrily said: "Get out of the way for Gao Ming to see the scene."

Needless to say, Yan Wei, just as he pulled Lin Zhen, Yan Mingguang on the other side directly put aside his hand, and turned to lift Lin Zhen away by himself.

"Hey hey hey yo!!"


Gao Ming stood up slowly, frowning slightly: "Did you have any fights before? There was a lot of blood on the ground, but because of the blood, it was easy to see traces of their behavior. After they were injured, there was a dispute here. The blood on the ground has obvious traces of pushing, but there are not many traces of pushing, only a few, it feels like... "

"Did he die just after he started pushing and shoving?"


Yan Wei understood.

He checked his pocket with one hand, took out the coin with the other, and tossed it casually in his hand.

He thought about all the clues he had obtained since entering the dungeon, from the endless cycle of death triggers, to the clues of He Luoqian Xuanxuan that have already emerged...

He said: "Borrowing students, the bottom of the class, and these death triggers except for some we can't see the signs for the time being, such as being pushed into the sink in the bathroom, rolling the stairs, pushing and shoving, chatting in the dormitory at night...these all have a vague commonality. , that is the release of this kind of incident, usually one party bullies the other. I have some ideas about this dungeon... "

After Yan Wei finished speaking, he glanced at Yan Mingguang.

Generally speaking, Yan Mingguang would be able to guess the answer when he talked about this, and would give him a brief summary.

But this time, Yan Mingguang didn't speak. A slight confusion seemed to flash across this person's indifferent eyes—that's right, although Yan Mingguang had never told him about his identity and background before entering the building, it was certainly impossible for him to have such experience.

Instead, Zhou Tian suddenly realized: "Campus bullying!"

"Yes. Do you still remember that we summed up the model that campus dungeons can have? The difficulty of this kind of dungeon fluctuates greatly because of the large number of people, the map can be large or small, and the scope of clues is also large. But from the root cause, it is simpler than other dungeons. Because there are only so many things about students, either interpersonal relationships or study pressure.... Borrowed students, poor grades, many negative behaviors on campus are triggered by death. Taken together, it looks like bullying. I was skeptical before, At the beginning of the death cycle, why did those ghosts die and become murderous ghosts? If it is campus bullying, then there is a reasonable explanation—revenge.”

"He Luo, Qian Xuanxuan, they may be the targets of campus bullying, and they most likely died for some reason. After they died, He Luo and Qian Xuanxuan took revenge on those who bullied them, and those who bullied them After the students who were revenged died, they also turned into ghosts. Once someone triggers their behavior track before they were alive, they will come out and kill the corresponding players. And the two borrowers also correspond to my previous guess — There are two ghosts, one is wishing for everyone to die, the other is even helping us, He Luo and Qian Xuanxuan may be good and one is bad."

"But... I can roughly guess these reasons, and we don't have to worry about these simple death triggers now, but this doesn't mean that this dungeon can pass the level easily. I think our biggest danger is unknown things-those who are eaten very quickly Random corpses. We don’t even know what the conditions for that thing to kill people are, how strong it is, and what’s the source behind it. There’s nowhere to put this ghost thing in the logical chains I’ve speculated just now.”

After Yan Wei finished speaking in one breath, not only was he not happy because he found some clues, but he was even more stressed.

He seems to be casually playing with the coins in his hand, but his amber eyes are full of thoughts.

He muttered to himself: "So we still haven't reached the final step. I don't know what that man-eating ghost thing is, so I don't know if it has anything to do with breaking the game. And He Luo and Qian Xuan What happened to Xuan led to the current situation, there must be a reason for their good and bad. Finally, the biggest question is what is the way to break the situation... "

Lin Zhen said "oh", "Then what are you going to do next?"

The coin in Yan Wei's hand suddenly tossed up, drawing a perfect parabola in the air.

After a moment, he spread his palm and the coin fell into his hand.

"Positive, then I will follow my inner choice, I plan to go back to the dormitory to take a shower next step."

Gao Ming: "Huh?... It's really you."

Lin Zhen: "..."

Yu Feizhou and Zhou Tian laughed a few times.

Yan Mingguang raised his hand, patted Yan Wei's dirty shoulder without hesitation, and said calmly: "You go back, let's investigate the matter of He Luo and Qian Xuanxuan, and discuss it at night."

Anyway, they are not afraid of the death trigger now, they can talk at night, and they can discuss when they have time.

Moreover, Yan Wei is now in an immortal state, so going back to the dormitory to take a shower alone will not be in any danger for the time being.

Yan Wei was not polite, nodded and turned around, the desire to go back was already very obvious.

Yan Mingguang suddenly pulled him back: "Give me the player's student file."

"Huh?" He took out the stack of student files from the black ring and handed it to Yan Mingguang.

Yan Mingguang said: "When I meet the right opportunity, I can first exchange information about splitting space with others."

Yan Wei thought about it, and felt reasonable. He smiled, raised his hand and bumped the opponent's arm, and said, "It's not easy, dead ice—ah, no, Mr. Yan! You wouldn't even be willing to let you stay with me in our first dungeon, Now they will take the initiative to help me."

Yan Mingguang closed his eyes, speechless.

"I'm going back to the dormitory first, and I'll integrate the clues at night."


The rain nozzle suddenly splashed a water curtain, and the water mist brought by the hot water rose up immediately, casting a layer of haze on the small cubicle.

Yan Wei closed his eyes, feeling the hot water rushing down from his head, and the smell of blood and dirt on his body slowly disappeared.

He breathed the hot air, and his mind was full of chaos.

He was in a hurry to come back to take a shower, not just because he couldn't stand his obsession with cleanliness, but because he felt that something was wrong with him, and he wanted to come back alone to adjust.

It was okay when I entered the ghost hand space for the first time and got the first moon wheel fragment. At that time, there was just a feeling of déjà vu, some ideas seemed to come out, but in the end, I still couldn't think of anything, and it passed after a while.

But after entering the Fragmented Space for the second time and concentrating on cracking the handkerchief throwing game, this feeling reappeared.

It was a very strange feeling, like a dream that he occasionally appeared during this time, hazy, familiar, and fragments were blurred.

Yan Wei closed his eyes, hot water drenched his hair and flowed through his closed eyes, the sound of splashing water not only didn't wake him up, but instead annoyed him one after another.

Yan Wei touched his face, and in the hazy water vapor, he suddenly remembered the follow-up fragment of his intermittent dream last time.

In that dream, he dreamed that Yan Mingguang was smoking a cigarette by the window and asked him what his purpose was for climbing to the top. The subsequent fragments were very vague. After he woke up, he completely forgot about it, and he didn't take this kind of messy dream seriously. But at this moment, another segment after that question popped up in his mind.

in a dream.

He and Yan Mingguang seem to be in the same instance, but this is not the Promenade Hotel they have been to, not Ankang Ancient Town, nor the current Chenxi High School. It might be a copy that he conjured up when he was dreaming. The surroundings are much more dangerous than now, and the ghosts are even more treacherous and unpredictable.

He and Yan Mingguang are in the bathroom.

The hot water washed away the blood stains on their bodies after the fierce battle, and the heat lingered. He couldn't see the specific things clearly, but he saw Yan Mingguang right in front of him, his silver hair was soaked with water, dripping with water, it didn't seem cold.

He himself seemed to be leaning against the wall of the bathroom, with his head slightly raised, with the cold wall behind him and the warm water in front of him.

What is Yan Mingguang doing

In the picture in the dream, the man's bony hands gently rested on his shoulders, and he lowered his head slightly...

——Yan Mingguang is kissing him.

Yan Wei opened his eyes abruptly.