Half-Tried Deity

Chapter 53: The owner of the tomb is called Mo Ye


Going forward for a while, Qi Huan suddenly found a huge jade tablet standing in front of him. It looked like a tombstone, but this tombstone was really luxurious. Qi Huan looked carefully for a long time and finally found that the words on the tombstone seemed It was written in Antarctic crystal sand.

Even the old antiques in the Qingyun faction have only heard of the Antarctic crystal sand. Qi Huan knew that it was because he learned to refine weapons with his uncle Xu Yangzi, and he occasionally mentioned it. Qi Huan still remembered Xu Yangzi's eyes at that time, shining like a beast seeing a beautiful woman.

Qi Huan also only knows that this kind of thing is a top-level refining material in the ancient times. It is said that it can refine magic weapons above the fairy weapon. Unfortunately, with the demise of the ancient monks, many genius treasures also disappeared. Antarctic crystal sand It's one of those legends.

The reason why Qi Huan determined that the words above were written by Antarctic Crystal Sand was entirely because Xu Yangzi had described to her that Antarctic Crystal Sand was extremely cold and could not be touched with his hands, otherwise he would even end his calamity. The cultivators of the period will also be frozen, and there will be another refining material, Frost Soul, around the purest Antarctic crystal sand.

The Frost Soul did not disappear with the Antarctic Crystal Sand, but it only took a thousand years to grow an inch long, and it was still a rarity. When Qi Huan saw the Frost Soul all over the ground, she was immediately determined.

A tombstone made such a big show, I don't know what's going on inside. Qi Huan couldn't help being a little curious about the tomb owner. She put her head close to her, ready to study the words on the tombstone.

Unfortunately, after watching it for a long time, she finally gave up helplessly. There was a fact that she had to face, that she had really been classified as illiterate.

"What do you mean by this word?" Qi Huan pointed to the first strange symbol on the tombstone.

"Mo." Mo Ye's eyes became more and more strange.

"What about this?"


"Mo Ye... oh, so the owner of the tomb is called Mo Ye... What?! Why do you have the same name as you?" After reading it several times, Qi Huan finally realized that something was wrong. Is there such a coincidence in this world

Seeing Qi Huan's astonished expression and the unconcealed inquiry in his eyes, Mo Ye just smiled and didn't answer.

"Is this person your ancestor?"


"Then you know him?"

"do not know."

"Oh... Then I take this tombstone away, do you have any opinion?" Since you don't know it, it's much easier to handle. Although the name on the tombstone is a bit weird, Qi Huan is more concerned about the Antarctic crystal sand on it. .

Qi Huan's words first made Mo Ye stunned, and then he smiled and shook his head, somewhat helpless. Although this place is nothing more than a tomb of clothing and crowns, it still feels a little strange that his tombstone has been carried away like this. But then again, cultivators of Qi Huan's level are really rare enough to even let go of tombstones.

After receiving the tombstone together with the surrounding ice soul into the storage ring, a smile finally appeared on Qi Huan's face. Although I was forced to bring it here, I finally gained a lot along the way.

Sure enough, when the tombstone was taken away, the cold air in the cave disappeared without a trace. After walking a little further, they finally arrived at the destination of this trip.

After entering the main tomb, Qi Huan finally knew why the tombstone engraved with Antarctic crystal sand was placed outside, because anything that was taken out from inside was a hundred times more valuable than the tombstone outside.

The floor of the main tomb was actually covered with chalcedony, and even the beads used for lighting in the tomb were the most precious and different-colored pupils in the eyes of the South China Sea merman. The pavilions and pavilions on the walls are actually carved out of a single piece of Qilian Yunfeng stone. From a distance, there is an artistic conception of Yunshen not knowing where to go.

Yunfeng Stone is not a genius treasure, it can neither refine medicine nor utensils, but things carved with Yunfeng Stone for more than a thousand years will automatically condense clouds around it, so Yunfeng Stone will appear precious . Today, a thousand-year-old cloud peak stone the size of a thumb is extremely rare, and there is a whole stone wall here, and it is still complete.

"If I take everything here, don't you think I'm greedy."

"No, but you'd better not do it." Mo Ye chuckled, it's really Qi Huan's style of doing things, and he was even ready to do it.

"Why?" Qi Huan found that when Mo Ye looked at these priceless treasures in front of him, he didn't even blink his eyelids, which meant that he didn't care about them at all.

Even Xu Lingzi and the others will make a fuss when they come here, Mo Ye, why is there no response? Until now, Qi Huan finally felt a little strange.

"Because the snake in front seems very unhappy." Mo Ye stretched out his finger and pointed ahead. There was a lotus pond not far away from the two of them. There were still lotus flowers on the water. It was pitch black, and at first glance, it was impossible to see what was inside and how deep it was.

When Mo Ye stretched out his hand, Qi Huan just glanced at it, and was immediately taken aback. She finally knew what was in the pool, a snake, no, to be exact, this thing had already begun to turn into a dragon.

It was a silver snake with a pair of dragon horns. The snake head alone occupied half of the pool. Those dark silver eyes stared at the two trespassers without emotion.

"I guess it doesn't seem to have eaten for many years." Qi Huan backed away as he spoke, ready to run away if something went wrong. Although it's true that her cultivation base has reached the stage of forming an elixir, she is very sure that compared with this snake who doesn't know how many years she has lived, whether it is herself or Mo Ye, it seems to be the weight of a meal, it looks like a meal Not worth it.

"It's been many years indeed." Mo Ye looked at the snake with some nostalgia in his eyes. The prehistoric Variant Soaring Snake should be said to be a mutant Soaring Snake. If it hadn't been born with a different color from its peers, it would not have been excluded, and would not have been raised as a pet by him later on.

It's just that he didn't expect that after all these years, a snake with a thick wrist turned into this appearance, and even he was taken aback.

"Will it eat people?"

"Maybe not." Mo Ye tilted his head and thought for a while, as if he had been fed radishes before, although he didn't know that snakes didn't eat radishes back then.

"His" answered the two of them with a blood-red core. The snake didn't know what the stimulus was, and it stuck out a small half of its body from the pool, and the entire pool was immediately filled with its body. The snake's head was almost attached to Mo Ye's. It only had to open its mouth and take a breath. It was estimated that Mo Ye would be swallowed and digested completely.

After a long pause, the snake didn't seem to have any signs of eating people. It just looked at Mo Ye back and forth with those lantern-like eyes. As for Qi Huan, it was naturally ignored.