Half-Tried Deity

Chapter 102: kill her 2


"You?" The man was startled by Qi Huan. Just as he was about to jump away, he found a sudden breath behind him. He turned his head and saw that a giant snake was staring at him with its bloody mouth open. Xiaoyin's saliva was mixed with poison and dripped on his shoulders, and soon the armor on his shoulders was corroded completely, and then gradually penetrated into the skin and bones.

"Ah..." A heart-piercing scream rang out from Qi Huan's room, awakening everyone in the Mo residence.

Qi Huan waved at Xiaoyin, "Hurry up and find a place to deal with it, and remember to brush your teeth next time before getting bigger." Although it's normal for beasts to have bad breath, the smell in Xiaoyin's mouth is really not very refreshing.

Xiaoyin glared at Qi Huan dissatisfied, and bit the guard who was intending to be evil to Qi Huan into his mouth. The sharp fangs on both sides had been "inserted" into his lower abdomen. According to Qi Huan's estimation, even if the demon's survivability is extremely strong, if Xiaoyin is tossed like this, he must have lost half of his life.

Xiaoyin's poison is not an ordinary snake venom. At that time, Qi Huan used Xiaoyin's venom to assassinate a cultivator who was in the calamity period. It only took ten seconds, and he was still alive and chaotic one minute ago. The person who jumped was immediately corroded, and even the primordial spirit was corroded.

Fortunately, Mo Ye said that the snakes in this world are basically extinct, and there is probably no more snakes in the fairy world. Otherwise, there will be a few more terrifying creatures, and people will not live.

In fact, Qi Huan's idea is a bit redundant. Ordinary flying snakes have no poisonous "liquid" at all, and they will not grow a pair of dragon horns. But Xiaoyin belongs to a mutant species, and as a result, he became the terrifying appearance he is today. Anyway, the more powerful Xiaoyin is, the more secure her safety will be. That snake with no "sex", besides being nice to her little fox, everyone looks like someone else owes him money. As long as the little fox stays by Qi Huan's side, even if Qi Huan drives him away, he will be fine. won't go.

Because of that scream, the entire inner courtyard was "commotion". Except for Qi Huan's room, which had no lights, all the other rooms were lit up.

"What happened, who called?" Not long after, Qi Huan heard the serious and cold voice of the housekeeper coming from outside the house.

Most of the people looked at each other in dismay, not knowing what was going on. Only the two most favored concubines of Mo Yu recently glanced at each other, their faces pale.

They saw that Qi Huan's cultivation base was not high, and those "medicines" were foolproof against Qi Huan. Even the two of them increased the amount of "medicines", but they never thought that something would happen.

Qi Huan put on his clothes and pushed the door and walked out. He saw a group of women chatting around the housekeeper. Qi Huan's appearance attracted their attention.

"What are you doing out? Go back." The housekeeper reprimanded coldly after seeing Qi Huan.

Qi Huan didn't mind her attitude, glanced at those people with a smile, and then beckoned to Xiaoyin behind the housekeeper, "Come back to sleep."

Only then did they discover that there was still a two-meter-long silver snake on the ground, spitting its core non-stop. Next to the snake was a man with blood stains and more than half of his body melted away.

Before Qi Huan returned to the house, she saw Xing Huang break in from a distance. He would never approach his father's inner courtyard, but this time Qi Huan lived in it, so he didn't even see the fight in the inner courtyard. I've heard too much, for fear that Qi Huan was really hurt, and he wouldn't be able to explain to Mo Ye when he looked back.

"Are you all right?" Xing Huang glanced at the others and found that except Qi Huan, everyone's faces were not very good-looking, only she was still smiling.

"It's okay, the environment here is really good, it's lively enough." Qi Huan waved at Xing Huang, yawned, and led Xiaoyin into the house slowly.

After Qi Huan's door was closed, Xing Huang's face turned cold, he glanced at the female housekeeper, and there was a rare trace of chill in his tone, "Manager Chu, no matter what my father said, you better not take it seriously. , If anything happens to this woman, even if you are the granddaughter of the King of Heaven's Secret, no one will dare to come out to save your life."

Xing Huang glanced at the women again, and disappeared in place.

After listening to Xing Huang's words, the face of the housekeeper became even more ugly. Her hands were tightly clasped together, and the sharp fingernails poked into her palms without noticing.

"Go back, whoever dares to come out without permission will be killed." She glared at the women with tears and turned to leave. Before leaving, she took another deep look at Qi Huan's residence.

She is one of the four kings of the Heavenly Demon Realm, the granddaughter of the Heavenly Secret King, and everyone in the Mo family knows about this. Back then, she liked Mo Yu, so she was willing to give up everything she had to come to the Mo family and become a general manager, just to be closer to him. But Mo Yu only had that woman in his eyes. Later, when that woman died, she thought it was her turn finally, but Mo Yu's women were replaced one by one, and she was not even qualified to be his woman.

But she never cared because Mo Yu didn't like any of those women at all. But Qi Huan's sudden appearance made her feel a sense of crisis. Over the years, no one could make Mo Yu angry. He was angry at a woman who was inferior to his own regardless of appearance and cultivation, and even arranged for her to live in the house. In addition to these threats from Xing Huang, Weeping has listed Qi Huan as his biggest threat.

Poor Qi Huan never thought that Xing Huang just came out and said something, and was misunderstood as this, who did she provoke!

In the following days, what happened that night did not happen again. The death of the guard did not cause any trouble. It seemed that it was normal for a man to die in the inner courtyard. Qi Huan originally wanted to wait for someone to question her, but unfortunately she didn't wait for anyone.

Perhaps the threat of the housekeeper was effective, and basically no one came to trouble Qi Huan again, except for herself. As long as Qi Huan left the house, she could see the cold eyes of the housekeeper around her. It was sunny and sunny, but she felt cold all over.

"Huang'er, how's that woman doing in the inner courtyard?" Mo Yu was lying in the courtyard, admiring a picture of a beauty, and asked casually.

"Except for that night, nothing major happened." Xing Huang stood behind Mo Yu, staring at the person in the painting. The woman in the painting has a sweet smile, pure and sweet, with a red "color" gauze skirt fluttering in the wind, like a fairy from the Nine Heavens. This woman is a fairy just like Qi Huan, and she is Mo Ye's biological mother.

"Hmph, it seems that I underestimated her. I didn't expect that there was a snake beside her. I remember that the snake should have been raised by Xiao Ye, and it was given to this woman. It seems that he is very serious. "Mo Yu's voice was full of dissatisfaction, and his eyes still stayed on the painting.


"It's all delusions, it's impossible for the fairy to be together, kill her, kill her before Xiaoye rushes back." Mo Yu waved his hand, the painting disappeared, and then he got up and left, leaving behind That cold order.

"Father..." Xing Huang stood there blankly looking at his father's back, and sighed deeply. He also believed in his heart that Mo Yu's idea was not wrong. Back then, Mo Yu was already so powerful that he still couldn't protect the woman he loved. Seeing her die in front of him, he couldn't do anything, just because she was an immortal and he was a demon, a bond that could never be freed.

He knew that the love of fairy and devil never ended well.

"What's your name?" Qi Huan squinted in the sun outside the house, and Xiao Yin slept at her feet. Originally everything was harmonious, but unfortunately the appearance of Butler Chu interrupted the peaceful atmosphere.

Qi Huan lazily opened his eyes and glanced at her, then closed them again, "Qi Huan."

"Are you from the fairyland?"

"Obviously." He returned lazily, not knowing what advice the housekeeper had. If he came to ask for trouble, she would accompany her at any time, and she would grow "hair" on her body when she stayed in the inner courtyard.

"How did you meet him?"

he? Qi Huan was stunned for a moment, wondering who he was in the mouth of the housekeeper? Could it be that this woman also had an affair with Mo Ye? The more Qi Huan thought about it, the more likely it was. Mo Ye was not a good person before, maybe this housekeeper was his woman once.

Thinking of this, Qi Huan felt that his whole body was boiling with blood, and he wished he would run to Mo Ye's side now and give him a few thunderbolts to make him feel refreshed. So her tone became not very good, "Why, how do I know him and what does it have to do with you? Are you checking the household registration?"

Qi Huan's tone and eyes made the housekeeper feel that she was being looked down upon. She trembled with anger, pointed at Qi Huan with one finger, and couldn't say a word. Although she is stronger than Qi Huan, her eloquence cannot be compared with Qi Huan.

At that time, the five major sects in the cultivation world united to squeeze out the Qingyun Sect after the ascension of the Void. As a result, Qi Huan fought the representatives of the five major sects with one mouth, and they almost died of anger. Qi Huan used it for three days and three nights to make everyone Everyone knows that the apprentice of the Qingyun faction Kongkongzi can scold all the enemies with just one mouth. Later, although the matter was tightly sealed by the five sects, some people still leaked the news, causing countless cultivators to look up to the Qingyun sect.