Han Shan’s Sword Unsheathed

Chapter 105: Returning the peach and the plum (full)


"Returning the favor, you always want me to be happy, and I want you to do as well." Ji Xiao smiled.

Meng Xueli understood that he was not speaking the other way, her cheeks flushed with excitement and her breathing was short of breath: "Really, really? Then I'm welcome!"

Bi You and Ruan Hui thought at the same time, their master-disciple relationship is really good.

Meng Xueli still couldn't believe it, and confirmed to the two half-demons again, "What's going on in the demon world now? Would it be strange for us to dress up as big demons and pets?"

Biyou: "No. It's like some human cultivators raise monsters, some like special monsters, and prefer humans or demons. Especially in Fengyue City, the monsters have a lot of fun..."

Meng Xueli: "Have you been to Fengyue City? What's the city like?" Fengyue City was built by King Lingshan, and he didn't know it.

Little Kingfisher stunned: "The city is divided into inside and outside. When we were running business, we only went to the outer city. Things in the inner city are all hearsay."

Ruan Hui explained: "The inner city is a place for big demons to have fun, not to mention half demons, and little demons have no chance to enter. Legend has it that the inner city is gorgeous and magnificent, with brilliant lights, singing and dancing all night long. The king of Lingshan fought for many years, Treasures collected from all over the world are inside. The wine is poured into the pond, the jade trees are used as forests, the big demons are playing freely, and there are countless beautiful demon pets serving around. This time, the king of Lingshan issued tens of thousands of invitations, and the little demon finally Qualified to go in and see the fireworks and lantern festival."

His eyes were bright, his expression seemed longing, but also afraid, and he was extremely contradictory.

Bi You smiled and said: "The rabbit is timid, we have made a lot of troubles to get two invitations for the 'Ten Thousand Demons Conference'. I wanted to go to the city to see it, but the rabbit changed his mind and did not dare to go. The invitations are hard to come by. Don't waste it, just give it to Qian Zhenren..."

Meng Xueli understood, and because of this, there were only two invitations.

He thought for a while: "It's a good thing not to go. The Ten Thousand Demons Conference may change."

Ruan Hui echoed: "That's right! Although the King of Lingshan has an order, during the Ten Thousand Demons Conference, all the demons are equal, and the big demons are not allowed to harm or oppress the small demons. But there are so many big demons. If you get drunk and fight, Bi and I will fight. You don't have enough to jam your teeth!" He told Changchunfeng's master and apprentice, "You two should be careful when you go there, and run away when you see something wrong."

Bi You didn't agree: "You are just too cautious, all the demons are in full view, and all the demons are having fun together. Who would dare to defy the orders of the King of Lingshan openly? The Ten Thousand Demons Conference may be our only chance to enter the inner city in our life. If you miss it once, Just wait for the next life."

Kingfisher couldn't help but think, "I heard that it is the greatest city in the history of the demon clan. There is no place in the entire Three Realms that can compare with it. It has the best of everything in the world..."

I don't know since when, the little demon or the half-demon who has never entered the inner city knows this sentence - "Fengyue City has the best of everything in the world."

How good and how great it is, I am afraid that only by seeing it with my own eyes will it be clear.

In addition to the big monsters enjoying themselves in the city, there are also many beautiful little monsters who are ready to perform and add to the fun for the Ten Thousand Monsters Conference.

When the luan bird flew to the palace, she was frightened. A dome that reminds a bird of a cage.

"You have never seen the real good things in Fengyue City!"

"what is that?"

"It's a mural."

"Ha, what's so great about murals?"

"In the Demon King's Palace, the dome, from the sky to the ground, is full of murals..."

"If you lie to me, you will become ugly!"

"You wouldn't want to sneak in, would you? That's forbidden!"

Luanniao thought, I just glanced at it and ran away. Bailing in the same dormitory is really annoying. Every day I joke that I haven't seen anything good. Everyone is here to perform for the demon king. Who is more noble than the other.

Luan Bird gently landed, turned into a beautiful girl, and walked on tiptoe into the hall.

In the afternoon, the sunlight slanted in, and she walked into the hall, stunned on the spot.

It seems that when I was very young, I successfully flew out of the jungle for the first time, and saw the unobstructed and incomparably complete starry sky-the shock of that moment was not comparable to this moment.

Thousands of colors and tens of thousands of demons covered the walls, without a single stroke or subtlety, forming an incredible huge picture.

Jackals, tigers, leopards, flowers, birds, insects, and fish, all the monsters have different postures, and the details are vivid and lifelike, as if they are about to break out of the wall.

She knew that she should leave immediately, before being discovered by other demons. But the mural seemed to have some kind of magical power, attracting her to move forward and look down.

Unconsciously, she walked to the center of the hall. In the painted murals, all the demons look up to the sky.

The girl followed the eyes of the demons and looked up, only to see a giant piebald snake, spanning the entire roof of the palace, hovering above the demons. Clouds are rolling, lightning is thundering, the giant snake has wings, and its mouth is open!


She couldn't help exclaiming and covered her mouth.

Suddenly I heard a demon smile: "Don't be afraid, this is just a painting."

The girl was horrified: "Who? Who is where!"

She turned her head abruptly, and saw a cloud ladder in the corner of the palace, leading directly to the top of the palace. A young man stood on the ladder, holding a fine pen in one hand and a paint tray in the other, smiling faintly.

Compared with the magnificent and monstrous frescoes behind him, he looks ordinary and gentle.

"Are you the painter of the Demon King's Palace?" The girl gasped violently, her face flushed, and she didn't know how to compliment the other party, "It looks so real, I was taken aback. You are amazing! How long have you been painting?"

"Three years. Who are you?"

"I'm Xiaoluan, I have a trace of Phoenix blood, and I'm here to dance for the Banquet of Ten Thousand Demons." The girl woke up from a dream and said nervously, "I, accidentally broke in, please don't tell the other monsters. In the forbidden area of the palace, I will be plucked and the bones will be plucked out, and the demon pill will be dug out..."

Saying that, she shivered.

The young man smiled kindly: "Little Luanniao, go back quickly."

The girl hurriedly thanked her, took one last look at the magnificent mural, and turned into a luan bird and flew away.

Luan Niao flew back to the dormitory, worried, until night fell and she was sure that there was no demon to trouble her, then she was completely relieved, and muttered to herself gratefully:

"I don't know what his name is, he is really a good monster, kind and gentle!"

She closed her eyes, and the image of the Ten Thousand Demons mural appeared in her mind, which was difficult to dispel.

In the palace, the setting sun is slanting, and the "Worship of Ten Thousand Demons" has reached the stage of decorating with gold paint.

A demon general entered the hall, separated from the youth by ten feet, and bowed respectfully to the ground: "Your Majesty! There is news from Mingyue Lake in the world."

While listening, the young man changed a pen to paint a pair of tiny demon eyes. His strokes are steady and powerful, with precise precision:


The demon general hesitated and did not dare to retreat: "If Meng Xueli hadn't died, he might have come to the Ten Thousand Demon Conference to disrupt the situation. Then we..."

There was a look of nostalgia in the young man's eyes: "I really hope he can come."

He smiled lightly, and his smile was bright and clean under the reflection of the golden lacquer frescoes, but his words were horrifying:

"How does fake mink compare to real mink?"