Han Shan’s Sword Unsheathed

Chapter 101: Son of Heaven


Qu Xianming, like being struck by lightning, muttered to himself, "No, no, how could you become like this?!"

Yu Xue's cute, mellow and glutinous child came to mind, and her appearance and figure changed rapidly, becoming the thin, tall, frivolous and glamorous Tianhu Realm Lord in front of her.

The past nostalgia and guilt, the current hatred and anger, the two fierce emotions clashed, almost tearing him apart.

Que Xianming collapsed and shouted: "You are not my Miao Yuan!"

The voice echoed in the empty bedroom.

Que Xianming pounced on Hu Si: "Give me back Xiao Yuan!"

Hu Si's expression was calm, he fixedly looked at him, his thin lips slightly opened: "Lock."

The golden chains meandering on the ground are like living creatures, wrapping around the ankles of the sparrow Xianming like a swimming snake.

"You fucking let me go!" Que Xianming's reaction was more intense than before. But his tearing and beating won't hurt the other party, only exhausting himself.

After a long while, the sound of the chains hitting the golden cage and the groaning and struggling gradually faded away.

Hu Si sorted out the clothes leader's mouth, closed the cage door, walked out of the bedroom alone, and went to the bank of Tianhu Lake.

It was late at night, and the Tianhu Lake was like a huge water mirror, suspended among the clouds and mists. The breeze is blowing, the water waves are rippling, and the nine-day bright moon shines alone on the lake, the light splashing like silver flakes.

Tianhu Dajing is far away from the strife and strife in the world, Qionglou Yuyu and Sun Moon Xingxia are companions. When the singing and dancing stopped, the lights went out, and the beautiful maids and servants fell asleep, this place showed its original appearance, without a trace of worldly fireworks.

Hu Si stood by the lake, watching the clouds and basking in the moon.

After he left Hanshan and established his own business, the "Tianhu Great Realm" was his most satisfying creation, and only the "Eternal Changchun Array" that reversed the time of day could be comparable to it.

It's a pity that he and Ji Xiao's master have passed away, and he never saw this day with his own eyes. Whenever he thinks of this, Hu Si always has a hint of regret in his heart, like a child who submitted papers in advance but was not praised by his husband.

He worshipped Hanshan when he was young. At that time, there were still many strict rules in Hanshan's Dharma Hall. When to go to morning class, when to turn off the lights and go to bed, when to finish schoolwork, and when to sweep the schoolhouse. Younger disciples have the least status, and questions also depend on the teacher's elder's face.

This is not the cultivating life that Hu Si wants. He practises Taoism in order to be like the peacock demon he encountered in his childhood, to have fun and unfettered. From then on, Hu Si became tired of rules and constraints.

He and Ji Xiao were ostracized and bullied by their classmates in Lunfa Hall, but fortunately they worshipped their master, so they were not kicked out of Hanshan.

At the beginning of entering the Tao, the master said that the ultimate pursuit of practitioners is to ascend. But ascension is not a one-time event. Before you ascend, what do you want to do

Hu Si said: "I want to escape from this world and go to a place without rules."

The master said worriedly: "This is not easier than flying."

Ji Xiao said: "I want to change Hanshan, change the world, and re-establish the rules of the world."

The master was even more worried: "This is more difficult than transcending the world."

Later, Ji Xiao showed his amazing talent for swordsmanship, and Hu Si modified the way of the side door.

In the Hanshan Sword Sect, a person who is unwilling to practice swords is undoubtedly out of tune with all the swordsmen. Hu Si once became the laughing stock of Hanshan.

Hu Si asked the teacher: "If a person doesn't care about other people's opinions at all, what will he become?"

Master thought for a while, then answered seriously: "Become a saint, or trash."

A person does not want to show self-worth, does not want to be respected by others, and does not care about the judgment of worldly values. The final outcome is nothing more than two.

It can be seen that saints and wastes are connected to some extent, and both require extremely high talent to be able to do it.

When Master's deadline was approaching, he said to Hu Si: "You can make yourself live a happy life. It's a great ability. You have this kind of ability, and I'm very pleased for Master. But sometimes, thinking about others a little bit can make yourself happy. happier."

Hu Si said, "The disciple is stupid and doesn't understand."

A hundred years later, Hu Si's supernatural powers were completed, and a lake was raised to the sky. In mortal legends, it is called a fairyland.

But many cultivators don't understand, why do people like Hu Si preach the Dao

He committed all the taboos that monks could commit. He abandoned the sword to change the side door, and he cultivated very complicatedly, refining equipment, alchemy deduction, and even Fengyue Dao. He does not pay attention to ascetic cultivation and purification, and lives extravagantly.

As Ji Xiao said: Many people don't like Hu Si. But Hu Si doesn't need to be likable either.

According to the theory of causality, the peacock demon is his "cause of practice", the origin of his life path.

A demon and a mortal child are inherently unequal. The demon can tease the children for fun, and when the demon feels that it has lost its freshness, it will leave as soon as it says it, without caring about the latter's life or death.

A big demon and the most holy in the world are equally unequal. If you want to catch you, catch you, if you want to lock you, you will be locked, no need to reason. You used me as a plaything in the past, and now I use you as a plaything too.

If the strong becomes the rule, it will be defeated by the stronger.

But the peacock has changed. Hu Si looked at the moon in the Tianhu Lake and felt a rare sense of loss.

The reckless peacock learns to be "retributed and struck by thunder" and no longer recognizes his previous actions.

Now the cause is over.

Heaven Lake Realm Lord is detached from the world, is there no trouble

No, just like Jian Zun never understands "why the little daoist is angry again", Hu Si's troubles are just as many, but he doesn't care for outsiders.

A practitioner's life should have a place of origin and a return, with antecedents and consequences, in order to be considered complete.

The peacock demon is just "where it came from", and the ultimate pursuit of all practitioners is to ascend.

When predecessors planted trees, and later generations enjoyed the shade, someone must plant trees. The barrier of this world is closed, and someone always has to open the door to the sky.

Ji Xiao and Hu Si had a big fight over this.

Although the teacher went out of the same door, Ji Xiao and his way were different, and the two still quarreled. They were not like Qu Xianming and Meng Xueli, who were arguing so loudly that the sun and moon didn't shine.

Ji Xiao's last meeting before his death. The brothers and sisters talked about the topic of "opening the door to heaven", and the conversation was very unpleasant. Both of them put on a cold face to see who would compromise first.

In the end, Ji Xiao asked Hu Si for the wooden sword of "Shocking the Wind and Rain", which was recast as "Tired of the Rain" and "Tired of the Wind".

The realm master and the swordsman parted unhappily.

Que Xianming fell into the cage in a daze, looking in a trance.

He remembered that in the past, he tricked Hu Xiaoyuan into picking stars, but hurriedly flew back to the demon world to steal the shark beads of the Jiao clan.

The luster of the shark bead is pure and translucent, more like the stars in the sky than the luminous low-grade spirit stones. He was young at that time, and his demon power was not good enough, but he was daring and reckless.

Que Xianming almost died in West Beach, thanks to the summoning of Ling Miner to save him.

Ling Diao knew the cause and effect, and scolded him. The two demons returned to the small mortal country. It was heard that the child of the Hu family had suffered a serious illness from the evil. Soon after he recovered, the Hu residence was preparing to relocate to ward off the evil.

Que Xianming: "I want to take another look at him. Miao Yuan has a soft temperament. After I leave, what if he has no playmates, what if he is bullied?"

Ling Diao said: "Mortals and demons should not be involved in the first place."

"What else can I do for him?"

Ling Diao said: "Don't see him again, don't disturb his life, it's the best thing you can do."

Que Xianming always believed that after he left, Hu Xiaoyuan's life returned to the right track, married and established a career, and obtained fame. Until the end of his life, he is still very soft. A simple and happy life.

But what happened later, why did Xiao Yuan become Hu Si

No, Hu Si is not Xiao Yuan, he is the evil spirit who killed Xiao Yuan, wearing Xiao Yuan's skin.

Did I make a big mistake that made him so far? Qu Xianming did not want to think about this possibility.

At dawn the next day, the moonlight dissipated, and Que Xianming turned into a demon again.

A group of mermaids rushed into the temple and brought delicacies from the mountains and seas. Wine and luminous cup, jade plate for delicacy.

Qiuguang said curiously, "Xiaoyuan, you didn't sleep well last night? Why are your eyes red?"

The peacock demon shrank into a bulging ball: "Take it away, I don't want to eat it."

Chun Shui said, "Do you really not eat?"

The jade plate was fragrant, and Que Xianming looked sullen and gave up on himself: "Then I'll take a small bite. Anyway, I can't fly anymore."

If there is no golden chain to imprison the demon power, the peacock demon will never get fat.

Even if he is fat now, it's not that he can't fly, but he hasn't adapted to his own body weight. In addition, he has not used wings for too long, and his flying ability is temporarily degraded.

It seems that a patient who has been bedridden for a long time always needs to slowly rehabilitate in order to restore the strength of the lower limbs and walk again.

After Que Xianming regained his demon power, as long as he used his demon power more, practiced diligently, and adapted to his current weight, he would naturally be able to take off again, but he was so emotional last night that he didn't notice this, and thought he could no longer fly.

Qiuguang persuaded: "Hurry up and eat, let's go for a long trip when we're full."


"Go to the Demon Realm and participate in the Ten Thousand Demon Conference. The realm owner got an invitation from the Demon King, and I heard that there is a lantern festival in Fengyue City, there are fireworks, and it is very lively."

Que Xianming said angrily: "Bah! King Lingshan is not a demon king!"

"Okay, he's not, you are, okay."

I don't know what kind of mentality, Que Xianming asked awkwardly: "Will Hu Si also go?"

"The realm master is not going." Chun Shui took out an item, "He ordered us to bring something and give it to the demon king to add to the fun of the feast of ten thousand demons."

Que Xianming's gloomy eyes suddenly brightened: "This, this is the 'Jinghong Mirror'?"

"The spring waves under the sad bridge are green, once Jinghong Zhaoying came", Jinghong and Zhaoying are a pair of precious mirrors. The demon clan is not good at refining weapons. Only these two artifacts are the legendary treasures of the ancient demon kings. The "Mirror Mirror" fell into the hands of King Lingshan, and the "Jinghong Mirror" lives outside the demon world, but I don't know how Hu Si got it

Que Xianming: "I'm going! But how?"

"You can't fly. Of course, our sisters are carrying the cage."

"No! This is too embarrassing!"

"You're afraid of losing the demon, pretending to be an ordinary peacock, who still recognizes you?"

Que Xianming thought to himself, it makes sense, I eat so round, who still recognizes me

How can these two weak and beautiful beauties be my opponents? At that time, I managed to break free from the chains, regained the demon power, grabbed the Jinghong Jing, and killed the King of Lingshan with the power of the divine weapon. Wouldn’t it be fun

When I become the demon king and defeat Hu Si, let him return the real Madoka to me.

The peacock demon was full, looked forward to the prospect, and regained his spirits.

Contrary to Que Xianming's smugness, Meng Xueli's legs were weak at this time, and his buttocks were aching.

He hesitated: "I'm joking, how could I really let you pretend to be my pet?"

Ji Xiao smiled and stroked the back of his neck to show his understanding.

Qian Yuzhi thought sourly, a person like Jianzun who scolds a Taoist companion also has a Taoist companion

However, he is the son of heaven and luck, and Meng Xueli really likes him. I'm not much worse than Ji Xiao, but I'm not as lucky as him.

Coincidentally, the chief steward came in to report: "Zhenzhen Qian, the two secret stewards have arrived, have you met?"

Qian Yuzhi was overjoyed: "It's just right, let's talk about business."

Finish the conversation early, and send the Taoist couple away early. If Ji Xiao asked "Do you understand?" again, Qian Yuzhi would probably be so angry that he vomited blood.

The reason why "undercover" is undercover is that all business transactions are in the dark. Qian Yuzhi led the way and walked through the underground secret passage:

"The invitation was brought by my secret manager. The ghost world is run by half-demon. The half-demon have weird temperaments. You two..." He suddenly stopped talking, "I forgot that Elder Meng was originally a demon. Dealing with demons , of course not a problem.”

The combination of humans and demons is contrary to the natural way of heaven. The number of half-demons is rare, and they are not accepted by the human and demon worlds.

Meng Xueli had never seen a half-demon, but wanted to show off his power in front of the Taoist companions: "That's right! I can!"

The candlelight in the underground secret room was faint, and the candlelight reflected on the stone wall, casting a huge shadow.

Meng Xueli thought, what kind of monster is this

The author has something to say:

I saw several controversial topic buildings in the comment area. Some readers do not want to read chapters without dual protagonists. I suggest that I mark the title to facilitate readers to avoid lightning.

From a reader's point of view, I understand this idea very well, and of course readers have the right to see what they don't like.

But from the author's point of view, there is no way for me to do it. Although it seems that this is a small thing that is easy to do, it is nothing more than writing an extra line in the chapter title.

The scenes of Hu Sique Xianming in these two chapters are part of the full story, implying "cause and effect". In the next copy, the Ten Thousand Demons Conference, friends and enemies gather together, and old hatred and new hatred are broken. If you don't write it, readers will ask "Why did the peacock appear at the Ten Thousand Demon Conference?" "What is Hu Si's motive?" and so on. .

Not only that, but there are also some villain scenes that everyone does not want to watch, but for the sake of completeness of the article, I will still write them.

If it is marked this time, there will be "I am emotional drama, I just want to see them level up and fight monsters, can the author mark it?" "I am leveling up and fighting monsters, I don't read the chapters that don't sprinkle sugar, the author can mark it Will you come out?" "I, Lei Jixiao, just want to see Meng Diao, so it's not troublesome to mark it" and so on.

This leads to a new contradiction: "Why didn't the author mark my point of view, are other people's points of interest more important than mine?"

It's not that I disrespect everyone's reading experience, but the issue of "marking lightning protection" is really tangled. I can think of a relatively simple solution, which is to write a little more plot in a single chapter, that is, to pull the progress bar backward to ensure that each chapter has the lead role.

Reading and writing is a happy thing, don't quarrel and get angry. If you are unhappy with reading the text, it is better to abandon the text and get together.