Half-Tried Deity

Chapter 29: Very useful bathtub


If possible, Shushan didn't want to offend the Qingyun faction. After all, Qi Huan was captured in Shushan. If they failed to save him, the Qingyun faction would obviously not let Shushan go easily.

But Qi Huan didn't know anything about all these things, and the only thing she could do now was to use all her strength to entangle Mo Ye like an octopus. In this situation, the only thing she can feel is that many stars are turning in front of her.

"It's here." Mo Ye's flying sword finally stopped, not knowing how long it took to fly. After he retracted the flying sword, he lowered his head and glanced at Qi Huan, who was glued to him. His voice was very calm, as if he had become accustomed to this kind of thing.

"My legs are weak." Qi Huan also wanted to stay away from Mo Ye, but she was helpless but lacked strength. She really felt that her legs had no strength at all and could only lean against Mo Ye.

"Go to the inn to rest." Mo Ye bent down and hugged Qi Huan. He saw Qi Huan's half-dead appearance, and a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes. He knew that Qi Huan's weak legs were not because he was afraid of heights, but because he just had lingering fears after surviving from the dead end.

A young woman who has never experienced life and death turned out to have only weak legs afterwards. She is much more courageous than she imagined!

"Hey~~ I'm really bothering you." Qi Huan has never been hugged by a man like this in his life, and it feels really good to experience it this time. However, she said it was nearly a hundred pounds, and Mo Ye didn't seem to feel like holding her.

"No trouble." Mo Ye smiled, but he was definitely not the one who suffered at this time.

After a long time, Qi Huan sat on the bed, gnashing his teeth and cursing Mo Ye fiercely. This bastard man didn't even tell her that they were in the town, and it was the busiest street. The scene where she was carried into the inn by Mo Ye just now had already spread throughout the town.

"Girl, the hot water you want is ready." Outside the door, Xiao Er came in with a somewhat flattering voice.

"Come in." Seeing Xiao Er neatly pouring buckets of hot water into the bathtub, Qi Huan pouted secretly. Money can really make a ghost run the mill, Mo Ye smashed a gold ingot here, and the shopkeeper almost came to feed himself.

After sending Xiao Er away, Qi Huan lay contentedly in the huge bathtub. This bathtub was thrown to her by Mo Ye just now. It has a black background of gold paint, and there are intricate patterns on it. There is a faint flow of spiritual energy on it.

Judging from the material, this thing that looks like a bathtub should be a magic weapon or something, but Qi Huan really can't see how to use this thing. Apart from being a bathtub, it doesn't seem to have any plasticity.

Anyway, Mo Ye didn't say what this thing was for. It just so happened that she lacked a bathtub again, so she should use it rationally. Moreover, Qi Huan also discovered that this bathtub has an excellent function. She has been soaking in it for nearly an hour, and the water temperature has not dropped at all.

Qi Huan put half of her pink calf on the edge of the bathtub, lying on her back in the bathtub, squinting her eyes and humming an out-of-tune tune.

"Is there anyone?" It was Mo Ye's voice, Qi Huan rolled his eyelids, isn't this nonsense, isn't she human.

"No." Qi Huan took the towel aside and wiped the water droplets off his body.

Outside the door, Mo Ye's dark eyes narrowed slightly, this woman seems to like to contradict him very much!

"Come out to eat."

"Ah, wait for me, wait for me, go out immediately." Qi Huan almost jumped out of the bathtub when she heard that there was food to eat. She casually tore off the blue "color" Taoist robe that was placed on the screen, put it on her body randomly, and then The door was kicked open with a "bang", and a pair of bright eyes just met Mo Ye's dark and deep eyes.

Seeing that Qi Huan's clothes were disheveled, his short hair was dripping with water droplets, his face was flushed red, and his whole body exuded a faint fragrance, a strange "color" flashed in Mo Ye's eyes.

"Let's go, let's have dinner." Qi Huan raised a bright smile at Mo Ye, but she didn't have a penny on her. This Mo Ye was obviously a rich man, so she had to follow him closely at this time.

"Hey, I'm not a sheep, I don't need to eat grass." Qi Huan stretched out his chopsticks and poked the plate of fried garlic sprouts in front of him. Such a green thing... Is it edible!

"..." Mo Ye didn't even lift his eyelids, he lowered his head to eat on his own, silence is the best way to deal with Qi Huan.

Well, the person who paid was the uncle. Qi Huan frowned and took a shredded potato and put it into his mouth with reluctance.

"Where's the Chaos Cauldron I gave you?"

"What? Ah, you said that thing, it's very useful in the house." Qi Huan added. It turned out to be a cauldron~ No wonder the heat can't escape. If you set the fire under the fire, you will not become the cooked meat inside.

Mo Ye's eyes froze, thinking of what Qi Huan might have done just now, his jaw twitched. If he is not mistaken, Qi Huan must have been taking a bath just now, but it seems that there is no bathtub provided here, and he just threw her a finished "bathtub" just by the way...

"That... hehe, what's the use of that thing?" Seeing Mo Ye's bad eyes, Qi Huan hurriedly changed the subject. You can't blame yourself for not being yourself. You just throw something over and don't say what it's used for. It looks like a bathtub, so of course it's used for bathing!

I wonder if Qi Huan's thoughts will come to life after being known by the owners of the Chaos Cauldron of all dynasties. The Chaos Cauldron, which is famous in the cultivation world, was actually used as a bathtub. Probably only Qi Huan would do such a talented thing.

"Defense weapon." Mo Ye put down his chopsticks and his expression had returned to normal. He didn't waste his time explaining the origin of Chaos Ding to Qi Huan.

"Oh~" Qi Huan didn't pay much attention to it. She had seen a lot of defensive magic weapons, but none of them looked so strange.

"I have something to leave, you go back by yourself." After a long time, Mo Ye finally got to the point.

Qi Huan was stunned for a while, then slammed into Mo Ye and hugged his arm and refused to let go, "No, no, you're gone, what should Duan Cenfeng do when he comes back?"

"He won't come back."

"What if I encounter danger again on the way." Qi Huan continued.

"Chaos Cauldron can handle it." Mo Ye was calm.

"Anyway... I just want to go with you." Qi Huan blushed, he couldn't say that he didn't know the way back!

"… "

"If you don't speak, I'll take it as your acquiescence." Regardless of whether Mo Ye really agreed or not, Qi Huan ran to the guest room upstairs without giving him a chance to speak.

Mo Ye's deep eyes followed her back until the petite figure was completely hidden behind the door.

"Master?" Behind Mo Ye, at some point, a man in black, who was completely wrapped up, suddenly appeared. That man had a pair of beast-like eyes. Only when he looked at Mo Ye, his eyes More respect.

"Take this back." Mo Ye handed the person behind him a pale green transparent porcelain vase, and one could vaguely see that there was only a pale red elixir in it. It was recognized that it was the Marrow Washing Pill that Mo Ye won at this trial meeting.

"Yes. Master, the people from the Qingyun faction have already started a large-scale search for her whereabouts." Not long after Qi Huan disappeared, Ling Yunzi got the news, but when he found them at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, Qi Huan had already disappeared. .

Mo Ye tapped lightly on the table with his index finger, his expression as usual, "I will handle the Qingyun faction, don't come to me recently."

"Yes." After the man replied, his figure disappeared again. Mo Ye glanced at the room where Qi Huan lived again, and turned back to his own room.

In the dead of night, the windows of Qi Huan's house were only opened with a small crack, and the silver moonlight poured into the house, which did not disturb Qi Huan, who was sleeping soundly.

Suddenly, with a creak, the window was pushed open, and a short, masked man jumped into the house from the window. When he "touched" the head of Qi Huan's bed, a dark silver light flashed from his hand.

Before the dagger in the man's hand could be swung out, the quilt that had been tightly wrapped was suddenly lifted, and the masked man shrank when he saw the calm face under him, and stepped back without hesitation.

"Humph." Mo Ye's mouth raised, and he waved his hand and threw a talisman with a faint red light. After the talisman was attached to the masked man, it exploded instantly, and even the masked man was blown into pieces. A strong smell of blood permeated the whole house.

Qi Huan, who had been lying on his side beside Mo Ye, saw this, his face turned green in an instant, and his body that was originally close to Mo Ye moved inward.