Half Immortal

Chapter 80: Dead Schoolhouse (32)


Yan Wei was not scared to death by the ubiquitous ghosts in the dungeon, but was almost scared to death by the opening scene of this backtracking.

He had a natural tendency to avoid seeing women all his life. He never thought that for the first time in his life, when he observed women's underwear up close, he would be sent to his door by this dungeon.

Yan Wei: "..."

He was stunned for a moment, then turned his head to look out of the window at the first moment, and was caught off guard to see a vast expanse of whiteness outside the window. The snowflakes were still falling finely, and the air outside the dormitory seemed extremely cold, with a thin layer of cold mist covering the windows. But the snow is big, the sun is also big, and the light is shining warmly.

No wonder the clothes were drying at the end of the bed when he opened his eyes just now.

It is early winter morning.

The day Qian Xuanxuan jumped off the dormitory building seemed to be such a clear and snowy day.

With a bang, the door of the girls' dormitory was pushed open forcefully.

Yan Wei turned his head following the sound, and saw three girls in school uniforms walking in one after the other. They are all dressed up as ordinary high school students, neatly dressed in school uniforms, with short hair and high ponytails. But their expressions were very terrified, all complexions were not good, and the dark circles under their eyes were serious, obviously their mental state was not very good.

The girl who walked in the front saw Yan Wei as soon as she entered the door. She paused, startled at first, then dodged and...disgusted.

"Why are you still here? How long have you been expelled and you're still stuck here..." She said angrily, "So many people died in school these days, maybe it's because you are still there."

Yan Wei understood. What he entered was Qian Xuanxuan's retrospective. At this moment, in the eyes of these girls, he is Qian Xuanxuan, so the attitude of these people towards him is the treatment Qian Xuanxuan received back then. And the weather outside was exactly the same as the day Qian Xuanxuan fell from the building. Combined with what the girl said about "how long to be expelled" and "dead", it shows that Qian Xuanxuan has already started killing people to vent her anger at this time. On this day...

It should be the day Qian Xuanxuan died.

Backtracking is the most impressive picture and the biggest unwillingness of the deceased during his lifetime. If it is a passive inhalation of backtracking, the player needs to find the source of the deceased's unwillingness in the backtracking and solve it. The resentment of most of the deceased is the moment before death, so the solution is usually to prevent death or take revenge on the most resentful person—like the dungeon he and Yan Mingguang entered in Ankang Town, the bride resented her husband for not saving herself, and killed her. Only with a husband can the illusion be broken.

And Qian Xuanxuan's backtracking, although it was on the day of death, was not in the scene before death. Instead, in the dormitory, it seemed that he had an argument with his roommate.

For Qian Xuanxuan, who has matured for a long time in campus bullying, and has reached the point of murder to vent her anger, it can be said to be an ordinary and ordinary scene, which is not worth remembering at all. But such a scene, which should be insignificant, turned out to be the one Qian Xuanxuan remembered most. Is there anything in it that she regrets the most and wants to change the most

Qian Xuanxuan's character flashed in Yan Wei's mind, and the three girls who came in saw that he didn't respond, one of them stepped forward and pushed Yan Wei hard with a look of surprise: "Are you talking to me? Can you not get in the way here?"

Yan Wei was shaken by her push, but still did not move.

The other person said with a gloomy expression: "Forget it, what the hell is she doing? So many people have died these days, I'm afraid when it will be my turn..." This roommate of Qian Xuanxuan was obviously tortured by the events during this time Not in good spirits, she sat down on the chair beside her in a trance, and then muttered to herself, "We don't know who will be next, you have been fired a long time ago, why didn't you leave earlier... maybe You can still escape..."

He looked up.

He glanced at the three girls, and then at the desk corresponding to the bed he was sitting on—there were all kinds of scribbles on the desk, most of which were curses and curses written in black and red pens. Abuse, and some pretty disgusting graphics. Although there were obvious wiping marks on the table, these marks were still intertwined and remained on Qian Xuanxuan's table forever.

And this table is still very tidy, the books and stationery are neatly arranged as if they had just been packed. It seems that the owner of this table not only does not intend to leave, but also seems to want to stay here.

Yan Wei suddenly felt a very uncomfortable feeling. Unwilling, remorse, sadness.

This feeling filled every corner of this dormitory, but none of the other three girls felt it. Only he was surrounded by emotions, and his brain seemed to be deprived of oxygen for a moment. He was suddenly out of breath.

At this time, the very pessimistic girl sat down, and the girl who despised "Qian Xuanxuan" from the beginning was unwilling to give up. She rushed forward, pulled Yan Wei up, and shouted hoarsely: "Aren't you afraid of death? Why are you so calm!? Those who died were all bullied by you. Did you curse them to death? !!?"

As she spoke, before Yan Wei could give her a response, she collapsed and knelt down with her head in her arms, her voice suddenly covered with tears: "I'm so afraid of death..."

Yan Wei looked at the words and deeds of the three Qian Xuanxuan's roommates, took a few deep breaths, exhausted all his senses, and with the help of reason, managed to suppress this suffocating emotion.

He glanced at Qian Xuanxuan's desk again, opened his lips slightly, and said in a low voice almost silently: "Qian Xuanxuan... Are you watching? This is your original emotion..."

Yan Wei heard a very slight contemptuous chuckle, it was a girl's voice, and it was a bit cold.

- It's Qian Xuanxuan.

"As expected, you are here, and not only are you here. Judging by your reaction - you also feel that it is impossible for me to understand you." Yan Wei hooked the corner of his mouth, "But I already know how to break your grievance."

Now, in this retrospective illusion, in front of Qian Xuanxuan's three roommates, he is Qian Xuanxuan.

He took a step forward, stood in front of the girl who squatted down and cried, and slowly bent down.

Yan Wei's originally very clear voice was filled with a layer of indifference at this moment, and he said with a thorn in his words: "You still have something to be afraid of? I thought you were not afraid of anything. After all, the words you cursed and scolded me back then , are much more vicious than simple death."

The girl's crying stopped suddenly, and she raised her eyes to look at "Qian Xuanxuan" in disbelief. Obviously, she did not expect that the person who was usually bullied by everyone would say such harsh and bitter words at this moment. I am afraid that on the last day of Qian Xuanxuan's life, after Qian Xuanxuan had taken revenge on many people, this high school student who was both a victim and a perpetrator was still cowardly and timid in front of her classmates, unable to say anything to fight back.

"Surprised? Do you think I shouldn't be like this?" Yan Wei laughed contemptuously again, and said, "How did you treat me all the time, have you forgotten? Since you did such a thing in the first place, why do you turn to me now?" to you—”

He raised his eyes, glanced at the three pale-faced girls in turn, and said word by word: "Are you afraid? Then when you said you wished for me to die, didn't you think that I would be afraid too?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the three girls all showed shocked expressions, but they didn't last long, their faces that were just ordinary people suddenly turned pale as snow, and the pupils in their eyes faded away, leaving only The pure white whites of the eyes are terrifying and abnormal.

They stood up straight slowly, waiting for the eyes with only whites to slowly approach Yan Wei in this small dormitory.

—These three girls must have been killed by Qian Xuanxuan back then and turned into ghosts. At this moment in this backtracking, after Yan Wei finished speaking, they suddenly changed from ordinary people to ghosts, obviously the owner of the backtracking wanted to kill him.

Qian Xuanxuan's voice spread into Yan Wei's ears from all directions: "You guessed wrong... You guessed wrong... You guessed wrong... Go to hell..."

The three girls stretched out their hands with sharp nails and rushed towards Yan Wei.

Yan Wei blinked.

The moment he was about to be caught by nails on his shoulder, he took out a card. The rare item "Short-lived Reality" obtained in the previous dungeon can copy the data of any player Yan Wei knows. It lasts for three minutes, and each dungeon can only be used once.

This is why he entered the illusion of retrogression alone without hesitation without the state of immortality.

The card shook in his hand, and the next moment, the strength belonging to Yan Mingguang suddenly blessed him, and Yan Wei, who has always relied on perception, instantly felt the feeling of a super high body index.

He raised his hand, easily grabbed the hand that was reaching out to him, and slammed him to the ground.

"... Yan Mingguang's data is also very useful."

Without any pause at all, he blocked the hand of another ghost turned into by Qian Xuanxuan's roommate with his backhand.

But for a moment, the three ghosts were all thrown to the ground by him without delay. But he still didn't think it was enough, he took a step forward and came to the nearest roommate Qian Xuanxuan, squatted down on one knee, firmly pressed the dangerous ghost hand with one hand, and slowly raised the other hand.

The misty female voices from all directions are still there, repeating the words "You guessed wrong", and the voice is getting shriller.

Yan Wei looked at Qian Xuanxuan's roommate in front of her, stared at the other's pale grimace, and said without changing expression: "I can't do this kind of thing normally, but I want to help her do what she wanted to do at the beginning. "

After the words fell, his raised palm fell, and he slapped the opponent hard.

—In the flashback that He Luo showed him, he had seen the scene of Qian Xuanxuan being slapped at the stairway of the dormitory by these three people.

Tat for tat.

Afterwards, Yan Wei did the same thing, and during the three minutes of replicating Yan Mingguang's strength, he pinned the three female ghosts turned into by Qian Xuanxuan's roommate to the ground, "Tit for tat".

Qian Xuanxuan's business side was getting louder and louder, and at the end, Yan Wei felt that the sharp voice was almost shouting "You guessed wrong" next to his ear.

Three minutes is up.

The feeling of having a body index much higher than his own dissipated immediately, but the three ghosts also fell to the ground in embarrassment, and did not continue to get up and attack Yan Wei with their teeth and claws.

Yan Wei took a big breath, listened to Qian Xuanxuan's voice, felt all kinds of negative emotions in the dormitory, hooked the corners of her mouth, narrowed her eyes, and said: "Just now I satirized them and used the bullying they used to bully me. You responded to them in the same way, with an eye for an eye, you said that I guessed wrong, this is not something you are unwilling to do, so you turned them into ghosts and wanted to kill me."

"Yes, those actions I just did are really not a way to resolve your resentment and unwillingness."

The endless "you guessed wrong" stopped suddenly.

Yan Wei went on to say: "I did this just now, not to break the situation, but to help you do something that you didn't dare to do in person. You took revenge on them, and you made them all pay the price in the dark. , but you never dare to walk up to them and say 'fuck off'."

"Actually, you are not unwilling to do this, you are regretting that you went the wrong way."

"You cleaned up your bed and table very well. In fact, you don't want to leave here. You still want to stay here. But Tang Yizhuo ruined everything for you. He is the culprit of everything. The others are just blind The ignorance of conforming to the crowd. They even think they are right. In their eyes, you are a person who often does bad things and spoofs classmates behind their backs. They bully you, isolate you, and bully you, but they don’t do anything to endanger you It is a matter of life. Everyone has minor evils, so a little bit of malice is just an excessive joke to the person who inflicts the maliciousness. However, when each of the minor evils is applied to the same person, it becomes the greatest harm .These little things piled up together, and gradually become the straw that crushes you.

In the dormitory, the overwhelming negative emotions shook Yan Wei's nerves.

The ghosts turned into by the three Qian Xuanxuan roommates slowly dissipated, and a girl with long black hair, wearing a school uniform and covered in blood suddenly appeared in front of him. Long black hair that was so dark that it exuded a cold aura covered most of her face. Her exposed face was covered with thick blood. fell down.

Yan Wei didn't retreat, he stood up straight, pocketing with one hand, with a calm expression.

He said: "The few words they said just now were also said to you at the beginning? They did do too much, but they never thought of letting you die, and even thought that if you left early, you wouldn't have to Dead. They're bad, but they're not evil."

"I did what I did just now, not to break the situation, but..." Yan Wei shook his head, rather helplessly, "I just did what you should do. Eye for an eye, those people you killed, they didn't deserve to die. So your Resentment does not lie in the last scene before death, but in this moment, when you hear them talking, you suddenly realize that you have gone the wrong way. There are many ways to protect yourself and fight back against others in this world. You can start with Tang Yizhuo Speak out when you slander you, bear all the consequences, and protect yourself. You can also stand up and let them go when they bully you. You actually have many ways, but in the end you killed them... "

"You regret it. Because you ended up being just like them."

Before the words were finished, Qian Xuanxuan, who was already bloody and bloody and had long since lost her clean and tidy appearance before her life, trembled in front of Yan Wei. She lowered her head slightly, her complexion was still pale and terrifying, and her expression could not be seen clearly under the cover of her hair.

In her flashback, Yan Wei felt the violent fluctuation of her emotions at the moment.

When he saw Qian Xuanxuan's tidy desk and bed, he knew that Qian Xuanxuan might still want to keep hope. Unfortunately, in the end, she realized that she had gone wrong, and finally jumped off the rooftop.

Qian Xuanxuan hoped that she would not become the person she hated the most.

And what he did just now was just to help Qian Xuanxuan do things that she didn't dare to do or didn't do before she was alive, and it wasn't breaking the situation.

"So I guessed right, the way to crack your backtrace is..."

Yan Wei lowered his eyes, touched the black ring with his fingertips, took out an ordinary dagger, and with a backhand, pointed the tip of the knife directly at his heart, and stabbed hard!

In the end, the person she most wanted to kill was herself.

Kill herself before she kills anyone else.

The moment the knife tip pierced his heart, Yan Wei couldn't feel any pain—this was a retrospective illusion, and his way of breaking the game was correct, so naturally nothing would happen. The dormitory in front of him had already started to twist slowly, Qian Xuanxuan who was standing in front of Yan Wei slowly raised her head, staring at Yan Wei with her pure white eyes.

Yan Wei said to her: "It's never clear what is right and what is wrong. The reason why there are so many things in this world is that people cannot be completely controlled by reason. If I were you, I would make it impossible from the very beginning. Happened. But I'm not a completely rational person, and I don't know what I would do if I got to where you are."

The world in front of him has been completely distorted.

While the sky was spinning, two thin and slightly yellowish papers floated down and fell into Yan Wei's hands firmly.

A light flickered before Yan Wei's eyes, the backtracking illusion disappeared, and the bright day dissipated, replaced by Chenxi High School, which had already entered the night.

As soon as he stood still, he saw a hundred ghosts surrounding him. The moment he broke Qian Xuanxuan's backtracking, all the backtracking in the grove disappeared, and all the players came out again. They wrestled with the ghosts, while Yan Mingguang waited at the place where Yan Wei entered the illusion of backtracking.

At the moment Yan Wei appeared, the long whip slid across the air, knocking away the ghosts attacking Yan Wei in time.

The scene was chaotic.

Yan Wei held tightly the disciplinary order for He Luo and Qian Xuanxuan's dismissal in his hand, and grabbed Yan Mingguang's arm with the other hand, and was about to speak, when Yu Feizhou's exclamation suddenly came from not far away: "Lin Zhen!!!"

Then came a very subdued snort, accompanied by obvious pain - that was Lin Zhen's voice.

Yan Wei froze for a moment, turned his head to look towards the source of the sound, and faintly saw He Luo standing in the darkness with a terrifying face and a bloody face, standing among the passing ghosts, with one pale hand grabbing a person, and the other hand was already dead. pierced the man's shoulder blade.

Yan Wei's breath stagnates.

— That’s Lin Zhen.

He Luo obviously sensed his presence, his all-white eyes stared straight at the two disciplinary orders in his hand, and his voice was hoarse and hoarse: "You actually got it... Then make a choice, use the disciplinary order." Just replace him."