Half-Tried Deity

Chapter 77: Have a wife? !


Three thunder tribulations, one was split open by Mo Ye, one was lost by Qi Huan inexplicably, and one fell on the seven of them. In fact, they all took the blame for Xiaoyin. After the little fox got the second golden pill, Xiaoyin also grabbed the third golden pill. Unfortunately, the thunder robbery had already come down at that time, and it also knew about the thunder tribulation. He was so powerful that he shamelessly went straight to seven people and asked them to block him.

Mo Ye stood beside the seven people with Qi Huan in his arms, watching Xiaoyin twist his tail, with a golden pill in his mouth, he swam out slowly, a big drop of sweat fell on his forehead, he swears, so Shameless snakes are definitely not raised by themselves.

At this time, those few people also knew that they had been tricked by a snake, but unfortunately they had problems even moving their fingers, so they could only stare at Xiao Yin fiercely.

Xiaoyin roared in dissatisfaction with their eyes, and then deliberately flicked his tail, and instantly threw all seven of them away, seeing that they all turned into little stars in the sky, and then became contentedly The white snake coiled back on Qi Huan's arm to rest. But this time, it had a golden pill in its mouth, and it looked a little more beautiful from a distance.

Inexplicably, he sucked all the seven "color" divine thunders into his body, and Qi Huan's body returned to the situation after absorbing the heavenly tribulation for Kong Kongzi, but this time it was even worse, because the seven "color" divine thunders She couldn't absorb it at all right now, and lightning and thunder continued in her stomach.

Even though its color is very bright, it still looks dangerous. This thing is in the stomach, isn't it almost like swallowing a time bomb!

Slowly, Qi Huan discovered that the four tribulation clouds that he had created when he was alchemy were slowly absorbed by the seven "color" tribulation clouds, and the seven "color" tribulation clouds would vaguely emit a trace of energy. The tai chi map was sucked away, and the two of them were actually forming a very strange cycle.

Another thing that Qi Huan could not accept is that the snake in his stomach has finally evolved, and this time it has evolved even more strangely. The whole body is covered with light blue scales, two antlers have grown, and four more antlers have grown. When all the claws came out, Qi Huan felt that it looked more and more like a lizard.

Both lizards and snakes were difficult for Qi Huan to accept. She firmly refused to have strange things in her stomach. Fortunately, the seven "color" Jieyun in his stomach couldn't absorb it by himself, but he could control it at will, so Qi Huan did not hesitate to transfer a piece of Jieyun and slashed on the "lizard" head.

I don't know how long it took to split, anyway, the cloud is getting less and less, and the "lizard" is becoming more and more strange, if I am not mistaken, is it a dragon? Qi Huan saw the cyan object hovering in the corner of the Tai Chi map, and the more he looked at it, the more he felt that it looked a lot like the dragon, the divine beast introduced in the book.

A dragon growing in your stomach? ! I don't know if she was too frightened, Qi Huan jumped up from the **, and Mo Ye, who had been standing beside her, jumped in fright.

"Are you alright?" Seeing Qi Huan's pale face jumping up from the dick, Mo Ye asked worriedly, her face didn't look very good, could it be that she suffered some serious internal injury? not found

"Very good." Qi Huan just said two words to Mo Ye, then took out a book from the storage ring, turned his head down, and sighed with a long sigh of relief after flipping through the storage ring for a long time, and fell asleep. on.

According to the records of "The Way of the Earth", those who practice this method will indeed form the Nascent Soul which is in the state of four divine beasts, but the difficulty of cultivation is also different from that of ordinary people. It is said that if a kind of divine beast is cultivated, it will bring down nine heavenly tribulations, and if one cultivates another, it will bring down nine heavenly tribulations.

This is not because there is any problem with Qi Huan's cultivation technique, but because that day's robbery is to let the divine beast have the original force to rival it. Qi Huan's luck is so good that she has a bunch of robbery clouds in her stomach, so Qinglong When she was born, she didn't have to block the calamity for Qinglong.

Although she also used those thunders to smash Qinglong before, it is obvious that the grade of those thunders is too low, so it cannot be advanced into dragon, and only the seventh-rank divine thunder is what Qinglong needs. So under Qi Huan's unintentional "manipulation", her first divine beast, Nascent Soul, took root in her stomach.

"Young Master, the ice coffin has been split open. This is the Heaven Splitting Sword you want." Qi Huan's move just startled Mo Ye, but Mo Ye saw that she was just too tired and fell asleep. This is relieved. After a while, a blood mist suddenly appeared behind Mo Ye, Mingdutian came out of the blood mist, and he was still carrying the Sword of Splitting Heaven that Mo Ye snatched away.

"What happened to 'she'?" Mo Ye didn't look back, just motioned Mingdutian to put the sword on the table.

"There is no harm, just waiting for the young master to feed her medicine." Mingdutian's eyes rarely showed a smile, and he could finally go back.

"What about the book?"

"Young Master, do you really want to give that book to her? The lord told you to destroy that book." Mingdutian hesitated for a moment. It was not that he wanted to disobey the order, but this matter was not A trivial matter, if the three books are really collected, let alone three, as long as one cultivates to the second book, that person is a huge trouble.

"Are you questioning my words?" Mo Ye glanced at Mingdutian indifferently, "Or do you think my father's orders are more important than mine?" Although Mo Ye's tone was calm, Mingdutian could hear it. Out of which the cold.

Mingdutian didn't say a word, he fell to his knees with a thud, not even daring to raise his head, "My subordinates dare not, my subordinates have no heart for the young master."

Who would have thought that the Gorefiend, who was once famous in the world, would be afraid. In fact, before flying into the Demon Realm, he never thought of the day when he would serve others, but when he arrived in the Demon Realm, he knew that his so-called talent was actually nothing, and anyone could crush him to death. Fortunately, he was lucky. Before his soul flew away, he was rescued by someone, and that person was Mo Ye's father.

Before the lower realm, Mingdutian had never seen Mo Ye, he just heard Mo Ye's father mention that he has two sons, one of them is called Mo Ye, he said that this son has a good temper, and he is a little bit different from other demons. They are all different, but they are too kind, so this time the lower realm will be handled by him.

I thought that Mo Ye's temper was really as good and kind as his father said. It wasn't until after getting along with Mo Ye for a while that Mingdu realized that any kindness is fake. The real Mo Ye is much more ruthless than his father, otherwise he wouldn't be stationed in the Asura Domain and Killing God Sea in the Heavenly Demon Realm. Extremely dangerous area.

At first, Mingdutian was thinking of finding a chance to return to the master. After all, compared to Mo Ye, his father's temper was really good, but later he realized that unless he died, he would never be on this boat. Don't even think about getting off the boat.

Mo Ye will never allow his subordinates to have second thoughts, even if his subordinates are his father's. Mingdutian knows this very well. This has always been what worries him the most, so Mo Ye said this, That's why the name was frightened like this.

"Don't get excited, just kidding." Mo Ye patted Mingdutian's shoulder, "Let's go, let's go and see the task that the old man gave."

"Yes." Mingdutian watched Mo Ye walk into his blood mist, he breathed a long sigh of relief, and wiped the cold sweat from his forehead. This master is insidious and cunning, and he changes his face faster than a fox. The subordinates are very trusting, otherwise, if this kind of thing happens again and again, Mingdutian can't help but wonder if he will have a nervous breakdown.