Half-Tried Deity

Chapter 72: Reflections on Kunlun, Shushan


Qi Huan was awakened by the sound of a fierce fight. After she opened her eyes, she found herself lying on Mo Ye's golden long sword without a blade. The little fox had long since disappeared. Mo Ye ran away. As for the "pillow" under her head, Qi Huan stretched out her hand and "touched" it. It was cool and slippery, and it felt good. Turning her head, Xiao Yin was staring at her with a red core spitting out.

"My mother!" Qi Huan jumped up in fright. He didn't know how Mo Ye moved the big name to be her pillow, and he wasn't afraid that Xiao Yin would take a bite on Qi Huan when he was excited.

"Come on, go back to your wrist and go to sleep." Although this big-name bodyguard was very powerful, Qi Huan felt very pressured to stay with him, so he could only persuade him to go back to his old place first.

It's a pity that people didn't even look at her, twisted her body and got off the flying sword. Qi Huan clasped her hands tightly on the edge of the sword, lowered her head and glanced down, Mo Ye probably knew that she was afraid of heights, but the flying sword stopped in mid-air two meters above the ground, Qi Huan patted his chest and held the sword in one hand face, jumped neatly to the ground.

Qi Huan walked forward following the sound of the fight, Xiaoyin followed her slowly, suddenly a rabbit came out of the woods, seeing the fat and tender rabbit, Qi Huan was suddenly hungry, so she turned her head and smiled and looked at Looking at Xiaoyin, "Good boy, go and catch that rabbit." Although this big name is not very easy to serve, it is indeed very easy to use, much better than that lazy little fox.

He turned his head and wagged his tail, unmoved.

"If you don't go, today's dinner will be cancelled." Qi Huan's face was sullen, her tears were swallowing her heart, she was so depressed that she threatened pets.


I don't know how that sound came out. Anyway, Qi Huan felt that she was despised. There was nothing she could do. She couldn't beat others and still asked others, so she could only lower her tone, "If you catch the rabbit, tonight I'll give you an extra carrot."

Nodding, the small silver tail was coiled into a small disc and stretched out in front of Qi Huan. Qi Huan put the promised radish on it. After eating the radishes bit by bit, the unlucky rabbit didn't know where to go for a long time, Xiao Yin licked his mouth contentedly, then twisted his tail and slid into the woods.

A few minutes later, Xiaoyin came out of the woods, carrying seven or eight rabbits on his back, forgetting what Qi Huan wanted the rabbit to look like, so he had to catch all the rabbits he saw.

"Good, let's have the barbecue for a while." After collecting all her dinner materials, Qi Huan continued to walk to the fighting venue. She was not worried about Mo Ye's safety, but was curious about who would block his way.

After walking forward for about 100 meters, and turning around a forest, Qi Huan found a few acquaintances standing in front of him, "Dongyuan, Xiaoxiao, why are you here?"

Shushan sent six or seven people to surround Mo Ye in the center. Mo Ye didn't wear a mask on his face, but his face returned to the way he used to be in Tianjianmen.

"Sister Qi Huan, you were deceived by him. He is a traitor from Tianjianmen and an undercover agent sent by Mo Dao." After seeing Qi Huan, Xiao Xiao hurriedly pulled her aside and pointed at Mo Ye and said loudly.

"Uh... Is that so?" Qi Huan stood beside Dongyuan and Xiaoxiao, looking at Mo Ye with doubts.

Mo Ye glanced at Qi Huan, and the corners of his mouth rose. From the look on his face, he knew that he was so confident that he didn't need her help at all. Qi Huan was also happy to watch the fun here.

"Xiao Xiao, how do you know he's a traitor?" Qi Huan forgot to ask Mo Ye how to deal with his identity. There are so many people who come to Shushan, although the cultivation of these people is only around the Nascent Soul stage, but they are considered generous.

After all, no one would have thought that the undercover cultivator sent by Demon Sect to Tianjian Sect had already reached the stage of spiritual transformation, and he was still the young master of Tian Demon Sect. Except for someone like Mo Ye, whose nerves are different from ordinary people, the boss of which sect would be an undercover agent.

"After we left Yinshan last night, he followed behind, seriously injuring the third senior brother, and also robbed the third senior brother of the family heirloom, the two-meter bibijing mirror. I saw with my own eyes that it was him who moved the hand, and it was absolutely not wrong. ." Xiao Xiao's small face was full of resentment.

"When was it last night?" Qi Huan was a little puzzled. She had heard of the two-pointed mirror, but Xu Lingzi mentioned this magic weapon to her because he said that it had an Achilles' heel and could not be affected by a trace of it. Evil qi erosion, otherwise the magic weapon will be corroded immediately.

What did Mo Ye do when he robbed that thing, he couldn't use it, and besides, he had so many treasures on him, do he still need to rob someone else

"Last night, he flew all the way here after robbing things. We chased him all night before we finally caught up with him here." Dongyuan answered Qi Huan's question for Xiaoxiao.

His answer made Qi Huan even more surprised. At that time, she should have been on the flying sword with Mo Ye. If Mo Ye went to rob someone else, she should have felt it!

"Why are you here?" Dongyuan suddenly turned around and asked Qi Huan.

"Oh, my senior brother was poisoned with corpse poison. The master told me to look for the whereabouts of that ghost mother-in-law. I came here when I heard the sound of fighting." Qi Huan blinked, and his face was not even red when he lied.

"Little Junior Brother, come here to form a battle, and let's deal with him together." The middle-aged man headed back and shouted at Dongyuan after seeing Mo Ye, who had taken a lot of effort to deal with him.

"Yes, Senior Brother." Dongyuan hurriedly flew forward.

"Xiaoxiao, isn't Dongyuan your senior brother from Shushan? When will there be so many senior brothers from above." Moreover, these senior brothers seem to be at least several hundred years old. The last sentence, Qi Huan swallowed her stomach and didn't say it.

"Senior brother, he broke through the formation stage a few days ago, and has already formed Nascent Soul. Now he is the elder of our Shushan outer door." Xiaoxiao explained to Qi Huan with a smile that, unlike the Qingyun School, the status of the Shushan School disciples is With the growth of cultivation, Dongyuan and his master can be regarded as equals now. Considering his current age, he is truly a generation of arrogance.

As for the Qingyun faction, even if Qi Huan has reached the Mahayana stage, she can only obediently be the apprentice of Kongzi.

Eight people formed a large formation in the field, Mo Ye was trapped in the formation, the senior brother who had just called Dongyuan over was still trying to persuade Mo Ye, "If you hand over the two mirrors, and explain For your purpose in Tianjianmen, I can keep your whole body."

What a merciful way! Qi Huan stood with her chest crossed and sneered all over her face. This is why she hates the famous and decent. She thinks that the order of the world is controlled by herself, and she can control the life and death of others at will, leaving the whole corpse. Why does he!

"Since this is your last word, I will satisfy you." Mo Ye's reaction was not as big as Qi Huan's. He just raised his eyebrows slightly and turned his hands up. The ground around him suddenly began to tremble violently. The seven Shushan disciples were instantly swallowed by the bottomless crack under their feet.

Then Mo Ye turned his head and glanced at Xiao Xiao, there was a gleam of blood in the blood-red eyes, Xiao Xiao fell silently to the ground, not knowing her life or death.

"You... killed them all?" Although he was extremely dissatisfied with their decent remarks, Qi Huan's face turned pale, and his voice trembled uncontrollably after seeing Mo Ye's action to kill everyone. .

"She and that Dongyuan are not dead." The abyss under their feet that the few people saw just now was just an illusion that came back after the formation was broken. Except for Dongyuan, several other people did not even leave their bodies behind.

Qi Huan knew that Mo Ye did this because of herself. If Mo Ye didn't know how to imprison her just now, she would have almost rushed up and blocked it for Xiao Xiao.

"Let's go." Mo Ye stretched out his hand towards Qi Huan, Qi Huan hesitated for a moment, and put his trembling hand in his palm. After the two left, a small and delicate mirror in Xiaoxiao's arms suddenly emitted a light green "color", wrapping Xiaoxiao and Dongyuan in it, and their figures instantly disappeared in place.

"Junior brother, how is this girl Xiaoxiao?" Yuan Hui, who was at the side of the Shushan Hall, looked anxiously.

"Dongyuan and Xiaoxiao are fine, as for the others..." Yuan Hui shook his head with a gloomy expression.

"Then the head of Qingxiao said that Qi Huan has a connection with the devil, but is it true?" Yuan Chu's face was a little ugly, and he asked in a deep voice.

"That's right, the records on the two-meter split mirror prove that they really have a close relationship, but unfortunately, we didn't see him using the Heavenly Splitting Sword."

"It's okay, since you know that Qi Huan is related to him, you're not afraid of finding the whereabouts of the Heavenly Sword." Yuan Chu half-squinted his eyes and tapped his fingers on the coffee table beside him.

"I didn't expect that the disciples of the Qingyun faction would have something to do with the devil, ah!" Yuan Hui sighed, not knowing who he was sighing for.

"Hmph, those disciples of the Qingyun faction have a few net worths. This time, Kong Kongzi was originally going to grab the sword, but why did he quit halfway, not because he received the news, it's really my right path. Shame." Sitting on the second seat of the main hall, an old Taoist wearing a Kunlun Taoist robe hurriedly "interjected". Yuan Hui was silent after hearing his words, and Yuan Chu did not respond.

"In the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, the head of Qingxiao meant that our two factions sent someone to Qingyun Mountain to ask, after all, it is about splitting the sword." The Kunlun old man continued, his eyes were a little eager.

"Qingwu Daoist friend is going to Qingyun Mountain to ask who, ask Kong Kongzi?" Yuan Chu sneered and stopped talking. Even if Kongkongzi has something to do with Demon Dao, what is their generation, who dares to go to Qingyun Mountain to question Kongkongzi, who knows if they will provoke Kongkongzi and kill them all.

And at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, he was not a fool, so he would not take the blame for the Kunlun faction. What they saw was only that Qi Huan had a connection with the Demon Dao, not that the whole Qingyun faction was unclean as said by Qingwu. Even if he gave some courage to Yuanchu, he would not dare to say it!