Han Shan’s Sword Unsheathed

Chapter 102: King of Lingshan


The shadow on the stone wall was tall and tall, nearly nine feet in shape and wearing a hat.

Meng Xueli said to Ji Xiao, "80% of them are like wolves, tigers and leopards, and they have a ferocious personality. Don't be afraid, let's look at this demon king..."

Before they finished speaking, the three of them turned into the secret room, and at the end of the long table, a child was hiding under a hat, holding a candlestick and looking at it. Tall shadows are caused by light and shadow angles.

Meng Xueli was a little embarrassed, and almost blurted out a greeting, "Little boy, where is your adult?"

Qian Yuzhi was the first to sit down and said straight to the point: "This is the elder of Hanshan, Meng Xueli, and this is his eldest disciple, Xiao Tingyun. The two of them will replace me and go to the Ten Thousand Demon Conference."

The child put down the candlestick and greeted in a soft voice: "Hello. I'm Ruan Hui. The demon world secretly works as a deputy manager."

Meng Xueli felt that Qian Yuzhi was deliberately teasing him, and asked in a voice, "Where is this weird temperament?"

Qian Yuzhi replied, "You will find out later."

Another voice came from the hat: "I am Bi You. The demon world is secretly in charge."

Meng Xueli was slightly startled, only to see the child take off the huge hat, and a pair of gray rabbit ears stood up.

Kingfisher spoke again, and said loosely: "I'm too lazy to change shape recently, I'm rude and disrespectful."

Meng Xueli: "No, it doesn't matter, you two have worked hard."

A little rabbit, with a little kingfisher, takes huge risks to run business between the worlds of humans and demons. The heavy burden of "Hengtong Juyuan" actually fell on their immature shoulders. Meng Xueli felt guilty for exploiting child labor.

Evil money is honored, not people.

The size of the demon body of the demon clan represents the strength of the demon power. The original demon body of the King of Snow Mountain, which is as big as a hill, is a symbol of strong power.

The half demons are different. They are thin and small. After changing shape, they still retain their original characteristics. If they are not careful, their ears and tails will be exposed. In the human world, pretend to be a human being, or pretend to be an ordinary bird or beast.

Kingfisher looked at Meng Xueli and Xiao Tingyun, chirping: "You two want to go to the demon world and join in the fun of the 'Ten Thousand Demons Conference'? Man, that would be troublesome!"

He pecked the back of Ruan Hui's hand: "Let's take a picture."

Ruan Hui touched his sleeves, and with a "crashing" sound, a huge map of the demon world suddenly unfolded, covering the entire long table.

Meng Xueli was slightly startled. Just three years is not enough to make much change in the natural landscape. Those lakes and rivers, mountains and canyons, snow-capped deserts are still the same as the old days.

But this was no longer the demon world he was familiar with.

Seeing this, Ji Xiao moved his fingers under his wide sleeves and gently pulled Meng Xueli's hand. Meng Xueli responded with a smile.

Bi You stretched out his wings: "From the demon world to the human world, we have to go through the 'outside the world'. This part of the road is quite dangerous, but we are familiar with it. We are not afraid of the magic tools and body protection given by the rich real people. After arriving in the demon world, There are brothers to help, and we have already arranged things along the way, passing through the territories of the Great King of White River, the Great King of Montenegro, and the Great King of Honglin, after half a month..."

He pecked Ruan Hui again, and the latter took a cinnabar pen and tickled it lightly in the center of the map to draw a striking red mark: Fengyue City.

"After half a month, Fengyue City has arrived. We will wait for you in the outer city. After three days and three nights, the Ten Thousand Demon Conference is over, and then we will send you out of the demon world."

Meng Xueli: "Outer city?"

Ruan Hui explained in a soft voice: "The city is divided into inside and outside. Those two invitation cards are the passes to enter the inner city. You can go in and enjoy the lanterns and fireworks of the Ten Thousand Demons Conference, and have fun with all the demons."

Meng Xueli: "Is King Lingshan also in the inner city?"

Kingfisher rushes: "How is it possible, King Lingshan must be in the palace. It is not difficult to get two invitations. If you want to go further, become an important guest invited by King Lingshan, enter the palace of the demon king, and participate in the real banquet of ten thousand demons, I am afraid it is very difficult. Difficult... do you want to enter the palace?"

Meng Xueli smiled: "Just ask."

He was thoughtful, but said nothing. If things don't work out, he doesn't want to implicate these two stewards.

Kingfisher asked, "Zhenzhen Qian, you guys have a question that you can't figure out. King Lingshan's demon body is a snake, and snakes like to be cool and humid. Why does he have a banquet in mid-July?"

All the demons know that in the summer of Fengyue City, the days are scorching hot and the sun is hot, and the nights are still sultry, which is too hard for snake demons to endure.

Qian Yuzhi shook his fan and thought about it: "Maybe prices are low in July, so it's cheaper to hold a banquet?"

Meng Xueli frowned slightly: "Because he wants to tell Wan Yao that King Lingshan has no weakness, and is strong enough to defy his nature and compete with the world. It's going to be scorching hot, and he wants to go out."

Qian Yuzhi refused to accept: "Isn't the weakness of snakes very obvious?"

Meng Xueli: "King Lingshan's seven inches, after thousands of trials, has long been trained to be indestructible. He also searched for dragon scales, made body armor, and wrapped the seven inches firmly, just to prevent the enemy from hitting him seven inches. inch idea."

Qian Yuzhi was convinced: "It's a ruthless demon."

Ruan Huixin thought, these human cultivators are already so well informed about the news of the demon world? At the same time, he couldn't help trembling: "King Lingshan is ruthless towards Bie Yao, but I didn't expect that he would be even more ruthless towards himself..."

Kingfisher scolded: "What are you afraid of, so worthless!"

Ruan Hui defended himself: "It's instinct for rabbits to tremble, and I'm not the king of Lingshan, so I can defy my nature."

The three demons were chatting lively, and Qian Yuzhi turned his head and asked Ji Xiao, "What else do you want to bring?" He was referring to magic tools, talismans, medicinal pills, and so on.

Ji Xiao took out a list of supplies: "It's hard work."

Qian Yuzhi took it solemnly, lowered his head and saw: 1 pound of pine nuts, 1 pound of melon seeds, 1 pound of sugar-fried chestnuts, 1 pound of crispy peanuts...

Really detailed.

Meng Xueli was deeply moved: "You are so kind, I shouldn't make you angry today, it's my fault."

Ji Xiao touched his head: "I'm also wrong."

Qian Yuzhi: "...I think it's my fault."

The author has something to say: Pure little mink, report online: Boss Qian employs child labor! ! ! ! !