Half Immortal

Chapter 97: Golem Castle (10)


[They may not believe it.] Yan Mingguang said.

Yan Wei is naturally clear.

To be able to get to this point, and to find out the tacit understanding in the shortest time when the good puppets appeared, and to give up a player in their own organization to get the first point, this group of people can be said to be the most difficult players they have encountered so far .

A few words without substantive evidence can't make them really do it directly.

But what Yan Wei wants is not that they believe it now, what they want is to make these four people give up the idea of fighting - it is not worthwhile to face four players now.

At this time, Lin Zhen's voice came from the walkie-talkie hidden in Yan Mingguang's ear. Yu Feizhou didn’t know if the walkie-talkie had been turned off. There had been no Tokyo, but Lin Zhen, who had been waiting for Yan and Wei, seemed to move suddenly. the wind.

In front of Yan Wei, the four people had different expressions. During this moment, they always unconsciously looked at the handsome man, and even began to observe the other three teammates. Yan Wei's words didn't make them act impulsively immediately, but they planted a seed of doubt in their hearts.

Whether it's the questionable handsome-looking man Yan Wei said, or the other three, they will all have an idea because of this incident.

No one knows who is real and who is fake.

Could it be that one of them is actually a puppet, and they don't know it? Will someone pretend to be a player from the beginning, intending to kill others after using them

The gentle-looking man's eyes became more and more downcast. He looked at Yan Wei, and said harshly: "Do you still remember where 'I' went from? Lead the way."

"Where did you come from, why do you ask me, it's weird."

"That's not me," the man slowly raised the weapon in his hand, pointed at Yan Mingguang and Yan Wei, and said, "That's a puppet, we need to find him now."

Yan Wei was stunned for a moment, and after reacting for a while, it seemed that "only now" he realized what this person meant and the danger these people brought, he quickly shook his head and said, "I, I don't know, my teammates and I will leave first..."

"People who don't know any information are worthless in the dungeon," the other party said with a fake smile, "Then why don't we send you to the castle owner, he didn't say that we can't send players to him. If you are a puppet in disguise, then we have earned two points."

"How could we be puppets!? They all have numb expressions and no ability to think—"

"What are you asking so much for? Get down and lead the way! You can't find 'him', who knows if you're lying? If you're really lying, we'll throw you two into a meat grinder."

Yan Wei gritted his teeth and said for a moment: "...OK, I will lead the way."

Yan Mingguang didn't move.

Yan Wei immediately pretended to say: "Don't be stubborn at this time, we can't fight... let me down, I only hurt my shoulder, not my leg."

Yan Mingguang's expression remained unchanged, he just paused, and slowly put Yan Wei off his back.

At this moment, Yan Wei suddenly felt the faint killing intent emanating from Yan Mingguang's body. This murderous intent suddenly radiated, and was slightly covered by Yan Mingguang's already indifferent temperament, but it was not so obvious, only Yan Wei who was beside Yan Mingguang could feel it.

Compared to seeing the disdain of these people just now, let him go and walk, does this person have murderous intentions instead


Yan Wei blinked, endured the pain from the wound, walked ahead and said, "This direction."

The four people glanced at each other, the seeds of doubt in their hearts grew bigger and bigger, but they followed Yan Wei quietly.

Every time Yan Wei leads the way, he not only points to the direction, but also tells the specific direction and the approximate number of meters as if he is afraid that these people will not recognize the way.

On the walkie-talkie, Lin Zhen's fast-moving voice continued.

Yan Wei led these people towards the location sent by Lin Zhen, and kept secretly looking at the ranking table during this period.

Except for the first points scored by these four people just now, there is no movement in the ranking table. With the strength and quality of this group of players, it's impossible that no one else can't guess these things. It's just that it's too early for the time to end, and everyone can't find any way to distinguish, and no one has done it yet.

Yan Wei guessed that after the time moves backwards, the speed of ranking changes will become faster and faster, and then it will fall to the position again. Because at the beginning, the players can harvest those who were sent in after the failure of the gambling house, and then there are all the players who have competed, and it is difficult to increase every point.

But if this is the case, players may end up slowly stopping because of each other's fear.

This is not in line with the starting point of this dungeon to make the cannibalism more and more intense.

So... is there a potential way to score that he hasn't discovered

The breakthrough point is definitely not in the most superficial things. Just like in a maze, using the player's blood to pave the way seems to be a method obtained by the players through observation, but this is actually only the most brutal and direct method, which also increases the number of evil puppets and reduces the number of good puppets .

And after entering the castle, if you catch all the players you see and give them to the man in black, you will have a half chance of scoring. This is actually the same as using players to pave the way in the maze. It's just that the chances are down and the benefits are up.

But the ultimate solution to the jungle maze is actually to hurt yourself.

So Yan Wei didn't think there was only one way to solve the puppet castle, he had to see the mystery of it as soon as possible. This time, not only did he want to break the game, but he also had to take the first place, because only the first place could get the extra reward of the dungeon—the last moon wheel fragment.

And these players are his entry point.

They quickly turned a few turns, getting closer and closer to Lin Zhen's location.

Yan Mingguang suddenly said: [... what are you thinking.]

It is not too difficult to maintain the skill of burst of perception with a person at close range, and Yan Wei has always maintained the connection between the two.

He said: [I was thinking, in the future, players with slightly weaker abilities will inevitably be eliminated. They are dead. In the last few days, what kind of benefits can keep players fighting? It is worthwhile to deal with a player who has failed and been forcibly sucked into a gambling building with more than ten or twenty floors, in exchange for one point in the ranking and ten gold coins in the castle. But if you are dealing with a 48th-floor seed player with the ability to raise buildings, the benefits are not worth it, so it's better not to. And each group has twenty-eight coins, and you can also grab the coins of the lone wolf player, and the coins will not be a problem at all. What on earth does that depend on?]

Is there something that can make the last players alive

[I have an idea, but I need to experiment with people who have already scored. Just now I looked at the ranking table, in their organization, the person who got this point is this gentle-looking man. As for how I'm going to experiment... just wait and see.]

While speaking, their positions overlapped with Lin Zhen's in an instant.

Behind Yan Wei, one of the players in that organization said angrily, "I think you're lying, how many turns have you made and you haven't arrived yet?"

"I really didn't! The place where I met people was quite far away, because I was chased and killed by puppets all the way, so it wasn't close..."

As he spoke, his voice stopped.

Suddenly a figure appeared in front of him.

The man was wearing a hoodie, and the jumper's hood was lifted up, covering most of his face, so he couldn't tell what he looked like. His demeanor is quite outgoing, and he can feel that he is a player on the 30th or 40th floor, and he looks like a stubborn stubble.

These few people didn't want to cause trouble, and planned to pass by. Unexpectedly, this player stopped suddenly, and turned to face the handsome-looking player.

It was a rather hoarse voice that was lowered: "Hey? Why are you here? You just said that you couldn't find your teammates. Isn't this all there? There are still six people... Tsk, you still dragged me to ask, what a waste time."

After he finished speaking, he didn't pay much attention, and walked away, leaving only the four people looking at each other.

Yan Wei: "..."

Fortunately, these few people don't know Lin Zhen, this person's acting skills are really bad! !

On the other side, Lin Zhen's figure had disappeared into the corner, and Yan Wei muttered: "I told you that you have been looking for teammates... You were quite anxious at that time, you see, you also asked other people, not just me. alone..."

The gentle-looking man had a very ugly complexion.

He frowned in thought, his back tensed, and he became vigilant unconsciously.

Yan Mingguang supported Yan Wei, just looked at these people indifferently, his eyes could not see the bottom. Yan Wei stopped in his tracks and asked in confusion, "Why didn't you leave?"

A silence ensued.

Yan Wei's eyes turned slightly, this time he stopped talking.

His words alone are indeed unreliable, and Yan Mingguang's same statement is indeed still easy to be doubted.

But rumors have always been three people become tigers, and all disbelief and doubts will become convinced after one thing is mentioned repeatedly. Even if you say "the sky is falling" to someone out of the air, when the first person says it, others will not believe it, and when the second person says it, others will only think it is nonsense, but when the third person says it When the time comes, the person who is told will be shaken for a moment, "Is the innocence really going to collapse?"

When these few people were already vigilant, they continued to deepen what Yan Wei said, and these people would believe it if they didn't believe it.

After a while, one of them finally broke the silence: "Are you a player or a puppet?"

The handsome-looking man was taken aback for a moment, and laughed angrily: "Are you crazy? You asked me this question? We've known each other for so long, can't you tell me apart from the kind puppet?"

Another person suddenly said: "What we have observed just now, there is no difference between a good puppet and a player - including cognition. You say you are not, then how do you prove it?"

"Don't you think you're ridiculous? I'm not, why should I prove it?" The handsome-looking man sneered, "Even if I am, shouldn't I solve it first? You question me when you come up, I now suspect that you are a good puppet who sneaked into us."

One person said strangely, "Even if you are? What do you mean by that?"

Yan Wei raised his hand, nudged Yan Mingguang lightly with his elbow, and said to him in his mind: [Mr. Yan, use the skill you acquired by lifting the building.]

Instantaneous movement over short distances.

Yan Mingguang took a deep look at these people, grabbed Yan Wei's hand, and carefully avoided Yan Wei's wound.

The next moment, the two suddenly disappeared in front of the group of people. And this group of people had already ignored Yan Wei and the two of them—they had already started fighting.

With a flash in front of Yan Wei's eyes, he saw Lin Zhen wearing a black hoodie. There was a very intense fighting sound not far away, it was the movement of those four people fighting.

Lin Zhen took a bite of a nut, and said leisurely, "Aren't we going to do it?"

"No, just wait for them to decide the winner. The one who loses will be caught by others and sent to the man in black—probably the fake gentleman. We will follow behind. I need to observe something .”

It will take a while for these people to finish fighting.

Yan Wei slowly leaned on Yan Mingguang's body, closing his eyes gently.

A man's cool but warm voice came from next to his ear: "What's wrong?"

Yan Wei shook his head: "It's nothing, I'm just thinking... Since good puppets and players have the same cognition, then the most fundamental question - am I me?"

He looked at the mutual doubts and even self-doubts among the few players just now, and a terrible thought came to his heart for a moment.

He began to question himself.

He began to think about whether he himself was real, whether he was a player or a puppet.

Is he... Yan Wei

The realization is bordering on scary—it's only day one. Will they completely confuse themselves after a few days in such an environment