Half-Tried Deity

Chapter 111: Ghost Immortals Come Out, Six Paths Collapse 1


Seeing Xiaoyin, Qi Huan felt more and more that the ghost immortal in the tower might be Mo Ye, but, logically speaking, this thunderstorm should be very terrifying, but Xiaoyin was so calm, he just did it Believe in Mo Ye

Qi Huan frowned and looked at the tower. Now no matter who the person in the tower is, she seems to have no way to stop Thor and Lei Gong. Qi Huan stretched out his hand and formed a thunder barrier in front of him. The silver thunder barrier clearly conveyed the movements of Lei Gong and Lei Shen who were hidden in the robbery clouds in the distance.

Every thunder calamity that came down from the sky was sent out by the two of them together, and the two of them used more than 50% of their skills from the beginning.

In fact, both Lei Gong and Lei Shen didn't want to be so violent at the beginning, but it was recorded on the stele that the ghost immortal inside could only receive nine more thunders, not even one more.

It stands to reason that the ghost immortals who have just been cultivated have at least forty-nine thunder tribulations, which they have never encountered before. But the number of days cannot be violated, and I can only do my best to kill the ghost inside.

After the fourth thunder calamity, the tower has begun to crumble, the original layer of gray light on the tower has gradually dimmed, and the tower body has also appeared in the slightest cracks. On the whole, the one inside seemed very calm, but through the thunder barrier, Qi Huan felt that the foreheads of his two uncles had begun to sweat.

Both of them have used eight successes of power, but they haven't even split the ghost immortal inside out. How is this possible? !

After the eighth thunder, the tower finally collapsed, and an expressionless man also appeared in the eyes of Lei Gong and Lei Shen.

When she saw Dao's figure appear, Qi Huan's heart skipped a beat, it was Mo Ye, she would never misunderstand. It's just that Mo Ye turned his back to her, so she couldn't see his expression at all.

The last thunder, Lei Gong and Lei Shen two people used 100% of the power of thunder and lightning, and the two top immortals of the immortal world joined forces. Could Mo Ye be next? Qi Huan knelt down on the robbery cloud and stared at Mo Ye blankly, biting her lower lip tightly, she didn't even seem to notice the bloody taste in her mouth.

Even eight thunder tribulations did not kill anyone, and the two brothers also burst into anger. The two looked at each other and sat cross-legged on the robbery cloud. Around their bodies began to emit almost black lightning. , those thunder lights slowly gathered together, forming a bucket-thick black "color" thunder column, which smashed down from the cloud with a bang.

Then, in the screams of Qi Huan, she watched Mo Ye's body completely turn into flying ash and disappear between the sky and the earth.

died? just die? Qi Huan's mouth hadn't closed yet, and he stared blankly at the ground where countless ashes were left after being struck by lightning, and there was nothing left.

"Liar, how could you possibly die, you haven't married me yet, you dare to die earlier than me... woo woo woo..." Qi Huan fell down on the robbery cloud, covering his face and crying like a child To the ground, she only felt her heartache as if it was about to split, and she couldn't seem to find any way to express her feelings other than crying.

However, Xiao Yin, who was beside her, snorted twice and moved her body, feeling very unhappy that her sleep was interrupted.

"So you want to marry me so..." A smiling voice came from behind Qi Huan, Qi Huan only felt a pair of very cold arms wrapping around him, dragging her into an equally cold chest. However, the too familiar voice made Qi Huan forget the struggle for a while.

Qi Huan turned back suddenly, and was shocked to find that the man who had just been split into ashes was sitting on the cloud and staring at her with interest, as if he was very satisfied with Qi Huan's confession just now.

"You, aren't you dead?" Qi Huan's little face became like a tabby cat because of how wonderfully she cried just now, and her eyes were red and swollen. Night glowing eyes.

No matter what she paid, as long as she could cry and laugh, it was enough. For him, as long as Qi Huan is still there, no difficulties can overwhelm him.

"It is indeed dead." Mo Ye smiled bitterly, looking down at Qi Huan's little hand that had "touched" his chest, uh, in order to be more careful, it even stretched into his clothes, making Mo Ye unable to Do not doubt her intentions.

"No heartbeat, it's amazing!" Anyway, she can meet Mo Ye, and Mo Ye can talk to her. For Qi Huan, it doesn't matter whether he has a heartbeat or not. Like this.

"Then you're a ghost now?" Qi Huan has only seen ghosts twice in his life, once with the ghost mother-in-law, and then with Mo Ye. It was the first time that I didn't study it well, and now there is a ready-made one. Of course, Qi Huan couldn't let go of the opportunity to study, and rushed towards Mo Ye with a face full of excitement.

"...I turned into a ghost, what makes you excited like this?" Mo Ye sat cross-legged on the cloud, raised his eyebrows and asked the woman who was eating tofu with her hands up and down on him.

"You are a Ghost Immortal, of course I'm excited about such a rare species." Lei Gong said that once he became a Ghost Immortal, no one would be able to hurt him again. At the very least, there was no need to worry that he would suddenly disappear. This is the best news for Qi Huan.

Nine thunders have passed, and Lei Gong and Lei Shen also received Lei Jie and prepared to return home. Although they also watched the ghost immortal disappear in the last blow, but the two always felt that something was wrong, and the inexplicable feeling made them uncomfortable. It always felt weird in the beginning and even weirder in the end. However, the two of them are still very confident in the thunder calamity they issued by themselves, even if it is Immortal Venerable, it is absolutely impossible to get out of that thunder alive.

"I'll let you study it at night. The two of them are back." Glancing at the two people who fell on the ruins of the ruined pagoda that had just been cleaned by lightning, Mo Ye pinched Qi Huan's cheeks and brought Xiaoyin out of thin air together. Disappeared.

One of the benefits of being a ghost is that it disappears at any time without anyone noticing.

When Lei Gong Lei Shen and the others walked towards Qi Huan, Qi Huan still 'touched' his cheek with a smirk, still unable to believe that what just happened was true.

"Xiao Huanzi, what do you see?" Although the brothers felt uncomfortable, they were still very diligent in teaching. The two of them focused on cultivating Qi Huan as the future heir of the Thunder God Temple. Although Qi Huan was not from the Thunder God Temple, her aptitude could be said to be better than the two of them. The Thunder God Temple needed a new Thor who was in charge of Heavenly Punishment.

"You two are bullying people together." Qi Huan accused. Apart from this, of course she saw a lot of useful information. For her, the benefits of someone teaching her how to mobilize the power of thunder and lightning for her future cultivation are incalculable, but the two of them just struck Mo Ye with lightning. There is still fire.

The so-called "sex" without "sex" is probably like this.

"..." The two looked at each other, Lei Shen glared at his brother, and Lei Gong scratched his head embarrassedly, "This... this... Actually, isn't this a special case, next time, I will bring it next time. Go and see." Fortunately, the two of them hacked people to death in the end, if they didn't die, their faces would be disgraced, how could they maintain the image of a master at that time!

Leaving Shiqidu, Lei Shen and the others did not rush back to the Immortal Realm, but went to Hades again. It seems that the relationship between the two brothers Thor Lei Gong and Hades is really good. On weekdays, even if Immortal Venerable came to visit Thor, Thor didn't "show" a smile, and it was even more impossible to be polite.